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Steel: A Dark MC Romance (A Dark and Dirty Sinners’ MC Book 4)

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by Serena Akeroyd


  A Dark And Dirty Sinners’ MC: FOUR

  Serena Akeroyd

  Copyright © 2020 by Serena Akeroyd

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  To the people who put up with me.

  And to Trev. My Mrs. Biggins.






  1. Quin

  2. Steel

  3. Stone

  4. Steel

  5. Steel

  6. Steel

  7. Steel

  8. Steel

  9. Stone

  10. Lily

  11. Stone

  12. Stone

  13. Stone

  14. Lodestar

  15. Stone

  16. Nyx

  17. Steel

  18. Steel

  19. Stone

  20. Stone

  21. Stone

  22. Bear

  23. Stone

  24. Steel

  25. Keira

  26. Stone

  27. Stone

  28. Steel

  29. Stone


  Free eBook ALERT!!

  Also By Serena Akeroyd

  About the Author


  If you’d like to hear a curated soundtrack, with songs that are featured in the book, as well as songs that inspired it, then here’s the link:




  The Satan’s Sinners’ MC rules West Orange, New Jersey. With chapters across the States, ties to the Rabid Wolves’ MC across the Canadian border, and closer links to the Five Points’ Mob in Hell’s Kitchen, New York, their reach is extensive.

  Recently, their relationship with the Five Points has deepened thanks to Sin’s half-sister, MaryCat, coming to find her long lost sibling and falling for Digger, a brother at the MC.

  Giulia returns to the Sinners’ compound, after her mother’s death, with her twin brothers Hawk and North. There, she meets Nyx, who is deeply invested in a vigilante mission that sees him punishing prosecuted pedophiles who haven’t changed their ways. Because of an uncle who abused his sister from a horrendously young age, Nyx’s mission consumes him. Until Giulia becomes his lover and shares the burden with him.

  As they start falling for each other, Giulia comes to socialite, all American ‘bad boy,’ and sadist, Luke Lancaster’s attention. After she spurns him and Nyx assaults him for coming onto Giulia, he returns one night when Nyx is on a run for the club, and when Sin should be guarding her, attempts to rape and abduct her.

  A brother, unknown to readers, helps save her by killing Luke.

  Luke Lancaster is the son of Donavan Lancaster, a billionaire with his hands in all kinds of shady business.

  Luke’s death opens up a can of worms, when his sister, on the hunt for blackmail material to use against her father, finds a shack where Luke keeps women he has purchased.

  Terrified of her father, who sexually abuses her and who murdered her mother, she longs to break free of the chains of her family ties. As a result, she heads to the bar the Satan’s Sinners’ MC owns so she can speak with them. Her father, in an effort to clear Luke’s name, is turning them into the villains in the press, so she decides to call on them for help.

  Link, Steel, Nyx and Giulia head to a cabin on her information, and there, they find three women: Ghost, Tatána and Amara, as well as Sarah, a victim who didn’t survive the torture she was forced to endure. They return to the compound where Stone, one of the club brats who is now training to be a doctor, is called upon to treat them.

  As Lily and Link grow closer, with Link accepting that Lily has severe trauma from the brutal sexual assaults she’s endured since she was young, they fall in love. His love gives her the strength to seek out the information that will free her from her father, who has traveled to Asia on business. Lily discovers that Luke was stockpiling information against their father, and she knows that evidence is her ticket to freedom.

  As the trafficking victims grow healthier, Maverick, a tortured soul and an ex-veteran brother, visits them and falls for Ghost. Rex, the Prez, tells him that if one of the women will testify against Donavan Lancaster, then the police will have no choice but to put out warrants for his arrest. To protect her and keep her on US soil, Maverick marries Ghost.

  Link learns that Lily was promised to marry Gianni Fieri, the second son of Don Benito Fieri, and that he’s in prison, so he claims her as his Old Lady to keep her safe. Lily, who is asked by her father for her help in transferring funds over to him to help him on his fugue from justice, learns that Donavan had signed a lot of his wealth into her name—most of it forged, but contracts that would be legal in court. She’s free of him and a wealthy woman, and as Link’s Old Lady, for the first time in her life, safe.

  Lancaster’s ties to the Famiglia, the Italian mob, come to light, as he was friends with the Don of the Fieri family at college. As was Tiffany’s father, Richard Farquar, who in the aftermath of Donavan’s calls for arrest, loses everything and kills himself. Tiffany’s world comes crashing down around her.

  Having fallen for Sin at a party at the compound, she finds herself having to deal with her new position alone. Her mother, unable to come to terms with the repercussions of Richard losing his business and their wealth, turns into a hermit. Sin, cast out for having left Giulia at the bar where Luke attacked her, is currently staying with the MC’s Ohio chapter.

  Unbeknownst to the club, Sin, however, was helping Tiffany, who’d been drugged by Luke to distract Sin, as Luke knew he was guarding Giulia, and was aware the pair of them were involved. Tiffany discovers she’s pregnant, and when Sin learns of this, he realizes he must act so that he can return home—so he offers a pedophile as a sacrifice to Nyx and is forgiven for his sins, especially after he explains why he left Giulia that evening. Giulia proves yet again why she’s perfect for Nyx, as the pair seek vengeance as a unit. Nyx, knowing Giulia can handle all his crazy, falls even deeper for her. A feeling that is distinctly mutual.

  Sin is Rex’s cousin, and he fled to the Sinners as a kid because his mother was neglectful. There, he meets his father, Grizzly, who is pathologically jealous of him. Padraig (Sin), who had to fight to earn money for food, has serious anger issues, and after he returned home from deployment, beat his father to death when he found Grizzly in bed with Sin’s then wife. Those anger issues come to the MC’s aid.

  Ties to the Famiglia are revealed throughout SIN, especially when the Prez’s woman at one of the Sinners’ chapters is known to have ties to the Famiglia via a Five Points’ man who turned snitch. With a vacancy at the top when Rex has the Prez killed, Storm is drafted in—unhappily.

  With Tiffany pregnant, plans go ahead for Sin and her to move in together, and he claims her as his, protects her as his own. However, when the third son of Don Fieri comes after Lily, to bring her back to the fold as she’s engaged to his brother, and kidnaps Tiffany at the same time, the brothers go and save them. Storm gets there first, but in rescuing them, they crash the car and Lily gets injured and Tiffany loses the baby. Storm, using the accident for the MC’s gain, gra
bs the kidnapper but in so doing, looks as though he was behind the forced crash, so he heads down to Ohio to lead the Sinners’ chapter, leaving his wife and daughter behind in New Jersey.

  In the hospital, Tiffany learns that her mother was Don Fieri’s mistress, and that he sold her to her father when she became pregnant. Richard, unable to have children of his own, stages a false miscarriage to make Fieri believe his child died, but Tiffany is the Don’s daughter.

  Rex puts out a hit on Gianni Fieri so that Lily is safe from his clutches.

  Satan’s Sinners’ MC Council

  Rex: Prez

  In love with Rachel Laker, the MC’s lawyer.

  Son of Rene (now deceased) and Bear (former Prez).

  Nyx: VP, former Enforcer

  His Old Lady is Giulia. Brother to Indy, owner of Indiana Ink, Carly (now deceased), and Caleb, aka Quin. Nephew to Kevin—who he murdered in a staged hunting accident.

  Storm: Ex-VP, now Prez of Ohio chapter of Satan’s Sinners’ MC

  Married to Keira. Cyan is their daughter. They’re separated after she discovered his serial adultery with the clubwhores.

  Steel: Secretary

  Runs the chop shop with Storm and manages the club’s diner.

  Entangled with Stone, a former clubwhore’s kid, and once licensed, the MC’s doctor.

  Maverick: Treasurer

  Former veteran, served overseas with Lodestar, a hacker.

  Married to Ghost, one of the Lancasters’ trafficking victims.

  Link: Road Captain

  Lily Lancaster is his Old Lady. Mechanic, runs the MC’s garage.

  Sin: Enforcer

  Son of Grizzly (now deceased) and cousin to Rex and nephew to Bear.

  New to the council. Married to Tiffany Farquar—daughter of Benito Fieri.

  And now we begin…


  Where it all went wrong…

  “You gotta fucking do this.”

  I stared at myself in the mirror, pumping myself up for the evening ahead. I was almost ashamed of the fact that I was a Sinner, and I was giving myself a pep talk like I was a senior back in goddamn high school, but fuck, that was what Stone did to me.

  She fucked with my head.

  She screwed with it in the best possible way, until all I saw was her, until all I wanted was her.

  She was fifteen.

  I was nineteen.

  The age gap wasn’t right, and I had enough shit on my shoes without getting into something with someone who was technically a minor. I’d already been sent down last year for a minor drug charge, and I had no intention of being sent back for statutory rape, so I’d have to take this slow.

  Until next month when she was sixteen.

  Fuck, I felt like I’d been waiting for a lifetime…

  Maybe I had.

  Maybe I’d been waiting all my fucked-up life for the chance to make her mine. To own her, to have her own me.

  I sucked in a breath as I stared at my face in the mirror.

  I was, technically, handsome. Not as hot as my bros Nyx and Link, and the pussies were all melting for Rex, but I got mine. I had long brown hair that tangled when I slept and was a cunt to brush, a goatee that I was contemplating shaving, brown eyes, and kinda brown lips.

  One big brown blur, you could call me, except everything in between was pretty. Pretty.

  Exactly what a mean biker fucker wanted to be called.

  The goatee and messy hair were a mask, a means of looking tougher than I was, but whatever, if Stone preferred me without a goddamn beard or with short hair, I’d get the clippers out.

  Call me pussy whipped, I’d take it. I didn’t give a shit. I just wanted her on my arm, riding bitch at my back, in my bed, around my cock.

  Everything she had to give, I wanted.

  Shuddering at the thought, I slapped some aftershave onto my face, sprayed a little too much deodorant under my pits, and headed out into my room.

  I’d ironed my goddamn jeans, my Henley too, and my cut was spick-and-span, as were my boots.

  I looked like a biker who was going on a first date, and honestly, that was true, except for the fact that Stone didn’t know this was our first date.

  After dressing, I managed to get out of the clubhouse without many of my brothers seeing me. If they had, I knew they’d give me shit about how clean I looked. Not that we were dirty, but I looked like an Abercrombie & Fitch version of a biker…not good for the rep.

  All the way to West Orange, not far, even though we were on a large plot of land that was ours and accessed only by one road, I second-guessed myself. Worrying about what I’d do, what I’d say. How I’d get her to agree to be mine, and by the time I fucking made it outside her shack of a house, I’d admit that the excessive deodorant had been imperative.

  When the rumble of my hog died and I’d parked, I peered at the door, unsurprised that it was wide open and she was standing there. She had the biggest fucking grin on her mouth, the prettiest smile in her eyes. Everything about her was wholesome and real, everything I’d never had in my miserable existence, and I wanted her so goddamn badly, I just couldn’t see straight.

  I had to stay on my bike, had no fucking choice, because my boner was pounding away like I’d grown a second heart and I was shaken.

  Absolutely floored by the sight of her in denim short-shorts, a small cami that had a lacy insert at the deep V-neck, and bright pink Converse that she’d used a Sharpie to scrawl some of her favorite bands on. The kitten I’d bought her was playing with the shoelaces, and Mrs. Biggins—only fuck knew why she’d called the cat that—was too busy with them to hiss at me like she usually did.

  When she arched a brow at me, evidently wondering why I was taking ages getting off my bike, I decided to man up and get the fucking afternoon underway.

  She needed math help, and math was my shit.

  So I sucked in a breath, climbed off my hog, then strolled toward her once the kickstand was in place.

  With every step I took, I felt like there was a magnetic rope between us, one that pinged into place, and I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt it.

  I was pretty sure she felt the same way about me, but she’d never said shit, so that was why I was nervous. She’d never indicated that she might want me as anything other than a friend and a tutor—uh-huh, me, a goddamn tutor—and I was bricking it because if she fucked with my heart, she was going to fuck with my head.

  When I was a step away, I heard her breath hitch, and I just knew.

  It was like…

  Fuck, it was like everything aligned. Suddenly, it all made sense.

  Sure, she wanted me.

  But she was fifteen, almost a woman, and I was a man. Why would she come on to me? I was a Sinner. She was a sophomore. She’d never have the guts to go for what she wanted, but at that moment, I saw I was what she wanted, and I took affirmative action.

  Before she could say a word, I was in her face, and my mouth hovered an inch above hers.

  “Tell me to fuck off,” I rasped, my breath brushing against her lips.

  She stuttered, “W-What? Why?”

  “Because I’m too old for you. Because I’m wrong for you. Because I’m a Sinner and you want to have a future—”

  She bridged the gap. My hands slid over her hair and gripped the short locks, but that was nothing compared to how her fingers tangled in mine. Nothing at all. She held me closer than I held her, her body molding to mine like it was born to. She melted into me, her lips taking everything I had to give, her tongue seeking mine, hungry for more, needing everything, and fuck, I was willing to give it to her.

  We stood there for over ten minutes, eating each other’s mouths on the doorstep of her shithole house, and the rightness of the moment was impossible to deny. Impossible to get away from.

  Everything felt right about this.


  I let my hands smooth over her waist, down to her hips, and I clung to her ass. I couldn’t have her—not y
et—but fuck, I could feel, and she loved it. Little hitching breaths escaped her, small moans as she rippled against me, her body quivering like she was on the brink of coming.

  I’d never know what she could have done, because Lana Jane, her mom, hollered, “Stone? What the fuck are you doing? Did you forget I asked for milk?”

  We both froze.

  Our lips still clung to the other, even as I slowly pulled back with a promise in my eyes that there was more, always more for both of us.

  She gulped at the sight, licked her pink, sore lips, then called out, “Two minutes, Momma.”

  She darted off, and I watched her go, that tight ass of hers an obsession of mine as she wandered away, and I closed the door behind me before heading down the hall.

  Lana Jane was a cunt, and if anyone deserved to be dying of cancer at thirty-nine, it was her.

  Sure, I knew that was an evil thing to say, but she was a shitty mom to a really good kid. Maybe there was no physical abuse, but there were other ways to hurt a kid. To always put them down, to always make them feel lesser.


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