Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3)

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Damaged - Jacinta's Story (Destiny Series Book 3) Page 32

by J. L. Perry

  I’ve missed a number of calls from Brooke also. I know she’ll understand if I don’t call her back straight away. I’m sure Cass explained things to her. If I’m feeling up to it, I’ll call her tomorrow.

  After getting off the phone to Jenny, Cass drags me into my room. She’s trying to get me in the mood for my interview, by helping me pick out something to wear.

  “You’re going to have to wear your own clothes to this I’m afraid,” she says with a smirk. I know she is having a go at me. She thinks my clothes are boring. I like my taste in fashion. My style is not sexy enough for her I guess. I don’t do sexy. The least amount of attention I attract to myself, the better.

  She pulls a light beige suit off the hanger and passes it to me. It’s a fitted jacket with a matching pencil line skirt. It sits just above my knees. She grabs a white silk blouse out of my closet and a leopard print silk scarf to go around my neck. The scarf will go perfect with my leopard print pumps.

  Personally, I think the scarf is a bit much but she assures me that it looks great. I look like an air-hostess but I’m not in the mood to argue with her. Honestly, I don’t care what I look like. I don’t need to impress anyone anymore.

  The next morning I wake early. I’m still not sleeping the best. I’ve had a few bad dreams over the past few days. Surprisingly though, they didn’t include my father. They were about Mason and Blake. I guess they are both occupying my mind at the moment.

  I desperately want to call them or see them, but I know that’s not a good idea right now. Everything is still too fresh. I hope in time we can go back to being friends. I’d hate not to have them both in my life.

  Since Connor and Cass have been back in Sydney, she’s been sleeping with me. Last night was the first time she went back to Connor’s bed. I’ve appreciated her being there to comfort me but, I hate feeling like I’m coming between them. They’ve only just reconnected after all those years apart, they need this time together.

  I shower and dress in the clothes Cass picked. I still feel like an air-hostess but I’ll admit the outfit does look nice. Very professional. Thankfully both the jacket and silk shirt have button up cuffs around the wrist. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get it over my plaster.

  I look down at the words Mason wrote on my plaster. It makes my heart hurt. I quickly pull my sleeve down to cover it and try to put him out of my mind.

  I need to concentrate on my interview. Although everything seemed so laid back when I dropped off my résumé, it’s still an interview. I not only need to look respectable, I also need to have my head in the game.

  Connor and Cass are both up when I walk into the kitchen. The pair of them can’t cook to save their lives. I’m shocked to find them both trying to make me some breakfast. It makes me smile. I think it’s the first real smile I’ve had in days. I’m grateful for their love and support.

  Once they’re done, they place the plate in front of me. They look so proud of themselves. Seriously though, it looks like someone has thrown up on my plate. I force out a smile and say, “Thank you.” They’re trying so hard to look after me, which is something I’m not used too. It’s usually me looking after them, so I appreciate the effort they’re making.

  While I’m forcing down my rubbery eggs, soggy tomato and burnt toast, Cass is standing behind me brushing my hair and fixing it into a low bun. I feel like a little girl living with her parents, not my brother and best friend. Have things really been that bad that they feel they need to care for me like this? I guess they have.

  I head to my interview a little while later. Cass offered to come with me, but I declined. I need to do this on my own. I was fine being alone before I met Mason, and I’m sure, in time, I will be fine again.

  I still miss him like crazy, but that’s something I need to live with. After all, I was the one who ended things between us.

  Jenny seems genuinely happy to see me when I arrive. She comes out from behind her desk and hugs me. She’s such a nice lady.

  “You look beautiful,” she says. “Very smart.” I thank her.

  “My friend picked out this outfit for me.” She smiles at my response.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee or tea while you wait for Sebastian?” she asks. Sebastian is the owner of the clinic and hopefully soon to be my new boss.

  “No, I’m fine thanks,” I reply. I take a seat and wait. I’m a little nervous. Mason and Blake are still on my mind. I pick up a magazine off the little table next to me. I need to get them out of my head, at least until this interview is over. I really want this job. I’ve worked so hard to get to where I’m at. I don’t want all those years at university to go to waste.

  I’ve only been waiting around five minutes, when I see someone approach me out of the corner of my eye. I look up. I’m surprised by what I see. Sebastian is not only a lot younger than I imagined, he’s also extremely good looking. He has nothing on Mason but he is definitely what you would class as hot.

  “Hi. You must be Jacinta?”

  “Yes. Hi.” I shake the hand he has extended to me.

  “Would you like to follow me into my office, so we can have a little chat?”

  “Sure.” I stand up to follow him. I look over at Jenny as we pass her desk.

  “Good luck,” she mouths. I smile at her.

  Once we reach his office, he holds open the door and gestures with his hand for me to enter. He’s looking at me intently when I pass him, so I smile. Up close I notice he has beautiful greens eyes.

  He closes the door and tells me to take a seat. I sit down and clutch onto my handbag on my lap. I’m nervous. This is my first official interview. I really hope I get this job. It seems like a friendly place to work.

  “So, tell me bit about yourself Jacinta,” he says once he’s seated opposite me. I hate being put on the spot like this. I’ve been so wrapped up in everything else, I hadn’t even thought about what I’d say in my interview.

  Thankfully, he is really nice and we soon break into easy conversation. He tells me that he was really impressed with my résumé. He also explains that his wife was working to the two days that I’m applying for. Apparently her sister has cancer and lives in another state. She has been staying with her during the week to look after her small children while her brother-in-law is at work. She flies home on weekends.

  That must be hard for him being away from his wife for such long periods of time. He picks up a photo that he has of her on his desk and passes it to me. She is very attractive. I can tell he loves her because his face lights up when he talks about her.

  “So, Jenny tells me you had a little incident the other day,” he says out of the blue. I was hoping that she hadn’t mentioned it to him.

  “Yes,” I reply. I don’t know what else to say.

  “She told me how good you were with your boyfriend’s son.”

  “Ummm…he is my ex-boyfriend now,” I say sadly. I don’t know why I even admitted that to him.

  “I see.” I can tell by the way he is looking at me that he’s analysing me. I put my head down. It should make me feel uncomfortable, but surprisingly it doesn’t. I’m just a little embarrassed. I hope this whole mess doesn’t stop me from getting this job.

  “When can you start?” he suddenly says, changing the subject.

  “You mean I’ve got the job?”

  “Yes. You sound surprised.”

  “Ummm…yes…no, I mean thank you. I’m really pleased. I’d love to work here.” I feel my face blush as I ramble on. Sebastian chuckles.

  “I can start whenever you want me to start,” I add.

  “Great. How about tomorrow?”

  “So soon…? I mean, of course I can start tomorrow.” Guess I’m not making a great first impression here. He doesn’t seem to mind though. He has a huge smile on his face. It’s a beautiful smile too, I might add.

  “Okay great. I will get you to sit in with me for the first few days, then, if you’re ready, you can start taking some of Sarah’s patients.�
� I presume Sarah is his wife’s name.

  He stands up, so I stand too. “Jenny will give you all the paperwork you’ll need to fill out. Just bring it in with you tomorrow.”

  “Thank you,” I say as I hold my hand out to him.

  “You’re welcome. I’m happy to have you on board. It’s been pretty hectic around her since Sarah had to quit. It’ll be nice to be able to share the workload with someone again.” I smile at him as he makes his way to the door.

  He opens it and I walk towards him. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says. I thank him again before walking back out to the reception area.

  Jenny gives me a huge smile as I walk towards her. “How did you go?” she asks.

  “I start tomorrow.” I’m genuinely smiling too. I’m so happy that I’ll finally be able to put all my learning into practice. After she gives me everything I need, I tell her that I’ll see her tomorrow.

  I call Cass as I walk back to my car. She is so happy with my news. “We are going to celebrate tonight,” she squeals.

  I decide while I’m still feeling good, that I’ll call into the studio and visit with Brooke. I haven’t had a chance to thank her properly for everything she did the other night. Plus, I’m going to need to work something out with her about the dance classes I’m teaching. It’s going to be hard with my broken wrist. The pole dance classes are definitely out but hopefully Brooke will agree to let me continue with the other classes. I feel bad that I’ll be letting Mandy down.

  Brooke’s happy to see me when I arrive. She wraps me in her arms and hugs me tight, before dragging me upstairs towards her private room. She wants to talk to me away from the others. I’m thankful for that. I’ve been so emotional the past few days, there’s no way of telling whether I’ll be able to keep it together or not.

  I tell her everything that has happened since the other night. We both shed a few tears. She tells me how much she likes Mason and how upset he was the other night when I was missing. Well, technically I wasn’t missing.

  “You know I’ll support you no matter what you decide Jaz, but give it some time before you make any rash decisions. He really loves you. It was so obvious to both Logan and I the other night. What you two have reminds me of the love Logan and I share. I know this is your first serious relationship so, believe me when I say they’re not all like this. I’m in no way trying to change your mind. I love you like a sister Jaz. I only have your best interests at heart.”

  “I know,” I say. “I appreciate that. I’m just so confused.”

  “The love you and Mason have for each other is rare. Personally, I think your relationship’s worth fighting for. I know what he did frightened you, I understand that. Given your past that’s totally understandable. But honestly Jaz, I think he’s good for you. Just give it time before you throw it all away, okay?”

  I hug and thank her for the advice. After that, Mason’s not mentioned again. I’m thankful for that. I know Brooke means well. She’d never advise me to do anything she didn’t think was right. I don’t know if I can get past the way I feel though. It makes me hate my father even more for the damage he caused me growing up.

  We end up going out to lunch together and I spend the rest of the afternoon with her at the studio. I texted Cass earlier to let her know. I want to give her and Connor some time alone. She asked me to be home in time for them to take me out to dinner, so we can celebrate my new job.

  Brooke agrees that I can still teach the classes. The girls already now the routines, so it’s just going over the steps and getting their timing right. As for the pole dance classes, she said she’ll have to find a replacement or put the classes on hold until I get my plaster off.

  When it’s time for her to get the kids from school, I head home. She did a good job of keeping my mind occupied today. As soon as I’m in the car though, I’m thinking about Mason again.

  As I pull up to the apartment building, so does Mason. Shit. He has Blake on the back of the bike. He’s in jeans and a t-shirt. He looks dreamy. I wonder why he’s not working today.

  I wish I could sit in the car until they go inside, but I know I can’t. They’ve both already spotted me. I know it’s still too early, I’m hoping one day we can be friends.

  Blake jumps off the bike and runs over to me once I’m out of the car. “Jazzi,” he screams as he throws his arms around me. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too, little man.” I have to fight back the tears that are threatening to come. I miss both of them. So damn much.

  Mason is still sitting on the bike. He’s taken his helmet off and is staring over at me. He looks so sexy. The bike really suits him. It reminds me of the first night we met. I had my very first orgasm sitting on the back of that thing. When my eyes move back up towards his face, my heart drops. He looks sad. I quickly look away. I feel the lump rise to my throat.

  I turn my attention back to Blake. “How was school today?” He starts rambling on about his day. I’m listening but what he’s saying is not registering. I’m too aware of Mason. He climbs off his bike and makes his way over to us.

  “Hi,” he breathes when he is standing in front of me.

  “Hi.” I look up at him. He’s staring at me. He’s so handsome. I want to reach out and touch him but I know I can’t do that. He is not mine to touch anymore.

  “Doesn’t Jazzi look pretty today?” Blake says. I peel my eyes off Mason and look down at Blake.

  “Awww…thanks little man.”

  “She looks beautiful, buddy,” Mason answers with a sigh. I can feel his eyes boring into me. I don’t look at him. I’m afraid if I do, I’ll cry.

  “Did you go out today?” Blake asks.

  “No, I had a job interview.” I press the button on my key to lock my car and start walking towards the building. I need to get as far away from Mason. Blake grabs hold of my hand and talks to me all the way. Mason is following us. Again, I’m listening to Blake but what he’s saying is not sinking in. My body is tuned in to Mason, who’s walking close behind me.

  Once inside the building, we walk over to the elevator. Blake presses the button. Mason walks up behind me. He’s so close that I can feel the heat from his body. I hear him inhale and I now that he is smelling me again. I feel a feather light touch as his hand runs down the length of my arm. He grabs hold of my hand and gives it a little squeeze. It sends shivers running through my body. He leans forward and I feel the warmth of his breath on my skin, “I miss you Red,” he whispers soft enough that only I can hear.



  Being so close to her and not being able to touch her the way I want to, is hard. I fucking miss her, so much. I can’t seem to function properly without her. It makes no sense because I functioned quite fine before I met her. I’ve even taken the week off work, which is unusual for me.

  Staying at home isn’t probably the best thing for me either, but I just can’t face work at the moment. I sat around all day pining for her. I was grateful when it was time to pick Blake up from school. I was hoping he could distract me from thinking about her. Now that I’ve seen her again, I know that’s not going to happen.

  She looks beautiful today. Seeing her makes my chest ache. How can I get her back? What can I do to make her see that we’re perfect for each other? I know I fucked up when I lost my temper, but you can be sure I’ll never make that mistake again. Not if it meant losing her again.

  I follow her and Blake into the building, my eyes are glued to her arse. It’s so fine. I’d give anything to reach out and touch it. I’d give anything to touch any part of her.

  Once we make it to the elevator, I can’t take it anymore. I need her so fucking bad. I know I sound like a pussy, but I do. I feel like I can no longer breathe properly without her in my life. I’ve had this ache in my chest for days.

  As we are waiting for the elevator to arrive, I move in close behind her. Her scent envelops me. I inhale. I’ve missed her smell so much. I know I shouldn’t do this.
I know I said I’d give her time but I need to touch her. To feel her.

  My hand seems to have a mind of its own as it softly runs down her arm. I grab hold of her hand. I’ve missed the feel of her tiny hand in mine. I’ve missed the feel of her soft skin. I’ve just fucking missed her. I need to tell her. I’m not sure if it will make a difference but I have to say it.

  I lean forward and whisper in her ear, I hear her intake a sharp breath. As soon as the doors open she pulls her hand out of mine and quickly steps inside the shaft. She lowers her head as Blake and I step in. She won’t even look at me. I should’ve kept my mouth shut. I feel like a fool.

  “Do you want come to my place Jazzi?” Blake asks. “Dad bought me a new X-box game yesterday. We can play it.”

  Jacinta clears her throat before she speaks. She raises her head and I see tears in her eyes. Fucking hell. “I can’t little man,” she replies. “I have to get some paperwork filled out for my new job. Plus, Connor and Cass are taking me out to celebrate.”

  “Oh, okay,” he says sadly. Red takes a step towards him, putting her arms around him.

  “I’m sorry. Maybe you can bring it over to my place tomorrow night and we can play it?” That makes him smile. God, she’s so good with him. It just makes me love her even more.

  “Can I go to Jazzi’s tomorrow night, dad?”

  “Of course you can, buddy.” As hard as this is going to be, I need to try and remain friends with her, for Blake’s sake. He adores her and needs someone like her in his life.

  “So, you got the job then?” I ask.

  “Yes, I start tomorrow.” She looks up at me as she speaks. Her beautiful blue eyes look so sad. I desperately want to hug her.

  “Congratulations,” I say as I give her a small smile. “I’m proud of you.” She returns my smile before saying, “Thank you.” It doesn’t go unnoticed that there’s tears pooling in her eyes again. She’s hurting as much as I am. She’s only got to say the word and this whole mess can be over. I know she’s not going to though. Her mind is made up, I can tell.

  When the elevator stops at her floor, she says, “Goodbye,” and gets out.


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