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Honest Love

Page 8

by Cm Hutton

  When we came up for a breath, Derek laid back, pulled me close and gently guided my head onto his chest. “Sleep, beautiful. We have a big day tomorrow.”

  “Did I say ‘yes’ to going with you? I can’t remember.” I peaked up at his face to see his reaction. We both knew I would go, but I liked messing with his head a little.

  “Um, you’re going.” His eyebrows were raised and he was ready to stand his ground.

  I smiled and pushed against his chest to move away. “I need to change clothes and brush my teeth. I have an extra toothbrush if you’d like to use it.”

  “Sure.” We both brushed our teeth, then I slipped into the closet and found my pajamas. I hadn’t thought about pajama choices in twenty years, but what I owned and what I was wearing were likely to be an issue. It was a pair of off-white silk pajama shorts and a matching silk spaghetti-strapped top. Pretty much all of my pajamas were like that.

  When I walked out of the bathroom, Derek groaned at my outfit. “Really? That is what you sleep in?”

  “Usually, although, since he left, sometimes I sleep in nothing.” I whispered the last part.

  Derek ran a hand down his face. “Damn woman, how am I supposed to be on my best behavior when you look like that?”

  “I never asked that of you.” I quietly mumbled.

  “No, but it was understood.”

  I walked around to the opposite side of the bed and climbed in. Derek was fully clothed and on top of the covers. I scrunched down under the quilt and blanket and said, “Just get comfortable. If you are staying with me tonight, just shed those clothes and sleep in your undies. I’ll be on my best behavior…promise.” I made a show of crossing my heart. Truthfully, I was challenging myself more than him.

  “Claire. YOU. ARE. KILLING. ME.” He took off everything except his boxer briefs and crawled under the blankets. Immediately, Derek roughly scooped me up and held my body against his. It wasn’t a foreign feeling. No, we fit perfectly, my back to his front, completely aligned together.

  I breathed deeply and said, “It feels good for someone to hold me. Thank you for staying.”

  “Thank you for letting me. Feels good to me too, even if my willpower is stretched to capacity.”

  “Mine too.” My words were barely a whisper.

  “I heard that.” Derek’s arms tightened.

  I laughed then softly said, “It scares the hell out of me.”


  “I barely know you, but I want to know all of you. I can get you out of my mind, Derek, and I’m scared you’re going to hurt me.”

  “Claire, since my divorce, I’ve dating a total of two girls. Both only wanted the fame and fortune. Stop worrying about me. I’m not like that and I’m not him.”

  I stayed still for a few minutes, then turned around to see his handsome face. “Kiss me.”

  Derek smiled, gripped my hair in his hands and devoured my mouth.

  Chapter 13


  Claire forgave me. That was something new. Abbi had always held such a grudge over every little thing, which was laughable considering she’d had her own agenda for years.

  I was thrilled that Claire agreed to go with me to Temecula and give us a chance to really get to know each other. I barely held on to the shred of willpower I’d had left as her small, hot little body curled up next to mine. I hadn’t planned on staying…hell, I hadn’t even planned on wrapping my arms around her as we stood there in her living room. But she had me…owned me and didn’t even know it. She was who I’d been missing in my life and it thrilled me and scared the holy shit out of me at the same time. I didn’t want to screw it up. I wanted to be worthy of being in her life even if it was complicated, especially with her having kids. But I knew the minute she’d called me after getting my gift that she was going to somehow be mine and it was going to start with testing the waters a bit that night. Claire’s response to me was more than I ever expected. She wanted me as much as I wanted her. Crazy? Yes, it was crazy the way we were tuned to each other after such a short time.

  I hoped that our trip to Temecula would be smooth and that when her kids came back from Texas, my sexy Claire was just the same. I worried about that, actually. I didn’t know what it was like to have children, but I knew enough to know that in situations like ours, it could make or break a relationship. For now, though, I had plans. First thing in the morning, I was changing our hotel rooms from two rooms to one. I had a feeling Claire might be okay with the change. God let’s hope so.

  Chapter 14


  We curled up next to each other all night. Our passion didn’t progress past the amazingly hot kissing, although I could feel what it was doing to him. Derek had turned me away from him after a while and held me tight until we both fell asleep.

  The morning sun wasn’t what woke me up. It was the stiff, rock hard erection pressing against my ass. Knowing it was Derek, made my heart swelled with happiness and my pulse quicken. I wanted him, not just for his hot body, but at my side, sharing life with me. But I was scared to hope even if everything in me screamed that I’d found someone who understood me.

  I wiggled a little to see if he was awake. “Oh, sweet girl, don’t do that. I need a minute.”

  “You’re awake?”

  “Have been for a while. But I couldn’t force myself to get up. You feel too good.”

  “Derek.” I closed my eyes and pushed back on him just a little.

  “Please. Don’t do that unless you want me to forget that I’m a gentleman.”

  God, I wanted Derek. I was capable of making sound decisions. Hell, I was almost forty years old. So, I told him. “I want you. I want to feel…”

  “I know. I feel the same way, but not yet. I don’t want you to have any regrets. Let’s get up, shower and get going. Okay?”

  As disappointed as I was, Derek was right. So, I scooted away from him, even as he tried to grip my body in an effort to keep me in bed. I took a peek back at him as I walked to the bathroom and saw him watching me closely. Just to be a total shit, I started undressing before I made it all the way to the bathroom by crisscrossing my arms and removing my night shirt. He groaned as I lifted the silk tank over my head. He couldn’t see my breasts, only my bare back, but it was enough.

  I stopped at the threshold of the door and looked back at his face again. He was barely hanging on. I winked at him over my shoulder and stepped into the bathroom as I gripped the waistband of my shorts, but stopped before pushing them down. I’d never felt so sexy. Jake had never looked at me the way Derek was right at that moment. It was intoxicating…erotic even…and I loved it. “Hell woman, you just might kill me.”

  I peeked around the doorjamb and said, “Back at you.”

  “Claire.” His voice was husky and trembling.

  I froze in place. The way he said my name was so heavy, so full of every kind of emotion all wrapped into my name. I smiled and watched as he climbed off the bed and stalked toward me. I waited for him to come to me. “You can’t expect me to not touch you. You know that, right? Not after that hot as hell display you just put on for me.”

  “You noticed.” I turned, stepping in front of him so he could see my completely naked breasts.

  “Too much. I’m not sure I can wait.” Derek softly brushed his thumb across my left nipple and I gasped and closed my eyes at his tender touch. I was ready to give everything over to him, but he backed away and said, “Shower, sweet girl. I’m going to use the guest bath.” He turned to leave without another word, but the giant erection he had told me he was struggling.

  I pouted as stepped into the shower and let the warm water wash over me. A knock at the door stirred me out of my erotic daydream. “Claire?”

  “Yeah?” My voice sounded weird.

  “I need to head home and pack.”

  “Sure. Go ahead. I’ll see you later.”

  “Are you okay?”

  I cleared my lustful voice. “Yes, I just needed a long
, hot shower.”

  “Something’s wrong. I can hear it in your voice.”

  “I’m good. Go.” I forced my voice to sound as normal as possible. I was a little embarrassed at how much I was turned on by him. I missed sex.

  “Okay. I’ll be back in about thirty minutes.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  When I climbed out of the shower, toweled off and wrapped my little black robe around me, I realized I only had about ten minutes to get ready. I feverishly pack a bag and ran through my house to make sure everything was okay. With only seconds to spare, I sat by the door like I’d been waiting for hours. He was right on time…thirty minutes exactly.

  When he knocked, I already had my hand on the knob. “Hey.” His greeting was so calm.

  “Hi.” God he smelled good and looked even better. He was dressed in jeans and a gray v-neck sweater with a black t-shirt underneath. His light brown hair had that mussed up look and all I could think about was running my fingers through it while kissing the hell out of him. Later.

  I was proud of myself. I was putting every trepidation aside and actually going out of town to have a little fun with a guy I’d only known a short time. Wow! Sounded a little crazy even in my own head. I didn’t care. The dating scene might have been new to me, but I was determined to try because I’d been alone far too long…well before Jake ever even left.

  A slow, sexy grin crept across Derek’s lips as he stepped closer to me until our bodies were touching. I took a deep breath and said, “I hate how much I want you. It makes me crazy because it just doesn’t make sense to feel this way when we haven’t know each other that long.”

  His hands came up to cup my face and he planted a sweet, soft kiss on my lips. “I’m scared too, Claire. This is new to both of us, but I want it—desperately. All I can see is you.”

  I smiled. “I’ve been telling myself over and over that we aren’t two twenty year old kids oblivious to the world. Yes, it’s new, but…” I shook my head and continued, “…feels right.”

  “Yes, it does.” Derek kissed me again, this time harder and full of the heat we felt between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep him close as his arms circled around my back and held me tight. Damn, the man knew how to kiss! That alone had me all revved up and ready to strip him naked and have my way with his gorgeous body, but I leaned back but he held me tighter even as I said, “We’d better go.”

  Amusement spread across Derek’s face. “Is that right? Why the hurry, beautiful?”

  I felt my face blush, but didn’t care. I raised an eyebrow and said, “You know why.”

  “Say it.” He squeezed my waist.

  Out of pure horny lust from our closeness and all the shower dreams still keeping my body stirred up, I said, “I want to do all kinds of things to this sexy body of yours. It’s been way too long.”

  He let out a howling laugh that had me joining him. “I wasn’t expecting you to say that. You read my mind, though. It’s all I’ve been thinking about the last few days.”

  I patted his chest. “So, let’s get going and by the way, I don’t need a separate room.” I stared into his eyes when I said the words.

  “Good, because I cancelled it this morning. No way in hell I was staying away from you tonight…even if all we do is sleep.” I gave him a huge smile of approval.

  Derek kissed my forehead, released me and bent to grab my bag. “How’s your knee feeling this morning?” Always working.

  He looked over his shoulder and smirked at me. “Not answering you. Vacation time.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him. “Fine, but if I see you’re hurting, I’m going to do whatever the hell I want and treat you.”

  “Ooh… ‘treat’ me? I like the sound of that.”

  I laughed and slapped his arm. “Men.”

  “Come on. Let’s go have a little fun.”

  We locked up my house and walked out to a shiny black Nissan GT-R. “Oh, wow! Nice.”

  “Thanks. Cars are about the only thing I’ll indulge in with my earnings. It’s a little hobby of sorts.”

  “A little hobby? Please, Matt has shown me one of these every day for the last four months. He has it in his head that his dear, sweet mom is going to buy him this for graduation in May.”

  Derek laughed. “Hell, yeah! Why not?”

  He opened my car door and I rolled my eyes as I sat in the passenger seat. “Not. Happening.”


  “That’s my job.” He laughed as he shut the door and made his way to the driver’s side of the car. I watched him cross in front of the car, shaking his head and smiling.

  As soon as he sat in his seat, he said, “Poor kid. Tell him I’ll let him take mine out a time or two.” I suddenly sucked in air at the thought of my kids meeting Derek. Would they meet Derek?

  “What?” He was looking at me.

  “Sorry, I never thought about that…about my kids meeting you. It just hit me, that’s all.”

  His face turned serious. “Oh.”

  I turned in my chair to face Derek. “No, I didn’t mean it like that. I guess I’ve been focused only on you, on this.” I reached for his hand and held it so he would look at me and hear my words. “Derek, I’m not sure how to go about all of this. What I know right now is that I’m excited to be around you. I want to spend all my time with you. Taking this trip is big for me. But I’m determined to do things just for me…things that make me happy. And being with you makes me happy.”

  His body relaxed and he squeezed my hand as I continued. “As for my kids, I know they want me to be happy. I’m not afraid to let you meet them or anything like that. I want you to meet you. And, they will love you, especially Matt and Jon. No doubt they know who you are…even though I didn’t.”

  “Oh really?” His humor was back.

  I wrinkled my nose and admitted. “Really.”

  “Hmm…well, you’re going to know a lot more about me after this trip.” He leaned in and kissed me.

  “Good.” I touched his cheek and stared into his beautiful, golden eyes.

  “And I understand. Your kids don’t need to know anything about us until you want them to know. It would make me happy if they knew I liked their mom and wanted to spend a lot of time with her. But whatever happens with us, I’ll follow your lead.”

  “Thank you, Derek.”

  “You’re welcome.” He kissed the tip of my nose, then turned back in his seat and started the car. My whole body felt peaceful. I was happy just where I was, in that moment with Derek beside me and the promise of something new.

  Chapter 15


  As we set off toward Temecula, I replayed my morning with Claire. My will power had been on the brink of shattering into a million pieces as I laid in her bed with that round little ass pressed against me. And after her little striptease on the way to take a shower, my cock was desperate for relief. I’d limped to the guest bathroom, shut the door behind me and leaned against it. My cock was so hard it felt like it might snap the fuck off if I touched it. God, I needed her wrapped around me in a bad way, but that would have to wait. For now, it was up to me.

  I reached down, grabbed myself and started stroking. The memory of her beautiful breasts and her reaction to the soft touch of her nipple had me coming in seconds. I pumped just a few times and sank to the floor as the orgasm ripped through my body. I didn’t care that I’d just made a giant mess. I needed the release and I was headed home to get cleaned up anyway. I wiped myself off, carefully walked out of the bathroom hoping Claire was still showering and sighed in relief when I heard the water running. After checking on her, I drove home, showered and packed. I was excited about the promises the weekend held.

  She wanted me as much as I wanted her. That was huge, but I was prepared to let Claire show me how far things would go. I’d had time to process being with other people, she hadn’t.

  She said she was happy…with me. I loved it.

  Happy. Yep, I felt the
same way.

  Chapter 16


  We left Torrey Pines, went up the 5 and turned onto Del Dios Highway through Rancho Santa Fe and up to Escondido where we hit the 15. That took us all the way to Temecula and it was a beautiful drive.

  Shortly into the drive, Derek reached over and intertwined our fingers before he brought them to his lips and kissed the back of my hand. I watched the movement and couldn’t help the little blush on my cheeks. He didn’t say anything. I looked down at our hands resting on my leg then back out the window. Derek was quiet. I think he was letting me take in all the scenery.

  We exited Rancho California Road and drove the short drive to Ponte Vineyard Inn. It was magnificent. The inn had a Spanish mission look to it and sat right in the middle of the vineyard’s vast grapevines.

  “Derek, this is unbelievable. Look at this place.”

  “I thought you might like it.” He squeezed my hand and when I looked at him, he was grinning with pride.

  “Thank you! I’m really excited to be here.”

  “Come on, then. Let’s go get checked in and take a look around.”

  “YAY!” I let go of his hand and clapped mine together, making him laugh.

  “So girly…” he mumbled and shook his head as he opened his door to climb out.

  I reached for the handle and just before I pushed the door open, he stopped it with his body. I looked through the window and saw that he was eyeing me. “What?”


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