Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3) Page 29

by J. L. Perry

  “I know,” I reply. “The way she cowered when I put my fist through the wall broke my heart. It was like she thought I was going to hit her. I’d never hurt her like that. My father was a lot like Jacinta’s, so I could never do anything like that to her. I don’t usually have a bad temper. I was just worried about my son. When Jacinta tried to run from me, I lost it.”

  Brooke puts her arms around me. “It will all work out,” she says, trying to reassure me. “Like I said, just give her time. You’re the first person she’s ever let get close to her. You just need to reassure her that you’d never hurt her like that. I can see how much you care about her. She needs someone like you in her life.”

  Brooke’s arms are still around me when we hear Logan clear his throat. We both look over in his direction. He is glaring at me.

  “He’s upset, Logan.” Brooke snaps. “Stop being such a caveman.” Her comment makes me chuckle. I suppose I’d feel the same if it was Jacinta with her arms around another man.

  Brooke gets up off the floor and makes her way over to Logan. He puts his arms around her possessively, kissing her hair. “What did the police say?” she asks as she snuggles into him. As soon as she says that the first thing that comes to my mind is Connor. Fuck, Connor! I totally forgot about him.

  He is going to freak out if someone from the department contacts him. I pull out the phone and try to call him. It goes straight to voicemail.




  I was right. It was safe to go with Abby. She’s been wonderful. When we first arrived at the hospital she wanted to stay with me. Of course I wouldn’t let her. She’d already done so much for me. Plus, I know what hospitals are like. More than likely I’d be sitting here all night waiting to see a doctor.

  She left, but surprised me when she came back a few hours later. She said she wanted to make sure I got home safely. God love her. She even brought me back a sandwich and a bottle of water. Food was the last thing I wanted but I ate it. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

  The doctor took an X-ray of my hand, and yes, it’s broken. I’m with him now getting plaster put on it. I have to come back in a few days once the swelling goes down so they can replaster it, obviously it will be loose by then.

  It still hurts but they’ve given me something for the pain so it’s not as bad. I guess I won’t be teaching dance for a while. I feel bad letting Brooke down.

  It’s after 1:00 a.m. by the time we leave the hospital. I feel terrible that I’ve taken up so much of Abby’s time. She really is a sweetheart. I still don’t know what I am going to do. At least I don’t have long to wait until daylight comes. I can probably use one of my neighbour’s phones to call a locksmith to get back into my apartment.

  As we are leaving the hospital, Abby asks me where I am going to go. “I’ll go back to my apartment and wait until morning,” I answer.

  “Why don’t you come back to my place? You can crash on the couch.”

  “That’s really sweet of you to offer by I think I’ll just head home.”

  We pull up at my apartment building and I give Abby a hug. “Thank you for everything you did for me tonight. I really appreciate all the kindness you have shown me.”

  She smiles at me. “You’re welcome. When I saw you sitting in the park crying earlier, I felt bad for you. I hope everything works out.”

  I thank her again before reaching for the doorhandle. “Hey before you go, let me write my phone number down. Just in case you need me for anything.”

  After she pulls out an old docket from her handbag, she scribbles her number down. I give her one more hug and thank her again before I get out of the car. She sits there and waits for me to enter the building before driving off. I still can’t believe a stranger would go out of her way like that for me. At least I have her number so I can call her and thank her properly once I finally get my stuff back from Mason’s.

  I step into the elevator and press the number for my floor. I’m going to feel funny sitting out in the corridor. It’s a lot safer than sitting in the street I suppose.

  I step out of the elevator and walk towards my apartment. When I see the door slightly ajar my heart drops into the pit of my stomach. I’m totally exhausted from everything that’s happened over the last ten hours. But, now the adrenaline is pumping through me, my body has pepped me up. Is it Mason waiting in there for me or worse, a burglar?

  Shit, I wish I had my phone with me so I could call someone. I hesitantly creep up towards the door. When I peek through the opening relief washes over me when I see Logan standing there holding Brooke in his arms. I have no idea why they’re here but I’m grateful I can get into my apartment and go to sleep in my bed, I’m beat.

  As soon as I step through the door their heads turn towards me. “Jaz,” Brooke squeals as she lets go of Logan and rushes towards me. She wraps me in her arms and starts to cry. “I’ve been so worried about you,” she sobs. “We’ve been searching for you for hours.”




  I’ve tried to call Connor at least ten times and it’s still going to voicemail. I’m puzzled. He was expecting me to call him as soon as I found Jacinta. Why isn’t he answering his phone? That’s not like him. He’s so overprotective when it comes to Red. I’m surprised he’s not blowing up my phone, it’s been hours since we last spoke.

  As the seconds pass the desperation I feel grows. I’m going out of my fucking mind. My hopes are fading fast. I can hear Brooke and Logan talking but whatever they’re saying isn’t registering. My head is in my hands again as I fight to keep it together.

  Brooke suddenly screams out, I jump. When I look up and see my girl standing there, safe and sound, I have a hard time holding back the tears as relief floods through me.

  Brooke wraps Red in her arms and breaks down. That’s when I notice the plaster on her hand. Fuck. My heart drops. Why was I such an arsehole earlier? I should’ve been looking after her. Just like she looked after my boy.

  I’m hesitant to go to her. I’m not sure if she wants me near her. Fuck it. I need to hold her. My eyes move up from her plastered arm to her beautiful face. That’s when I notice she’s staring at me. She looks tired and sad. Again, my heart breaks for the way I treated her.



  I’m shocked by Brooke’s reaction. I don’t even understand why she is so upset. My eyes scan the room and that’s when I see Mason. He is staring at my hand. The pained look on his face makes my heart hurt.

  Even though what he did earlier scared me, it hasn’t diminished the love I carry for him. Seeing the look on his face makes me want to go to him. Comfort him. But, I can’t do that. Not after everything that happened.

  I thought after all the tears I’ve shed today the well would be dry. Wrong. Knowing that what we had is over has tears rising to the surface again.

  How am I ever going to be able to live without him and his love?

  He gets up off the lounge and doesn’t take his eyes off me once. Within a few long strides he is across the room and pulling me into his arms. I love it when he holds me like this. “Thank fuck you’re okay,” he breathes into my hair as his grip on me tightens. He sounds like he is on the verge of crying too. I can hear it in his voice. His body is trembling as he holds me.

  “I’m so sorry for losing my temper before babe,” he whispers. A sob escapes me when he says that. I know I shouldn’t let him hold me like this but, if this is the last time I’m ever going to be in his arms I’m going to savour it. Imprint this feeling into my memory forever. I love the way he feels, and smells. I love everything about him. Well except his temper. I don’t like that.

  Instead of pushing him away like I should, I wrap my arms around his waist and hold him tight as I break down. The whole time I cry, Mason gently strokes my hair. He whispers over and over, “I’m sorry…I’m so sorry.” We stay like this for what feels like an eternity.

  Eventually the spell is broken when Brooke says, “We are going to get going Jaz, and leave you both alone. I’m so glad you are okay. Call me in the morning so we can talk.”

  I reluctantly let go of Mason and dry my eyes with my good hand. I hug Brooke and apologise for all the worry I caused her. I don’t want her to leave just yet. I don’t want to be left alone with Mason.

  Not because I think he will hurt me. It’s just that I’m not ready to talk about what happened earlier. I have a thumping headache. All I want is to soak in a hot bath and then climb into bed.

  Once I’ve let go I give Brooke a pleading look with my eyes so only she can see. “That’s unless you want us to stay,” she quickly adds.

  “Yes. Could you stay for a little while? I might need some help getting ready for bed,” I say as I hold up my plastered hand to her.

  “I can help you with that,” Mason says.

  “That’s okay. I’d prefer it if Brooke helped.” I look up at him and see the hurt wash over his face by what I just said. It makes me feel bad. I don’t have a choice though. If we are no longer going to be together, I can’t have him undressing me.

  I think he knows that things are over between us. He exhales a heavy breath. “Please, don’t do this Red.” He says it with so much hurt in his voice that the tears form in my eyes again.

  “I’m sorry,” is all I say.

  “Please,” he begs. “Come back to our place so we can at least talk about it.”

  “I can’t. This is my home Mason. I’m going to stay here,” I whisper.

  “Babe…I love you. I’m sorry about what happened earlier. I’d never hurt you. Please believe me.”

  The tears are falling down my face now. Everything in me wants to say, “Okay, I’ll come with you,” but I can’t. I’d like to think that what happened earlier would never happen again. But neither one of us can be sure of that. After the way I grew up, it’s a chance I can’t afford to take.

  Brooke gives Logan a look as she tilts her head slightly towards Mason. Then she grabs hold of my good arm. “Come with me,” she says. “I’ll help you get ready for bed. You must be exhausted.” Maybe she wants Logan to talk to Mason. I think that’s what she silently tried to convey anyway.



  My heart sinks when Brooke leaves the room with Red. I desperately need to talk to her. To make things right between us again. I get that sinking feeling that that’s not what is going to happen. Well at least for tonight anyway.

  I’m lost in thought when Logan approaches me. He puts his hand on my shoulder. “Give her some time,” he says.

  Honestly, I don’t want to give her time. I need her and I want her, right fucking now. But, if it’s time she needs then she’ll get it. I’ll do anything to get her back. Anything!

  I look Logan in the eye. “I can’t lose her,” I whisper.

  “I can see how much you both care for one another. She’ll come around. She needs someone like you in her life. Don’t give up. What you have is worth fighting for.”

  Damn right what we have is worth fighting for. Nobody has ever made me feel what she does. I know she feels the same way about me too. Before I get a chance to answer Logan, the front door flies open.

  We both turn around at the same time. Great. Fucking Connor. “Where is my fucking sister, arsehole?” he says in a panic as he walks towards me. “Why didn’t you answer my fucking calls or texts? I’ve been going out of my fucking mind.”

  “She is fine. She’s is in her room. I tried to call you but your phone was off.”

  “That’s because I was on a fucking plane. When you wouldn’t answer my calls, I had to come back here. I couldn’t just sit there doing nothing.”

  He pushes past me and walks towards Jacinta’s bedroom. That’s when I notice Cassandra standing there.

  “Hey,” I say. “How are you?” She gives me a small smile.

  “Now that I know Jaz is okay I’m doing better. If you’ll excuse me for a minute, I need to see her with my own eyes.” She gives Logan a smile and says, “Hi,” as she passes him and walks towards Red’s bedroom.

  Logan and I both stand there. Not knowing what to do. I want to be in the room with her too. A few minutes later Connor comes out. The look on his face as he stalks towards me immediately tells me that things are not okay between us.

  He’s only a few feet away when he says, “I told you if you ever hurt her, I’d hurt you.” Fucking great. After everything that has happened today, I’m now about to have a fight with my best friend.

  Just what I fucking need.

  As he clenches his fist and raises it, I don’t even try to block what I know is coming. I fucking deserve it after what I did to Red.

  His fist connects with my mouth. He put everything in to that punch too. It hurts like a motherfucker. It knocks me back a few feet. I can taste the blood in my mouth.

  “Fucking hell Connor,” Logan screams as he lunges to grab hold of him before he attacks me again.

  “Let me go you fucker,” Connor screams as he thrashes around trying to get out of Logan’s hold.

  “Oh my god!” I hear one of the girls scream as they all coming running out of the room. I don’t even look at the other two. My eyes are glued to Jacinta. Her eyes are red and swollen. She’s been crying again. Fuck. It’s tearing me apart seeing her like this.

  As much as I don’t want to leave, it’s the right thing to do. She’s been through enough and she doesn’t need any more drama.



  Seeing Mason with blood coming out of his mouth almost sends me over the edge. I’m fucking pissed at Connor for hitting him. The last twelve hours have been a nightmare. This is not how I wanted it to end. For any of us.

  Mason’s eyes are on me as we run towards them. Jesus. I want to run over to Mason and wrap my arms around him—so damn much. I don’t.

  I stop when I’m a few feet away from him. The look on his face is breaking my heart. He breaks our eye contact and looks down at the ground. After he exhales a heavy breath, he pulls my phone out of his pocket, passing it to me. I reach out and take it. He still won’t make eye contact with me. He turns around and walks towards the door. Everything in me wants to scream out, “Please don’t go,” but instead I stand there in silence as the tears start to fall down my face again.

  Cass moves in front of me and wraps me in her arms. I hug her back. God I’ve missed by best friend. She holds me for a few minutes before grabbing my hand and leading me back to my room.

  She pulls back the covers and tells me to get in. I do. She gets in behind me and spoons me like she’s done so many times over the years. “I love you Jaz,” she whispers.

  “I love you too Cass. I’m so glad you are home,” I cry.

  “Things will work out hun. Just give it some time.” I don’t answer her, because honestly I don’t think they will. Instead, I close my eyes and try to let sleep take me, so I no longer have to think about everything I’m going to have to face when I wake.



  I feel like shit as I walk towards the elevator. The last time I felt this low is probably the day I found out my mother had left me. Tonight, I not only lost the woman of my dreams, but I think I’ve lost my best friend too.

  When I reach my apartment, I find Rob asleep on the lounge. I feel bad for not ringing him. I’ve been gone for hours. Before I wake him I make my way to Blake’s room. I’m surprised to find his bed empty. I start to panic a little. I make my way down the hall towards my room. When I see his little body curled up in the middle of the bed, I smile. I also feel bad for not being here for him tonight.

  I know I didn’t have a choice but I still feel shitty. He’s never wanted to sleep in my bed before. The fact that he is in here now tells me he is uneasy about what happened earlier. Poor little guy.

  Fucking Roxy!

  After making my way back out into the lounge room, I wake Rob. “Did you find her?�
�� is the first thing he says as he rubs his eyes.

  “Yeah. She’s home safe and sound. How was Blake tonight?”

  “A little quieter than normal, but overall okay, I guess.”

  “Did you know he’s asleep in my bed?”

  “Yes. He was asking for you before he went to bed. I told him you would be home soon. He wanted to wait for you in your bed. I didn’t think you’d mind, under the circumstances.”

  “No. That’s fine. Do you want to stay the night or head home?”

  “I think I’ll just crash here.”

  “Okay. Why don’t you go and hop in Blake’s bed, since he’s with me. The lounge isn’t the best place for an old-timer like you.”

  “Hey arsehole,” he says as he gets up off the lounge. “Enough with the old bullshit. I could still sit you on your arse. By the way, what happened to your lip?”

  I just chuckle at his remark as I follow him down the hall. “Long story. Good night old-timer,” I say as he walks into Blake’s room.

  “Fuck off,” he replies. It makes me chuckle again.

  As I walk towards my bedroom I hear him mumble something but I’m not sure what he says. As shitty as I’m feeling right now, it makes me smile. I love stirring him up. He bites every fucking time.

  I’m still wearing my work suit. I didn’t even get time to change after Red fled here earlier. I removed my tie before going to search for her, that’s it.

  I make my way into the bathroom. After resting my hands on the vanity to support my weight, I sigh heavily. My chest is aching. I want her back—so fucking bad.

  When I raise my head and look in the mirror, I’m not surprised by what I see. Connor really got me a beauty. My lip is already swollen and there is dried blood on my chin as well as in my mouth. Even though I probably deserved it, I’m still a bit pissed with him. He didn’t even give me a chance to explain.


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