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The Stone of Elsira

Page 12

by Scott Kennedy

  “No problem dear, excellent. Zupher, I want you to meet me in the general training hall in an hour’s time.” Racer then headed off.

  “What is Lucius going to do now?” Zupher asked.

  “He says that he just wants to live a low-key life for the time being and help Elsje out around the village. Later on, he says he plans to start his own magical school in the village, from where he will focus on training the youths on what he calls, 'genuine arcane arts'. He claims that it will help the village to prosper and increase the overall safety of the village and its citizens.”

  “Still wants nothing to do with the Arcane Society?”

  “Yeah, he is having none of it; says it will ultimately restrict him. He also apparently doesn't trust the way the Arcane Society goes about magic.”

  Zupher stroked his chin. “He doesn't trust the Arcane Society?”

  “Yes, without a doubt, he didn't go into detail, but made it clear.”

  “With regards to the Arcane Society being restricting. How do you feel about that?” Zupher asked.

  “To some degree yes, however, I love how one gets the feeling of being part of a family here. Plus, I have got you by my side, so what else could I ask for.”

  A strike of ecstasy hit Zupher’s heart. He looked deeply into Muriel's eyes and could see her pupils dilating. They then both, with perfect synchronicity, leant in and kissed each other.

  “I couldn't agree more.”

  Zupher affectionately sat with his arm around Muriel's back for the next few minutes.

  “I really do feel that I can trust you, genuinely. And because of this, I want to share something with you; something that I wouldn't dare to tell anyone else.”

  Muriel looked at Zupher in awe. “What is it?”

  “When I got back from my mission where I had to bring over the masquerading vampire, the first thing I did was head over to Xenos's quarters to inform him of my success. I tried knocking, only for no one to answer. I then attempted to enter his quarters and found that he was in the middle of conducting a blood ritual of sorts. It was absolutely gruesome. He had glasses filled with blood throughout the room and the stench was unbearable. His initial reaction was one of extreme hostility, but once he recognised me, he calmed down a little. He clearly saw that I was disturbed and claimed that he was working on divination using benevolent magic. I just didn't buy it though, because of his extreme initial reaction and the very nature of the ritual that he was performing. I got really disturbing vibes.”

  “How did you get out of that scenario?”

  “I just had to passively agree, to his defence. He did threaten to get me expelled from the Arcane Society if I were to tell anyone.”

  “Do you think he's one of them?”

  “Likely, but let’s not jump to conclusions too fast. At least we are both aware. Let’s not spread the word until we can gather further evidence on him.”

  Chapter 26


  Zupher headed into the general training hall for the first time. The hall was in the shape of a square and it had three pillars positioned in the shape of a triangle. The floor of the room was coloured black and the ceiling was coloured white.

  Zupher noticed Racer seated in the centre of the room with Oriel by his side.

  “Zupher! Right on time you are! Please, come sit by us.”

  Zupher started to proceed hesitantly. Throughout the entire time he took to reach Racer in the centre of the room, Oriel had not made eye contact once with him.

  “Take a seat Zupher, next to me.”

  Zupher sat down on the black tiled floor, to the left side of Racer.

  “Now lads, I know there is much discontent between you two. You both need to understand, however, that none of you are responsible for this quarrel. Xenos is the sole mastermind. He has a tendency to create a little chaos with new mages of the society from time to time.”

  Zupher and Oriel remained silent.

  “I have summoned you both on this day to train mutually. Your strong emotions to each other, which are currently negative, ought to be transmuted into positive emotions. The energy that radiates between you two is powerful and destructive. But it will be useless so long as you two continue to direct that energy at each other. We are here today to gain control over that power and instead direct it at our enemies.”

  Racer directed his gaze at Oriel.

  “I know what Zupher saw in your subconscious was deeply personal and sensitive. I can understand where your fear is coming from, however, fear is only going to compromise your magical abilities and jeopardise your health. Rather, choose see what happened as a positive. The key word is choose. The fact that Zupher was able to breach your psyche means that your defences are weak and need work. The breaching on the psyche can lead to much worse things than what happened to you. He brought that concern to your consciousness. The fact is that because of him, you were forced to face your subconscious mind. Your habits, your fears, your secrets, your desires were all exposed to you. You were probably not even consciously aware of half the things that Zupher's spell brought to light. Start using your newfound awareness and put in the work to become a better version of yourself. On top of everything, there's nothing personal to it, he was just fulfilling his admission task. I don't remember yours being so pretty either.”

  Racer stood up.

  “I want you two to now perform a polarisation ritual. Move closer to each other and look each other dead in the eye. I want a deep and concentrated gaze; do not avert it. The purpose of this is to create an aetheric link between you two. I then want you to visualise a pole. This pole represents the nature of your energy and emotion towards each other. As it stands, the lever on the pole is down on the negative side. I want you to change this mental vibration by concentrating on the positive side of the pole. Direct your will and attention to transmuting the negative energy on this pole to positive. Bring that lever up with the power of your will. Remember the energy that is held between you two is powerful, but is of no use to you, and is in fact detrimental if it is not under your control. You must dismiss and transcend any feeling of fear that arises whilst looking at the other person. Prove to me that you are true mages.”

  Zupher and Oriel moved closer and started staring at each other.

  Zupher kept his gaze transfixed on Oriel's grey-blue eyes.

  A minute into the ritual, Zupher noticed veins starting to pulse in Oriel's neck and temple.

  Zupher quickly diverted his gaze back to Oriel's eyes, sensing Racer's prying eyes on him.

  Oriel then started to stare with half-lidded eyes, and clenched his jaw.

  'Damn it! I can't transmute the pole if he is going to be like this,' Zupher thought.

  A few more minutes into the ritual, with Oriel continuing his stare of judgement, Zupher decided to close his eyes. For the next few seconds Zupher built up all the positive thoughts he could on Oriel, and then opened his eyes, wide, with fully dilated pupils, and sent a psychic message directly to him.

  Oriel immediately began to relax, and gradually over the next few minutes began to transmute his pole, alongside Zupher.

  Racer, as if being a psychic observer was aware when the ritual was completed.

  “There you go lads. You now have a psychic connection and are now both more powerful. Energy that was previously working against you is now available to use at your will. Oriel, you are dismissed. Xenos will be waiting for you in the foyer.”

  “Cheers Racer, you have helped me to overcome my fear.”

  Just before Oriel walked out he turned around and smiled at Zupher.

  Racer walked up to Zupher.

  “You are really good on your feet. You have a natural movement muffle. This can be really useful in stealth attacks.”

  Racer unsheathed a dagger from his pocket. It had multiple glyph carvings on the blade.

  “This is an ancient enchanted Elven dagger. Upon striking a target, the dagger's enchantment will silence him for the next thirty
seconds with each strike; he won't be able to speak, or make any noise. The attacks from the razor are also completely muffled.”

  Racer presented the dagger to Zupher.

  “Take it, it's yours now.”

  Zupher took the dagger and looked at it in awe.

  “Now, your dagger is more than capable of killing, however, you will not always want your strike to result in the immediate death of your opponent. Your dagger can prove to be a useful tool to help increase your opponent’s vulnerability to your spells. Death strikes include striking the back of the neck at the base of the skull, striking straight into the neck to the side of the larynx and striking directly between the ribs, aiming for the lungs or the heart. Incapacitating strikes include slashes to the forehead to cause blood to impair vision, pokes to the groin, stabbing or deep slashing of the hand, slashing an exposed wrist or forearm and stabbing the buttocks. You'll soon learn which methods are better suited for you. Now we better go and get some rest for the mission tomorrow.”

  Zupher and Racer walked out of the general training hall and retired into their respective quarters.

  Chapter 27

  The Return

  Zupher woke up early the following morning and had breakfast with his team.

  Soon after breakfast, they headed north towards Adlok.

  After two days of travelling, resting for a night at Muriel's village, the team reached the nearby proximity of Adlok's city walls.

  Earl started rubbing his chin, “There are far less guards out here than I anticipated.”

  “Strange that I also don't see any farmworkers. There were plenty of them when I left. It also seems that they have fully covered up the mining entrance that I used, so we're going to have to enter from the main gate.”

  Each mage on the team then individually activated their respective aura muffle and disguise scrolls and proceeded onwards.

  The main gate to Adlok suddenly started opening. The team quickly dashed behind two harvest carriages. Three guards rushed out, each sweating vigorously.

  “Could they be alerted of our presence?” Oriel asked.

  “I doubt it, we have kept ourselves well out of sight thus far,” Freya said.

  “I'll handle these gentlemen,” Racer said.

  Racer stood up and started to casually walk towards the three guards.

  One of the guards sighted Racer within a matter of seconds.

  All three guards then ran up to him.

  One of them frantically said, “If you want to enter, go ahead. Our business is concluded for good here!” The three guards then sprinted away in the direction of the Great Forest.

  “Well, guys I suppose we're clear,” Racer said, slightly confused noticing how the guards had left the main gate to Adlok wide open. Racer and the rest of the team then proceeded to walk through Adlok's main gate and entered the slums. After ten minutes of traversing through the slums, Zupher had hardly seen anyone on the street. There were large concentrations of smoke and burning objects throughout the street. The team stuck to the shadows of the slums and noticed dozens of Council guard bodies lying motionless throughout.

  “What on Earth is going on here? Is this some sort of apocalypse?” Racer asked.

  “Maybe so, yes. I did learn before I left that the Slum residents were planning a revolution.”

  “Where do we need to go?” Freya asked.

  “My grandfather had a contact that helped me to get out of Adlok. His name is Creek, he owns a trade-shop on the northern border of the Slum district. I'm sure he can lend us a helping hand with regards to getting to the northern coastline.”

  “Great. Let’s move on then,” Freya replied.

  The team headed towards Creek's warehouse gate. The closer they got to the border of the Slum district, the louder the surrounding noise would get; screaming, shouting and explosions.

  Upon arrival, Zupher noticed a small intercom installed by the right end of the gate. He pushed it.

  A few seconds passed, then Creek's receptionist answered.

  “We're shut down! Goodbye.”

  “Wait!” Zupher cried out in urgency. “I need to speak with Creek. It is Zupher, I spoke with you the other day.”

  The other mages were keeping an eye out for onlookers. They were out in the open.

  “Something tells me it isn't a good idea to stay here for too long. Make it quick, Zupher,” Racer said.

  “Okay, I'll see if I can put him on,” the receptionist replied.

  The receptionist cut Zupher off before he could attempt to protest. A minute or two passed, and the intercom started ringing. Zupher rushed to answer.

  “Zupher, back so soon?”

  “Creek, I need you to let us in, please. I'm with six other mages from the Arcane Society.”

  “Six other mages?! If the Royal Council finds out that I made such an affiliation, I'll be ruined.”

  “We all have a disguising and aura muffle enchantment on. The Royal Council will remain oblivious, so long as we don't publicly use our magic, however, we might have no other choice but to do so if you leave us out here.”

  Soon after Zupher finished speaking, Creek opened the gate.

  He met the team within seconds after they entered the warehouse.

  “As you guys have probably gathered, the revolution is on! But until the Royal Council is fully abolished, I don't want to get my business on their bad side. That is why I was a little weary at first with bringing you all in.”

  “How long has Adlok been in arms?” Zupher asked.

  “Since late last night. The rebels massacred nearly all the guards in the slums and then managed to breach a part of the slum wall and enter the Trade District. They're currently fighting to push further into the city.”

  “Do you reckon that it will be a success?”

  “Likely, yes. More Slum residents than we first anticipated have partaken in the revolution, and there are high odds that a large amount of Adlok's denizens will gradually turn to fight with the rebels.”

  “This revolution will distract the Royal Council further from our activities here; divine timing,” Freya said.

  “Perhaps, indeed. So what can I exactly help you with?”

  “We need a means of getting to the northern coastline quick and easy. Do you have any suggestions?”

  “I do have a cargo ship that I occasionally send to the Northern District to deliver merchandise to certain clients of mine. I could smuggle you in, for a price.”

  Racer stepped up to Creek.

  “Will this satisfy you?”

  Racer presented a jade-silver ring to Creek.

  “Crafted in the Elven Kingdom, by elves. We only ask to be transported to the northern coastline and back, when we're done with our business. It’s yours if you agree to our demands.”

  The whole time during Racer's speech, Creek's gaze had not diverted from the ring.


  Racer handed over the ring to Creek.

  “Please follow me.”

  The team followed Creek towards his flash cargo ship. It was large, grey and rectangular shaped.

  “It is not designed to transport passengers, so you might experience a little bit of discomfort. But I'm sure you won’t mind, because it’s going to take no time at all.”

  Creek wove his hand over to the ship.

  “Whenever you're ready.”

  Zupher and the rest of the team, jumped into Creek's cargo ship and moments later it shot off towards the northern coastline. As the cargo ship flew past the central district, Zupher was able to catch a glimpse of his home area. He thought about whether Vesser had been informed about the news of the revolution, and whether that insight would help remove the blindfold of trauma that had been placed over her eyes. Muriel looked over at Zupher, who was leaning his forehead on the window.

  “You all right?”

  “Yeah, just thought of my sister. I hope this revolution will help purify her into the person I once knew.”

I never knew you had a sister!”

  “I don't talk much about her these days; our relationship was dull beyond measure before I left.”

  “How could the revolution change her?”

  “By reigniting her spirit. That indomitable spirit I always looked up to. And her sovereignty.”

  Muriel placed her hand on Zupher's shoulder.

  “She'll be fine, she shares the same blood as you. Maybe she just needs a little time. Here are the two invisibility potions for you, as Racer requested. I'd usually charge a fortune for a potion like this, so use it wisely.”

  The cargo ship speedily flew over the Northern District’s nature reserve and proceeded to land near a gypsy market. The team got out.

  “Northern coastline is about a five minute walk from here.”

  Zupher pointed in the direction towards the coastline.

  “Right. Let's get a move on,” Racer said.

  Once the team reached the coastline, Earl grabbed one of his spell books and started an incantation.

  “What's he summoning?” Oriel asked.

  “A boat lad. You don't expect us to swim to the island now do you?!”

  Bellona and Freya laughed.

  “Yeah, right,” Oriel said, bearing a light blush.

  After a few seconds Earl completed his incantation, and a spectral boat appeared before them.

  “We should all fit, reasonably well in here. Ladies, please make yourselves comfortable.”

  Muriel, Bellona and Freya got on the boat. Earl eyed the rest of the remaining male mages.

  “Now gentlemen, I'm afraid we are going to have to row.”

  “I don't see any paddlers Earl,” Racer said.

  “Damn it! I may have forgotten...”

  Earl pulled out his summoning book and completed the rest of the incantation. Four paddlers then appeared before him. Zupher, Racer, Oriel and Earl got on the boat and proceeded to paddle towards the island.

  Chapter 29

  Temple Ruins


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