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Beyond Death (The Afterlife Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Deb McEwan

  ‘Don’t call here again, Ed.’ Keith Layton sounded threatening and Ed wasn’t happy.

  ‘Remember who you’re talking to, Keith. I don’t take kindly...’

  ‘Remember who I’m talking to? You’re having a fucking laugh, mate. Because of you, Roger and the other two are already helping the police with their enquiries,’ the sarcasm in his voice wasn’t lost on Big Ed, ‘and it’s only a matter of time before they catch up with you. And you want to know whether I want the girl? What are you on? Piss off and don’t bother me again if you know what’s good for you.’ He hung up before Big Ed could respond and Sandy heard his roar from the other end of the house.

  ‘I’m coming, I’m coming.’ She shouted. Her intention was to do things as slowly as possible, playing for time. Ironically, she didn’t need to pretend. The pain was intense and she winced with every step she took, hoping that her message had got through and that they’d arrive before he whisked them away somewhere out of their reach. The realization hit her that she was his prisoner as much as the girl and she knew she had to get away from him, by whatever means necessary.


  Janet loved working for DI Sparks and his team, although at times the job could be very traumatic. She had a daughter the same age as the missing girl and her heart went out to the parents. Her job was to quickly scan the emails about the missing girl and to file them into three separate folders. Urgent, non-urgent and the slush pile. The public were wonderful but had their fair share of loonies and Janet had just finished reading about a UFO sighting, the sender informing the police that the abductors were from another planet. She’d been staring at the screen for three hours non-stop and her eyes were getting tired. Having asked for assistance she’d received the usual response that they’d do what they could but resources were tight and she’d have to manage on her own for now. The additional staff that the DCI had seconded to the unit were all out on the ground, gathering as much information as they could. She needed a drink and the bathroom so Janet took a break, used the facilities and got herself a coffee. The DI called her in and she told him about the hundred or so emails she hadn’t yet filtered. Although he knew she needed a break he could make her feel guilty with a look and she returned to her desk, knackered but determined to crack on and hoping that the caffeine would soon kick-in.

  About an hour later she read the email from Sandy. Shes here and hes gonna sell her. The address of the farmhouse appeared underneath. Janet quickly printed off the email. Seeing that DI Sparks was on the phone in his office with the door closed, she gave the piece of paper to DS James. She returned to her desk and a few minutes later shouted to anyone who would listen. The DI and DS appeared at her desk and she pointed out the Guardian Angel email, which contained the same address as the one she’d already given to them. All hell broke out in the section and Janet tried to contain her excitement. Hopefully they’d be able to catch this one and the girl would be rescued safe and sound.


  Jim parked the car where they could see the farmhouse, but hidden from those inside, and waited. They hadn’t heard any sirens and there wasn’t a police presence and they wondered what was going on. Graham was the first to voice his concerns.

  ‘Where’s the police?’ He picked up his mobile phone as he spoke and searched for DI Sparks’ number.

  ‘What are you doing, Dad?’ Jim asked, but Graham was already connected. Janet had answered in the absence of the detectives.

  ‘I’m sorry, Mr Sylvester. There have been err... developments, which I’m not obliged to discuss at the moment. Suffice to say that the DCI or DI will be in touch as soon as they can.’

  ‘This is my daughter we’re talking about, and if there’ve been developments I need to know about them!’ Graham screamed into the phone and Janet pulled her handset away from her ear.

  ‘But, Mr Sylvester...’ Janet thought of her own daughter again and changed her mind. She couldn’t help herself. ‘I shouldn’t really tell you this but they’re on their way to Manchester. They’ve had a tip off that they have to investigate and the force up there are getting a team ready to carry out the operation.’

  ‘I’m already at the farmhouse in Manchester, Janet. How come I can get here...’ Tony turned and grabbed the phone out of his father’s hand.

  ‘Err, Janet is it? Tell DI Sparks that we received an anonymous email giving us this address. We couldn’t get hold of him so forwarded the email and made our way here. Thanks, love. Bye.’ He killed the connection.

  Jim gave his brother a warning look but said nothing.

  ‘Right, what’s going on? I’m not totally stupid.’ Graham’s emotions were all over the place and he didn’t know how much more he could take.

  ‘It’s like I said to Janet, Dad. We received an email so we sent it to the police.’ Tony spoke quietly and calmly, trying to pacify his anxious father and cool the atmosphere in the car, which felt like the minutes before a battle.

  ‘But why didn’t you tell me...’

  ‘I did, when you woke up,’ Jim interrupted. ‘You must have still been half asleep and misheard me.’

  Graham thought back to the flat and his son might have been right. He remembered Jim saying that the police had received a tip off, but once he’d been told that they’d found Mel everything else was a blur. The twins tried to act relaxed while their father attempted to make sense of the situation.

  ‘The main thing is that she’s found. Let’s go and get her.’

  ‘Dad, they may be armed. I know it’s hard, but we’re going to have watch for the time being and wait for the police to arrive.’

  ‘But what if..’

  ‘If we hear anything or if they come outside before the police arrive, we’ll do something.’ Tony hoped it wouldn’t come to that but the twins knew that Claire was in there and would let them know if Mel was in any immediate danger, or if they were getting ready to move.

  Graham knew his sons were right but that didn’t make him feel any better. He couldn’t keep still and fidgeted, feeling like a trapped animal, ready to spring at the first opportunity.

  He didn’t have long to wait.


  She got to the room and was too slow to avoid his vicious slap, which knocked her to the ground.

  ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry,’ she said, scurrying to the corner of the room. ‘What do you want me to do, just tell me and I’ll do it.’ Sandy was absolutely terrified. In the past his rages had been cold, controlled and measured and he always seemed to know how much her body could take without putting her completely out of action or into hospital. She could see that this time, he was struggling to hold it together and she wasn’t sure which side of him would win this particular fight.

  Think, woman. Think, think, think. ‘What do you want me to do? You know I love you. Shall I check on the girl...’

  She knew she should be quiet but it was as if her terror had disconnected her brain and she had no control of the words coming out of her mouth.

  ‘Shut up!’ he took a step towards her. ‘Just shut up.’ Big Ed ran at Sandy and lifted his leg back to give her a kick. He stopped at the last moment, seeing the terror on her face. What was he doing?

  Sandy cowered in the corner then squeezed her eyes shut, tensed her body and waited for the inevitable. When it didn’t come, she risked a peep out of one eye. He was holding his head in his hands, taking big gulps of air and trying to get himself back in control. She got up very slowly and walked to his side. Tentatively, she put a hand on his shoulder and relaxed slightly when he didn’t strike her or shout. He dropped his arms to his side, lifted his head and looked at her.

  ‘Sorry about that,’ he said as if the attack had been an accident. ‘They’re on to us and we need to move.’

  ‘What do you want me to do?’

  ‘Check that she’s a virgin. She’s no good to me if she isn’t and if that’s the case we get rid of her.’

  ‘But, Ed.’

  ‘Do you have a pr
oblem with that?’ She noticed the monster beginning to raise its ugly head again.

  ‘Of course not,’ Sandy looked away, hoping he wouldn’t see the lie. ‘Can you give me ten minutes?’ He looked confused so she elaborated. ‘She might lie if I ask so I’m going to have to do a physical check.’

  He agreed. ‘Be as quick as you can. I’ll get rid of everything and get a bag together.’

  They walked to the room in silence.

  ‘I’ll be back in ten minutes. Make sure you’re ready.’ Was his parting shot and Sandy was disappointed when he locked the door after she entered, her chances of releasing the girl and making a run for it now non-existent.

  Mel was shocked that the woman’s face was visible and also at the state of it. She took in the black eye, bent nose and bruises before standing up and facing the wall, and then the penny dropped. She’d seen enough movies to know that now she’d seen both their faces, it meant that they didn’t care whether she recognized them, as she wouldn’t be around to tell anyone. They were going to kill her. She tried her best to control her sobs but the thought of her immediate future terrified her.

  ‘Turn around and sit down.’ Sandy tried smiling at the youngster to calm her a little. ‘We don’t have much time so I want you to concentrate on what I’m saying.’ No response and the girl wouldn’t look at her. She went to put her hand on Mel’s face to lift her head, but the girl shrank back. Sandy totally knew how she felt.

  ‘Please. I want to help you so you’re going to have to trust me.’

  No response.

  ‘We share the same enemy.’ This last in a whisper and Mel lifted her eyes slowly and looked at her captor’s face properly, for the first time. She saw her own fear mirrored in Sandy’s eyes and it gave her a smidgen of hope.

  Now that she had the girl’s attention Sandy continued in hushed whispers. ‘I’m supposed to physically check that you’re a virgin, then we’re supposed to be leaving here and...’ she stopped suddenly. She didn’t need to frighten the girl any further so changed tack. ‘Anyway, that’s not important. But this is, so you need to listen carefully, understand?’

  ‘Do you understand me?’ This with more urgency and Mel nodded.

  ‘If he asks you say that you’re a virgin okay?’

  ‘But I am.’ It was the first words she’d spoken since her abduction and her voice sounded strange to herself and hoarse to Sandy.

  ‘Good and you can say that I stripped you and checked. This is very important or we’ll both be in deep trouble.’ Mel nodded in understanding and Sandy continued. ‘Now I’m going to unchain you and mess your clothes up a bit so you look as if you’ve re-dressed in a hurry. Don’t try to make a run for it because he’s locked us in, and don’t fight me because I really am on your side. I’ve sent a message to the police and they should be here at any time now, so we’ll just have to stall him as best we can.’

  Mel nodded again, her mind working overtime trying to consider her options. She knew the woman was frightened and surely there’d be a better chance of escape if it was two against one, rather than just her trying to get away from both of them.

  ‘I’ll do whatever you tell me.’

  ‘Good. And don’t look at him or annoy him.’ Yet again she nodded and Sandy unchained her and tied her hands loosely behind her back with an old rag. They heard the key in the door and she quickly undid a few buttons on Mel’s blouse and pulled it out of her skirt. Mel already looked dishevelled from her time in captivity so Big Ed didn’t notice any difference when he walked into the room.

  ‘Let’s go.’

  ‘Of course, but, umm, we both need the loo. What do you want us to do?’

  ‘Take her to the one downstairs and untie her to make it quicker. I’ll be watching though so no funny business.’ He addressed the last to Mel and she nodded without making eye contact.


  The twins had only been waiting a few minutes when they heard their sister’s voice.

  ‘They’re getting ready to leave.’

  Unable to respond due to their father’s presence, Tony spoke first. ‘Did you see that?’

  ‘What,’ said Graham, ‘see what?’

  ‘The front door opened a bit, then closed. What if they’re leaving before the police arrive?’

  Graham hadn’t seen a thing but trusted the judgement of his sons. Sitting inactive in the car was driving him nuts and he wanted to get his daughter out of there, with or without the police. Not listening to his sub-conscious voice of reason he made a decision.

  ‘Come on, let’s go.’

  Before they had a chance to move the front door opened. A big man walked out carrying two large bags. He opened the boot and made light work of throwing them in. His strength was obvious to the three men and each knew they wouldn’t be able to take him on their own. The man opened the car front door and got into the driving seat.

  ‘What now?’

  ‘We wait,’ Jim told his father. ‘We have no choice.’

  Five and then ten minutes passed. Even from their distance they heard the man shout and he left the car, slamming the door behind him.

  ‘I don’t like the look of this.’ Said Tony getting out of the car. The big man was angry and they all left the car as quickly as they could and ran to the house, concern for Mel at the forefront and caution thrown to the wind.


  She did actually need to use the toilet. She remembered from a very young age how her mother used to laugh at her shyness, or try to cajole her, but had always ended up giving in and leaving her alone. Mel had never been able to perform with an audience and she experienced the same problem now, only it was multiplied tenfold by terror at her circumstances.

  ‘Come on, Mel love.’ It was the first time that Sandy had used her name and Mel hoped this was a good sign.

  ‘I can’t go if someone’s watching. Sorry.’

  ‘He’ll go berserk if I leave you alone, you’ve got to go.’

  ‘But you don’t understand. I just can’t.’ Mel was desperate now trying even harder, but it was impossible with the stress of knowing they would both be hurt if she wasn’t quick.

  ‘I’ll have to leave it.’ Sandy nodded, knowing that Ed was probably at the limit of his patience. The door opened and she was proved right.

  ‘Hurry up.’ He growled at both of them and Sandy’s eyes pleaded with Mel.

  ‘I’m sorry.’ She started to shake as he approached.

  Sandy stood in front of Mel and closed her eyes. ‘Please, give us just a minute and wait outside. Please, Ed. It’ll be quicker and we...’ She knew her pleading wasn’t working but if she moved, he’d go straight for the girl. She didn’t budge, the last vestige of personality and stubbornness rooting her legs to the spot. He hesitated for a moment, briefly wondering if she hadn’t sensed his mood or if she were totally stupid. Mel pulled her underwear up as quickly as she could, trying to make herself invisible at the same time. Her movements weren’t quick enough and Sandy crashed into her with the force from his punch. Mel fell to the floor. Sandy’s head glanced off the side of the bowl and she also landed on the floor. Big Ed smiled to himself and moved nearer the toilet, but turned abruptly when he heard a warlike roar. Years of street fighting had honed his instincts and he quickly assessed that the older man was weaker, and out of control. It took one quick heavy punch to put Graham out of action and he lay on the floor semi-conscious.

  Big Ed had temporarily forgotten about the girl when he was dealing with his attacker. Thinking quickly, Mel had crawled towards the two men who’d entered the room with her father, hoping that they were here to save her and not yet registering why they looked strangely familiar. The twins started to approach her captor cautiously. Big Ed judged that he could take them on individually, but would struggle to overcome both at the same time. The glint of silver stopped them in their tracks. Mel was now behind them so he would have to fight off the twins before being able to get to her. They were at an impasse, but the twins w
ere happy that their sister was out of immediate danger.

  Not taking his eyes off the big man, Tony put a hand behind his back and tapped his sister’s shoulder.

  ‘Stay behind us whatever happens.’ She couldn’t reach the door without risk so was more than happy to follow his advice.

  Graham started to groan and Big Ed knew that he wouldn’t be able to contain the situation for much longer. He backed further into the room towards Sandy. Grabbing her as if she were a rag doll, he lifted her and put her body in front of his, using her as a shield. He placed his forearm around her neck and squeezed to show her he meant business. Sandy felt like her eyes would pop out of her head as she wondered what he planned to do next. His knife hand was next to her throat and the onlookers knew he wouldn’t hesitate to use it. Neither twin was confident of tackling him without harm coming to the woman and Big Ed slowly made his way to the door, back first, so he could keep his eyes on all of them. Closing the door behind him with his foot, he threw Sandy to the floor, retrieved the padlock from his pocket and locked it.

  Mel got up from the floor and ran to her father. Graham was bruised and sore but forgot about his aches and pains as he held his beloved daughter in his arms, both crying and laughing at the same time.

  ‘Mel, these are your brothers.’

  ‘Nice to meet you, Mel.’ said Tony and he winked at his sister. ‘We’ll say hello properly once we’ve got us out of here.’ And he carried on kicking the door with his brother. Mel took a second to look at her brothers - they were well cool. Her friends were going to drool over these two and she was going to have some fun showing them off. Thinking of her friends made her realize that she may not have seen them again, and what about her mother? Delayed shock set-in and Graham held his daughter’s trembling body while her brothers worked on the door. It took a few minutes before the wooden door shattered and the twins climbed through it and ran outside. It was as they suspected. The car, the man and woman had long gone. They could make out a black van and a number of cars in the distance heading toward the farmhouse and as the vehicles neared, Jim rightly assumed that the police had arrived at long last.


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