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The Magister (Earthkeep)

Page 29

by Sally Miller Gearhart

  By a holo-imagery system, the simulation of walls, rooms, and 3-D projections of distant views in areas otherwise transparent or without walls. Whole environments can be paqued, depaqued, and repaqued quickly.


  A soft, durable, and flexible polymeric compound that "breathes." Used universally as the substitute for leather, particularly in the manufacture of footwear as in a Kanshou's mid-calf boots.

  Plenary Constitution

  Little Blue's globally negotiated constitution ratified in 2057, delineating the responsibilities of Little Blue's Legislative, Judicial, and Implemental branches of government and the interrelationships of the planet's geo-political territories (e.g., satrapies, tri-satrapies). Further, the document sets out the values attendant upon the Earthkeep Consciousness and names those values as the spirit from which all legal statutes will thenceforth derive. Certain caveats attach to the Plenary Constitution, pertaining to specific indigenous cultures and sovereign communities.


  The Kanshou nightstick, modelled on the traditional Monadnock Pr-24 Police Baton. Its hard plastic is featherweight and its flexible design offers two working ends. It is, however, used primarily for restraint rather than for striking.


  An opponent of Little Blue's emerging proposals for Anti-Violence Protocols and Habitante Testing.


  A supporter of the Protocols and Testing.

  Rainbow Sunday

  April 14, 2041, the day of the appearance of a double rainbow in the western sky, first sighted at Amsterdam, then globally for 24 hours thereafter, a phenomenon interpreted as a promise of the Animals's Return because of its near coinciding with the 20-year anniversary of their Exodus, but also understood as a symbol of peace and of diversity.


  The material of the Kanshou's comfortsuit, automatically controlling the temperature range selected by its wearer.

  rolling beltways

  Part of the public transportation system in many large cities, powered by hydrogen-enhanced photovoltaics and consisting of both fast and slow lanes for pedestrian travel. Ordinarily coordinated with "swings," individual hanging cables that swing from rooftop to rooftop. Swings are accessed by elevators or moving stairways.

  Rwanda Accords

  Internationally endorsed compact (2028 C.E.) delineating a prisoner's rights and the limits of a detaining institution's use of force.



  Any one of nine geo-political territories, roughly the equivalents of the traditionally named "continents": Africa, Europe, the Mideast, Asia, China, the Pacific Islands, South America, Central America, North America. A "tri-satrapy" is made up of three satrapies.


  Any Kanshou.


  One of the nine "justices" to sit at the Kitchen Table, global judicial body. Members of lower tables are also called "sifters."


  The field of psychic training that enhances one's capacities in the state of sleep. On Little Blue, sleepwork is the particular passion of women who wish to acquire the language or dialect of another culture, and they pursue the most immediate, thorough, and enduring acquisition of such material by sleeping with a native speaker of that language or dialect. Where both sleepers are equally trained and skilled, the language or dialect transfer can take place in a single night.


  The spiritual echo of the physical body which may at the will of a trained practitioner of psychic skills leave the "hardself" and move independently in physical space. It may occupy the body of another (willing) person and thus experience what that body experiences. Not to be confused with a person's "soul."


  To fly together. Or a pair of women capable of flying together because of their present or past relationship as lovers, so named for the position their two bodies often occupy in sleep. A spoon is capable of carrying in flight almost double its own weight.

  subvention belt

  A black belt of plastiped that is worn at the Kanshou's waist. It provides compartments or slings for weaponry, the folded tekla cape, magnopad, force-field nodes, stunner, and comunit.


  A Kanshou's sleeveless shirt or tunic of heavy cotton that is lightly fitted to the torso. Its mandarin collar bears rank and/or division pips. Its color is that of the Amah (cardinal red), the Femmedarme (shamrock green), or the Vigilante (cobalt blue).


  Restraint device used by kanshou that is made of netted strands of a loose nylon. The strands can be cast upon groups of violent offenders, temporarily immobilizing them by impairing muscle function.


  A mysterious material that is light, flexible, and apparently indestructible, whose chemical composition has not yet been determined. It was discovered simultaneously in southwestern Nueva Tierra Norte (old United States), central Australia, and the southern edges of the Sahara Desert in the third decade of the 21 century by three unrelated women each on her personal Visionquest, and turned over to the newly developing Kanshoubu. The Kanshoubu has had exclusive ownership of all tekla resources on the planet ever since that time, constantly recycling it for use in Kanshou lariats, capes, cloaks, and cowls. Tekla "breaks" apart with ease and can be reconstituted as a seamless mass or sheet; it can be flattened into fabric or molded into a rope. Fire- and water-proof, it can nevertheless be dyed different colors. Also known as "zennatekla."

  tote, mindtote

  To carry or sustain an object in midair without physical support. Preliminary exercise for training in telekinesis or the mental initiation of an object's propulsion in space from one place to another (as if it were being thrown).


  Referring to "transmogrifier", that replicative technology which allows the manufacture of any small artifact from natural products or from the material of other artifacts by reconfiguring existing elements into new molecular compounds. Transmogrifier technology thus makes possible the filling of basic physical needs (such as food, clothing, tools) and the ownership of small items of personal property that have historically been available only within a system of currency or barter or which have been acquired as the plunder of war or theft.

  Over the past two decades, all nine satrapy governments have provided their citizens with the intaglios or templates necessary for any individual's manufacture of "a thing or a substance," and the transmogrifiers themselves are universally available except in techless enclaves that have themselves rejected the use of such technology. With the exception of controlled substances or weapons whose intaglios are proscribed, any person can "own" anything she wants, and "personal property" has thus acquired a new meaning. Anything beyond or different from the capacity of the transmog to produce must be paid for with the appropriate credits.

  Transmogrifiers are the critical element in Little Blue's recycling program. Though sewage is treated by separate processes, over 90% of the world's remaining wastes are transmogrified. Transmogrifier technology has altered the entire planet's economy.


  A soporific mist developed for crowd control which when inhaled induces sleep or deep relaxation.


  A member of the Central Web, the global legislative body. Members of lower webs are also called "websters."

  work credits

  Value vouchers earned by one's labor or skill and deposited by the employer to the account of the worker. Transmogrifiers guarantee the free distribution of any of life's basic needs to Little Blue's citizens, but if an individual wishes to own or use something beyond or different from the capacities of the transmog, then she must sell her labor or her skills in order to buy those materials or items.


  A long distance air vehicle powered by fusion thrusters and typically used as public transportation between Little Blue's large cities. "Lowrockets," more lightly powered, can make shor
ter jumps between rocketports, but do not boast the ziprocket's speed.



  Little Blue is divided into three geo-political areas called tri-satrapies, and each of these is further composed of three satrapies (say-trap-eez). The civic affairs of each satrapy (say-trap-ee) are under the directorship of a Kanshou (kahn-show) Vice-Magister. The civic affairs of the tri-satrapy as a whole are under the directorship of the Kanshou Magister of the tri-satrapy.

  The Asia-China-Insula Tri-Satrapy, made up of the areas traditionally called Asia, China, and the Pacific Islands (including Australia) is currently administered by Kanshou Magister Lin-ci Win.

  The Africa-Europe-Mideast Tri-Satrapy, made up of the areas traditionally called Africa, Europe, and the Middle East, is currently administered by Kanshou Magister Flossie Yotoma Lutu.

  The Nueva Tierra Tri-Satrapy, made up of the areas traditionally called South America (including Antarctica), Central America, and North America, and now called Nueva Tierra Sur, Nueva Tierra Central, and Nueva Tierra Norte, is currently administered by Kanshou Magister Zella Terremoto Adverb (called "Zude").

  Each satrapy is further divided geographically and demographically into local areas usually called half-traps, quarter-traps, and demesnes (duh-manes). Except for the global laws articulated by the Plenary Constitution and the Central Web, a local area typically lives by its own laws, traditions, and values, though it has a financial obligation to the satrapy-as-a-whole and is responsible for providing candidates to the Central Web Pool Of Qualified Websters and Sifters (justices) to the Kitchen Table Pool of Qualified Sifters.



  The Central Web

  Little Blue's global legislative body, composed of 15 Central Websters, five from each tri-satrapy, chosen by lot from the Pool Of Qualified Websters whose members have been elected by each satrapy. This body formulates global law in accordance with Little Blue's Plenary Constitution.

  The Lower Webs

  Legislative bodies in satrapies, half-traps, quarter-traps, and demesnes which support the structure, processes, and responsibilities of the Central Web.

  The Boards Of Use

  On the satrapy level and below, Boards Of Use are elected to govern the use of land, water, and airspace within their area of jurisdiction.


  The Kitchen Table

  Little Blue's global judicial body, composed of nine Sifters (or justices), one from each satrapy, chosen by lot from the Pool Of Qualified Sifters. This pool is composed of citizens trained and/or experienced in arbitration, mediation, and in the study of constitutional law. Its duties are to interpret the meaning and the spirit of Little Blue's Plenary Constitution and to determine the justice of claims that come to its hearing on appeal from lower tables where interpretation of the Plenary Constitution is involved.

  The Lower Tables

  Judiciary bodies in satrapies, half-traps, quarter-traps, and demesnes which support the structure and processes of the Kitchen Table. Their responsibilities include the settlement of disputes that are appealed from Boards of Arbitration And Mediation, particularly those which may potentially be appealed to the Kitchen Table.

  The Boards Of Arbitration And Mediation

  Bodies on satrapy, half-trap, quarter-trap, and demesne levels composed of citizens trained and/or experienced in conflict resolution and mediation. The majority of disputes between or among citizens are settled by such boards.


  Civic Bureaus

  Little Blue's global, tri-satrapy, satrapy, and lower level governmental organizations handle the needs of citizens in accordance with the priorities set forth in the Plenary Constitution. The planet's mixed economy requires cooperation between government agencies and the free enterprise system. The Civic Bureaus thus complement and support the free enterprise elements of the economy in their mutual effort to meet the needs and desires of individuals and groups of citizens. Their responsibilities are largely regulatory in nature and include Bureaus Of:

  Size Control (of Population and Enterprise)

  Air-Land-Water Use










  Citizen Opinion

  Public Media

  Value Exchange


  The Kanshoubu (kahn-show-boo)

  The Kanshoubu implements the legal statutes and decisions made by the Legislative and Judicial branches of the government. In the absence of national military forces, peacekeeping and public safety services have developed into a quasi-military global responsibility that is the purview of the Kanshoubu.



  Geographical Orders, each under a Magister chosen by her tri-satrapy's Kanshou (kahn-show) and ratified by The Heart Of All Kanshou.

  The Amahrery, training Amahs and serving the Asia-China-Insula Tri-Satrapy, bearing the color of cardinal red.

  The Femmedarmery, training Femmedarmes and serving the Africa-Europe-Mideast Tri-Satrapy, bearing the color of shamrock green.

  The Vigilancia, training Vigilantes and serving Nueva

  Tierra Sur-Central-Norte Tri-Satrapy, bearing the color of cobalt blue.K

  Branches (within all orders)

  The Ground Shrievalty, composed of Kanshou officers known as Foot-Shrieves or Flex-Car Shrieves and holding one of the following ranks:

  Brigadier (A Femmedarme Hedwoman)


  Matrix Major

  Adjutant Major

  Captain (A Femmedarme Aga)

  First Lieutenant (A Femmedarme Sub-Aga)

  Second Lieutenant (An Amah Jing-Cha)

  The Sea Shrievalty, composed of Kanshou officers known as Sea-Shrieves, sailing the high seas, coastal waters, large inland lakes or waterways and holding one of the following ranks:

  Sea Admiral

  Sea Captain

  Sea Commander

  Sea Lieutenant Commander

  Mariner First Class

  Mariner Second Class

  Sea Ensign.

  The Sky Shrievalty, composed of Kanshou officers known as Sky-Shrieves, piloting rockets or cushcars and holding one of the following ranks:

  Sky Admiral

  Sky Captain

  Sky Commander

  Sky Lieutenant Commander

  Flyer First Class

  Flyer Second Class

  Sky Ensign.

  Note: Although usually associated with the Sky Shrievalty, Flying Daggers (Kanshou who fly in gerts) serve in all three branches of the Kanshoubu.

  Kanshou Cadet Academies

  The Amah Academy, Hong Kong, graduating Amahs intothe Amahrery.

  The Femmedarme Academy, Tripoli, graduating

  Femmedarmes into the Femmedarmery.

  The Vigilante Academy, Los Angeles, graduating

  Vigilantes into the Vigilancia.

  Each academy trains cadets in every branch of service (Ground, Sea, and Sky), and the core curriculum of each academy is standardized to include intense physical fitness and combat training; the study of science, technology, law, government, commerce, ethics, computation, and communication; the study of the humanities (literature, history, language, philosophy, the arts).

  The Bailiwicks

  Offenders against society are remanded to containment areas called bailiwicks. As habitantes (those contained in bailiwicks) they lose their status as citizens. The maximum sentence they can receive is 30 years and the credits they earn working in the bailiwicks are sent to designated family members or friends or are held for them until they are released. When they are released, habitantes resume their status as citizens. Bailiwi
cks vary widely in their rehabilitation programs, their job training or educational opportunites for habitantes, the privileges accorded to habitante trusties, and the work that is available to habitantes during their confinement.

  Of Little Blue's 1,240,000,000 people, about 1,000,000 (or .08 % of the population) are habitantes living in bailiwicks. Worldwide there are 780 bailiwicks, each holding from 500 to 4,000 habitantes. In addition, approximately 120,000 citizens choose to live near or (in the rarer cases of habitantes who are trusties) with habitantes in bailiwicks.

  The management and regulation of the bailiwicks are the express responsibility of the Kanshoubu. Of the 600,000 Kanshou on Little Blue, some 375,000 are detailed to bailiwick duty.


  The Heart Of All Kanshou


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