Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3) Page 24

by J. L. Perry

  Mason sighs again. “I know,” he says in a disappointed tone. “Always having to wait for you when I really, really want you, is going to eventually kill me you know.” He makes me laugh.

  “What time will you be home tonight?” he asks with a hopeful smile this time.

  “I’m not sure, probably around 11:00 p.m. I have a private pole dancing lesson with a new student tonight at 10:00 p.m. after my usual classes finish, so as soon as I’m finished there I will come straight home.”

  Mason nuzzles his face into my neck. “Fuck, don’t mention those pole dancing classes right now,” he groans. “Thinking of you on that pole while I’m waiting for you to come home is going to be torture.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say with a cheeky smile. “If it makes you feel better, I promise to give you a private showing one day.” That immediately makes him smile.

  “I am going to hold you to that, gorgeous. You better be wearing something skimpy and sexy, when you do it.” I giggle and slap his arm, just as Blake comes back into the room.

  A few minutes later we are all sitting down eating, when Blake suddenly asks Mason, “Does Jazzi have cooties?” I wasn’t expecting him to say that, so I immediately start to choke on the food that’s in my mouth.

  “Blake!” Mason says in an angry tone. I reach out and put my hand on Mason’s leg and squeeze it. Poor Blake’s eyes are wide, I don’t think his father has ever raised his voice at him before. Mason looks over at me. I manage to give him a smile between the coughing fit I’m still having. I know Blake didn’t mean anything by it, he probably doesn’t even know what cooties are. It’s actually kind of funny. If I wasn’t coughing up a lung right now, I’d probably be laughing.

  “Why would you ask that?” Mason finally says to Blake, while gently patting my back as I continue to cough.

  “One of my friends at school told me all girls have cooties,” he replies. “What are cooties?” The poor little thing looks like he is about to cry. I had a feeling he didn’t know what they were, if he did, he probably wouldn’t have asked Mason in front of me.

  My coughing fit has now stopped, so I’m able to answer him before Mason does. He still looks kind of pissed at what Blake asked and I would hate for Mason to upset him anymore then he already is.

  “Cooties are girl germs,” I say to Blake as I reach over and grab hold of his hand. “All boys your age think that. In a few years you and your friends will realise that girls don’t have germs, so don’t worry about it.”

  “I’m sorry Jazzi,” he says as he puts his head down. I gently squeeze his hand to reassure him that it’s okay.

  “When I was your age, I thought all the boys at my school had cooties too.”

  “Really?” he asks as he looks up at me.

  “Yes, really. So don’t be upset, you didn’t hurt my feelings okay?” A sweet little smile graces his face.

  “Okay Jazzi.” I give his hand one more squeeze before I let go.

  “Good boy.”

  When I look over at Mason he’s smiling at me. “I love you,” he mouths, which makes me blush. He then looks over at Blake and smiles. Blake smiles back.

  “I’m sorry dad for asking if Jazzi has germs, I didn’t know that’s what cooties meant.”

  Mason reaches over the table and ruffles his hair. “That’s okay buddy.”

  Thankfully the rest of the dinner goes by without incident. After we have finished eating and cleaned up, it’s time for me to leave. The boys are heading over to Bridge, but Mason assures me that he’ll be back well before me.

  “Are you sure that you’re going to be okay coming home so late on your own?” he asks. It’s sweet that he is concerned. I assure him that Brooke, or more likely Logan, has security working at the studio in the evenings, and they will make sure I get to my car safely. The studio is in a pretty safe area, but I know how overprotective Logan is when it comes to Brooke. Personally, I’m kind of glad for the security.


  The night goes by quickly. I barely have time to even think about Mason. I’m really enjoying the teaching side of dancing but I’m also busting to find a job as a child psychologist. As much as I love dancing, helping kids is definitely what I want to do with my life. The small amount of work I’ve done with Blake is so rewarding. That is going to be my mission tomorrow. Even if I have to start knocking on doors, I’ll even volunteer my services for free for now, if I have too.

  After my regular classes finish, I find my new student waiting for me in the foyer. She is probably my age or maybe a bit older, and very beautiful. She has long dark hair and huge boobs that are out there on display for the world to see. Her top is no bigger than a bra with sleeves. I’m not judging her though, if she is comfortable like that, I certainly don’t have a problem with it.

  Personally, even though my boobs are huge too, I hate drawing attention to myself. The only time mine have ever really been on display, was the first night I went home with Mason, and that’s only because Cassie dressed me in that slutty dress.

  She introduces herself as Mandy. She seems really sweet. Up close I notice she is wearing a lot of makeup and fake eyelashes. She has the most beautiful green eyes.

  As we both walk towards the studio, I ask her if she has ever done pole dancing before. When she tells me that she is actually a stripper at a high-end strip club named Leather and Lace, the clothes and makeup suddenly make sense. She also tells me that her stripper name is Candy—how original. Like I said before though, her persona is sweet so the name Candy suits her. It does rhyme with Mandy I guess.

  “I’ve only been stripping for a few months. I really like what I do, but the competition is pretty high where I work. That’s why I decided to take private lessons outside the club to help improve my chances of getting more stage time. The private teacher we have there is pretty good, but she also has her favourites. All the good routines go to those girls. I was hoping you could teach me something that would knock my boss’ socks off.” We both giggle at her last comment.

  I’ve been working on a really sexy routine that would be perfect for her. Well, maybe it’s not stripper sexy, but I can always sex it up a bit as we go. I love challenges like this, so I’m looking forward to it.

  Mandy’s pretty good at working the pole and she really loves the routine when I show it to her. The music I have probably won’t work for a strip club though. After the lesson, we leave the studio and walk to our cars. We both decide to do some brainstorming to come up with a sexier song that will fit the routine.

  Before I get into my car, Mandy hugs me and tells me again how impressed she is with the routine, adding how happy she is to be working with me. Coming from a professional stripper, I take that as a huge compliment.

  We decide to exchange phone numbers, so we can text our song choices to each other.




  It seems like weeks since I’ve been to Bridge, when in fact it’s only been days. Before Blake, and now Jacinta, when I wasn’t working my day job, I was here. As much as I love this place, those two have to take preference now. Thankfully, I have great people that run the place perfectly when I can’t. Some of the volunteers have been working here longer than I have.

  I set Blake up in my office on the X-Box, while I help out a bit and sit and chat with some of our regulars. We have a variety of people come through here. Some have been coming for years, but we always have new faces as well. It’s mainly individuals, but occasionally we get whole families come in, which is hard to see. Luckily, we have a lot of great connections and can help find them temporary, and sometimes permanent housing. Anything to help keep their kids off the streets.

  I love interacting with everybody. There are some real characters that come in. Some are lonely and like the company that we offer, others are down on their luck and happy to get a free meal. We even get a few crazies from time to time, we never discriminate, everybody is welcome. We always have security on hand just i
n case. There is never a dull moment at Bridge I can assure you.

  By the time we finally get back to the apartment it is after 9:00 p.m. Blake has school in the morning, so I bathe him and put him to bed straight away. He wants to wait up for Jacinta to come home but, it’s a school night, so he’ll have to wait until morning to see her.

  Once he is asleep I shower and switch on the television in the family room. I’m tired but I want to wait up for Jacinta. I hate the thought of her being out so late on her own, even though she assures me that she’ll be okay. I’m going to look into buying a car. Of course I’ll keep my bike, but now that there’s three of us, there’ll be times that we need a car so we can go out as a family.

  Fuck, a family!

  A year ago the thought would have been laughable. Things change I guess. People change, I certainly have. Right now in this moment, I want nothing more than to be a family with Jacinta and Blake. When I think back to the carefree, playboy life I’d been living before they came along, I definitely would’ve said I was happy. Now though, I know better. What I have with the two of them is so much more rewarding. They both mean the world to me. I wouldn’t go back to my old life for anything.

  I’m awoken a little later by someone raining tiny kisses all over my face. When I open my eyes, my beautiful angel is looking down at me with a big smile on her face.

  God I love her…so fucking much.

  “Hey,” I say as I return the smile. “I must have fallen asleep.” I reach up and pull her down on top of me. It makes her laugh. Her laugh, just like Blake’s, is like music to my ears.

  “How did your lessons go?” I ask as I nuzzle my face into her neck. I love the way she smells.

  “They went well.” She pulls her head up to look at me. I’ll never tire of looking at her beautiful face. “But, I’m happy to be home,” she adds. Wow, home. I love that she referred to being here with me as home. I wish this was her home. I’d like nothing more than to have her live here with us permanently but, I know it’s too soon for that. Well, too soon for her anyway. I’d love to ask her to move in, but I know it’ll freak her out.

  One fucking day she’s going to move in with me. I’ll make sure of it. Now I finally have her, I’m never letting her go.

  “My private pole dance lesson was actually with a real life stripper,” she says. Fuck, the mention of that damn pole has me instantly hard. The fact that she is good enough to teach an actual stripper turns me on even more. I’m fucking dying to see her work that thing. I’ve been to many a strip club in my time, even fucked a few strippers, but that’s in the past. The only person I want to see on one of those things now is my girl.

  Jesus, just thinking about it is making my cock ache. Tomorrow I’m going to make a few calls and have one of those fuckers installed in the spare room. That way I can have a private show whenever I want one. I’ll have to install a lock on the door so Blake doesn’t see it. My boy is too young to be exposed to that shit, thankfully I’m not.

  “Fuck,” I groan as I flip her over and manoeuvre myself on top of her. All this talk of strippers and fucking poles has me aching to be inside her.

  There’s so much I want to say to her but, the time I waste talking, means the longer I have to wait to have her. There’ll be plenty of time for talking later.

  I push myself up off the lounge, scoop her up and head for the bedroom. Right now, I need her more than I need fucking air. I’m going to spend the next few hours worshiping every inch of her heavenly body.



  When I wake in the morning I’m feeling a little overworked and tender between the legs. Surprisingly though, I actually love this feeling. It reminds me that I’m alive and living my life for once. Sleeping beside Mason every night is something I could really get used too. Not that we do much sleeping but I’m okay with that.

  He’s an exceptional lover. Well he’s the only one I’ve had, I don’t really have anything to compare him to. Cassie has told me some real horror stories over the years from some of her many sexual encounters. Mason is nothing like any of them.

  He makes my body feel amazing and knows exactly how to please me—which is something he does often. Last night I lost count of the amount of orgasms I had. Honestly, I don’t think anyone could compare to him. I don’t want to compare him anyway.

  He’s all I ever want and need.

  My time staying here is drawing near. As much as I am missing my brother and my bestie, I know I’m going to be sad when it’s time to go back to my apartment. I’m not ready for the huge commitment that comes with moving in with someone. I hope one day I will be. That’s if we even last that long. We’re definitely off to a good start but, only time will tell if we have what it takes to make this relationship last.

  I am going to enjoy the few days we have left together and let our future, whether it be together or apart, write its own story. I’m hoping it will be together but, what is meant to be will be I suppose.

  The boys are both getting ready, while I clean up from breakfast. I’m still amazed by how comfortable I feel staying here. They’ve both made me feel so welcome. I get the impression that they’re as happy to have me here, as I am to be here.

  By the time they both make their way into the kitchen, dressed and looking handsome, I’ve washed up and made their lunches.

  “I don’t expect you to cook and make our lunch while you’re staying here, babe.”

  “I don’t mind. I like looking after you both.” This makes him smile. He leans over and brushes his lips against mine.

  “God, I love you,” he whispers. I do really like looking after them. I’ve always had a mothering nature, it probably stems back to all the times I had to care for my mum when I was little. Caring for others gives me pleasure, especially the ones I love. There’s no doubt that I love these two. Honestly, I can’t believe how fast they have both wormed their way into my heart.

  After I put Blake’s lunch into his backpack, I squat down to help him put it on his back. “Have a great day at school little man,” I say as I affectionately rub my hand down his arm.

  “Thanks Jazzi, I will,” he replies with a smile.

  “Can I kiss you goodbye on the cheek? Or are you worried I might give you my cooties?” I add with a giggle as I tickle him under his arms.

  His little body squirms as he laughs. He pushes his cheek out for me to kiss.

  “You don’t have cooties Jazzi.” He is so damn sweet.

  After I kiss his cheek, I whisper, “I love you,” in his ear. Blake throws his arms around my neck and squeezes me tight.

  “I love you too Jazzi.” I really have to fight back the tears that threaten to spill. I know it’s not the first time he has told me he loves me but, hearing him say it really tugs at my heartstrings.

  It still astounds me how his mum could have treated him so bad. He’s the sweetest little boy. She has issues, so her actions towards Blake had nothing to do with his behaviour. Just like my father I guess. My mother and I never gave him any trouble but, he was still an arsehole and treated us terribly.

  When Blake finally let’s go, Mason helps me stand from my squatting position. “My turn now buddy,” he says. “Why don’t you go and press the button to bring up the elevator, while I say goodbye to Jacinta?”

  “Okay dad,” he replies as he walks towards the front door. “See you this afternoon Jazzi,” he calls over his shoulder.

  “Bye sweetie.” Mason pulls me into his arms before Blake reaches the door.

  “Fuck, why is it so hard to leave you?” he groans. “I wish I could take you to work with me, but then I wouldn’t get anything done.”

  “Absence makes the heart grow fonder, haven’t you heard?”

  “Oh, my heart is plenty fond enough when it comes to you sweetheart,” he says as his lips meet mine. His kisses never disappoint, and as tender as I am down below, I already feel like dragging him back into the bedroom. Who knew I would turn into a sex maniac?

  But damn, I am.

  Whenever I’m around Mason, if we are not already doing the ‘nasty’, as Cass calls it, I’m thinking about doing it. He only has to give me one of his sexy as hell, dimply smiles and I’m all wet and ready.

  Mason’s hands slide down from around my waist as he deepens the kiss. He cups my arse before giving it a gentle squeeze. He growls into my mouth and pushes his erection against my stomach. “Fuck, after all that action last night you’d think my dick would be worn out. See what you do to me babe?”

  Before I get a chance to respond we hear Blake call out, “Dad the elevator is here.” Mason sighs as he pulls out of the kiss.

  “Shit, I got to go,” he says with disappointment. “Good luck with the job hunting today. If you’re out and about around lunch time, call me and I’ll meet you somewhere.” He moves his hands up to cup my face and brushes his lips against mine. “I love you Red.”

  “I love you too.” My response makes him smile.

  Mason picks up his briefcase and I walk with him towards the door. He stops and brushes my hair back off my face and places a gentle kiss on my forehead.

  “Bye,” he breathes, as he looks at me lovingly with his beautiful chocolate eyes that I love so much.

  “Bye.” I smile.

  “I’ll call you later,” he adds as he walks away. I lean out the door and give Blake a wave before he steps into the elevator.

  I gather what I need from Mason’s place and head down to my apartment. Today I’m going job hunting. I still haven’t found any advertisements for any positions in my field. So, I’m taking the initiative by dropping my résumé off at all the child psychology clinics in the area. It can’t hurt.

  At least if I can introduce myself and leave my résumé, it’s a start I guess. I’m also willing to do a few hours of pro-bono work if I get desperate enough. As long as I get the chance to help a child, I’ll be happy. Money’s not really an issue, but honestly, I hate the way my father pays for everything. I know he doesn’t mind but I’m twenty-one years old, its time I stood on my own two feet.


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