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Conscious Bias

Page 30

by Alexi Venice

  Monica quickly found the page and admired her name listed first and embossed in gold lettering. Could my night get any better? She noticed the address and telephone number were already included. “Wow. Address and everything.”

  “Yeah,” Jim said. “I’ve had Janet secretly helping me all week. She’s amazing. I think she’d make a great office manager in addition to being my assistant.”

  “I’ve always liked Janet,” Monica said. “Sure.”

  “I agree,” Nathan said.

  “Do you think any other staff will come?” Monica asked.

  “Oh yes,” Jim said. “I’ve had preliminary discussions with Sandie, Cheryl and Kathy as well.”

  “Our assistants and the receptionist?” Monica asked.

  “We’ll need all of them, trust me,” Jim said. “Janet will be busy getting the office pulled together, so we’ll have to share Sandie, Cheryl and Kathy for our work and reception.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Nathan said. “I like all of them.”

  “And, more importantly, they all like you and Monica,” Jim said. “Kathy has always referred to Charles as a ‘dictator.’”

  “Oh, so she added ‘tator’ to that for you, huh?” Monica asked.

  Jim and Nathan laughed.

  Monica’s phone beeped. “I got a text. Maybe the jury is back.”

  The text was from Mike. Jury went home after dinner. They’ll resume deliberations tomorrow morning at 8:30.

  “Guess we won’t be getting a speedy jury verdict,” Monica said. “They went home.”

  “I’m sure they’ll come back with something tomorrow morning,” Jim said.

  “Can we order some food?” Nathan asked. “I’m starving.”

  They ordered burgers and another round of drinks. After making a list of their mutual clients while they ate, Monica got restless to wrap up and swing by Shelby’s table. She couldn’t see Shelby without turning around, so allowed herself only one quick peek over dinner.

  “She’s still there,” Jim said when they finished. “She’s been glancing over at you all night. I’d say it’s about time you pay her a visit.”

  “God, you’re smooth,” Monica said. “You should be my wingman more often.”

  “I’m not sure my track record of two ex-wives qualifies me to do anything more than get you in trouble. Besides, what if we hit on the same woman?”

  “I’m confident she’d let us know which team she played for.”

  Jim chuckled. “Before you take off, I’d like to invite you both to go boating this weekend. I have a huge boat, so bring your plus-ones. The weather is supposed to be fantastic. We’ll drink some beer, eat snacks and talk smart. And, bonus, you can meet my new girlfriend.”

  “That sounds mysterious and fun,” Monica said, wondering when he found time to date. “What time?”

  “Saturday afternoon. Come to my lake house at one o’clock.”

  “I’ll ask Shelby.”

  “I’ll bring Matt if he’s off duty,” Nathan said. “Thanks for the invite.”

  “Super,” Jim said.

  “Can’t wait. Here’s my share of the bill.” Monica threw some money on the table and slid off her stool. She went to the bathroom to freshen up before stopping by Shelby’s table. God forbid she have food in her teeth while making a first impression on Shelby’s teacher friends.

  Shelby was at the end of the long table, making it easy for Monica to squat down next to her chair. She boldly placed her hand on the small of Shelby’s back, right above her butt. When she felt Shelby arch into her hand, Monica knew she wasn’t the only one who felt the sizzle when they touched.

  Shelby turned and threw her arm around Monica’s shoulders. “Hey everyone, this is my friend, Monica.”

  “Hi,” Monica said, then turned to the woman wearing a birthday hat. “Happy Birthday.”

  “Thanks. You should join us. Shelby can’t stop talking about you!”

  “That’s not true.” Shelby giggled.

  Everyone laughed, and Monica heard a few people say, “It’s totally true.”

  “I’d love to, but I have an early morning tomorrow,” Monica said. “I’m actually on my way out.”

  “So soon?” Shelby asked.

  “Sorry,” Monica said. “We have CrossFit early, then I have a full day. I was wondering, though, if you want to get together earlier on Saturday than our dinner date at your house. Jim wants to take us out on his boat to celebrate our new firm.”

  Shelby turned in her chair and lazily snaked her other arm around Monica’s neck, as if she had done it a thousand times. “That sounds potentially cold, but fun.”

  Monica was ecstatic to be locked in Shelby’s embrace. “He said it’s supposed to be sunny and warm. One last hurrah before the cold. I need the fresh air after being in a stuffy courtroom all week.”

  “Is this our first date?” Shelby asked playfully.

  “Maybe.” Monica smiled then opened her mouth slightly, hinting for Shelby to kiss her again. Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me.

  Shelby’s eyes glinted, and she moved in quickly. Monica was ready for her this time.

  When their lips met, Monica savored the plumpness of Shelby’s lower lip. She had been lusting after Shelby’s lips for several days, and now couldn’t believe she was finally kissing them—and in front of a table of teachers, everyone at The Spoke, and Jim and Nathan. God, it feels heavenly to be out. Why did I deny myself this for so long?

  Monica wanted the kiss to last forever, and they probably kept their lips glued to each other for a second too long in the public setting, but she had to leave.

  Shelby leaned back first and said against Monica’s lips, “You’re a good kisser. I want more of that.”

  “Likewise,” Monica whispered.

  Shelby quirked her right brow, luring her sexy mole and upper lip along with it. The sensuous smirk was so hot that Monica wanted to carry Shelby out of the bar. “Ready to go? I could walk you to your car.”

  “I’d like that, but we just ordered another round,” Shelby said. “See you tomorrow morning at class?”

  “Count on it.”

  Shelby released her arms from Monica’s neck, leaving Monica feeling a little dizzy and abandoned. She stood even though she wanted to go back in for another kiss. Perhaps it was better to leave Shelby wanting more.

  Before she turned to leave, Monica leaned down by Shelby’s ear and said through a mass of curls, “Bye, gorgeous.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The next morning, Shelby came bounding around the corner at MoFit like a hapless puppy, running into Monica as she walked away the drinking fountain.

  “Good morning.” Shelby grabbed Monica’s arms to keep from falling.

  “I like this ‘falling into my arms’ thing you do,” Monica said as her water bottle fell to the floor. She ignored it.

  Shelby clasped her hands around Monica’s, holding them in her warm grasp. She was always the first to initiate contact, a trait Monica adored.

  “Sleep well?” Shelby asked.

  “Not really.”

  “Tossing and turning about the trial or about your new firm?”

  “Neither.” Daring to bare her soul, Monica bravely met Shelby’s eyes.

  “Got something else on your mind?” Shelby’s hazel bayonets mercilessly stabbed Monica’s heart.

  “More like someone,” Monica admitted.

  “Me too.”

  They stood in enamored silence until a sweaty guy pushed passed them to get to the drinking fountain.

  They stepped aside, not breaking contact.

  “Can I pick you up around 12:30 tomorrow for boating?” Monica asked.

  “Sure. What can I bring?”

  “Just your smile…or maybe your smirk. I can’t decide which one I like better.”

  Shelby gave her the smirk. “Can I bring snacks?”

  “We have all that worked out. No worries.”

  “What should I wear?” Shelby asked.

nbsp; “That sexy mole above your lip. Oops. Did I say that out loud?”

  Shelby curled her index finger under Monica’s chin. Monica thought Shelby was guiding her in for a kiss, but the move just turned into the sweetest, briefest caress she’d ever had. More! I need more of that!

  Their intimacy was interrupted by Craig calling the class over to the whiteboard, his voice specifically directed at them.

  Monica picked up her water bottle, and they walked over together, standing shoulder-to-shoulder while they listened to him describe several warm-up exercises that meant they would do 100 thrusters and seemingly thousands of suitcase sit-ups—spreading their arms wide then bringing them in close with bent knees like a suitcase folding.

  Why? Monica wondered. Why the ungodly number of 100? Isn’t 40 enough? 60? 80? Why 100? Is that even good for my poor shoulders that spent yesterday merely holding up my arms while my fingers typed notes on my laptop? Who’s going to hold up my arms for me today after this workout?

  No one in class protested, so Monica kept her misgivings to herself. She and Shelby set up their weights and mats next to each other, and Monica noticed that Shelby looked as excited as a dog set loose in the woods. Of course, this will be a breeze for her.

  They swung kettle bells to loosen up, and Craig turned up the volume of the music. After that, everyone grabbed a barbell or dumbbells to hoist over their heads, go into a squat, then push up over their heads again, one hundred times. ONE HUNDRED TIMES! Monica couldn’t imagine how she was going to survive this insanity.

  Peer pressure being a universal motivator, however, she felt obligated to work as hard as everyone else. What the fuck. If doing this will give me a body like Shelby’s in six months, it’s worth it.

  “Here’s a tip,” Craig yelled to the class, but Monica felt like he was addressing her, “try to do as many thrusters as possible right away because, after about 50, they get a lot harder.” Ya think? “Do thrusters for two minutes, then stop and do 25 suitcase sit-ups for one minute. Then go back to thrusters. I’ll call out the times with the clock.”

  Monica groaned softly. I’d like to pack a suitcase all right.

  Craig smiled devilishly—knowing how exhausting the workout was—and hit the stopwatch on the wall timer for everyone to start. “Ready, set, go!”

  After Monica cranked out 30 thrusters, the clock beeped, and Craig yelled for them to hit the mats. Monica was ten sit-ups into a suitcase when she heard Shelby yelp. She glanced over to see Shelby on her back, her knees to her chest.

  “What’s wrong?” Monica asked.

  Shelby whispered through pain, “My back…spasm.”

  Monica rolled onto her side to face Shelby. “I’m sorry.”

  The wall clock beeped, and Craig yelled for everyone to hop up and resume doing thrusters.

  Through clenched teeth, Shelby said, “There’s no way…”

  Monica moved onto her knees and scooted to Shelby’s side. “How can I help?”

  Still hugging her knees to her chest, Shelby said, “I’m not sure you can. I think I just need to relax on my mat for a few minutes. My back is so tense that I can barely breathe.”

  “What’s going on over here?” Craig asked, kneeling beside them.

  “Shelby’s back spasmed. She’s trying to relax.”

  “I’m sorry,” Craig said. “I can take you through some stretches if you want.”

  “Give me a few minutes,” Shelby gritted. “In too much pain.”

  “Okay. I’ll move your barbells out of the way.” He picked up their weights and returned them to the rack. “Everyone keep working. Shelby’s back spasmed, and Monica is helping her.”

  Several people expressed sympathy while continuing the intense workout.

  “Can you roll onto your side, away from the class?” Monica suggested. “I’ll massage your back if you think it would help.”

  Shelby gingerly rolled onto her left side, keeping her knees tucked. Very tenderly, Monica placed her hands on Shelby’s lower back and pressed her thumbs into the thick muscle on each side of Shelby’s spine.

  Shelby sucked in a breath.

  “Does that hurt?” Monica asked, stopping.

  “No,” Shelby said. “You just took my breath away is all. It’s been a long time since that happened.”

  If Shelby had declared the world was made of chocolate, Monica couldn’t have been happier. She again lay her hands on the small of Shelby’s back, more confident this time, pressing her palms into the muscle like she really meant it.

  Shelby groaned.

  “Still okay?” Monica asked.

  “Better than okay,” Shelby said in a strained voice.

  Monica pressed her palms in, kneading the coiled muscles. “I feel the knot. Let me work on it.”

  “Do anything you want.”

  Monica smiled inwardly. If Shelby weren’t in pain, and they weren’t surrounded by a dozen people, Monica would’ve moved her hands around to Shelby’s front.

  “Oh,” Shelby said. “Yes. Right there. God, you’re good.”

  Hearing those phrases from Shelby made Monica melt with desire. She was sure her expression radiated lust, as she traced the muscles around Shelby’s shoulder blades, working her thumbs into the tight cords. “I could do a better job if you were on your stomach.”

  “Are you sure?” Shelby moaned. “Where will you sit?”

  “Good question,” Monica said. “On your butt, unless you think that would be too risqué.”

  “If being risqué is what it will take for my back to relax, I’m all in.” Shelby rolled onto her tummy and put her hands along her sides. When Monica didn’t jump on right away, Shelby ordered, “Come on then.”

  Is this really happening? Monica tentatively swung her right leg over Shelby to land squarely on the orbs that Monica had been admiring for so many days. There was no greater spark of immediate connection than Monica’s pussy snugged up against Shelby’s ass. Deep inside, a volcano of passion bubbled to epic proportions, reminding her that she had denied herself far too long. She suddenly appreciated that she perhaps wasn’t prepared for the explosion of passion running from her inner thighs all the way to her core.

  She started massaging, aware that it was merely a pretense for what she really wanted.

  “Umm…harder?” Shelby said out of the side of her mouth, her cheek resting on the mat.

  “Right,” Monica said, refocusing on the task at hand. Massage, massage, massage, she coached herself, leaning forward and pressing more weight into her palms as she worked Shelby’s lower back, releasing the spasm.

  Monica loved the feel of Shelby’s body—her slim waist had just enough curve to make it feminine and soft, but underneath was a fabric of toned muscle. So tight. Concentrate, Monica chided herself, pressing her thumbs along Shelby’s spine all the way up to the base of her neck.

  Shelby giggled.

  “What?” Monica asked.

  “Sorry. I can’t help it. That move makes me laugh.”

  “Really?” Monica asked in a falsetto. “Good to know.”

  She pressed her thumbs into the meaty part of Shelby’s back, dipping dangerously close to the valley between Shelby’s cheeks. Monica felt, rather than heard, Shelby’s sharp intake of breath punctuated by a small squeal of delight.

  Monica leaned lower, bringing her face next to Shelby’s ear. “I think I need to stop. I’m getting so turned on that I might embarrass both of us if I go any further.”

  Monica felt a shiver ripple through Shelby’s body, and the jolt of electricity that accompanied it almost undid Monica right there.

  “Me too,” Shelby said. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Monica pushed herself up and stood, the sudden cooling between her legs making her miss their position.

  Shelby rolled onto her side and looked at Monica with ravenous eyes.

  Monica wanted to be on the receiving end of that look for the rest of her life. “Need a hand getting up?”

reached out, and Monica gently pulled her to her feet. Once she was standing, Shelby grabbed Monica’s arm for support. “I’m having a head rush. One second. I’m so sorry. I’m not usually this fragile.”

  Monica weaved her arm around Shelby’s back. “I know. It’s okay. All your blood was probably going to your back muscles, but you surprised your body by standing.”

  “All my blood was going south, but not to my back,” Shelby said in a low voice.

  Monica moaned. “You’re killing me. Can you walk, or am I going to have to carry you out of here?”

  Shelby smiled. “I can walk, as long as I can lean against you.”

  Suddenly Craig was by their side. He picked up their mats. “How does your back feel now, Shelby?”

  “Better, but I think we’re going to leave. Maybe I’ll come in tomorrow to do some stretches with you, okay?”

  “Just text me,” Craig said. “In the meantime, try to put some heat on your back. A hot shower followed by a hot pack. Maybe take some ibuprofen too.”

  “I will,” Shelby said. “Thanks.”

  “I can help her to her car,” Monica said, politely staking a claim.

  “Thanks,” Craig said with a twinkle in his eye.

  They walked arm-in-arm to Shelby’s Jeep, but stopped at the back bumper.

  “Can you even drive?” Monica asked.

  “To be honest, I’m not sure.”

  “Are you going to work today?” Monica asked.

  “I don’t know,” Shelby said. “If I can’t drive, how will I get there?”

  “Well, let’s start by me driving you home. After a hot shower, you can decide what you want to do.”

  “Do you have the time? What about your trial?” Shelby asked.

  “The jury is still deliberating,” Monica said. “Mike will text me when they reach a verdict. Besides, I’m making the time. Work can wait.”

  Monica guided Shelby to her pickup truck and opened the passenger door. She helped Shelby in, even reaching across her lap and buckling the seat belt for her. After clicking it, Monica turned her face and looked at those full lips, open and inviting. She couldn’t resist. She leaned in and brushed Shelby’s lips with her own, igniting lightning streaks across her sky. The feathery brush ended too quickly, though. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that.”


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