Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3) Page 26

by J. L. Perry

  He continues his delicious assault as his thumb comes up to rub my clit. Within minutes he has me coming undone. When he removes his fingers they go straight into his mouth as he sucks them dry. “Fuck, I love the way you taste.”

  When he’s done he reaches over pulling my head in for a crushing kiss. “I’ll never tire of watching you come. You have no idea what it does to me.” I slide my hand over to rub the bulge in his pants. “I have a fair idea,” I giggle.

  Eventually we pull away from each other. We’re both breathless. We smile at one another and then start laughing. It’s really quite ridiculous how desperate we are for each other. I can’t believe we just did that in broad daylight outside his building.

  Mason reaches across before he gets out of the car and brushes some hair that has come loose off my face. “I can’t wait to have you tonight,” he whispers. He makes me smile. I can’t wait either.

  I lean forward and brush my lips against his. “I look forward to it,” I whisper against his mouth. Mason groans before saying. “Why is it so hard for me to leave you?”

  He begrudgingly gets out of the car. “Bye beautiful,” he says.

  “Bye.” I smile. I sit in the car and watch him walk inside the building. He turns and waves before going inside. I miss him already. How silly is that? I’m going to see him again in a few hours. Why does that seem like a lifetime away?

  I arrive at Blake’s school a little later. I’m early so I have to wait outside his classroom. I stand there on my own. Everybody else seems to have their own little groups of friends. Most don’t seem to notice I’m standing here, there’s a few who are eyeing me up and down though. Just like the last few times I’ve been here. Stuck up bitches. I feel like flipping them the bird.

  I don’t know what their problem is. I’ve done nothing to them. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with Mason because even Blake’s teacher is bitchy to me. They can look at me however they want. I’m not fussed. At the end of the day I get to go to bed with him, not them.

  Blake hugs me when he comes out. I love seeing his little face light up when I see him. Instead of heading home I decide to take him for an ice-cream.

  While he’s eating I wander around the shops. I really don’t want to get that ice-cream throughout the interior of my car.

  I’m surprised when I run into Jenny. The nice lady I met earlier today when I dropped off my résumé. She stops to have a chat outside the toy store. Blake lets go of my hand and walks over to the shop window. He’s only a few metres away from me. As I talk to Jenny I keep looking over at him to make sure he doesn’t wander off.

  “I gave your résumé to my boss before I left,” she says. “He seemed impressed and said he is going to call you in for an interview.”

  “Really?” I reply with a smile. “That’s fantastic.” I couldn’t be happier. Sure it may be just an interview but it’s a start. Out of all the places I went to today that one was definitely my favourite.

  “If you get the job it will only be two days a week. His wife usually works those two days but she’s taken some time off.”

  “I’m okay with that. I have another job anyway, working three nights a week at a dance studio. I’ll be grateful for some hands on experience.” Jenny smiles at me. Before she has a chance to reply I hear Blake scream, “Jazzi help me!”

  I look over to where he was standing a few minutes ago and he’s gone. The ice-cream he was eating is now lying on the floor. My heart drops into the pit of my stomach when I turn around to see him being dragged away by some crazy lady.

  What the fuck!

  “Hey,” I yell out as I kick off my heels, drop my purse and start running towards them. They are only about 20 metres away from me so it doesn’t take me long to catch up. Blake’s struggling and putting up a bit of fight so it’s slowing them down somewhat.

  When I get close enough, I don’t think twice as I lunge forward and tackle this psycho bitch to the ground.

  Thankfully on our way down she lets go of Blake so he doesn’t fall with us. We both land on the ground with a thud. Luckily, I land on top of her so she brakes my fall somewhat. She immediately starts to struggle with me. I have so much adrenaline running through me right now, that I’m actually surprised by the amount of strength I have.

  There is no way I’m letting this bitch get away!

  She reaches up and grabs hold of a chunk of my hair, pulling hard. It hurts like a motherfucker but my father used to do this to me often, so over time I have built up a resistance to the pain. If she thinks that’s going to make me let her go she’s seriously mistaken.

  “Get the fuck off me you crazy bitch,” she yells.

  She has the hide to call me crazy!

  “I’ll get off you when the police arrive,” is all I say. She’s still putting up a pretty good fight, but I’ve got this. She’s messed with the wrong girl. You want to try and hurt my little boy, then watch out.

  “What are the police going to do? You’re the one who assaulted me.” Is she for fucking real?

  “You tried to kidnap my boy you stupid bitch.” When I say that she laughs. Sure, Blake’s not really my boy. In my eyes he is. I love him like he’s my own. I’d do anything…and I mean anything, for that little guy.

  “He is my fucking son you stupid fucking lunatic,” she practically spits in my face. At first is doesn’t register, then it hits me full force. This crazy fucker is Blake’s biological mother. The anger and rage that suddenly shoots through my body, surprises me. I’ve never wanted to hurt somebody so much in my life. Well maybe my father, this is definitely a close second.

  Before I know it I’ve clenched my fist and pulled back my hand. It doesn’t even register what I’m about to do until my fist pounds into her face. I have never physically hurt anyone before but, god that felt good. That’s for everything you did to my little man, bitch! When I think about everything this poor excuse of a mother put her son through, I feel like doing it again. I don’t.

  She lets go of my hair and is holding her nose as blood gushes out. There’s no way I’m getting off and risk her getting away. While she’s preoccupied with her more than likely broken nose, I have a chance to look over at Blake.

  God love Jenny. She has him wrapped in her arms. My shoes and handbag are laying at her feet. He’s extremely pale and trembling. My heart hurts for him.

  “Are you okay little man?” I ask softly as I reach one of my hands out towards him. He instantly grabs hold of it as the tears start to fall. That causes mine to as well. I just want to hold him and make this all go away. Things were going so well for him. Now I’m worried that this is going to set him back.

  Security shows up and I’m able to get off Blake’s mother. The first thing I do is open my arms to him and he quickly closes the distance between us. He starts to sob when I wrap my arms around his tiny body. I want to break down too, but I don’t. I need to keep it together for him. I don’t want to freak him out anymore than he already is. All I can do for now is hold him tight and reassure him that he is safe and everything is going to be okay.

  I’m totally oblivious to the crowd that has surrounded us. I do overhear someone say to security, “That lady tried to kidnap her son.”

  “He’s my fucking son,” she snaps as they pull her up off the ground. One of the guards radio’s through to someone to call the police, the other one tries to disburse the crowd. He then turns to me.

  “You’re both going to have to come with us.”

  Jenny picks up my shoes and hands them to me. “I’m coming too. I’m a witness.” I smile at her.

  “You don’t need to do that,” I reply.

  “I want to. I need to make sure you’re both going to be alright.” She reaches out her hand and rubs my arm. I knew the moment I met her earlier today, that she was a nice lady. I’m grateful that she’s coming with us. This incident has probably blown my chances as far as the new job’s concerned but, I’ll worry about that later.

  I reach down
to pick up my bag, Jenny beats me to it. “I’ll carry it,” she says. “You look after that precious little boy of yours.” I don’t tell her that he is not my boy. I smile at her, gratefully, instead. She’ll find out about this whole sordid mess once the police arrive.

  The security guard ushers us all into a room at the end of a long corridor. Blake’s still clinging to me. The poor thing is probably traumatised. Once we’re all seated he climbs onto my lap. His mother is glaring at us both, so he buries his little face into my chest.

  “Is it possible to put us in a separate room?” I ask. Being in here with her is the last thing Blake needs.

  “Sure,” says one of the guards. “You three stay in here, you come with me.” He grabs Blake’s mother by the arm and pulls her up off the chair. She’s covering her bleeding nose with some paper towel one of the guards gave her. There’s blood all over her clothes. I check mine. She is a drug addict from what I’ve been told by Mason. If she shares needles with others, who know what diseases she might have.

  Shit. Mason!

  In all the confusion I totally forgot about him. He is going to want to know about what just happened. I hope he isn’t going to be angry with me.

  I don’t want to let go of Blake, so I ask Jenny if she can pass me my phone, which is in my bag. When I reach out to grab it I notice my hand is trembling. It’s also extremely swollen and red. Shit!

  I’m so worked up and worried about Blake that I hadn’t realised I was hurt. When I try to close my hand around the phone, pain shoots up my arm. I hope it isn’t broken.

  Jenny obviously notices as well and asks one of the guards for some ice. “Thank you,” I whisper to her as tears threaten to come. I manage to hold them in, I’m pretty good at that. When I was a little girl my dad would get angry if I cried so, over time I learnt how to keep them at bay. Well, most of the time anyway.

  I move the phone over to my left hand so I can call Mason. He doesn’t answer. I dial again. Shit my hand hurts. It’s funny how I didn’t feel it until I noticed my knuckles were swollen. When he doesn’t answer the second time I decide to send him a text.

  Call me ASAP. I need to talk to you urgently.

  I don’t want to say anything in the text about what happened. I’d rather tell him. He’s not going to be happy about this. At all.

  The guard comes back with an ice pack and Jenny moves her chair over beside mine, gently grabbing hold of my hand. “You’re going to need to get this seen to. It looks like it might be broken.” Great! That’s all I need. I look over at her, smiling weakly.

  “Thank you for staying with me,” I whisper. I feel like crying. I’m so grateful that she is here with me.

  “You’re welcome honey,” is all she says. I can tell by the look on her face that she feels sorry for me.

  “That lady is Blake’s biological mother,” I say. I feel like I need to explain everything to her. “She is a heavy drug user and signed over all her rights to him. His father, my boyfriend, has full custody of him.” She just nods her head.

  “You don’t need to explain anything to me. I’m just glad you’re both okay.” My eyes fill with tears at her kindness. I’m glad Blake’s face is still buried in my chest, so he doesn’t see them. Jenny reaches for my left hand and gives it a sympathetic squeeze.

  “We’ll talk later,” she mouths as she nods down at Blake.

  “Thank you,” I mouth back.

  The police arrive a little later and take mine and Jenny’s statements. They advise me that they need to talk to Mason in regards to the whole custody thing. I tell the officer he isn’t answering his phone but I give him his phone number and address.

  I hope I get to explain all of this to him first. He’s going to freak out if the police get to him before I do. The paramedics arrive not long after. Once I’ve finished giving my statement they check over my hand and make sure Blake isn’t injured. He advises me to go with them to the hospital but I decline. I’ll go and see a doctor later. Right now I just want to get Blake home where he’s going to feel safe.

  Jenny walks us both to my car. I can’t thank her enough for being here with me. She gives me a huge hug and we exchange phones numbers. She says she’ll call me later tonight. I thank her once more for everything before I drive off.

  Driving with one hand is hard but, I don’t really have a choice. I need to get Blake out of here. He’s stopped shaking but still looks upset. I reach my hand behind the seat and he grabs hold of it. I look in the revision mirror and give him a small smile. “How are you doing little man?” I ask. He shrugs his shoulders. “You know you are safe now right? Your mum will probably go to prison for a little while for what she did today. Your dad will make sure she doesn’t come near you again.”

  Tears start to fall down his face again. I pull over to the side of the road. My heart is breaking for him. Again, I’m struggling not to break down. I quickly remove my seatbelt and climb into the back seat beside him.

  I wrap him in my arms and he starts to sob. “Thank you for saving me Jazzi,” he cries. Oh shit! The dam’s about to break. A few tears escape but I manage to hold it together. Barely.

  I don’t know how long we sit like this, it’s a while. When Blake finally calms down, I ask him if he’ll be okay until we get home. It’s only another 5 minute drive. He nods.

  As soon as we are back in the apartment I sit on the lounge and pull him into my arms. He isn’t crying anymore which is good. We talk for over half an hour about what happened today. When we are done and I’m satisfied for now, that he is okay, I run him a bath. I’ll talk to him again about this later tonight or tomorrow. For now, I think he’s had enough. It’s been a traumatic day for both of us.

  I walk with him into the bathroom and get all his bath toys ready. I get down on my knees so I can give him one more hug before he undresses. I tell him how much I love him.

  “I love you too Jazzi,” he says in his sweet little voice.

  “Why don’t you get undressed and hop in the bath? I’ll go into your room and get you some cleans clothes, then I’ll come back and wash your hair okay?”

  “Okay Jazzi,” he says with a small smile. He leans over and kisses my cheek. I love him so much. I pray he’s going to be okay after what happened today.

  After I’ve gotten his clothes ready and washed his hair, I leave him in the bath to play for a while. He seems happy enough talking with his toys and just being adorable.

  I go back into the kitchen to retrieve my phone. I call Mason again. This time he picks up straight away.

  “Hey beautiful. I’m missing you,” he says.

  “Hi.” Before I get a chance to say anything else he cuts me off.

  “I’ll be leaving in few minutes so make sure you’re both ready to go out for dinner when I get home.”

  “Listen Mason. I need to tell you something. There was an incident today at the shops.”

  “What do you mean by incident?” he asks.

  “Blake’s mother was there and she tried to take him.”

  “Fucking what!” he screams. “I’ll be home in a few minutes.” He hangs up. Shit! Why do I have a bad feeling that this conversation is not going to go well?

  Mason’s work is at least a 15 minute drive from here and this time of day he’ll definitely get traffic. I get Blake out of the bath and dressed while I wait.

  I set him up in his room with his X-Box. I need some time to talk to Mason alone before he sees Blake. I don’t want him to say or do anything that will upset him again. The way Mason was on the phone tells me he’s going to be in a state when he gets home.

  I sit in the room with Blake for another 5 minutes before asking him if he’ll be okay on his own. He nods and smiles before turning back to his game.

  I’m highly strung from the events earlier so decide to pour myself a glass of wine to try and help take the edge off. I down the first one pretty fast. Just as I’m pouring my second glass the front door flies open. I was right. He is in a state. The panicke
d look on his face says it all.

  The first thing he says is, “Where’s Blake?” I put down the bottle of wine I’m holding. My right hand is still swollen. It looks like it is getting worse. I need to sort out this situation out first, before I even think about going to get an X-ray.

  I walk towards Mason. “Blake’s in his room.” He tries to push past me to go to him, I grab his arm. He can’t go in there like this.

  “He is okay,” I say. “You need to calm down before you go in there.” He looks down at me. The pained look on his face breaks my heart. I know how much he loves his son, this would be hard for him. Barrelling into his room like this is not going to help.

  He exhales. As hard as this is for him, I know he knows I’m right. I wrap my arms around him because I really need one of his hugs right now. I’m sure he needs one too.

  “What the fuck happened?” he breathes as he engulfs me in his arms. As I go to speak, all the emotions I’ve been bottling up this afternoon finally find their way to the surface. Instead of the words I want to say, a horrible sound escapes me as I start to cry…I mean really cry. One of those ugly ones. The enormity of what happened today finally hits me. Full…fucking…force!

  “Fuck babe,” Mason says as his hold on me tightens. I think he is shocked by my outburst. I really didn’t want to lose it like this in front of him. I tried so hard to be the strong one for Blake. Now that Mason’s here I can let all that go. He’ll make all this right again. I know he will.

  He holds me and strokes my hair while I cry. I can feel his body is still trembling. For his sake I try to pull myself together. I need to tell him what happened. Not knowing is probably messing with his head.

  I don’t know how long it takes me to stop crying…it’s a while. I eventually manage to speak. Mason’s still holding me. The side of my face is resting against his chest. His heart is beating so fast. His body stiffens as I relay the event of today. He lets go of me and starts to pace. I continue to talk. His pacing is starting to make me nervous. When I get to the part about Blake calling out and me giving chase, he stops pacing.


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