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Her Only Son

Page 14

by Shawna Platt

  Kinsey rolled her head and looked at the ceiling. “I trust you. Just get my son back.”

  “I’ll do everything I can to make that happen.” He glanced at his watch. “I’m going to leave for a while, but I’ll be back. Dr. Westcott and the nurses will take good care of you and your son...”

  “Ryker. His name is Ryker.”

  He sighed. “Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone.”

  She didn’t respond.

  “Kinsey, promise me.”

  She simply nodded and he left the room.

  Brice sat in the reception area waiting for the secretary to usher him back. Hakon didn’t seem too happy about agreeing to see him, but then again, he never was. Finally, he was given the clear that he was allowed to enter.

  Brice walked into Hakon’s office and found him seated behind his desk; his fingers interlaced with his hands on his chest.

  Brice almost snorted at the sight. Arrogant bastard.

  “Dr. Rayner, what can I do for you?”

  Without being offered, Brice took a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

  “I need your advice on something.”

  “Of course, you do. You always need advice.”

  Brice tried to ignore the sarcasm in his voice and continued. “Lately, moral has been low with the participants in the program. I’m thinking we need to do something to make them feel secure again.”

  “Why wouldn’t they feel secure? They’re provided with the best of everything. As you know, Operation Vala has a very large budget.” He paused and wiggled his fingers. “I suppose if your participants aren’t feeling secure in the program, you would be responsible for that.”

  Brice decided to test the waters regarding Tessa to see what his knee-jerk reaction would be. “Well, after Tessa Sloane’s miscarriage, people are a little off.”

  The reaction was slight, but it was there: the minor muscle jerk around his mouth, the small change in his pupils. Brice knew this man well, and inside, Hakon was fuming.

  “Yes, I heard about Tessa Sloane’s unfortunate mishap. It was a miscarriage; they happen.”

  “Yes, they do, but Tessa’s involved security and that created quite a commotion. There were rumors she tried to escape and it has people a little unnerved.”

  “Weren’t you informed of what happened? You are the head doctor at the clinic.”

  “No, I wasn’t. Dr. Hartman took over Tessa’s care immediately. I didn’t even have access to her file, so I know nothing.” He paused and tried to read the man’s face again, but he had a strong poker face. “That’s why I’m here. I thought maybe you could shed some light on what Dr. Hartman and security told you, so I can put the participant’s minds at ease.”

  “The participants need to mind their own business and do what they’re there to do, which is make babies. I trust you’ll handle this.”

  “Of course, I just thought I’d ask.” He got up from the chair and headed to the door.

  Hakon’s voice bellowed behind him. “Don’t forget who got you this job. You’re nothing without me. I’m a firm believer in consequences.”

  Brice turned and made eye contact. “I know who I am.”

  Hakon laughed. “Yeah, sure you do; you and everyone else. I tell people who they are, don’t forget it. Now go do your job.”

  Brice walked out with a smirk on his face, knowing exactly what he had to do.

  Dr. Westcott returned to the nursery to find the nurse holding Ryker.

  “He sure is a cute one, isn’t he?”

  Dr. Westcott walked up and rubbed her hand over his head. “Yes, he is, but they all are.”

  “True, but this one is special. He has a glow about him.” The nurse rubbed her finger over his cheek and spoke to the baby. “You’re destined for great things, I can feel it.”

  Dr. Westcott held her hands out. “I’ll take him now. There are some blood tests I still need to run.” She took Ryker from the nurse. “How’s the other baby doing?”

  “He’s doing great. Actually, he’s scheduled for release to the main nursery. I just have to finish the paperwork.”

  “Sounds good. Go ahead and finish up and I’ll have someone come for him.”

  The nurse rubbed Ryker’s head again. “Yep, he’s special all right.”

  After the nurse walked away, Dr. Westcott looked down at the perfect little face. Yes, he is. You have no idea.

  A couple hours later, Dr. Westcott left Ryker in the care of the night nurse and left to visit Kinsey. The other baby had been released to the main nursery, so Ryker was the only baby being cared for, and since there were no other participants in labor, that would make what she had to do easier.

  She walked into Kinsey’s room and found her resting. A nurse was writing some notes in Kinsey’s file.

  “How’s she doing?”

  “Fantastic. She should be ready to be released from the program in a couple days.”

  “Wonderful.” She looked over at Kinsey, who had her eyes locked on the two of them. She turned back to the nurse. “Why don’t you take a break while I perform an exam?”

  “Sounds good, I could use one.” She handed the file to Dr. Westcott and left the room.

  She walked up to Kinsey and held out her hand. Kinsey took it. After a short pause, Dr. Westcott whispered.

  “I’m going to help you escape with Ryker, but you’ll need to do exactly as I say. No variations. Do you understand?”

  Kinsey’s eyes widened and she nodded.

  “My father, Dr. Conrad Westcott, will be here tomorrow night. He’s going to help, but again, you must do everything exactly as you’re told.”

  “I will.”

  “I’m going to arrange for your release from the program tomorrow. Stella will give you a ride to the airport. Everything will appear normal.”

  “But what about Ryker?”

  “That’s where my dad comes in and you’re going to have to trust me. There are security cameras in the hallway by the nursery. You’ll have to come there when I tell you to. They’ll see you enter, but once inside, everything that takes place will be hidden from view.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You will. I’ll explain the rest later, but it’s important security catches you on camera entering the nursery. Soon after, you’ll leave again. All will be recorded, so don’t do anything you’re not told to do.”

  “But they’ll be looking for me.”

  “No, they won’t, but it’s important to the plan. You have to trust me.”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not if you want to get out of here with your son.”

  “You better not screw me over.”

  “Do exactly as you’re told and you’ll get out of here with your son, but know this, Kinsey, once you’re outside the compound walls with him, you’re on your own.”


  “I’ll have everything ready by tomorrow night. I’ll let you know when to come to the nursery.”

  “Do I stay here?”

  “Yes, stay here for now. You’re supposed to be recovering, so all will appear normal. I’ll arrange your early release tomorrow night, so when you leave, no one will question it.”

  “Okay.” She squeezed Sorina’s hand. “Thank you.”

  “You have no idea what’s at stake here.”

  “Oh, I do. My son’s at stake and that makes it all worth it.”

  Sorina sighed and released Kinsey’s hand. “Don’t speak to anyone about this and don’t do anything unless I tell you to.”

  Kinsey nodded and watched Sorina exit the room.

  Brice paced in his living room. He didn’t have a lot of time and he had to act fast. He needed more facts on Kinsey’s claims. He was putting a lot on the line, but if what Kinsey claimed was true, it needed to be stopped. He never had a chance to look at the photos Sorina found in her room, but he knew from the look on her face, the photos did, in fact, exist.

  He pulled up Kinsey’s fil
e on his computer and looked for personal contact information. Her parents and sister were listed, but he didn’t want to concern them. Sheila Hannigan was also listed as a co-worker and friend. Maybe she would be the key to blowing this wide open. There was only one way to find out. He called the airport and booked a flight to Chicago.

  He wanted to call and check on Kinsey before leaving for the airport, but couldn’t risk it, not after his visit with Hakon. He knew she would be there for two days before being released and hoped Sorina would find a way to delay her leaving until they had time to figure out what to do. He had no choice but to leave. He had to get to the bottom of Kinsey’s story and her friend, Sheila, was his only hope. He quickly packed a bag and headed for the airport.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Sheila was concerned over the phone call she’d received from Brice Rayner the night before. He didn’t give her much to go on, just that he was a doctor and needed to talk to her about Kinsey and Operation Vala. She agreed to meet him this morning at a coffee shop by the bank. Kinsey had swore her to secrecy before she left for the program and Sheila was wondering how much she should share with this man who claimed to be a doctor. She’d play her cards close to her chest until she had a chance to feel him out.

  He’d given her a physical description and what he was wearing, so it didn’t take her long to spot him sitting at a table by the window. She approached him cautiously and remained standing. He looked up and smiled.


  Damn, he’s a looker, she thought. “Yes, I’m Sheila. Is Kinsey all right?”

  He nodded. “Yes, she’s fine, but I have a few questions if you don’t mind?” He motioned for her to sit across from him.

  She took a seat and studied him for a moment. “What kind of questions?”

  “I don’t have a lot of time, so I’m going to get right to it. Kinsey has confided in me about some things taking place in the program and I’d like to get your opinion on her state of mind before entering the program.” He paused and watched her face for a reaction. He saw what he needed and continued.

  “Are you aware of any threats made to Kinsey or her family before she left for Nevada?”

  Sheila snorted. “How do I know I can trust you?”

  “Well, you can’t, but if you care about Kinsey, you’ll get over it. I’m on a time crunch here and need to return to the compound as quickly as possible. Please, don’t make this a wasted trip.”

  “Is Kinsey in danger?”

  He contemplated, and decided if he expected her to trust him, he’d have to do the same. “No, not right now, but it’s important I get to the bottom of what’s happening.”

  Sheila sighed. “Okay, look, Kinsey made me swear not to tell a soul about what happened before she left, so don’t make me regret talking to you.”

  “Rest assured, you will not regret it.”

  “Fine. Ask your questions.”

  “Was Kinsey threatened in anyway if she didn’t participate in the program?”

  “Not personally, no. Whoever it was hit below the belt and went after her family.”

  “What exactly did they do?”

  “For starters, someone caused her sister to be hit by a car. It was pretty serious and Brianna was in the hospital for quite some time. They told her if she didn’t change her mind about participating in the program, her parents would be next.”

  Brice leaned against the back of the booth and tried to grasp what Sheila was telling him.

  “Kinsey had to go to her parents, while they were in the hospital with Brianna, and tell them she was leaving for some opportunity in Nevada. She had to leave right away. Her father quit speaking to her after that, accusing her of being selfish and not caring about her sister. What he didn’t understand was that Kinsey was doing it to protect them all.”

  “So she didn’t share anything about the program, or where she was going?”

  “No. Her parents would never believe she would be willing to be a part of something like Operation Vala. Giving up her child?” Sheila laughed. “No way!”

  Kinsey’s words echoed through his head. I’m not leaving without him.

  “So now it’s your turn to answer some questions. What the hell is going on with Kinsey?”

  He took a deep breath. “Kinsey went into early labor and delivered a son last night.” He watched Sheila’s eyes grow wide, but he continued. “She’s made a lot of accusations against the program to me and Dr. Sorina Westcott, and she wants us to help her escape with her son.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me. If she’s determined to escape with him, she’ll find a way.”

  “That’s my concern. She’d be placing herself and Ryker in a lot of danger if she does. I need to try and figure out how to help her without risking their lives.”


  “That’s what she named him.”

  Sheila smiled. “I like it.”

  “Yeah, me, too, but right now I’m more focused on keeping them alive.”

  “Do you truly think they’ll harm her?”

  “She’s under contract with the program to deliver a child, so, yes, if she leaves with him, she’ll be placing herself in a fragile situation. They’ll want the child back. What they’d do with Kinsey, I don’t know for sure.” He thought of Hakon and how he didn’t like to be double-crossed or questioned. “Worse case, she could spend a lot of time locked up in a military prison.”

  Sheila sat back. “Wow. All this shit and she didn’t even want to be a part of it to start with. How fair is that?”

  “It’s not and Kinsey claims most of the women in the program have experienced threats as well; that’s the only reason they’re there.”

  “Doing their time and getting out. That’s what Kinsey said she’d do. She was doing it for her family, but her son is her family, too.” She paused and shook her head. “No, she won’t leave him behind, Brice. If you’re smart, you’ll find a way to help her.”

  “That’s why I’m here talking to you. I had to validate what Kinsey told me, but didn’t want to alarm her parents.”

  “Her parents don’t know the details anyway. She never shared anything with them about the threats. You definitely would have concerned them for they truly believe she’s doing some internship thing somewhere in Nevada.”

  He began gathering his things, like he was suddenly in a hurry to leave. “Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me. I have to get back to Nevada.”

  “You’re welcome. You have my cell phone number and I expect you to keep me posted. I won’t go to her parents yet, but if I don’t hear anything from you within the next couple days, I will.”

  He stood next to the table and stared down at her.

  “I mean it, Brice. Don’t push me on this.”

  He nodded. “You have my word. I’ll keep you posted, but I won’t know anything more until I return. My plane leaves Chicago at 5pm tonight.”

  Dr. Westcott entered Kinsey’s recovery room in the clinic to find her seated in a chair.

  “You’re up and moving. Good.” She pulled a stool over, sat in front of Kinsey, and whispered, “I have everything set up for you to leave this afternoon. You need to come to the nursery at 3pm. The security cameras will see you enter. A short time after, they’ll see you leave again. I’ve arranged for your release from the program and Stella will take you to the airport at 3:30pm.”

  “What about Ryker?”

  “That’s part of why I need you to make an appearance at the nursery. I’ll explain the rest this afternoon. For now, go back to your room and get packed.”

  “What if someone questions me about going to the nursery?”

  “Tell them you have my permission to see your son before you leave. It’ll seem a bit odd, because no one ever does that, but when it comes down to it, it really doesn’t matter at this point.”

  “All right.” Kinsey rose from the chair, grabbed her clothes from the closet, and began changing. “I’ll go pack and meet
you at the nursery at 3pm.”

  Sorina simply nodded and left the room.

  It took a half hour for Kinsey to be released from the clinic, but she was finally on her way back to her room. While walking to the elevators, she ran into Stella.

  “Kinsey! Congratulations! I hear you’re going home today.”

  Kinsey tried to act calm. “Yes, I am. I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Well, that’s great. It’s been so awesome having you here. We’ll all miss you very much.” Stella reached out and hugged her.

  “Thank you,” Kinsey said, mid hug.

  Stella pulled back. “Dr. Westcott told me to meet you out front at 3:30, so I’ll see you then.”

  “Yes, I’ll see you then.”

  Kinsey rushed to the elevators and pushed the button. She couldn’t wait to get packed. She had no idea how she was suppose to get out of here with Ryker in tow, but she was going to have to trust that Sorina knew what she was doing.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Kinsey rushed into her room and started throwing what belongings she brought with her in her bag. She packed what she had in the bathroom and placed the small bag on the bed with the other. She took a deep breath and realized she still had hours to kill until she was suppose to meet Dr. Westcott in the nursery. She began pacing, wondering what she would do in the meantime.

  She brought her bags out to the couch and sat for a minute. Just breathe, Kinsey. This is it. She leaned against the back of the couch and took a few more deep breaths. She had no idea what was going to happen once she arrived at the nursery and that was causing her to panic. How could she formulate a plan when she didn’t know what Dr. Westcott was going to do? She was going to have to fly by the seat of her pants and she didn’t like it one bit, but this was the only way to get Ryker out of here. She’d do what she had to do.

  A little before 3pm, Kinsey grabbed her bags, placed her room card on the kitchen counter, and headed out. She encountered a few hugs and goodbyes as she made her way out of the living quarters.


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