The Stone of Elsira

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The Stone of Elsira Page 18

by Scott Kennedy

  “I'm in need of a dagger. I was told this is the go-to place.”

  “Indeed, you were informed well. I have a wide range of daggers on offer. However, judging from your clothing, you appear to be an outsider; which means you're without a doubt here for Elven steel, are you not?” The clerk winked at Racer.


  Racer had a look around and was struck by a particular dagger. He could sense it was enchanted.

  “That dagger there at the top right...” Racer pointed at the dagger. “It is enchanted. Did you know?”

  The clerk stroked his beard.

  “No, had no idea, I'm not so well-versed in magic. No one is Havenridge really is these days. That dagger is one of the oldest pieces I have in this shop. It was even in this shop during the days of my great-grandfather.”

  Racer nodded and asked the clerk to take down the dagger so that he could hold it. As soon as the clerk handed him the dagger, he knew he had to have it. It had an enchantment perfect for an illusionist and its steel was of the finest quality he had ever seen.

  “What do you need for me to have this dagger?” Racer asked, fixated on the dagger.

  “What do you have?”

  Racer reached into his rucksack and pulled out a golden bracelet.

  “My father gave this to me. He said it’s also from the Elven Kingdom.”

  The clerk looked at the bracelet. His eyes lit up.


  Racer looked at Zupher and saw the dagger sheathed on his waist. He smiled and thought about how Zupher had become like a son to him.

  Chapter 39


  The mages found themselves in a vast meadow. Zupher had a look around. The sky and land were especially vivid and the sun was gleaming out, brighter than he had ever experienced in Elsira. Although it was bright, its heat did not bother his skin, and the wind was cool and nourishing. After a few minutes, the mages noticed wild horses roaming nearby.

  “Racer, why don't you go and calm some horses for us. That way we'll be able to reach my mom's village by sundown.

  “Your mother’s village?” Muriel asked, surprised.

  “Indeed. What better place to go?”

  Racer went by the proximity of the horses. He raised both his hands high above his head and started focusing on one of the horses. He followed its every movement carefully. Once it trotted near him he thrusted his hands forward and unleashed a calming spell on it. The horse then slowly made its way to him; he jumped on and calmed three more horses while on horseback. Racer then returned to Zupher, Muriel and Bellona. The horses he calmed were lined up right behind him.

  “Aye mages!” He said, while lighting a cigar. “Hop onto whichever horse you feel drawn to!” Racer's horse was jet-black; Muriel proceeded to hop on a white horse; Bellona a beige horse, and Zupher a brown horse. After an hour on horseback, the mages arrived the village they sought. Just as they entered the proximity of the village, stars started to manifest in the thousands. The moon was in early crescent phase and a luminous star was occulting it, shining perfectly through the moon’s dark side. Zupher looked up at the moon in awe.

  “I have never seen a star so bright; it's even shining through the moon. I didn't even know that was possible.”

  “Yeah, it’s the start of the east, I forgot what the natives call it, but it’s said to be the brightest start in the world. It rarely occults the moon, so maybe that’s an omen we can consider...”

  Bellona, halted her speech at the sight of two local elves who had spotted her. The elves did not react initially. They were just standing still, staring at the mages. Just as Bellona was about to speak to them, they hurried off.

  “Well, they didn't seem to be frightened. Just a little surprised, I suppose,” Bellona said.

  The mages made their way towards Bellona's mother. There were not many elves around. The odd elf that saw them didn't seem to be all too bothered by their appearance. The mages arrived at Bellona's mother’s home. It was now pitch dark.

  “Are you sure this is the right home?” Racer said, looking at the plain wooden house before him.

  “Of course. If there’d be one kind of person I’d be expected to sense accurately, it would be my own family.”

  Bellona knocked on the door. Soon after, it was opened by a grey elf with short black hair. Her ears were pointed sharp at a high angle, and her eyes were sunflower-yellow. She initially set her gaze on Zupher, Muriel and Racer but when her eyes set forth on Bellona, she immediately sprung on her, hugging her tightly.

  “Bellona, darling! You came back!”

  Bellona remained silent, enjoying the feeling of being in her mother’s arms again. While they were hugging, Zupher whispered to Muriel.

  “She sure recognised Bellona rather immediately didn't she? Despite the fact that it’s been decades.”

  “I suppose her energy is unmistakable. Just as her Bellona did not mistake hers.”

  “Mom, how are you?” Bellona asked, soon after her mom released the hug.

  “Well, I'm doing just fine, thanks.” Bellona's mom shot a quick glance at the rest of the mages.

  “Who are your friends?” Bellona's mom asked, with an air of apprehension in her voice.

  “Mages from the Arcane Society. Mom can we please come in, I'll explain everything. We're all just really tired right now. We've been travelling for the past three days.”

  Bellona's mom did not reply for a few seconds. Despite the fact that non-elves had not been sighted in the Elven lands for over forty years and the tension regarding non-elves had cooled down with the Elven guard, there was still an element of risk.

  “Okay, no problem, so long as I get a thorough explanation. She smiled at the rest of the mages and said, “My name is Beira”.

  The mages entered Beira's home and went to sit in her lounge. Bellona then explained her relationship with the Arcane Society and their struggle with Lord Auberon. Before Bellona could explain any more, she noticed Zupher and Muriel had fallen asleep. Racer was sitting dead still, with heavy eyes.

  “I was going to offer them sleeping rolls,” Beira said, glancing at Zupher and Muriel. She looked at Racer. “Do you want a sleeping roll or are you content with the couch?”

  “A sleeping roll would be wonderful, madam. Thank you,” Racer replied, rubbing his eyes.

  Beira retired into her storage room and returned a minute later with two sleeping rolls.

  “Here you go.” Beira handed the first sleeping roll to Racer, then the second one to Bellona.

  “You ought to get some rest. We can talk in the morning.” Beira, walked over to Bellona and kissed her goodnight on the forehead.

  Chapter 40


  Arna opened the door slightly and peeped through. It was clear.

  “Follow me,” Arna said, rushing out. Vesser was eager to know more about this side of her mother she had never seen, but followed her obediently, saving her questions for later.

  They went to their garage door. Arna pressed a remote button to open it, when suddenly at the far end of the street, a group of civilians appeared. They stood still for a few moments, staring straight at Arna and Vesser. Vesser, who initially noticed the group, taped Arna on the back.

  “Looks like we have company.”

  The group was now sprinting towards them. As they got closer, Vesser noticed a white shine in their eyes.

  The garage had now opened, but the group was about to close in on Arna and Vesser.

  “Mom!” Vesser shouted, looking at her mother after having paced a few steps back. “Why aren't you fleeing?”

  Arna remained silent, and reached into her purse. The first enthralled civilian who reached her dived at her. Just before the civilian could grab her, she pulled out a stick and wove it straight at him. With a loud thrust of air, he was flung back ten metres with the entire group. They did not get up and were rendered unconscious by the force.

  “Quick, get in the car, before more arrive,
” Arna said, firmly.

  They hopped in the car and Arna twisted the keys in the ignition. She reversed out in the street and pushed another button to launch the car into the air. Levitating cars could only travel at a maximum height of one-hundred metres in the air, but that was more than high enough to withdraw from the city. They then flew towards the Great Forest.

  “We won't be able to make it very far into the forest, but whatever distance we can do will help.”

  Vesser nodded, remembering that levitating cars could only cover relatively short distances in the air before needing to refuel. She then looked at her mom in awe.

  “What is it I just witnessed you do?”

  “Look, I've got a lot to explain. We'll talk once we land within the forest, I promise.”


  One of Lord Auberon's servants nervously approached his study. As he arrived at the door, the servant felt pulses of energy vibrating from within the study and noticed flashes of light beaming through the gaps of the door.

  He leant in and starting knocking, trying his best not to tremble.

  “Enter,” Lord Auberon said.

  The servant slowly opened the door and found Lord Auberon seated at his desk with the Stone of Elsira before him.

  “What is it you're here for? Make it quick,” Lord Auberon sharply said.

  “My lord, our radars detected a vehicle leaving the parameter of Adlok. The ID of the vehicle registered as the car of Arna Cordak.”

  Lord Auberon shifted his gaze to the servant for the first time.

  “Ah, Arna you say; I shouldn’t have let her leave when she came. I could sense she was hiding something. What can I say though,” Lord Auberon pointed at the Stone. “This has been taking up a large some of my attention.”

  “My lord, should we send out a team to search for her?”

  “No, that would be foolish. The Great Forest isn't called such for arbitrary reasons; plus she is a smart woman who holds, let’s say 'special abilities'. I will deal with her myself, soon enough.”

  The servant stuttered mildly before uttering his next few words.

  “One more thing my lord, there are over fifty captured citizens being held outside the Longhouse.”

  Lord Auberon grabbed the Stone, and smirked.

  “Good. I will be down shortly.”

  Chapter 41


  Zupher awoke on a surface he had never slept on before – a couch. He had a quick look around the lounge and noticed that the rest of the mages were still asleep. He got up and proceeded to leave Beira's home.

  'I'm sure a little walk around town won't hurt. They didn't seem too distraught with our initial appearance.'

  Zupher, upon taking his first few steps outside was hit again by the mystical depth and vividness that the environment had. The air retained its freshness and the elements were ever so nourishing. The village that Beira lived in was a basic village, no too different from Muriel's. It didn't have much technology, and most of the houses were made out of varieties of wood. As Zupher proceeded towards the central area of the village, he began to see more of the local elves about. Most of them were Glaszmer elves, like Beira, but there was the odd Solmer elf around. The grey Glaszmer elves that noticed Zupher roaming the village limits did not seem too phased and went about their business. Zupher noticed that similarly to Muriel's village, there was a tree in the centre. As he was making his way to get a closer look at the tree, he was suddenly intercepted by a Solmer elf. Zupher, who was looking at the nearby stores to his side, collided with him.

  “Oh, apologies sir, I did not see you there,” Zupher said, trying to keep his cool. The elf did not reply for a few moments, during which Zupher observed him. The elf was wearing black robes and held a staff in his right hand. His face was pale-yellow with dark purple eyes and his ears were small and sharply pointed. His long white hair which reached nearly down to his hips, was as white as the clouds.

  “I have not seen a human in these lands for many years.” The elf's voice was deep and penetrating.

  “Save a magic sensitive human.” The elf's eyes were fixed on Zupher's. They were mystical and powerful. Zupher found himself captivated by the elf's gaze.

  “Where is your staff?” The elf asked.

  “My staff?”

  The elf beckoned his staff closer to Zupher. It was carved with multiple glyphs and had an amethyst crystal on its apex.

  “I thought mages in Elshira used staffs?”

  Zupher was a little confused as to how the elf pronounced Elsira.

  “You mean Elsira?”

  “Well, it’s known as 'Elshira' in this part of the world.”


  “Well, why don't we head over to the central tree together. My name is Xarthox by the way.”

  “Zupher is mine,” Zupher said, while walking alongside Xarthox to the tree. “You know, there is a magical tree in Elsira called the 'Aurea Elderwood' that reminds me a lot of this tree. Is this also a magical tree?”

  “Yes. Its wood is used to make staves and wands.”

  Upon arriving at the tree, Xarthox pulled out a sawing knife from his knapsack.

  “This tree is one of the oldest and rarest in the Elven Kingdom. The wood has special magical properties, ideal for talismans.”

  “I was discussing talismans with my master the other day!” Zupher said, excited.

  Xarthox cut a small branch off the tree and started carving and refining the edges of the branch. Soon after he presented the stick to Zupher.

  “This shall be your wand.”

  “What’s the difference between a wand and staff?” Zupher asked.

  “They are both talismans that are used to help the magician amplify and direct his magic. Certain spells can also be imprinted in them. The size difference does not affect the power of the talisman; it’s really just a style preference.”

  After a minute of silence Xarthox said, “You now need to charge your wand.”

  “How would I go about doing that?”

  “Firstly you need to get into a meditative state; your focal point will be your wand. You then need to build up energy to the point that you can no longer hold it in concentrative awareness. Once you reach this climax of energy, you'll release the energy and direct it into the wand using your hands. While you are building up the energy, you must visualise yourself using the wand as if it’s already been charged. You will also manifest strong powerful emotions with regards to your wand. After all, your wand will end up becoming like an additional limb.” Xarthox noticed after speaking that a few of the local elves had given their attention to his conversation with Zupher. He was then silent for a few moments.

  “You'd typically charge your wand yourself, however, circumstances do not ordain that at this moment.”

  “How come?” Zupher asked.

  “Although the Glaszmer are not too bothered by outsiders, we both now seem to have attracted a little too much attention from them. I was just passing by this village to see a friend of mine and am actually heading back to Wyvern Valley today. So tell me,” Xarthox said, while beckoning Zupher to follow him away from the tree, “what exactly brings you here to the Elven Kingdom?”

  “I belong to an order of mages, called the 'Arcane Society'. Our sanctuary was recently sacked and multiple of our mages were killed; all the work of an ancient and powerful vampire known as 'Lord Auberon'. He managed to get his hands on the Stone of Elsira. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of it, but it’s a magical stone that grants its user tremendous magical power.”

  “The Stone of Elshira? Sounds faintly familiar...”

  “Anyway, I came to the Elven Kingdom with the three other surviving mages. One of them is half Elven, and she reckons our best shot at stopping Lord Auberon would be to seek help from the Elven Queen.”

  Xarthox was caught a little off guard by Zupher's last few words.

  “The Elven Queen you say. That is a rather bold ambition.”

you think we'll have a chance?”

  Xarthox thought about how the Elven Queen was at one point anti-human. The real reason for it was only known to her, and there were a couple of theories as to why. The fact of the matter though, is that she suddenly decreed the expulsion of all humans from the Elven Kingdom and cut off all her ties with them, even those for whom she formerly had a high affinity. There was even a rumour that she'd executed thousands of humans in the Elven Kingdom.

  “What is the disposition of this Lord Auberon?”

  “He's an arch vampire, who leads a band of vampires he calls 'The Royal Council'. He is the dictator of Adlok. His corrupted regime also spread to Havenridge and Grimlok.”

  Xarthox gasped, “Ah, that explains a lot. A lich in command of Adlok, who’s corruption reached the confines of Havenridge. That is likely the primary reason why the Elven Queen dismissed all ties with humans. If you tell her that you're seeking to stop someone of such disposition, it might just do the trick to persuade her. It also helps that you're mages.

  “Thanks!” Zupher said, feeling delighted with newfound hope.

  “One more thing,” Xarthox said.

  “Yes?” Zupher replied, humble as ever.

  Xarthox presented Zupher with another wand. It was light-brown and had similar glyphs to that of his staff. “Take it.”

  As soon as Zupher placed his hands on the wand, he felt a vibration pulsate from his hand, straight to his heart. For a few moments the wand caused a rush of air that blew Zupher's hair and robes up. The wand then shortly emanated an indigo glow.

  “This wand belonged to my late apprentice. It will prove to be an invaluable tool assisting you in the many potential forms of tribulation you may face here. When you meet the Elven Queen, make sure to present this wand to her and tell her that I gave it to you. Doing that will furthermore increase your chances of getting through to her. Reason being that I'm a member of a wizard order she is well familiar with. I only ask one favour in return.”


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