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Madeleine & the Mind

Page 12

by Felicia Mires

  She heard a loud thud and saw the doorframe shake. He was doing it. He shoved at it several times then all was quiet.

  Madeleine lay down on her bed. Was she being entirely rational or was she letting her emotions run away with her?

  A key turned in her lock, and she bolted up.

  The door swung open.

  "Miss Price?" The housekeeper called. "Miss Price."

  "Yes, I'm here. Can I help you?"

  "Dr. Faraday must have gotten himself lost again. He's out here wandering the halls. I know you don't like for him to get into trouble. I'll just send him in to you. Go on, now, Doctor, Miss Price is waiting for you."

  Steven walked straight to her, and Madeleine heard the door shut.

  She got off the bed and walked toward the balcony. She would not face him from her bed.

  "Madeleine, darling. Listen to me. I can explain everything."

  He called her darling.

  His arms reached to embrace her. "Madeleine, I love you. I never wanted to hurt you. I want to protect you."

  He loved her?

  "Well, say something. I've never known you at a loss for words."

  His face was inches from hers. Now that she'd heard his voice, the picture was complete in her mind. He was the most virile, attractive, magnetic man she'd ever seen. And he loved her. But, how did he feel about the Lord?

  She backed away from him and sat in a chair. "I'm listening."

  He had no choice but to sit beside her. "Will you look at me?"

  She looked at him for an instant then dropped her gaze. He was too attractive, and he might see how she felt.

  He sighed. "The night of the attack, I overheard a conversation. I suspected it was Franc Giliteau, but I couldn't be sure. There was only one voice so it had to be someone on a phone. I was outside at the maze. I ran. By the time I reached the exit, he was gone. But I knew what was coming. I knew they were after my work. I'd just revealed that I thought I had the solution to a problem that had been holding us up for weeks. I was going to show them all after dinner that night. I ran to my room and tried to think of a place to hide my notes."

  Madeleine looked up, stricken. "Where is the book?"

  "In my room."

  "Get it. I don't want it out of your sight."

  He got up to retrieve the book. He laughed when he saw the chair against the dividing door. "No wonder I couldn't get in."

  He returned moments later. He placed the book on the table in front of Madeleine and knelt in front of her. "Madeleine, please tell me you care."

  She closed her eyes. "What happened next?"

  He picked up her hand and kissed it then sat in his chair. "I realized my room wasn't safe. That's the second place they'd look...after the lab. I went to the library. Mike was right when he said I'd never visited the library before. When I saw this book, I realized it was perfect. There isn't anyone at the Institute who would read a book like that. I can see it all clearly now. I reached for the book. I held it in my hand. I looked at the gilt on the pages and the binding, and I realized it had never been opened. It was the perfect choice. I slid my designs in the dust jacket and went to the lab.

  "I didn't think anyone was in there so I sat at my desk. Moments later, I got hit on the back of the head. I never saw the fire, the smoke, or felt the sprinkler system.

  "Mike and Izrahim, the scientist from Israel, pulled me out of the room. I woke up in the hospital with a terrible headache and no memory. I really can't describe those first few seconds when I realized I didn't know where I was, and then...I didn't know who I was."

  Madeleine ached for his loss. She wanted to comfort him, to love him. But there were so many obstacles.

  "Mike was there. He stayed at the hospital for two days waiting for me to wake up. There was a secret service man outside the door. They weren't taking any chances. But it was useless. I couldn't do anything. They had every doctor they could find prod and poke me until I wanted to scream at them to leave me alone. But I couldn't get the words out. They were trapped in my head.

  "And I'll never forget that feeling of fear when I realized I was being watched by a guard. I could almost remember I was in danger, but not quite.

  "When the doctors finished with me, Mike told me everything he knew. It didn't make any sense to me at all. I didn't know him. I didn't know what he was talking about. He took me back to the Institute.

  "I don't remember much about the first days here. I gather I was rather a handful. It was deemed necessary to get me a therapist because they couldn't send me home. Somewhere locked in my brain was essential information, top-secret plans that nations all over the world would kill to get.

  "I fought continuously with the therapists. And it was exactly like something you said. It was the only way I knew to express myself. One night, Mike had had enough. The second therapist had quit and left. Mike took me in the lab and showed me everything we'd worked on then yelled at me. 'If you want to blow yourself to hell, go ahead. There it is. But, Steven, you're a scientist, and you've got to remember. I need you.'

  "I have no idea why he was able to get through when everything else was unsuccessful. I can remember this shaft of pain coursing through my head, and I fell to the ground. He called Franc, and they carried me up to my room. The next morning, I could speak. I didn't tell anyone but Mike. We pieced together everything I could remember and decided that we better keep my recovery between the two of us until I could discover where I'd stashed the plans. He was inclined to think Franc was the culprit. He'd never liked Franc and objected to his addition to the project. But his selection wasn't up to either of us.

  "The next day, you showed up here. I had to act the same. I didn't want to throw you in the pool or run off and leave you, but I'd done it to everyone else, and believe me, Franc was watching. That's everything, sweetums."

  She looked up at him. If he thought that nickname would get a rise out of her, he was sadly mistaken.

  "What now?"

  "You confess undying love. We kiss passionately. It's even better than what I've been dreaming…"

  "Stop. You know what I mean."

  He went down on the floor on one knee. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a jeweler's box. He held it front of her and popped the lid.

  "I love you, Madeleine. Will you marry me?"

  Her heart stopped. She felt a literal pain and grabbed her chest.

  "I…I can't."

  "I thought you'd say that. Madeleine, my darling. I've been listening very carefully to everything you've said the last few weeks. You might say I hang on your every word." He struggled to continue. "I was resistant, at first, to everything about you. You were this innocent, dewy-eyed girl with the most optimistic look on life of anyone I'd ever met. And I wasn't particularly optimistic about my world. Someone wanted me dead."

  He dropped a hand to her knee and rested the ring box on her other knee. The ring sparkled up at her.

  Madeleine stared at it in shock. It was the ring they had picked out together. How had he managed it?

  "Even when you realized we were in danger, you didn't back down. You had faith and you believed we'd be victorious. I didn't want to hear about your God or your beliefs, but I couldn't make you go away. In the beginning, I was your captive audience. Somewhere along the way, I understood what you were talking about. I knew why you had faith. And the fact that you were willing to risk your life for me when I had shown you nothing but annoyance…There's no one like you, Madeleine. I was in love with you long before Janice arrived."

  She gave him a puzzled look. "Who is Janice?"

  "Miss Reynolds. I let Mike call her because I had a feeling what would happen when the two of you got together, and I wanted her to break things off. I knew I couldn't marry anyone but you." He laughed. "Janice was rather worse than I anticipated. Once again, you were right. I don't know what I ever saw in her. And she was lying, Madeleine. I never slept with her."

  Madeleine felt dangerously close to tears again.
But he still hadn't said the words that she needed to hear.

  His compassionate eyes rested on her upturned face. "What else do you have to know before you'll be mine?"

  "How did you manage to make yourself look so ill when she arrived?"

  "You guessed it. I took pills, just enough to make me groggy and dilate my pupils."

  "That was...crazy."

  "I'm a scientist. Don't you think I know how many pills to take?"

  "Why go to such extremes?"

  "To convince Janice she didn't want to be saddled with me."

  "You pushed her in the pool."

  "She deserved it. I didn't care what she said about me, but I was tired of the way she spoke to you. And trust me, I repented and asked God for forgiveness later. Especially when it hurt you even more when she tried to get you fired."

  Madeleine's head jerked up. He'd asked God…

  "A few nights when I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about you, I took out that Bible of yours. I've read what I need to know and I followed the instructions at the back of the book. 'A,' ask Jesus to come into your heart and forgive you of your sins. 'B,' believe that he is the Son of God who died and rose again to take away the sins of the world. And now, darling, I get to finish what I started. 'C,' confess with your mouth. I make my confession of faith to the woman that saved me from myself. Madeleine, will you be my wife?"

  Chapter 7

  Madeleine didn't need to hear anymore. He was everything she wanted. She dropped into his arms, and he kissed her hair, grabbing great handfuls and holding it against his face.

  "You don't know how many times I've wanted to do that. You smell incredible...delicious. Your hair is like spun gold." Her cupped her face in his hands and stared down at her. "One day, when we were outside, the sun hit your hair, and you looked as if you had a halo all around you. You are...such a beautiful woman. May I kiss you now? I think I've been very patient."

  Madeleine saw the yearning in his eyes.

  "I love you, Steven."

  The first touch of his lips against hers sent shivers through her body. He held her closer, protectively, as his mouth covered hers and every thought but him was forgotten.

  When Madeleine felt the blood pounding in her ears, she pulled away. "Careful, you're a little overwhelming."

  He gave a shaky laugh. "I never knew it could be like this."

  "I find that hard to believe. I've seen the way women look at you."

  "Madeleine, everything that happened in my life before I knew you, before I knew God, was shallow and all about me. You make me feel…different. It's all about you. I love the look on your face when it lights up...when you're happy. Sometimes you looked at me, and I had to turn away."


  Her finger traced his mouth. The slight feel of stubble at the edge of his soft, full lips was a new sensation.

  "Because you looked at me like you're looking at me now, and I wanted you to know how I felt." He took a breath. "Stop or I'll kiss you again." He grabbed her fingers.

  She closed her eyes and pressed her mouth to his.

  When Steven released her, Madeleine sighed. "Where's my ring?"

  "You can't wear it."

  She bolted upright.

  "Darling, we're almost at the end of this. If we give Franc just one clue…"

  She nodded.

  He slid the ring on her finger. "With this ring…"

  "…until death do us part."

  "Speaking of which…I need to phone your Inspector. We're going to need some help."

  "This is the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. I can't believe this is happening. The smartest man in the world wants to marry me."

  "You exaggerate. Don't you think our children will be beautiful?"

  "Absolutely. The first time I saw you…whew, and when you started to take your clothes off in the gym. You're a naughty boy."

  He laughed. "I just wanted to get a reaction out of you. It was better than I expected. You aren't very good at hiding your feelings."

  "I hardly ever try to hide them from you. I wanted you to feel safe and valued."

  "I wanted to wring your neck in the library, and I wanted to kill Franc. If you ever flirt with him again just to get a rise out of me, I'll do something explosive."

  "You deserved it. Lying to me for so long after I trusted you with my heart."

  "Your heart is safe, Madeleine. You could have crushed mine long ago, if only you'd known."

  "That's not what I want to do with you." She fluttered her lashes provocatively.

  "Tell me what you want. I'd give you anything."

  "I want you to talk, and talk, and talk for hours until your voice gets hoarse and you can't talk anymore. I want to know everything about you...every detail. Like, when did your parents find out you were a genius? Have you always been irresistible to women? How long have you been in Spain? Can you speak any foreign languages?"

  "Whoa, slow down. I promise to talk your ears off if you'll call Inspector Banderas and arrange for him to pick us up."

  "Pick us up?"

  "It wouldn't be safe for me to speak with him here on the grounds. And we've got to have a battle plan before you go off on a date with Franc. And, why in the name of heaven did you tell him yes?"

  "To distract him from the book you were holding. Why wouldn't you bring it to the room where it would be safe?"

  "And leave you alone with a terrorist? Never. Get to the phone, woman. I've got things to tell you, and I want to get this meeting with Banderas out of the way."

  Madeleine phoned the Inspector.

  "Senorita Price, how are you today?"

  The Inspector seemed in high spirits.

  "I am well. How are you, sir?"

  "Splendid. Is there anything I can do for you?"

  "I would like very much for you to come and pick me up...and my patient. I'll have to bring him with me."

  "Is something wrong?"

  "No, I have good news that's best shared in person, but it would be a lengthy story. Can you make it today?"

  "Hmm, I'll call you back in five minutes."

  "Now...where were we?" asked Madeleine.

  "My love is like a red, red rose…"

  "Did you mean that?"

  "Yes. I gave you all sorts of signals. How many men take a woman to look at rings if they aren't committed?"

  She frowned at him. "That was the problem. You were committed…to someone else. I almost kissed you once."

  "You did kiss me. The first time you called me sweetums and tested the sore spot on my head."

  She laughed. "I remember."

  The phone rang.

  "I'll see you in twenty minutes," said the Inspector.

  Madeleine hung up. "We have twenty minutes. How would you like to spend it?"

  "I'd like to kiss you again. Then you better take off that ring."

  Madeleine twisted her ring back and forth. She started to cry. "I don't want to take it off."

  "Darling, I have another surprise for you." He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a long gold chain. "This will keep it close to your heart."

  She put her arms around his waist and pulled him close. "How did you know I wouldn't be able to wear it?"

  "I knew I couldn't wait any longer. I already had the ring. When you said you were going back to the States, I got the chain. I wasn't going to let you walk out of my life without telling you the truth."

  Madeleine pressed her head against his chest and closed her eyes. So many times she'd imagined feeling his strong arms hold her tightly against his chest. And now, she could smell him and feel him, and it was heaven.

  "I'm so happy."

  "Then you'll wear the necklace?"

  "Of course. I'd never do anything to endanger you."

  She took off the ring and handed it to him. He put it on the chain and fastened it around her neck.

  "Where do you want to go on our honeymoon?"

  "What are our choices and how much longe
r are we going to have to stay here?"

  "We can leave almost right away. Those design plans are pretty self-explanatory. I figure a week...tops."

  "And the answer to my other question?"

  He grinned. "I'll take you anywhere."

  "Will you take me home to meet your parents?"

  "Will you marry me first?"

  "I'd marry you today."

  "You mean that?"


  "I have a license. We can be married today."

  She stared at him, shaking her head. "But how, where?"

  "From the American consulate."

  "I'll just ask one question. Where do you want to spend your first night as a married couple?"

  "I guess that means we'll be waiting until this is over."

  His chagrined face made her laugh.

  "Once we can be together, I don't want to have to think about anything else. But I'll marry you today if you want."

  "That's exactly what I want, but I think you're right. It isn't safe for us to be together, not here."

  When Inspector Banderas arrived, they were waiting out front. Madeleine let Steven sit in the front because she wanted to see the Inspector's reaction when Steven spoke to him.

  After they drove away, Steven turned to the Inspector. "Thank you for coming to see us, Inspector."

  Madeleine had to give him his due. The Inspector looked across at Steven and smiled. "What a nice surprise, Dr. Faraday. I've wondered about you, young man. Especially when you attacked Miss Price's assailant. So, if we have been well for some time, what has brought about the sudden need for a conference?"

  "Madeleine found the design I had hidden. That was the only thing I couldn't remember."

  The story came tumbling out with many interjections from Madeleine. By the time they had reached the downtown police station, the Inspector knew all.

  "So, the plans are hidden again. Miss Price has a date with our foe tomorrow night, and we need some way to bring his true nature out in the open. What is the bait? Miss Price or the plans?"

  "I don't want Madeleine involved." Steven's voice was harsh.

  The Inspector stroked his chin. Since they'd first met, Madeleine had seen him do it several times. It must be a habit.


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