A Summer of New Beginnings

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A Summer of New Beginnings Page 25

by Lisa Hobman

  As they climbed into a waiting cab a message pinged to her phone and she grabbed it from her bag, hoping that it might be Lachy, but instead it was Loretta with the breakfast venue address.

  Zara wished she had been able to speak to Lachy again. His cryptic words had thrown her and now that the event was over he was back in the forefront of her mind yet again. He was the one who had boosted her confidence about the whole book business. He had been the first to read it and to love it. He had been the first to believe in her. And now she was questioning everything. What the hell had he meant? The clock on her phone said it was gone midnight and she was meeting Loretta at half nine in the morning. Time to sleep… if that’s at all possible.

  Back in the hotel she removed her make-up and her beautiful dress and as she put it back in the protective bag Josh slipped his arms round her waist. ‘Hmm, I knew there’d be something worth unwrapping under there.’ He began to kiss her neck and she closed her eyes. But his ringtone blared loudly from his jacket pocket. He sighed. ‘Ugh, who the hell is ringing me at this time of the morning?’ He strutted off to retrieve the handset and stared at the screen. ‘Shit, it’s Katie. I better take it, it might be Caleb.’

  His worried expression tugged at her and she nodded. He walked out of the room into the corridor to answer the call.

  He’d been gone a while when she opened the door to see where he was. She could hear him speaking in a low voice, but he had walked round the corner at the end near the elevator. Curiosity got the better of her and she tiptoed to where he was. Holding her breath, she listened.

  ‘No… no, Katie, I’ll be home tomorrow, I promise. Don’t cry.’

  Oh, heck, Caleb must really be ill or something, she surmised, and she turned to walk away, berating herself for her lack of trust.

  ‘Hey… hey, listen to me, Katie, okay? You know I love you.’ Zara froze in her tracks. ‘I’ll always love you, but you said we were through, Katie, so what was I supposed to think?’ A long pause ensued and Zara widened her eyes, covering her mouth so she didn’t scream. ‘Of course, I want you, babe. Don’t be like that… Inverness… It’s an awards thing. Yes, I’m with her. No… no, babe please, it’s only because she thinks I sent her stupid book into some competition. I was only with her because I was trying to get back at you… Yes, I know that was cruel and stupid. And I’m so, so sorry. But now I know the truth, eh? You, me and Caleb, baby, always. Okay? Always.’

  Anger and sadness were desperate to leave Zara’s body in raw, impassioned screams. But instead, holding her hands firmly over her mouth, she tiptoed back to the room and dead-bolted the door.

  Zara crawled into bed and sobbed into her pillow. So it wasn’t Josh who’d sent her manuscript to the awards. That must have been what Lachy meant. It was him, not Josh. Oh, God, and I was so awful to him. Her body shook as she let out all her anguish. How could she have been so stupid? How could she have not seen through Josh and his lies? She contemplated contacting Shelley or Marco, but it was so late and they were on a completely different floor so it felt unfair to bother them. Better she stayed alone. It was no more than she deserved after all. Stupid, stupid Zara.

  Josh returned to the room and tried the door. When it wouldn’t open, he banged on it. He called her mobile, banged some more. Then it all went quiet and the room phone rang. Security asked if she was okay and checked if they were to let the man at the front desk into the room. She informed them that under no circumstances should they let him in.

  Josh appeared and hammered again. After around thirty minutes of pounding on the door she heard raised voices. Security had come to remove him. Eventually it fell silent and she cried herself to sleep.


  The following morning the bags under her eyes had bags and she hopped into the shower, hoping that it would go some way to freshening her up. Once out and dried she checked her phone. Josh had been messaging her asking why she was ignoring him. The messages started out sweet but descended into swearing and insults. And as expected there were no messages from Lachy. But, when all was said and done, he’d still turned out to be a cheater. So maybe she was better off without him too. Even if it was him who’d sent the manuscript in and not Josh. Regardless of how sweet that was, he had still lied to her and cheated on his fiancée. She had to at least try to put it out of her mind. She had a potentially life-changing meeting to attend.

  The butterflies were stampeding around her insides again as she dressed. She was thankful that she’d brought a ‘just in case I win’ outfit. The winner was to be interviewed on Good Morning Scotland before being whisked away to London for more publicity. Luckily now the outfit wouldn’t go to waste. The smart shirt dress was fitted and elegant and definitely appropriate. She slipped on her designer stilettos to complete the look – dress to impress and all that – and set out to meet Loretta and Shonagh at the address from the text message.

  The little brasserie-cum-bakery was wonderful. The pastries in the glass cabinet as she walked in were far too tempting. And she could feel her waistline expanding as she gazed longingly at the display. Something caught her attention and she turned to see Loretta smiling and waving from a table towards the back, so she made her way over to where her agent was sitting alone and her heart sank. Had Shonagh changed her mind?

  Loretta stood and kissed her on both cheeks. ‘I’m sorry I look so dishevelled. We’ve had a bit of family drama.’ She looked anything but dishevelled.

  ‘Oh, dear. I hope it’s nothing too serious.’

  Loretta rolled her eyes as they both sat. ‘Believe me, where my sister is concerned everything is dramatic.’

  Zara’s ears pricked up and she hoped Patrick was okay. ‘Sophie?’

  ‘Oh, good heavens, no. Sophie’s happily planning her wedding to Patrick. No, this was all Saskia at two o’clock this morning.’

  Zara wasn’t about to pry, especially seeing as she knew about Saskia’s connections to Lachy. The less heard about them, the better.

  A waitress arrived and placed a cafetière, cups and cream on the table. ‘Thank you, dear. I’ll order the rest once our third party member arrives,’ Loretta informed the young woman. Once the waitress had gone, she sighed as she poured coffee into the two cups. ‘Honestly, there’s no wonder she’s single. I defy any man to take on such a little madam. You’d hardly believe she was a grown woman.’

  Zara gulped. Single? ‘Oh, man trouble?’ Her interest was now piqued.

  ‘You could say that. Although if you keep in touch with Lachy after your trip you probably know all about it.’

  ‘I… erm… I don’t keep in touch with him. I’m just so busy, you know…’ She swallowed hard and willed her agent to continue.

  ‘Well, I shouldn’t gossip. She is my sister, after all, but… Oh, what the hell? It turns out that Saskia and Lachy broke up months ago. She hadn’t told any of us for fear of embarrassment. Although why she felt it necessary to perpetuate the lie, I have no idea.’

  Zara sat up straight. ‘Months ago? Like, how many months ago? Forgive my nosiness. Lachy never mentioned he was having relationship troubles when I was at his croft.’

  ‘Oh, that’s because to him it was all done and dusted by that point. He had moved home to nurse his father and had hinted that he would be staying indefinitely but Saskia was furious and demanded he sell the place. He refused, of course, and she broke up with him. Although in her mind it wasn’t a proper break-up. She expected him to come running back to Inverness to beg her forgiveness. But why the hell would he do that? I mean, I love her, I have to really, but I wouldn’t wish her mood swings on my worst enemy.’

  Zara’s heart hammered at her ribcage as she realised that poor Lachy had been completely innocent in the whole situation she had created in her mind. ‘But… your parents’ anniversary party…’

  Loretta huffed with exasperation. ‘Oh, yes, that was a total shambles. She’d conned the poor man into accompanying her because she didn’t want to break our parents’ hearts with yet ano
ther failed relationship. Ridiculous. They know exactly what she’s like. They would have totally understood. But he’s such a good man he accompanied her anyway.’

  Zara was stunned into silence.

  ‘To ice the cake she turned up at the awards last night because she knew he had asked me for a ticket. She showed up just expecting him to welcome her with open arms. Anyway, he announced that he’s head over heels in love with someone else and asked that she leave him alone to get on with his life. She had a total meltdown. The police were called and everything. She really is so very melodramatic. I really do like Lachy and whoever this woman is that he’s in love with I wish them all the very best. He deserves happiness, the poor chap.’ Loretta laughed and sipped her coffee. ‘You could probably write a bloody book on all this.’

  Rather distractedly Zara said, ‘Yes, probably.’

  ‘Ah, here’s Shonagh now. Game face on, Zara.’ Loretta gave an excited smile and stood to greet her friend.

  They swapped air kisses and then Loretta announced, ‘So, my lovely, this is the very brilliant Zara Bailey.’

  Shonagh held out her hand and Zara shook it. ‘Lovely to finally meet you, Zara.’

  ‘And you too.’

  ‘|Now, what can I order for you ladies? The pastries are to die for. And, Shonagh, would you like tea or coffee?’ Loretta waved over the waitress.

  ‘Coffee would be good, thanks.’

  Loretta placed an order for more coffee and some breakfast pastries and when the waitress had gone Shonagh turned to Zara.

  ‘Now, I just want to say that I appreciate you coming to meet me on a Sunday morning, especially after such a late night. But I wanted to make sure I got my offer of a publishing contract on the table before Loretta works her magic and you’re snapped up by another lucky company.’

  Zara shook her head in bewilderment. ‘I still can’t quite take all this in.’

  Shonagh smiled warmly. ‘Well, hopefully we can come to a mutual agreement and you’ll be able to relax in the knowledge that your books will be safe with us. I’ll give you plenty of time to discuss the offer with Loretta if you need it, and you may also discuss things with your solicitor if you prefer.’

  ‘Sounds great. Thank you.’

  Two hours later, full to the brim with pain au chocolat and cinnamon whirls yet somehow still floating on air, Zara hugged Loretta and promised to be in touch soon. She had already made the decision to sign on the dotted line, however, but didn’t want to seem overly desperate to say yes right away. The offer of a three-book deal and a hefty advance had shaken her to the core and she needed time to let everything sink in.

  When she got back to the hotel she gathered her friends and family and relayed the sordid details of Josh and his lies. There were gasps of horror and in turn each of them expressed their honest opinions. Obviously Marco had hated him all along. Her dad was going to set the lads on him, Shelley was speechless, which was a first, and her mum cried. Once the bad stuff was out of the way she relayed the conversations she’d had with Loretta and Shonagh and how it had come to light that Lachy hadn’t cheated. As always their unwavering support was immediate and she was hugged and congratulated on the exciting career developments. They were thrilled and so very happy for her.

  She hugged her parents and said goodbye as they were going off sightseeing to make the most of their extra few days in the city. Then she was left with her friends. She asked if she could have a private word with Shelley and Marco. They shared worried glances but agreed to follow her to her room.

  Her friends sat on the bed. ‘What’s wrong, Zee? Why all the secrecy? Is everything okay?’ Shelley asked as Zara paced the room.

  ‘No, everything isn’t okay. It’s almost okay, but there’s one thing missing from this whole scenario.’

  ‘Lachy?’ Marco asked.

  ‘Lachy,’ Zara confirmed.

  ‘So, are you going to call him?’ Marco asked.

  Zara shook her head as sadness tugged at her heart. ‘I have no way to do that. He gave me a business card, but I lost it on my way back to Inverness.’

  Marco looked sheepish all of a sudden. ‘Erm… I might be able to solve that problem.’

  Zara and Shelley turned to him in unison with, ‘Oh?’

  He cringed. ‘I saw you speaking to him last night and I guessed it was him. I pretended to be interested in crofting and got his business card. You can have it if—’

  Zara launched herself at him. ‘Oh, my goodness, Marco, I love you so much. Thank you, thank you.’

  Shelley scrunched her brow. ‘But… why did you do that when last night you thought he’d cheated?’

  He shrugged. ‘Something just didn’t add up. And I knew she lost the original card. I had a feeling she’d end up regretting having no way to contact him.’ He fumbled in his wallet and pulled out the card and handed it to Zara.

  ‘Look, guys, I’m going to pack my stuff. I’ll drop Lachy a message and ask him to call me. He once told me to text first, as he might be out on the quad if he’s even left Inverness. I’m hoping he’s still here though.’

  Her friends hugged her tight and asked her to keep them posted before they left her room. Once alone she slumped onto the bed and began to compile an apology. She made several attempts to put her feelings into words, but each time deleted the inadequate ones. Eventually she came up with something she was fairly happy with, although it spanned several text messages.

  Lachy, this is Zara Bailey. The strong independent woman with Silver Dickhead the bike. Aka, the stupid woman who believed someone who had a track record of being deceitful. I feel I owe you an explanation, so here goes. After leaving the Highlands on completion of my bike ride, I heard something which led me to believe that you weren’t single when I was at your croft, which meant that the special time we shared was tainted. I’m not someone who agrees with cheating and so to be with someone who appeared to be doing just that I was angry and disappointed; not only in you but in myself for being a victim of this twice. When you showed up at my hotel that night I was only just in possession of what I thought were the facts of your relationship with Saskia, i.e., your engagement. Today I discovered the truth however which means I owe you a sincere apology. Today I’ve discovered that I was completely wrong. I should have listened to you when you showed up at my door. I should have let you in and given you a chance to tell me in your own words. I didn’t and I’ll regret that forever. I know I’ve ruined whatever chance there was of us being anything, let alone friends, but I wanted you to know that you were right. I felt that connection between us too. It wasn’t just lust. I felt something when I looked into your eyes that night that I’ve never felt before. And it’s stayed with me ever since. I’ve missed you like I miss home when I’m away, which I know probably sounds crazy but it’s the truth. So yes, to answer the question you asked me that night, we could have been something. Something very special. And now that I’ve lost that chance I’m a little bit broken. It turns out that you were the one who submitted my book to the competition and that you were instrumental in Loretta signing me. Josh said it was all him. That’s why I forgave him. I know now that it was all lies. I hope that someday you can forgive me and look back and think of me with a small amount of fondness. But know that I will forever feel like I’ve missed out on the most wonderful relationship with a very special, caring, loving man. I know you probably won’t reply and I honestly don’t blame you after how I acted. But I’m still at the Kingsman. If you haven’t yet left Inverness perhaps we could meet? I want to tell you how sorry I am in person. I owe you that and so much more. I should’ve known better. With much love but more regret, Zara xx

  She hit send and stared at her phone. Please reply, Lachy, please forgive me. She packed her things away but kept her phone within earshot just in case. An hour later there was a knock at the door and Zara’s heart skipped. She checked her reflection and inhaled deeply before opening it.

  ‘Zara, don’t slam the door in my face,’ Josh sa
id as he wedged his foot in the opening. ‘Just let me in to talk. Please?’ He looked terrible. His hair was untidy and he was still in last night’s clothing. Although his once pristine tuxedo now looked as if it had been rolled around in the dirt.

  ‘I have nothing to say to you.’

  ‘I really don’t get why you’re being such a bitch. If it hadn’t been for me you wouldn’t even be here. I’m the one who helped you and now you’re going to be making it big you think you can just dump me and move on? I won’t let you, Zara. It’s not fair.’

  She started to laugh. She wasn’t sure if it was genuine amusement at his naivety or if it was nerves, but she suddenly found him hilarious. ‘You have no clue, do you?’

  ‘No clue about what? One minute you were going to wait for me in bed and the next I go to answer a call about my son and you get all jealous and lock me out of the bloody room. Caleb was ill, Zara. His mother was frantic with worry. I had no idea you could be so heartless over a child’s illness just because his mother and I share history. It speaks volumes about the kind of person you are, that’s all I can say. I wonder if your agent knows what an ice queen you are.’

  She snorted, unable to contain her incredulity. ‘Josh, I heard your conversation. Caleb wasn’t sick. Katie was jealous, that’s why she was calling. She wanted you back as soon as she realised you and I were back together. A real case of wanting what you can’t have. Your plan worked. Oh, yes, I overheard you telling her about your plan too. You never loved me. You used me.’

  His nostrils flared and his cheeks coloured. ‘But… the competition… I sent in your book. By rights I should be getting a cut of whatever you make. If it hadn’t been for me—’

  ‘What address did you send the book to, Josh? Hmm?’

  ‘What? I don’t know why you’re asking me that. Just some address in Inverness, I can’t remember.’


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