Single Man Meets Single Mom

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Single Man Meets Single Mom Page 9

by Jules Bennett

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked, brows drawn together, smile all but gone.

  Ian took a step toward her. He’d been mentally dancing around her for days and now he was physically doing it as he made up his mind on how to approach her.

  “Because I just realized that all of your layers are starting to reveal themselves, one at a time.” He slid his fingertips up her arms and back down, relishing the goose bumps he produced with such a simple touch. “I didn’t want to see all of that before. I wanted you to be unattainable. I wanted you to be all wrong and someone I could easily forget.”

  Those vibrant eyes remained locked on his as her breath caught.

  “But there’s no way I could ever forget you, Cassie. Or us.”

  He didn’t give her time to object. He claimed her lips and instantly she responded—opening her mouth to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and plunging her fingers into his hair.

  Ian knew he wasn’t leaving anytime soon. He also knew her T-shirt had to go.


  Cassie had no idea what she was doing. Okay, she knew what she was doing and who she was doing it with, but hadn’t she just had a mental talk with herself about the hazards of getting wrapped up in Ian’s seductive ways? Hadn’t she told herself she’d already been burned once and was still recovering?

  But the way his mouth captured hers, the way he held her as if she were the rarest of gems, Cassie couldn’t help but take pleasure in the fact that Ian pulled out a passion in her that she’d never known existed.

  When Ian’s hands gripped the hem of her T-shirt and tugged up, she eased back and in an instant the unwanted garment was up and over her head, flung to the side without a care.

  Dark-as-sin eyes raked over her body, which was now bare of everything except a pair of red lacy panties. The old Cassie wanted to shield herself with her hands, but the way Ian visually sampled her gave her the confidence of a goddess.

  “I could look at you forever,” he said, his voice husky.

  Forever. The word hovered in the air, but Cassie knew he was speaking only from lust, not in the happily-ever-after term.

  Ian pulled his own shirt off and Cassie reached out, quickly unfastening his pants. In no time he was reaching for her, wearing only a smile.

  “Tell me you know this is more than sex,” he muttered against her lips. “I want you to know that to me, this is so much more.”

  Tears pricked the backs of her eyes as she nodded. The lump in her throat left her speechless. She really didn’t know what label he wanted to put on this relationship, but right now, she couldn’t think beyond the fact that Ian’s hands were sliding into her panties and gliding them down her shaky legs.

  Cassie wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and kicked aside the flimsy material. Ian’s hands cupped her bottom as he guided her backward.

  “Tell me where your room is,” he muttered against her lips.

  “Last door on the right.”

  He kissed her on the throat, across the swells of her breasts, all the while keeping his hands firmly gripped on her backside as he maneuvered her down the hallway and into her room.

  A small bedside lamp gave the room a soft glow. Ian gently shut the door behind him and looked her right in the eyes. There was an underlying vulnerability looking back at her, and Cassie knew what he was thinking.

  “I’ve never had a man in this room,” she told him. “And there’s no other man I want here.”

  As if the dam had broken, Ian reached for her, capturing her lips once again and lifting her by the waist.

  When she locked her legs around his hips and they tumbled onto the bed, Ian broke free of her lips and kissed a path down to her breasts. Leaning back, Cassie gripped his hair as he tasted her.

  “Ian,” she panted. “I don’t have any protection.”

  His dark gaze lifted to hers. “I didn’t bring any. I hadn’t planned on ending up here.”

  Biting her lip, Cassie said, “I’m on birth control and I’m clean. I’ve only been with my ex-husband and you.”

  Ian’s hands slid up to cup her face as he kissed her lips. “I’ve never been without protection and I know I’m clean, too.”

  She smiled. “Then why are we still talking?”

  Cassie moved her hands to his waist. Before she could say another word, Ian slid into her. Closing her eyes, Cassie let out a soft groan as he began to move above her.

  “Look at me,” he demanded in that low tone. “I want you to see me and only me.”

  As if any other man could take his place? But as she stared into his eyes, she saw so much more than lust, than sex and passion. This man was falling for her. He may not even recognize the emotion himself, but it was there, plain as day, looking back at her.

  When his pace increased, Cassie gripped his shoulders and arched her back. “Ian...I...”

  Eyes still locked on to her, he clenched the muscle in his jaw. “Go ahead, baby.”

  Her body trembled with her release, but she refused to close her eyes. She wanted him to see just how affected she was by his touch...his love.

  When his arms stiffened and his body quivered against hers, Cassie held on, swallowing back the tears that clogged her throat.

  One thing was very certain. The night in the attic may have been all about lust, but this moment right here in her bed, Cassie had gone and fallen in love with Ian Shaffer.

  * * *

  “I have to be on set early,” Ian whispered into her ear.

  Pulling himself away from the warm bed they’d spent the night in, Ian quickly gathered his clothes and dressed. Cassie eased up onto one elbow, and the sheet slipped down to stop just at the slope of her breasts. All that creamy exposed skin had him clenching his jaw and reliving what had just transpired hours before between those sheets.

  “How early?” she asked, her voice thick with sleep.

  “I’d like to see Max before he starts.”

  Okay, so the lie rolled easily off his tongue, but he couldn’t stay. He couldn’t remain in her bed, smelling her sweet scent, playing house in her little cottage, with her innocent baby sleeping in the next room.

  What did he know about family or children...or whatever emotion was stirring within him? His career had always taken precedence over any social life or any feelings. With his parents’ example of the epitome of failed marriages and love, he knew he wanted something completely different for his own life, so perfecting his career was the path he’d chosen.

  How could he put his career, his agency and the impending addition of Lily to his client roster in jeopardy simply because he’d become entangled with Cassie Barrington? She was the poster child for commitment, and an instant family was something he couldn’t get wrapped up in.

  Cassie was a beautiful, intriguing complication. His eyes darted to the bed, where she studied him with a hint of desire layered with curiosity.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  Nodding, he shoved his feet into his shoes. “Of course. I’ll lock the door behind me.”

  Unable to avoid temptation completely, Ian crossed the room, leaned down and kissed her lips. Just as her hand came up to his stubbled jaw, he pulled away and left her alone.

  He stepped onto the front porch, closed the door behind him and leaned against it to catch his breath. The easy way Cassie welcomed him into her bed—and into her life with Emily—terrified him. Last night she’d accepted him without question and she’d given him everything she had...including love. He’d seen it in her eyes, but even more worrisome was what she may have seen reflected in his.

  Because in those moments, when they were one and her bright blue eyes sought his, Ian had found himself completely and utterly lost. He wanted so much, but fear of everything he’d ever known regarding love and family made him question his emotions and his intentions.

  Damn it. His intentions? What the hell was this? He wasn’t the kind of man who had dreams of driving a minivan or heading up a hou
sehold. He was a top Hollywood agent and if he didn’t get his head on straight, he could lose one of the most important clients he’d ever had the chance of snagging.

  Shaking his head, Ian pushed off the door and forced himself to walk toward his trailer. Twenty-nine years old and doing the walk of shame? Classy, Shaffer. Real classy.

  Darkness and early-morning fog settled low over the estate. He shoved his hands into his pockets and decided he needed to shower and change before seeing Max...especially considering he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

  He hadn’t totally lied when he’d left Cassie’s bed. He would talk to Max, but it wasn’t dire and they could always talk later. Yet he worried if he stayed, he’d give Cassie false hope.

  Okay, he worried he’d give himself false hope, too, because being with her was like nothing he’d ever experienced before and he wanted to hold on to those moments.

  But the reality was, he was passing through.

  Ian took his time getting ready for the day, answered a few emails and jotted down notes for calls he needed to make later in the week. He hated to admit he was shaken up by this newfound flood of emotions, but he had to come to grips with the fact that whatever he was feeling for Cassie Barrington was most definitely not going away.... It was only getting stronger.

  By the time he exited his trailer, he had a plan of action, and today would be all about work and focusing on the big picture and his agency.

  Crew members were gathered around the entrance of the stables, and off to the side were Max and Lily, holding their scripts and chatting. Ian headed in their direction, eager to get the day started.

  “Morning,” he greeted them as he approached.

  Max nodded. “Came by your trailer last night to discuss something. Have a late night?”

  The smile on Max’s face was devilish—and all-knowing.

  “What did you need?” Ian asked, dodging the question.

  With a shrug, Max shook his head. “It can wait. I’m going to talk to Bronson before we start filming. Excuse me.”

  Ian figured Max left so Ian could chat with Lily. Good boy.

  “I glanced over today’s filming schedule.” Ian stepped in front of Lily to shade her face from the sun. “Looks like after three today you guys are free.”

  Lily smiled. “We are indeed. Are you available to talk then?”

  He’d be available anytime she wanted if it meant persuading her to sign with him. “I am. Would you like to stay here or go out to grab something for dinner?”

  “I say go out,” she replied. “Hopefully we can talk privately without everyone around.”

  Before he could respond, Lily’s gaze darted from his to a spot over his left shoulder. A smile like he’d never seen before lit up her face and Ian couldn’t help but glance around to see who she was connecting with.


  More confirmation that this Hollywood starlet and the groom on the Barrington estate had something going on.

  Ian only hoped whatever was happening with the two of them was kept quiet and didn’t interfere with filming or hinder her judgment in signing with him.

  “Going out is fine,” he told her.

  Blinking, she focused back on him. “I’m sorry. What?”

  Yeah, definitely something going on there.

  “I said we could go out for a bite to eat. I can come by your trailer about five. Does that work?”

  “Of course,” she replied with a nod. “I’ll see you then.”

  As she walked away, Ian turned and caught Nash still staring as Lily entered the stable. Nash had the look of a man totally and utterly smitten and Ian couldn’t help but feel a twinge of remorse for the guy. Nash and Lily were worlds apart.

  Exactly like Ian and Cassie.

  What a mess. A complicated, passion-induced mess.

  Ian stood to the side as lighting and people were set in place to prepare for filming. Bronson was talking with Max, and Lily’s hair was being smoothed one last time. Grant and Anthony were adjusting the bales of hay at the end of the aisle.

  Ian wasn’t sure what Cassie’s plans were for the day, but he intended to keep his distance for now. He needed to figure out exactly how to handle this situation because the last thing she needed was more heartache. And he, who knew nothing about real intimacy, would most certainly break her heart if he wasn’t careful.

  Damon Barrington settled in beside him and whispered, “Their chemistry on set is amazing.”

  Ian watched Max and Lily embrace in the middle of the aisle, horses’ heads popping out over their stalls. The set was utterly quiet except for Lily’s staged tears as she clung to Max. The couple was the perfect image of a younger Damon and Rose Barrington, according to the pictures Ian had seen.

  As soon as Anthony yelled, “Cut!” the couple broke apart and Lily dabbed at her damp cheeks.

  Damon glanced around. “I can’t believe my girls aren’t down here. You haven’t seen Cassie or Tessa, have you?”

  Ian shook his head. “I haven’t.”

  No need to tell Cassie’s father that just a few hours ago Ian had slipped from her bed. Best not bring that up.

  “I’m sure they’ll be along shortly.” Damon looked over at Ian and grinned. “My girls haven’t let too many scenes slip by. They’ve enjoyed this process.”

  “And you?” Ian asked. “Have you enjoyed the Hollywood invasion?”

  Nodding, Damon crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s not what I thought it would be. The scenes vary in length and everything is shot out of order. But I’m very interested in seeing how they piece this all together.”

  Ian liked Damon, appreciated the way the man had taken charge of his life, made something of it and encouraged his children to do the same. And when his wife had passed, the man had taken over the roles of both parents and loved his children to the point where both women were now two of the most amazing people he’d met.

  Ian had never received encouragement from his father and couldn’t help but wonder what his life would’ve been like had his father been more hands-on.

  Shrugging off years that couldn’t be changed, Ian excused himself from Damon. If Cassie was going to come watch the filming, he needed to be elsewhere.

  Because he had no doubt that if he hung around and had to look Cassie in the eye in front of all these people, there would be no hiding the fact that he’d developed some serious feelings for her.


  Who was he kidding? There was no way he could stay away from Cassie. All during the business dinner with Lily, his mind had been on Cassie and what she was doing.

  By the end of the night he’d nearly driven himself crazy with curiosity about what Cassie and Emily had done all day. Added to that, Lily hadn’t signed with him. Not yet. She’d looked over his proposed contract and agreed with most of it, but she’d also said she needed to look over one other contract before deciding.

  He was still in the running, but he’d rather have this deal signed and completed so he could move on to other deals waiting in the wings...not so he could focus on the woman who had his head spinning and his gut tied in knots.

  After walking Lily to her trailer, Ian crossed the estate toward the two cottages. Only one of Cassie’s outdoor lights was on and she was on her porch switching out the bulb in the other.

  “Hey,” he greeted her as he stepped onto the top step. “Need help?”

  “I can manage just fine.”

  As she stood on her tiptoes and reached, her red tank top slid up over her torso, exposing a tantalizing band of flesh.

  “I can get that so you don’t have to stretch so far,” he told her.

  She quickly changed out the bulb and turned to face him, tapping the dead bulb against her palm. “I’ve been doing things on my own for a while now. Besides, I won’t be anybody’s second choice. I figured you were smart enough to know that.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  Somehow he was not on the same page as her and she was mad at
someone. From the daggers she was throwing him, he’d done something to upset her. Considering he hadn’t sneaked out of her bed that morning without saying goodbye, he really had no clue what was going on.

  “Forget it.” She shook her head and opened her front door, then turned before he could enter. “I’m pretty tired, but thanks for stopping by.”

  Oh, hell no. He wasn’t going to just let her be mad and not tell him what was going on. More than that, did she really believe he’d just leave her when she was this upset?

  His hand smacked against the door as she tried to close it. “I’m coming in.”

  Cassie stepped back and let him pass. Emily sat in her Pack ’n Play and chattered with a stuffed horse, oblivious to the world around her.

  “I need to get Emily ready for bed.” Cassie maneuvered around him and picked up Emily. “I may be a while.”

  Code for “I’m going to take my time and let you worry.” That was fine; he had no intention of going anywhere.

  If Cassie was gearing up for a fight, he was ready. Seeing her pain, masked by anger, had a vise gripping his heart, and he cared too much about her to just brush her feelings aside.

  Ian glanced around the somewhat tidy living area and started picking up toys before he thought better of it. He tossed them into the Pack ’n Play; then he folded the throw and laid it on the back of the sofa, neatened the pillows and took a plate and cup into the kitchen and placed them in the dishwasher.

  By the time he’d taken a seat on the couch, he found himself smiling. Where had this little domestic streak come from? He hadn’t even thought twice about helping Cassie, and not just because she was angry. He found himself wanting to do things to make her life easier.

  Ian had no clue what had happened with her life before he’d come along, but he knew she was divorced and assumed the ex had done a number on her.

  Well, Ian intended to stick this out, at least for as long as he was here. He would make her smile again, because she deserved nothing less.

  * * *


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