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The Stone of Elsira

Page 21

by Scott Kennedy

  Just as Zupher and Racer were about to respond, the matron stepped in-between them and stretched her hands high barely reaching their shoulders.

  “Follow me gentlemen, let’s go have a chat, shall we!”

  Zupher and Racer followed the matron to a vacant table. The captivating charm was in good effect.

  The matron took her seat and beckoned Zupher and Racer to sit.

  “What brings you two here? Humans have only ever ventured as far East as Wyvern's Valley and even so, have not been spotted there for decades.”

  Zupher and Racer looked at each other distraught. Neither the Elven Queen, nor her captain had mentioned that the Gealmer had NEVER actually had a real encounter with humans before. They both hesitated for a few moments. Racer then realised that the charm would only remain effective so long as they kept themselves consciously in conjunction with its effect. Racer gently bumped Zupher on the shoulder, sending him a subtle message to keep his cool.

  “Is everything alright with you guys?” The matron said, leaning over the table.

  “Yes, madam. Sorry; we're just a little overwhelmed to finally meet a scholarly Gealmer!”

  “Aye, yes. A lot of us take literature very seriously. You must have heard of us from books yourself, I presume. It's from books only that we know about humans.”

  “Not quite. We happen to be on a task from the Elven Queen.”

  The expression of the matron immediately changed, “You mean the Solmer Queen?”

  Racer had a brief glance around to see if the rest of the Gealmer in the library were eavesdropping on their conversation. None; they still had time left on the charm.

  “Yes, even though she oddly bears little to no resemblance to the Solmer... she sent us here to fulfil a task, in order to prove ourselves to her; as we need her help.

  The matron did not reply for a few seconds, but rather shot a deep gaze into Zupher and Racer's eyes. During this time, Racer reached out for Zupher's wand. Zupher was initially caught off guard, until Racer looked over at him and winked. Upon noticing Racer's wink, the matron raised her eyebrow.

  “The disposition of you two turned out to be far from what I expected. The Solmer queen is...”

  As the matron was proceeding with her words, Racer whispered a charm while pointing the wand at the matron from under the table. She noticed the whisper and halted her speech.

  “Sorry? Are you trying to say something?”

  Racer uttered the last word of the charm and then asserted, “No worries madam, it was nothing.”

  The matron remained silent. Racer slipped the wand back onto Zupher's lap. “We seek a person who goes by 'Rubeus Vox'; you wouldn't happen to know of this man would you?”

  The matron rubbed her eyes and rotated her neck, “Um, sorry, could you please come again?”

  “Rubeus Vox,” Racer said, staring deep into the matron's eyes.

  “Vox? It's odd of you to ask of him. He's the head of a rather notorious guild.”

  “Tell us more,” Racer asserted.

  The matron stood up and headed toward one of the bookshelves. After a minute she returned with a dusty tome and opened it.

  “According to this encyclopaedia, Vox's guild goes back nearly a thousand years. It was once a lot more influential, but then went underground after certain internal disputes. Consequently the way our kind viewed this guild also changed; they are viewed by many today as nothing but a thieves guild.”

  “Does it say how one could go about to find this guild?”

  “No,” the matron said, while closing the tome. “However, I have heard rumours that they meet at the Carbolene Casino certain nights an hour before midnight.”

  The matron then revealed the location of the casino and the mages were off.

  Chapter 46


  Vesser and Arna were approaching Cross-River village and were walking among its lush exterior meadow. Vesser's fatigue almost fully diminished after entering the meadow. All the open space, natural flair and animals around them brought her feelings she would have never thought possible.

  “Ah, there she stands; the Aurea Elderwood tree. Seems like it hasn't changed a lick since I was last here.”

  Upon reaching a small field close to the village centre, Vesser and Arna noticed a young man with blonde hair standing before a small group. Before each person among the group lay small cauldrons.

  “Let’s go introduce ourselves.”

  They proceeded to approach the young man; and upon reaching his close proximity he turned to look at them after pausing his lesson.

  He looked at them with a sharp gaze. His eyes were a mystical light green. “Greetings ladies, I've never seen you two around here before.”

  “We're refugees, if you will,” Arna said. “From the city of Adlok.”

  “Adlok you say? Well why don't you meet me at the local apothecary shop in a few minutes. Let me just finish up here with my lesson.”

  Vesser and Arna nodded and headed to the Aurea Elderwood.

  “It’s said that this tree unlocks magical powers in certain people. I tried to meditate on it myself but didn't get much out of it.”

  Vesser had her eyes fixed on the tree.

  “You know, maybe you should give it a try. They say the tree may potentially exalt anyone. You wouldn't know if it could be you unless you try.

  Vesser walked up to the Aurea Elderwood and sat down before it. She then looked back at her mother and asked, “What exactly do I do?”

  “Place your left hand on its trunk and centre yourself with deep breaths. If the tree has a liking to you; you’ll then receive a unique sensation from it. You must keep your concentration fixed on whatever the tree begins to reveal to you.

  Vesser took five deep breaths, making sure the air reached the bottom of her diaphragm and reached her left hand out and placed it on the soft bark of the Aurea Elderwood. She was then instantly plunged into utter darkness. Gradually light started gleaming and shapes began to form. After a minute, Vesser gauged that she was envisioning a mountain range; although the textures and composition of the environment were dreamlike. She moved forward entirely in first person, as though psychically observing the environment. Four persons soon came to her line of sight; upon closer analyses, Vesser realised one of the persons was Zupher. She didn't know exactly how, as most of his face was concealed, but she could just feel it. She then tried calling out to him, but realised that in this state she was merely an observer. As she edged forth closer to him, she felt herself being restrained more and more. At a certain point Vesser felt as if she was being pulled back from him. After a few more deep breaths, focusing fully on her visualisation and getting over fearful emotions, Vesser tried again to reach out to Zupher. She made it closer this time and noticed an orange glow within his chest. Vesser took one last breath and mustered up all her will from within and pushed herself as close as possible to Zupher. As she got within three feet of him, he turned around and the light within his chest expanded until it covered the entire scope of Vesser's vision. Vesser then closed her eyes and reopened them thirty seconds later to see her mother looking down at her in awe.

  “Wow, you really seemed to have gotten deep into it. What did you experience?”

  “I was transported to a mountain range of sorts. Not in a body but more like I was travelling with my mind. I then saw Zupher among three other persons. It took quite a substantial amount of effort to reach out to him, but once I did, he seemed to sense my presence. As soon as that happened though, the visualisation ended with my vision being engulfed in light.”

  Arna briefly looked up at the magical tree, in astonishment. She then looked back down at Vesser with moist eyes and reached out her hand to help Vesser up.

  “You're a clairvoyant.”


  “Yes. Meaning you possess the ability to see places afar and directly tap into the future. The Aurea Elderwood Tree helped you awaken the latent potential within your subconsci

  Vesser remained silent, and directed her gaze to the magical tree before her.

  Lucius then reappeared before them, “Aye ladies, I was just on my way to the apothecary, yet I noticed you're enjoying the impressive sight of our legendary Aurea Elderwood!”

  “Indeed, yet not merely just enjoying the sight,” Arna replied.

  “Oh really?” Lucius said, bearing a curious look.

  “My daughter here was able to work with it.”

  Lucius's jaw dropped. “Okay, now I really want to talk with you guys. Come, let’s head over to the apothecary. Her shop is just a few blocks down from here.”

  Vesser, Arna and Lucius headed towards the apothecary shop, which was Elje's now revamped hut, from which she primarily provided alchemical supplies to Lucius's students. Upon arrival, Lucius opened the door and beckoned Vesser and Arna to enter. The first half of Elsje's hut, where the fireplace used to be, was now strictly a shop. She had extended her hut from the other end. Vesser and Arna found Elsje standing by a counter.

  “Good day ladies. Anything in particular you're looking for?” Elsje said, smiling.

  As Lucius made his way in, Elsje dropped her customer hospitality aroma.

  “Lucius, these ladies are with you?”

  “I have recently met them. They say they're from Adlok and one of them has been able to work with the Aurea Elderwood,” Lucius said, while pointing at Vesser.

  Elsje directed her gaze at Vesser and stared deeply at her with narrowed eyes.

  “You have a relation to Zupher, don't you?”

  “Yes. I am his twin sister.”

  “I am his mother,” Arna added.

  Elsje unlocked her counter door. “Please come through.”

  Vesser and Arna made their way to Elje's living room, soon followed by Lucius. Once they sat down, Elsje went to her kitchen and returned with a pot of tea. “This is a herbal brew with pineapple sage. It’s quite flavoursome,” Elsje said, smiling.

  “Thank you,” Arna said, while taking her cup and plate.

  Elsje looked over at Vesser. “Would you like some dear?”


  Elsje then gave Lucius his tea and placed the pot in the central table. After taking a sip of tea herself, she said, “You know, Zupher also worked with the Aurea Elderwood.”

  “I'm not all too surprised,” Arna said. “I figured this was likely the first village he'd come across; and from what I heard, twins of the opposite sex would almost always both be able to work with it.”

  “Right you are. There are four documented cases of such an occurrence. So what did you learn from the tree?” Elsje said, looking at Vesser.

  “I learnt that I'm clairvoyant.”

  “Is that so?” Elsje walked over to one of her shelves and browsed the potions it contained. After a few moments she picked out a potion and returned to Vesser. “Typically the Aurea Elderwood only shows you a glimmer of the potential your ability holds, once it initially unlocks it from your subconscious. It’s up to you to make use of that ability and cultivate it further for yourself from that point onwards. This potion I have here will act as a catalyst for your visions and will assist you with concentrating. Since you two have made a rather sudden appearance here, I sense we need to find out what is going on with Zupher.”

  Elsje handed the potion over to Vesser.

  “How much do I ingest?”

  “All of it.”

  Vesser drank the potion, closed her eyes and meditated on Zupher. She then induced force in her head; directed at the area of her mid-frontal brain. Her mind was then launched into the aether. Soon after, an environment started to manifest before her. Vesser found herself in a chamber full of strange trinkets and anomalies. At the far end of the chamber she saw a large table; on the wall before it was a giant red ruby. There were multiple men seated at the table. One of them had a shroud wrapped around his shoulders, appearing as a scarf. Vesser scanned around the proximity of the chamber, but did not notice Zupher at all; despite the fact she could sense his presence. She edged closer to gauge what the men at the table were discussing.

  “We're being tracked,” one of the men said.

  “Yes, I was informed about two men, clear outlanders. One was in a leather jacket. The other in rather peculiar navy robes. They were only together for a short while. Thereafter, it was only the man in the leather jacket acting suspiciously.”

  “What manner of outlanders?” another man asked.


  There were a few light gasps. Silence then proceeded.

  The man with the shroud grinned. “If we happen to be at the verge of being breached, then I gladly invite that. Any person who manages to do such a thing deserves our special attention.

  Vesser's visualisation then ended. After a few moments she opened her eyes and shot a glance at everyone else. “I think Zupher may be in trouble.”

  “What did you see?” Elsje asked.

  “Some sort of chamber that seemed to be hoarding a lot of expensive things. I did not see Zupher, however, I am certain of his presence there, somehow. There were a couple of men seated at the table and I believe they were discussing Zupher and one of his accomplices breaching their chamber.”

  Lucius leant forward from his seat, “I suppose this calls for a good time to contact my sister.”

  “How so?” Elsje asked, confused.

  Lucius presented his hand for the others to observe. “The last time I saw Muriel she gave me this ring. It has been specially enchanted to allow us to communicate no matter how far apart we may be.”

  Lucius placed his right thumb on the garnet jewel and called out in his mind, “Muriel.”

  For about a minute he did not hear back from Muriel.

  Just as he began to think the ring was ineffective, he heard a faint sound in his psyche, “Brother?”

  Lucius was just about able to make out the word. There appeared to be strong winds howling in the background.

  “I'd just like to ask what’s happening with you right now? Is everything alright?”

  “Believe it or not, I am currently deep within the Elven Kingdom!” The clarity of Muriel's words began to improve. “We came here after our sanctuary was sacked by Lord Auberon and the Royal Council vampires. Our goal is to attain the aid of the Elven Queen in order to stop this vampire menace. I am with Zupher, Racer and Bellona; the only survivors of the sacking. At this moment we are on a mission to gain the Elven Queen's trust.”

  Lucius did not answer immediately. He was silenced momentarily by shock.

  “My goodness Muriel. Are you alright though?”

  “Yes, thankfully... Look I can't talk any more the team is now regrouping. I'll see if I can contact you later on.”

  Vesser, Arna and Elsje had their eyes fixed on Lucius. As soon as he opened his eyes from using the ring, Vesser immediately asked, “So what did you learn?”

  “They're in the bloody Elven Kingdom!” Lucius then told them the rest of what he'd heard.

  “My word. Pity we're not really in a good position to help them,” Elsje said.

  “The Arcane Society, of course,” Arna uttered.

  For the next few minutes Vesser, Arna, Elsje and Lucius finished their tea and chatted casually among themselves. They were eager to divert from the seriousness of the situation at hand.

  Once Arna finished her tea, she placed her cup and plate on the central table. “Thank you so much for having us and revealing all that you have. Having spent time here in the not so distant past, I know of a place where I can stay. I'll be sure to keep in touch.”

  As Arna proceeded to stand up, Elsje asserted, “No, no, no dear. There is no need for that. I have a spare room with two beds, and you and your daughter are more than welcome to stay here.

  Chapter 47

  Rubeus Vox

  Zupher and Racer returned to the spot where they had last spoken to Bellona and Muriel. After a few seconds of scanning the nearby area, they saw a small ca
mpfire of sorts next to a warehouse. Bellona and Muriel knew that the male mages were approaching, but did not look at them upon approach. Only once they reached the heat of the fire, did Bellona slowly turn her head towards them.

  “Back, finally. Didn't merely scout the area did you?” Bellona said.

  “Aye, we came across a place that induced great curiosity...”

  Bellona looked at Muriel and sighed.

  “So I've got some good news and some bad news,” Racer said.

  The female mages had a feeling what the bad news was.

  “The good news is that we have the name of our target and know where to find him. The bad news is that it’s a mission only fit for the liking of Zupher and I.”

  “I knew it,” Bellona shrugged.

  “Zupher will perform a charm on you both, ensuring that you have no issues with the locals. This means that you can at least seek refuge in an inn or something like that until we return.”

  Muriel stood up and went by Zupher. She then whispered into his ear, “If anything goes wrong, you know how to contact me.”

  “Well, you ought to at least direct us to an inn or whatever,” Bellona said, while standing up.

  The mages made their way into the central area of the settlement. Racer pointed at an inn. “Now before you two make your way there, let Zupher work a captivating charm on you.”

  Zupher worked the charm on the female mages and they made their way toward the inn.

  “You know lad, I reckon we handled that situation pretty well. Usually women are more difficult to get by in such a situation. I suppose the captivating charm we used on ourselves earlier is still in effect,” Racer winked at Zupher. They then turned toward the casino, which was the most noticeable attraction in the settlement.


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