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The Rise of The Dominion: A Dominion War novel

Page 30

by D. M. Marshall

  Running to Nenotuul’s aid would get them both killed, no doubting, there were just too many of them, especially without the use of the Astrals. Shepherd decided quickly. He tossed his over-sized plasma pistol over to Danze.

  “They don’t know we’re here - I’m going to take out as many as I can before they realize, try and reduce the bubble. Cover me - take out any who spot me.”

  Danze nodded, “The Astrals favor you, Mushur Shepherd. Always.”

  “Not right now, they don’t,” he laughed. Nate gave Danze one last reassuring look before creeping into the dormitory.

  Almost immediately he came upon a pair of Channelings, still embracing each other in death. Anger threatened to overwhelm Nate. So young, so innocent. It wasn’t right. For a long moment he teetered on the edge, tempted to allow himself to fall headlong into the Deep, with its promises of unparalleled power and swift justice for their killers. No, he resolved, drawing away, letting the anger dissipate. Their lives would be avenged, but through acting to defend those who lived, those who needed him now.

  He crept passed the girls, the metallic smell of their blood etching itself in his memory, and edged around some furniture until he was behind a human Ballavendi bounty hunter, dressed in their standard armor but with no Astral energy-sapping Peledramin crystal on his back. Taking no chances lest the armor be made of Astral weapon-proof Minax composite steel, Nate placed his fist against the man’s unprotected lower back, and summoned an Astral blade just for a second. There was a brief flash of muted blue light as the man’s body illuminated from within, along with an equally brief gurgle before the man collapsed. None of the bounty hunters nearby noticed. Val helped himself to the man’s gauss rifle and thought briefly about taking his red and gray Ballavenda helmet too, but decided it would be of marginal benefit.

  A heavily armored bounty hunter moved from behind cover, wearing a powered suit similar to the ones worn by Imperial shock troopers. He was attempting to get a better angle on Mushur Nenotuul, but exposed himself unawares to Nate. Knowing how tough the powered armor was, Shepherd lined him up in the gauss rifle’s sight and then held down the trigger, sending a stream of super-accelerated rounds into the bounty hunter, only stopping once the man’s armor was riddled with holes and his Peledramin was a shattered, no-longer glowing, mess.

  A laser bolt passed so close that it scorched Nate’s left shoulder and he saw another bounty hunter fall, a helmet-less Maldren who would have deeply regretted that decision were his brain still whole. Another bolt annihilated the Maldren’s Peledramin. Shepherd looked round and thanked Danze with a nod. Astrals energy soaking bubbles from the remaining still-functioning Peledramin crystals still covered much of the hall. Danze replied by gesticulating towards where most of the remaining bounty hunters were focusing their attention. Three down still left more than a dozen, Nate guessed. Still a suicide mission. He had an idea. He pointed at Danze’s pistol and then at one of the dead lizards. Danze gave him a thumbs up.

  Nate moved to open ground, summoning his Astral weapon, its vivid blue blade coming alive along his arm. He took a deep breath and then yelled wordlessly, a clear taunt. The din of gunfire reduced as several of the bounty hunters heard him and sought Nate out.

  “You want me?” he shouted, “I’m here! You will all fall to the might of Edo Mushur Nate Shepherd.” He shrugged a response back to Danze’s querulous expression, but then had to start falling back, away from both Mushur Nenotuul and Danze, batting away fire back at the bounty hunters who had taken the bait as best as he could to hopefully distract them from Danze’s own fire.

  “Is that all you’ve got? No wonder Slaven Kan gets all the Edo bounties!”

  One of the bounty hunters, an angry looking Idralish in poorly maintained black composite armor charged, roaring as he leapt towards Nate. Nate nimbly sidestepped out of the way, landing a sweeping backhand that sent the man sprawling. Nate ducked to avoid a laser bolt, was almost too late in spinning around, having to bring his Astral blade ominously close to his body to send another bolt recoiling into the ceiling and then sprang into a forward roll to barely avoid yet another. Fear began to creep up his spine. Perhaps that last insult had been a bit much as they now seemed particular motivated to kill him.

  No more messing around. “Oh, you guys have asked for it.” With a flick of a finger the prone Idralish was Astral-pushed across the room, uselessly clawing at the floor until he slammed head first into a wall. Shepherd felt his life force extinguish. Another flick of a finger and the Idralish’s Peledramin suffered a similar fate. An actinic laser bolt was dismissed with his Astral weapon without even looking. Nate reached out in the direction the bolt had come from and pulled.

  “Thanks very much,” he said happily as a large, powerful-looking laser rifle landed in his outstretched hand. Nate let his Astral blade evaporate and started returning fire, only far more accurately and deadly than the bounty hunters arrayed against him could manage. A few seconds later, between him and Danze, the bounty hunters and their Peledramin lay ruined.

  Danze approached. “It’s like being able to suddenly see again after years of being blind. I’m me again.”

  Nate grunted. “Next time you feel like moaning about how the galaxy has it in for us Edo remember how it feels to not be favored by the Astrals.”

  They moved towards Mushur Nenotuul’s position, taking several bounty hunters by surprise until there were only two remaining. Once they realized they were outnumbered and that the Edo had their powers back they quickly retreated, allowing the pair of Edo Masters to rush to Nenotuul’s side.

  The Entilean was in a bad way. Nate gently probed her with the Astrals and could see that her strength was fading fast. Several scorch marks across her robe hinted at the damage within. Of the six Channelings she had attempted to protect only two survived, peeking around her semi-prostrate form.

  “You are safe now, little ones,” said Danze, opening his arms to them. They rushed to him and hugged him tightly, silent tears wetting their faces.

  “I failed them,” whispered Mushur Nenotuul, almost inaudibly.

  Nate took her hand in his. “No,” he smiled at her, “you saved them.” He looked towards the two children and nodded. “Thanks to you they survive.”

  She smiled slightly. “Thank you, Mushur Shepherd. Please, keep them safe. May the Astrals guide you.” Mushur Nenotuul’s eye’s closed, and she died. As her last breath rattled quietly from her chest her Astral weapon became nothing. The Mushurs exchanged a sad look.

  “Let’s get these two back to the training grounds,” said Nate, taking one of them in his arms, “and let’s hope we don’t run into any more bounty hunters on the way.”

  Premier Olson Carver sat and twisted his moustache.

  He already knew the outcome of the call. The Grazans would regretfully inform him that they were not in a position to assist the Commonwealth. He’d already spoken to the Aneev and received their normal taciturn response about not operating outside their borders. The Commonwealth was on its own.

  Still, he had to try, and Syrene Frost Orso was a very pleasant person to converse with, regardless. Especially when compared to many of the career politicians within the Assembly that he now spent so many hours of each day listening to. It was almost impressive how much they loved to hear their own voices, and listen to only their opinions, if it wasn’t so excruciatingly dreary. Syrene Frost, on the other hand, could be very concise, almost abrupt, when in the mood. It delighted him. Unfortunately, as an ex-Edo she would not be welcome in the Commonwealth, even with diplomatic immunity. He could imagine what she would have to say should their conversation stray towards Sord Okarachebe. He would probably agree with whatever she said. Unfortunately he had no control over the judiciary side of government and so had no power to overturn the decision. Even if he wanted to, it would be political suicide to do so since there was a clear majority in support of the decision. He dearly hoped that the Edo would come and rescue their leader.

sp; Carver had briefly considered quitting over the decision, but having considered those that might take his place he had felt obliged to remain and do his best to mitigate this disaster. Hence his current task of contacting each major political group within the galaxy to try and solicit aid against the Skave, Zhur Thoggu and the renewed Dominion, who was possibly working with both of the others.

  With the Aneev having already declined to assist, and the Grazans almost definitely likely to follow suit, things were proceeding exactly as Olsen had hoped. Olsen began to feel the first stirrings of hope.

  The comms projector began to hum and the elegant and beautiful face of the Queen materialized above it. She smiled.

  “Olsen, how lovely to see you,” she said, seemingly pleased to see him. A small shiver raced along his spine. So few people were ever so genuine with him, or happy to be in his company, especially those as arrestingly charismatic as Syrene Frost Orso.

  He smiled back. There were times when being Premier wasn’t so bad. Not so bad, at all.

  Chapter Thirty One

  Nate Shepherd and Danze Carmenco, Channelings in tow, had barely retreated back to the training grounds before the full assault began. Masters Lani Carmenco and Hallowwyrn, along with the Edo Askari Gery Savignsor, Marli Meylo, a blue-skinned female Sorana with beautifully tattooed limbs, and Kia’ora Liv, a diminutive but talented female human, had done their best to corral together a defensible position near the center of the grounds. The majority of it was elevated, giving them excellent visibility over much of the area. The apprentices were stationed near to small groups of Channelings, a second, and last, line of defense.

  Unfortunately they only had the firearms that Danze and Shepherd possessed and so they had been unable to prevent the bounty hunters from assaulting them, especially once the Peledramin Astral-sapping bubble enveloped them, quickly turning the clash into a close-range skirmish. They had had to fall back continuously, losing two apprentices and four Channelings in the process, along with another serious leg injury to Danze, making him dependent on others to move him. He’d passed Nate’s plasma pistol on to the Edo Askari Savignsor, who had taken quickly to the large gun, prioritizing Peledramin crystals wherever he could.

  Nate fought alongside Hallowwyrn, Shepherd firing away with the laser rifle he’d appropriated from one of the earlier bounty hunters he’d fought, whilst Hallowwyrn did her best to defend them both. There were so many bounty hunters. Despite their fierce defense Nate had all but lost hope. It had always been a desperate ploy to mount a static defense but they had been out-played and there had been limited choices. He resolved to take as many of the bounty hunters with him as he could.

  Hallowwyrn croaked and fell to her knees, Astral weapon dematerializing. Nate threw his rifle at a nearby opponent, a Clepenti, whose small-featured face gave nothing away as it ducked under the rifle and tried to shoot Nate, who only just managed to summon his Astral weapon and repel the blast back at the Clepenti, forcing him to duck back into cover.

  Nate glanced down at Hallowwyrn. “Are you ok?” he asked.

  ‘I’ve been better,” she said.

  “Doctor, heal thyself.”

  “Give me chance,” she said, amused despite her pain.

  Nate blocked another shot and then helped her back to her feet. “Let’s get you into some cover, old friend.” She didn’t argue. Then, once she was safely with the Neophyte Oshi Attahmaar, a particularly tall Lafetiri, Nate dashed over to help Lani and Marli Meylo battle against a trio of heavily armored Quazem, their saggy wrinkled faces etched deeper still with concentration. Together, their Astral weapons reflected enough energy bolts to dampen the Quazem’s assault momentarily.

  Lani looked at Nate, fear clearly showing despite her best efforts. “I’m not liking our chances, Nate.”

  “I think a certain Buderimian would say ‘Don’t ever think negative!’”

  Lani’s face went slack in surprise but soon remodeled itself into wonder and delight. “I think you’ll be able to ask the man yourself.”

  “Huh?” Nate turned to look when Lani’s gaze was fixed and yelled in pure joy as the Haggard Tidings roared down through the training ground’s opening, its lower rotating gauss cannon spitting a near constant stream of ferocious high speed rounds towards the bounty hunters. Several of them tumbled away from direct hits.

  “I don’t believe it,” said Lani, still mesmerized by the sight of the famous ship.

  “You’d better get over it, quick,” said Shepherd as he swiped away a bolt that would have hit her directly in her abdomen. “Get everyone ready, we’re about to go on the offensive.” Lani dashed off as Nate clambered up to the center of their defense, just as the Tidings hovered into place, canon still spinning away. Its boarding ramp was already open and from it sprang Michael Silverdell, landing nimbly besides Shepherd.

  “Michael,” cried Nate, quickly grasping the Grand Mushur’s arm. “Are we glad to see you!”

  “Likewise, Nate. I am sorry we are late.” Michael looked solemn, clearly agitated at what he was witnessing.

  “Get us out of this mess and you are forgiven.”

  Michael looked at him and then motioned forwards. “Shall we?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Within his personal chambers Emperor Weststar sat fuming. He took an uncharacteristically savage gulp from his Deniroe Boff liqueur, slamming the shimmering Lanellifan crystal glass down onto his exquisitely carved Svantale-wood side table. Boff sloshed out from the glass over his hand and the table. He barely noticed.


  The Skave Lord had just finished giving Amos his new orders via comms projector - he hadn’t even the respect to give them face to face. Tomorrow, he had been instructed, he must announce that a new era was dawning, where the Dominion would join with the Skave. Amos would announce that Niettha would be his Overlord, with Niettha assuming a new name of Cozan.

  The timing of it couldn’t be worse, not with war having just been officially declared between the Dominion and the Commonwealth. Which, Weststar assumed, was exactly what Niettha wanted. For whatever reason, it was becoming clear that the Skave cared only that the Commonwealth and the Dominion become mired in a full-scale war. Declaring a Skave Dominion would only incite the Commonwealth further. Essentially, Niettha’s plans were detrimental to Weststar’s Dominion.

  He would have to escalate his actions aimed at dealing with Niettha. The bounty hunter Slaven Kan was proving hard to contact, but he would just have to risk Niettha finding out and increase the resources looking for the fabled Edo hunter. Meanwhile, he would continue to increase his personal security and continue with his other plans.

  Tomorrow, he would play the perfect puppet. Niettha would become Overlord Cozan and the Dominion would embrace the Skave. And then, as quickly as he could manage, Niettha would die, and then he could start to reverse the damage caused by the lunatic Skave. Weststar only hope was that he got to witness Niettha’s death personally.

  Michael had decided to gather the Edo back to the training grounds. Nate couldn’t help but think that the decision was more than a little morbid but the blood stained environment certainly helped to focus them all. Nearest sat the Mushers, Danze and Lani, Hallowwyrn and Nate. Danze and Hallowwyrn were in wheelchairs but recovery had already begun, with the Grazans, mortified at how easily the bounty hunter force had evaded their security, providing assistance in every way possible. Beyond them were the Neophytes and the Channelings, sat closely together, unconsciously relying on strength in numbers and for comfort.

  Dressed in his traditional gray combat fatigues, Michael Silverdell looked every part of the aging but vastly experienced Edo Mushur that he was. His face, once so youthful and unblemished, was now marred by scars and wrinkles made deep through years of striving to secure peace for the galaxy. Nate reflected that his own face had suffered similarly. Edo were not able to avoid the aging process, even if they were able to slow it to a greater or lesser degree, depending on
where the Edo’s skills lay. Michael’s eyes, however, retained their vigor, his piercing blue gaze, now permanently aglow, moved confidently from Edo to Edo, assessing or passing on reassurance, whatever he perceived each Edo needed. Besides his immense favoring by the Astrals, Michael’s greatest trait had always been his compassion for others, his need to help. If it hadn’t been for his desire to help the early Commonwealth then Nate could easily imagine a galaxy where the Dominion ruled with an iron grip. It was not a pleasant thought.

  “Friends,” began Silverdell, looking around at those gathered. Slightly away from the group of Edo stood Josh Blake, the only non-Edo to attend the confluence. Douglu and his wife Karan had been invited but had politely declined. Blake’s eyes lingered on his wife, eager to support her or worried about her, Nate couldn’t decide which. Almost completely gray, like Nate, Blake still somehow retained a youthful countenance, appearing ready to leap into action or engage in tomfoolery at a moment’s notice.

  “Yesterday, we lost many good people to bounty hunters hired by the Imperial Dominion, who it seems are now returning to their old ways. It wasn’t long ago that Raichel Ison and her team worked to help save the Imperial Dominion. Though those efforts were ultimately in vain we will not shy away from helping Riccard Brams regain his position. The attack upon us yesterday, though terrible, changes nothing.”

  Michael looked around, finally meeting Nate’s gaze. “Though some of us may feel the need for revenge, or justice, or whatever label you choose to put upon it, we cannot allow those feelings to influence our actions. I don’t need to remind anyone here that those feelings are of the Deep.” Finally, Michael looked away.

  I guess he can read people pretty well, with or without the Astrals, thought Nate. Just the briefest Channeling revealed the underlying brooding that most of the Edo present felt. The slaughter of so many Channelings and Neophytes, along with the death of the heroic Mushur Nenotuul had deeply affected everyone present. The compulsion for revenge was great, difficult even for an Edo Mushur to resist, let alone a Neophyte.


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