The Stone of Elsira

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The Stone of Elsira Page 19

by Scott Kennedy

  “What shall it be?”

  “You must charge that wand I made for you earlier and make use of it, one way or another.”

  Xarthox proceeded to leave, when Zupher uttered from a distance, “Will I see you again?”

  Xarthox paused in his pace and smiled, “I sense you very well may”.

  Chapter 42

  Ice Wraith

  Zupher arrived back at Beira's home and found the mages seated in the lounge with Beira.

  “Good morning,” Zupher said, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the sharp stares he was getting.

  “I woke early and headed for a little walk around the village. I have some interesting news to tell.”

  “Well what news do you have? Maybe it will take the edge off our frustration regarding you wondering the village alone,” Racer said.

  “I bumped into a Solmer wizard, and quite frankly, I mean that literally and figuratively...”

  Zupher was interrupted by a loud grunt from Beira.

  “Did I just hear you say 'Solmer wizard'”?

  “Yes, madam, he was friendly to me. Very curious as to the sudden appearance of a magic sensitive human within the Elven Kingdom. We headed to the central tree in the village and he cut one of its branches off and made me a wand. Unfortunately we could not charge it as our activity near the tree gathered too much attention from the locals. I then told him about the situation regarding Auberon, and that we're seeking help from the Elven Queen. He then revealed that he's a wizard from an order that has close ties with the queen, and that we may in fact have a decent chance at getting around to her. He then gave me the wand of his former apprentice.” Zupher showed his wand to Beira and the mages.

  Beira's jaw dropped at the sight of the wand.

  “That really is a genuine Solmer wand!” Beira said, with her eyes transfixed on the wand's glyphs and markings.

  “I was telling the mages just now before you came that the odds of success seeking help from the Elven Queen would be like flipping a coin. It seems, however, that you have learnt certain things that increase the probability?”

  “Most certainly.”

  For the next few minutes, the mages prepared themselves for the journey that lay ahead. The Elven Queen lives in a castle on top of a small mountain range northeast from Beira's village. The mages soon decided that it would be best to voluntarily turn themselves in to the Elven guard and not try sneaking into the castle. The last thing they needed was to do something that would potentially distraught the Elven Queen's favour towards them.

  The mages said goodbye to Beira one by one. Bellona was the last mage to leave.

  “Bye mother. It was so wonderful to finally see you again after all these years,” Bellona said, with damp eyes.

  Beira learnt forward and hugged Bellona. “Seeing that you've made such a fabulous life for yourself brings me the highest joy. Your father and I were a little worried with regards to how your life would turn out being half Elven.” Beira gave a warm smile to her daughter and said, “Promise me one thing sweetheart.”

  “Yes mom?”

  “When you return to Elshira, tell your father that I love him. Maybe when this whole dispute with Auberon has been sorted out, we can finally reunite as a family.”

  Bellona shed a few tears, which was rare for her, “I'd love that”.

  The mages returned to the meadow plane adjacent the village. The horses that they travelled with the previous day were roaming nearby. Racer said a brief incantation that summoned the horses to them. They then dashed off on horseback towards the Elven castle. After two hours, the vast meadow of the Glaszmer Plane began to slowly end. In the far horizon the mages could see the mountain range of the Elven Queen.

  “These horses really help a lot hey,” Muriel affirmed, nodding her head in contentment.

  “Yeah. They're fairly uncommon in Elsira nowadays. Earl would usually summon spectral horses for us, or we'd make use of scrolls. Fortunately we came across these bad boys today,” Racer replied.

  There was silence for the next few moments among the mages. During this time, Zupher analysed Racer. Something seemed a little off with him. Not as if the signs were explicitly obvious, but Zupher could just sense something was not right.

  “Hey, Racer, everything alright man?”

  “Nothing in particular lad, just feeling a little down.”

  “Feeling a little down aye? What could possibly be phasing super laid-back Racer?”

  Racer moved his horse a little closer to Zupher's. He then beckoned for them to back away a little from the others.

  “I've just been thinking lad; now that I've entered these uncharted lands. My wife...”

  “You have a wife?” Zupher replied, a little surprised.

  “Nineteen years ago, we were leading a normal life in Lakeside Village. I had been a mage at the Arcane Society prior to meeting her, but once I met her, I decided to leave the Society so that we could start a family. One day I woke up and didn’t find her next to me. I then noticed a note on our bedside cupboard from her. She told me that she had to leave to me, and that someday we would reunite. I have been across the entire scope of Elsira, however, and I have never come across her. So I wonder now, if she may as well be within the Elven Kingdom.”

  “Mmm, who knows hey. How did you meet her?”

  “I met her during a mission of mine in Lakeside Village. I couldn't help but initially be drawn to her elegant crimson hair. Once I approached her, I could sense she was magic sensitive. I guess you could say from there it was love at first sight. I later learnt that she was originally from Adlok, but escaped due to its corrupt disposition.”

  “Did she say why she had to leave you?” Zupher asked, feeling strange emotions.

  “Not at all. The letter was very brief, almost as if it was written in a rush.”

  “That’s rather strange, I must say. Since, however, you mentioned she was magic sensitive, maybe she may indeed be within the Elven Kingdom.”

  Racer looked onwards, his left cheek was mildly twitching. “I hope so lad.”

  The mages had exited the Glaszmer Plane and were now travelling on rocky terrain. The mountain range was now close by.

  “I think we should dismount our horses now. They seem to be taking a lot of strain on this surface,” Bellona said.

  The mages proceeded to dismount their horses and make way to the mountain range on foot. Soon after, a thunderstorm started to gradually build up.

  “We ought to look for shelter, this seems like it’s going to be a hell of a storm,” Racer said, while lifting his hand over his eyes, shielding them from dust being blown by gushes of wind. Not too far from the mages, there was a small cave. They all briefly glanced at one another and nodded. They then rushed over to the cave.

  “Hold on guys, let me just quickly have a look here...”

  Bellona walked a few paces ahead of the other mages and pointed her hand forward. A small firebolt then shot out of her hand within the cave, illuminating it.

  “Nothing to worry about, there's nothing within, nor is it very large,” Bellona affirmed.

  The mages sat in a circle within the cave. The storm was not getting any better. Bellona cast a small fire in the middle of the mages.

  “Do you think there will be guards around during a storm like this?”


  It started to hail as thunder struck the nearby parameter. The mages were sitting in silence.

  Zupher was studying his wand. He tapped Racer, who was sitting adjacent to him. “I've been thinking; back in the sanctuary Archmage Sheridan's statue displayed him holding a staff. Why is it that no one in the Society from the time I joined used a staff or a wand?”

  Racer's gaze was directed at the dancing flames before him. “A wand or staff can only be created from special material. Typically, they are made from certain kinds of wood that only grow in the Elven Kingdom. Back in the past, when the Arcane Society had decent ties with the elves, a couple of our mag
es did incorporate wands or staffs into their magic. During my youth, there were two mages who used wands. From what I observed such a talisman is great for enhancing charms and incantations. They taught me a couple of charms as a matter of fact...” Racer directed his gaze at Zupher’s pendant. “Now that you have brought up this subject, you have reminded me that we still need to charge your amulet.”

  Zupher took off the iron pendant Racer had given back in the sanctuary. Racer then picked a loose twig within the cave and gathered a small area of sand.

  “Now I want you to use this twig to engrave the statement, “THIS AMULET PROTECTS ME FROM PSYCHIC ATTACK” in the sand before us.”

  Zupher took the twig from Racer and engraved the words.

  “Now eliminate the spaces, vowels and repeating consonants from the statement.”

  Zupher followed Racer's instructions and engraved, “THSMLPRTCF”.

  “Now combine the letters in any form you desire to create a sigil. The size and direction of each letter can be of whatever nature you desire. When Zupher had completed combining his letters, Racer then directed his gaze at Zupher's wand.

  “Now, fortunately since you have a wand, you can use it to charge the amulet. Place your pendant right above the sigil you've engraved.”

  Zupher did so.

  “Now, while pointing your wand at your pendant, I want you to form a clear picture in your mind of the amulet forming a ward protecting you from a malevolent mental projection. As soon as you visualise the amulet warding you off from the attack, I want you to say the following charm: “Glusad Cosgais Maximum!” Then direct your wand from your pendant to the sigil engraved in sand.

  Zupher held his wand, aimed at his pedant and followed the steps Racer had given him. After he said the charm, magnetic energy pushed out of the wand. Zupher then tilted his wrist, and moved the wand to point at the sigil he engraved in sand. Just as he did this, the pendant was covered in light. Moments later, the light cleared and Zupher saw the sigil now imprinted on the pendant.

  Racer looked at Zupher and gave him a nod of contentment, “Well lad, put it on!”

  Suddenly, Bellona rapidly turned her head, looking backward into the cave.

  “What is it?” Zupher asked, shortly after putting his amulet on.

  “Nothing, just thought I sensed something, rather peculiar.”

  The fire Bellona ignited earlier, suddenly extinguished and there was not much light emanating into the cave; the storm had heavily blocked the sun.

  “Bellona, are you sure this cave isn't deep?” Muriel asked.

  “Yeah, it ends about fifteen metres away from us. Why?”

  As soon as Bellona finished speaking, the temperature in the cave plummeted.

  “Can't you reignite the fire?” Racer asked, shivering.

  A translucent hand then appeared behind Bellona. It was dark and demonic. Bellona could tell by the gobsmacked expressions of the other mages that there was something behind her. She turned her body as rapidly as she could, and thrusted her hands in the direction of what she soon realised was an ice wraith. The ice wraith wove its hand at Bellona, and the fire that was about to pour out of her hands dissipated; an icy aura then started to move up her arm. Bellona fainted. The ice wraith then shot itself through the ground. As it went through, the entire floor and ceiling of the cave froze.

  “What manner of a creature is this?” Zupher asked, in horror.

  “Ice wraiths. I have only read about them in legend. It is said there is only one way to defeat them.”

  Just after Racer spoke, the ice wraith re-emerged from the ground and flew straight into Bellona. Her eyes were still open, and as each second went by, her eyes began to turn more and more blue.

  “We've got to do something. She won't last ten more seconds with that thing in her! Give me that wand!” Racer asserted, shooting a sharp stare at Zupher.

  Zupher handed over the wand to Racer. Racer then immediately pointed the wand at Bellona and shouted the incantation “Dibirt Solais!” a wave of light shot out of the wand into Bellona's mouth. Moments later, the ice wraith was expelled from her body and faded away. Muriel hurried over to Bellona and started administering a healing spell.

  “I don't think the incantation would of have been nearly as powerful if it wasn't for this wand,” Racer said, handing the wand back to Zupher.

  “That creature was devastating. I have never seen something so horrific, not even in my worst nightmares,” Zupher said.

  “Aye lad, it is said they are also fairly rare to encounter. They can never truly be destroyed, only expelled. The incantation I used is one of the only incantations known to expel them. I learnt it from an old library in Lakeside Village, as a matter of fact.”

  Muriel went by Zupher and Racer and said, “I've done what I can to help her, the rest is up to her.”

  The storm had now calmed down. The mages then heard a voice, faintly in the distance.

  “Hello, is anybody there?” The voice uttered.

  Racer motioned toward the top of the cave and peeked out. He noticed an elf wearing especially unique clothing in the nearby proximity. He looked back at the other mages and said, “That must be one of the Elven Guard.” Without waiting for a reply from Muriel or Zupher, Racer dashed out of the cave and started waving his hands in the direction of the Elven guard.

  “Yes, please we need help!”

  The Elven guard proceeded to make his way towards Racer, but soon stopped in his tracks when he got a better view of him. He was momentarily silent, shocked for words at the sight he beheld.

  “You're human?! What on Earth are you doing in the Elven Kingdom?”

  “It’s a wee bit of a story mate. We'd like to consult her majesty personally on the matter,” Racer winked at the Elven guard.

  The Elven guard raised his right arm toward his mouth and started muttering.

  “Right, well we'll escort you personally to the Elven Queen. Who else are you with?”

  Racer beckoned towards the cave, “I've got three friends my good man. One is half Elven.”

  At the sound of Racer's last four words, the Elven guard visibly jumped in shock. He started to take deep breaths.

  “My goodness, I did not expect to encounter a situation like this in the morning!”

  Five minutes later, six more Elven Guard arrived at the scene.

  “Gentlemen, if you may... one of my friends is injured, she's in this cave.”

  Racer and the Elven guard entered the cave and found Zupher and Muriel within. Bellona was still laying on the floor. The captain of the Elven Guard then said, “I'm going to need each one of you to place this rope around your hands.” He then presented four ropes to the mages.

  “What? You’re placing us under arrest?” Racer asked.

  “Protocol of the Elven Queen, and you're humans.”

  Racer grunted and frowned at the Elven captain.

  “Just do it, or you can expect no sort of audience with the Elven Queen whatsoever.”

  The mages proceeded to put on the ropes. As soon as each mage did, it sealed itself around their hands, thus restraining them. The six other Elven guards then positioned themselves in the centre of the mages. The captain reached into his knapsack and pulled out a jar with silver powder. He grabbed some out of the jar and threw it on the floor. The mages and the Elven guards then vanished with an array of sparks.

  Chapter 43


  Vesser and Arna had been traversing the Great Forest for a few hours after abandoning their vehicle. During this time, not many words were exchanged between the two. Vesser was still trying to gauge exactly what was happening. She was now deep within the Great Forest; a place she was told countless times was a place of death. She was now beginning to realise that this so-called death is really just death of illusion. Her mother also was a woman who was hiding some big secrets; secrets that Vesser could no longer stand not knowing.

  “Mom, I think by now surely you can explain a little
about what’s going on?”

  Arna secretly took a deep breath, and replied, “I escaped Adlok once before when I was nineteen years old; after I found out from your grandfather that there were settlements beyond the Great Forest. Unlike Zupher, I left a note to your grandfather and the rest of my family at that time letting them know of my escape. I wandered up in the very village we're heading to now. I was able to settle down there as a waitress in an inn. During those days, elves still paid visits to Elsira, which is what we name the grand scope of this land. One day, and elf approached me and asked if I was interested in learning magic. He said he could sense great latent potential within me, and offered to take me as an apprentice in the Eleven Kingdom, which is east of Elsira. Unlike most of the elves I'd seen in the village, he was a wizard. I agreed to his proposition, as the kind of lifestyle I was then living in the village was getting rather stagnant. For the next five years I lived in the Elven Kingdom as a wizard apprentice. I learnt great magical skill during this time and acquired profound abilities. I left the Elven Kingdom, and thus also retired from my apprenticeship after five years due to the rising prejudice against humans. I returned to Elsira but now to a different village, near a massive lake. It is there that I met your true father. Magnus was not your real father, but I sense you figured that out already.”

  “Unfortunately, after only a few months of being with your real father, I left him during my early phase of pregnancy, not out of choice, but out of necessity. I had been having continuous nightmares regarding your grandfather and my family. Night after night I could no longer ignore the pressing message that your grandfather and the rest of my family at that time desperately needed my help; it was a matter of life or death... I had a choice to make, which was to stay with my true husband and nurse yourself and Zupher outside of Adlok, or to provide the crucial help my family needed. I chose the latter. I could not return to your real father afterwards, however, because the security at Adlok and my disposition in the city became too much of a risk...”


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