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The Stone of Elsira

Page 9

by Scott Kennedy

  “Okay so this is the type of plant we need. De-root it without damaging the flowers or leaves. The main part we need is the root, but we'll take some of the leaves and flowers with us, as they might prove to be useful.”

  “Right, got it.”

  Muriel and Dahlia harvested six Marshmallow plants and started separating the roots from them. Dahlia set three of her roots aside and stood up to stretch her back, when suddenly, with a cloud of dust, the roots disappeared. Startled, she dashed over to Muriel.

  “My Marshmallow roots have suddenly vanished!”

  “Maybe you left them in...”

  Muriel halted her speech at the sight of a four-foot tall goblin standing in the distance, laughing. It was holding the Marshmallow roots, as if they were a trophy.

  “O ye twain lovely witches, behold! Catch me you shall not. Forget getting back the Marshmallow roots I withhold!”

  The goblin started running. Muriel and Dahlia immediately pursued.

  “Put that down this instant, and I might just forget that anything happened,” Muriel shouted. The goblin ran into a field of tall marsh grass, and became harder to keep up with.

  “All right, that's it! I gave that creature a chance to contemplate on its feeble decision.”

  Muriel reached into her pocket and picked out a pod that contained a paralysing potion.

  She swung her arm at full speed and tossed the pod straight towards the goblin. On impact, the goblin instantly froze and came crashing to the ground.

  Muriel picked the Marshmallow roots from the motionless corpse.

  “How long will it remain paralysed for?” Dahlia asked.

  “Depends on how strong its immune system is. Little bastard deserved it though, if you ask me. It is lucky that I even gave a warning. If you ignore my warnings, you're in for a world of hurt.”

  Dahlia let out an awkward laugh.

  “Best we get back now, before more of them arrive.”

  “I'm with you one-hundred percent.”

  Chapter 19

  The Hunt

  Lord Auberon walked outside the Royal Council's longhouse with his two bodyguards. Within seconds a limousine arrived to pick him up. Any driver that had to pick up Lord Auberon made sure not to waste a nick of his time. He entered the limo with one destination in mind, the residence of Magnus Cordak.

  Upon arrival, Lord Auberon attempted to open the door. Fortunately for Magnus, it was unlocked.


  Upstairs reading a book in his room, Magnus heard the call and jolted downstairs as quickly as he could.

  “My lord.”

  Lord Auberon scowled.

  “It has been two days and you still have not provided me with a remnant sample of your son. Did I not make myself clear the last time we spoke?”

  “You did my lord, but I'm afraid, I haven't been able to find anything of use.”

  “Bullshit. I knew you would play coy with me, so I brought these two men along with me who will search your house and find a sample. So you can kindly take a seat while they search.”

  Magnus thought about protesting, but knew that Lord Auberon was not someone to be defiled. Magnus anxiously took a seat and watched Lord Auberon's men walk up the stairs.

  Lord Auberon took a seat opposite Magnus and stared at him for the next ten minutes.

  The two men returned from upstairs. One of them was holding a comb.

  “My lord, I found this in the subject’s room.”

  “Excellent. We'll be on our way now.”

  Lord Auberon stood up and proceeded to exit Magnus's home. As he reached the door, he turned around and faced Magnus one last time.

  “I sense you're loyalty to me is dimming. Never forget that I have the power to take away everything you have and love.”

  Lord Auberon arrived back in the longhouse and met with his lead scientist.

  “I have the sample of our target. I want the android to track him down and directly bring him back to me alive.”

  “As you wish, my lord.”

  The scientist walked over to a desk and grabbed a remote. He pushed one of the buttons and soon after, all the wires on the android fell off. He then pushed another button and a capsule emerged from the centre of the android's chest area. Neon green light emanated from the opening. The scientist placed a single strand of Zupher's hair into the capsule. As soon as the strand of hair touched the capsule, it submerged back into the android and the single lens of the android lit up.

  “The android is ready to be launched on your call my lord.”

  Lord Auberon menacingly smirked.


  Chapter 20

  Blood Magic

  Zupher arrived back at the sanctuary late in the evening. Upon entering the foyer, he saw no one. He headed to Xenos's quarters and knocked on his door. There was no response. He knocked again, yet there was still no response. Zupher attempted to open the door; it was unlocked. He proceeded to enter, and was shocked at the sight he beheld. Xenos was sitting in the middle of a pentagram made of blood. Around him were multiple glasses filled with blood.

  “Did I not make it clear that I am not to be disturbed in the evenings!” Xenos yelled in rage with his red eye starting to glow. Zupher stood still in dismay. Xenos walked closer to Zupher, and calmed down once he got a better look and recognised him.

  “Zupher, my sincerest apologies. I did not recognise you immediately. I was in the middle of a trance when you came, but no matter, I see you have brought the vampire along with you.”

  Zupher released the enthralment spell on the vampire. It immediately let out a loud groan and attempted to lash out at him. Before it could strike him, Xenos paralysed it.

  “Now, now Zupher, you shan't release an enthralment spell like that! You left yourself vulnerable and left your thrall in a position to harm you.”

  Zupher ignored Xenos and started to make his way outside the room.

  “Wait. Why don't you come and sit with me for a while? You have earned my respect after bringing that vampire back.”

  “No thanks.”

  “I insist.”

  Just before Zupher was about to pass through the door, Xenos slammed it shut with telekinesis.

  “When a Master Mage requests something of you, you are expected to fulfil it. Fortunately for you, I'll let this little incident slide because I like you and I'm impressed with the talents you hold. Please, take a seat.”

  Zupher apprehensively sat down on the chair Xenos indicated.

  “I assume your silence is an signal of fear. What is it?”

  Zupher remained silent.

  “It's the blood, isn't it? I was performing a divination on my own blood. Blood is very powerful, you know. It has the power to do extraordinary things. It can heal like no other potion and it brings whole new aspects to divination.”

  “I think you're hiding something. I mean, why did you react the way you did?”

  “I was busy with the divination, in a deep trance. It takes me a while to get into the proper state to conduct the divination. I specifically told the other mages not to disturb me during these hours today, so that I could successfully finish the divination, without interruption.”

  “Okay, if you say so.”

  Xenos’s red eye started to glow again.

  “You may leave now boy.”

  Zupher proceeded to leave.

  “Oh and Zupher, don't tell anyone about what you saw today. This is a secret ritual of mine and I intend to keep it that way. Every mage has a certain ritual or technique that he values for himself. If I find out that you have spoken about it to someone, I will get you removed from the Arcane Society, just as easily as I got you in. Are we clear?”

  “Sure thing, Xenos.”

  The following morning Zupher went to the foyer and found all of the Arcane Society’s mages standing by the central statue.

  “Zupher, good to see you, please join us,” Archmage Aegeus said.

  The vampire Zup
her had brought with him yesterday was kneeling down before the Archmage. Zupher stood next to Muriel. Archmage Aegeus was standing with Xenos to his right and Freya to his left.

  “I would like to congratulate Zupher on managing to enthral a vampire and successfully bringing it back to the Arcane Society!”

  The rest of the mages applauded.

  “I would also like to congratulate Muriel and Dahlia for completing a personal task of mine. The vulnerability of our less experienced mages has become a concern. A catalyst for psychic awareness and protection will be essential for our apprentices. They harvested Marshmallow Root for this purpose and will have potions ready in the upcoming days.”

  The rest of the mages applauded.

  “I have picked up changes in the aether. The presence and activities of vampires are getting stronger. I fear that if nothing is done, they may discover the location of our sanctuary and attempt to siege it. This vampire was interrogated last night with matters regarding that. It will be destroyed after this assembly. The vampire was reluctant to consciously reveal anything to us, and we found it extremely difficult to extract subconscious information out of it. We did learn, however, that there is a vampire stronghold near the cliffs of Arbek, where they are holding an especially powerful sorcerer captive. I sent Racer to scout their stronghold earlier this morning. He should be back in the next hour or so. We are going to need at least five mages to capture and destroy the stronghold. One mage will stay in the nearby parameter and keep watch. He will also summon backup, if necessary. The other four will infiltrate the stronghold. Due to Zupher's impressive display on his mission yesterday, he will be on the mission list. Muriel, our new skilled Alchemist and Healer, will join him. Racer will be around the nearby parameter, so we have two spots remaining. Who is up for it?"

  Bellona stepped forward.

  “I am.”

  “Excellent, and for our last spot?”

  Oriel stepped forward, only to be dismissed even before he could open his mouth.

  “We need another adept please, this is a serious mission.”

  Earl stepped forward.

  “I'll be glad to offer my skills.”

  “So it is decided. Can the selected team please come over to me. The rest of you are dismissed, thank you.”

  Zupher, Muriel, Bellona and Earl approached the Archmage.

  “With regards to the sorcerer being held captive, I want you to see if you can safely bring him back to our sanctuary. He might prove to be a useful new member.”

  Chapter 21

  The Fall of the Arcane Society

  Zupher, Muriel, Bellona and Earl sat in the lounge and awaited Racer's return.

  The fireplace was on full flame due to it being an unusually cold day.

  “Earl, Bellona, do you know what we are actually getting ourselves into? I mean, I've heard about vampires in movies and folklore, but I'm not sure if what I know is true. The vampire that I brought back yesterday was not exactly what I had expected to encounter,” Zupher said.

  “Do you know about the fall of the three cities of Elsira?” Earl asked.

  “Elsje did tell me a little. What is Elsira?”

  “It is an ancient name for this land. A name that has been forgotten by most.” Earl turned towards the fire, and closed his eyes. “Adlok, Grimlok and Havenridge are the main cities in the land of Elsira. To the west of us lies a land of extreme environments and mythical beasts. To the east of us lies a land of Elves and to the south lies a desert, so colossal that no one knows for sure exactly where it ends. There weren't always vampires in Elsira, or in any other land, that is, until the fall of the three great cities. The cities prior to the fall were wonderful havens. Adlok was a self-sufficient, anarchical city that was especially powerful, and the Arcane Society was originally founded there. Adlok was even nicknamed ‘place of mysteries'. The Arcane Society was also a lot more abundant in those days; it had far more members and had a sanctuary in all three cities.

  “It is said that there was a talented aspirant who sought to become a Master Mage. But no matter what he did, he was unable to gain the approval of the Archmage at that time. The Archmage was displeased with the aspirant’s tendency of using dark arts such as necromancy during his missions and eventually expelled him altogether. The aspirant then started his own order that explored more darker and taboo concepts of magic. Nearly twenty-five percent of the Arcane Society’s mages left to join the aspirant, who had now started calling himself 'Lord Auberon'. After a month of establishment, Lord Auberon's order gained a high amount of influence that had the Archmage concerned. The Archmage then conducted an all-out siege on Lord Auberon and his order, which resulted in his banishment from Adlok and the other cities. No one really knows for sure exactly what happened next, but there are some records that claim Lord Auberon made a pact with an grand infernal spirit. It is said that he was granted strength and power beyond any existing mage, by paying the price of eternally serving the spirit once he dies. What he had become after making the pact was a vampire, and what that means is that from that point on, Lord Auberon would have to keep himself alive, no matter what, to avoid an afterlife of terror and slave-ship at the hands of the spirit. In order to prolong his life, he started attacking villagers, especially the younger kids and drank their blood. He also used it in blood magic rituals. Life is maintained by the aid of a mysterious universal life-force, which is the common property of all creatures, and is especially abundant in young humans. This life-force is contained in blood and is what vampires continue to feed on, in order to prolong their life.”

  “A few other mages in Lord Auberon's order also made similar pacts. He then split his order into three parts. Each part was to head to a certain city with the eventual goal of completely eliminating the Arcane Society. With his new powers from the infernal spirit, Lord Auberon was able to get into Adlok once again, and establish himself without worrying about being discovered. It was during this time that he created the secret society that would later be called 'The Royal Council'. Lord Auberon then joined the Arcane Society once more; this time taking on a new persona. He became the second-in-command Master Mage, and started to secretly reveal his true identity and motives to a few other mages. After a few months, he created an inner circle in his secret society to rule the whole of Elsira. The Archmage was the man of the highest merit and status in Elsira at that time, and Lord Auberon knew he would have to become the Archmage, if he were to progress any further with his plans. The Archmage at that time, then mysteriously died of an unknown cause the same year. Everyone here knows that it was none other than Lord Auberon who was responsible. Being the second-in-command Master Mage, Lord Auberon assumed the position of Archmage. Over the next few weeks Lord Auberon started associating himself with dealings and people outside the Arcane Society. He no longer appeared to be a committed mage, but was now delving into politics and business. After three months in charge, Lord Auberon stepped down as Archmage and over the weeks that followed there were successions of murders, rapes and kidnappings. Lord Auberon, who had now made a name of himself in Adlok due to his previous role of Archmage and political dealings, blamed the Arcane Society and claimed that they were the culprits. He also claimed that during his time, he witnessed mages of the Arcane Society performing terrible rituals and malicious acts, and for those reasons he decided to step down out of his position and leave the Arcane Society out of decency.

  “Lord Auberon had such a strong influence over the people, which resulted in nearly all citizens of Adlok violently protesting against the Arcane Society. Due to the public’s agreement on the newly corrupted disposition of the Arcane Society, Lord Auberon and the Royal Council joined in on the carnage. Many mages were burnt alive and brutally murdered. A small number of Arcane Society mages were able to escape. The ill word regarding the Arcane Society had spread and the sanctuaries of the Arcane Society in Grimlok and Havenridge suffered the same fate. Lord Auberon had created chaos and he used his secret, but now not so
secret society, the Royal Council, to bring order out of chaos. Soon after Lord Auberon gained power over Adlok, the Royal Council in the other cities gradually degenerated their respective political and social systems. The Arcane Society was the pillar of true liberty in the cities... Once Lord Auberon practically destroyed it, his Councils were able to infiltrate them.”

  “So Adlok and the other cities are ruled by vampires?”

  “Only the highest officials are actually vampires. The pact cannot be made by just anyone.”

  Zupher paused to think if Magnus was a vampire.

  'I've never seen him around any blood and surely mom or grandfather would’ve told me,' Zupher thought.

  Racer entered the sanctuary and approached Zupher and the others.

  “So this is the team? Not bad, I must say.”

  “What did you learn?” Bellona asked.

  “It is a brick compound right by the edge of the cliff. It is smaller than I anticipated, I must admit. We are probably going to be dealing with about two or three vampires. The rest of the personage at the stronghold from what I could sense, are not major threats and can be dealt with easily.”

  “When are we going to leave?” Muriel asked.

  “Now, so that we don't have to deal with the vampires during night-time. Their wretched lifestyle pulls them away from Gaia and makes them vulnerable to the sunlight.”

  Zupher and the rest of the team then exited the sanctuary and headed towards the vampire stronghold.

  Chapter 22

  Vampire Cattle

  After travelling for a couple of hours, the team was in range of the stronghold.


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