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Favor: The Kresova Vampire Harems: Lyra

Page 2

by Graceley Knox

  “See, Aura! It’s your fault!” Carver tickles her side and she dances away into the arms of Marius.

  “It’s good to see you again, Marius. And this time, not at the end of each other’s blades.”

  The leader of the Dakvahar resistance chuckles, “I’d still like to spar with you at some point, so maybe it’s not a permanent change.” He winks.

  For as long as I can remember, he’d rallied my father’s allies, keeping them organized and striking back against Morana as they searched for his location to free him. He’d even gone so far as to blow up Morana’s centennial celebration, taking out a good number of her court, and injuring the twat herself. If only a little bomb could destroy her completely.

  “Any time, I need to stay sharp.” I shift my grip on my bag, anxious to get settled and see my father.

  Aurora notices and claps her hands together. “Okay, disperse men. Lyra needs to settle in, and we need to give her some space in her own castle.” She grabs the bag out of my grip before I can protest and heads towards the right side of the double staircase leading up to the second floor of the mansion.

  The men scatter like feathers on the wind, and Reina and Aurora prod me forward, following them up the stairs to the room at the end of the hall.

  “We hope you don’t mind.” Reina starts.

  “But, we had your room done up for you.” Aura finishes for her. “New sheets, some alcohol in case you need it, chocolate, because chocolate, some tissues, all the best beauty products according to Reina, and some candles. Everything you need to relax and unwind for a bit before we jump into the crazy.”

  “Thank you both so much. I’ve never really had a homecoming quite like this.”

  “Yeah, well, we figured it’s the least we can do after everything you’ve done for us.” Aurora tosses my bag on the bed, and faces me, smiling softly.

  I wave her off. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “Ha! Yeah, you only ‘betrayed’ Morana, helped us snag that ring that will weaken her, got us all to safety, and then let us crash land at your personal home.” She snorts. “You’re right. It’s no biggie, give me a piece of chocolate as payment.”

  I laugh at her antics. Both girls are younger than I am in by decades. With Aurora only recently turned, and Reina still human, but I adore their candid and quite often blunt natures.

  “I think I’ll just take a quick shower to rinse off the travel, and then I’d like to see my father if he’s awake.”

  “For sure. We’ll go check in on him, and we’ll meet you down in the kitchen so it’s easy enough to find.”

  “You have so many awesome rooms up in this bitch, but we kept getting lost, so we started naming them by color.” Reina smirks.

  “I did the same thing when I first saw it.” I toe off my boots and let my long chestnut brown hair fall against my back after I remove the elastic keeping it pinned against my scalp.

  “We’ll leave you to it. There’s a lot to go over and talk about, but we’ll see you down there.” Both girls, wave and leave, shutting the door behind them, but their voices float on the air long after they’re gone.

  I snag a chocolate, shoving it in my mouth, and moaning when the sweet cocoa and coconut flavors hit my tongue. I set the shower to the hottest setting, and rinse off quickly, not even stopping to appreciate the pleasant hint of mint in the hair products Reina had set out for me. I dress quickly, following what has been my routine for as long as I can remember. Leather pants, multiple knives strapped to each thigh, combat boots with traction, broken in so I can run long distances in them, a gun at my ankle and another at my lower back under my plain black t-shirt. The final touch includes a long sword sheathed along my spine, and my hair in a pony tail at the top of my head, the strands braided to keep it out of my way.

  The routine brings me a small measure of comfort before I head downstairs to meet with my father and find out everything that’s been happening as I hopped around Europe to throw Morana and her elite assassins, and my previous comrades, off our trail. I know that I can be lethal on my own. But with my weapons, I’m down right deadly.

  “You can’t just walk into the middle of pack territory and demand they make an alliance with you, Father. That’s not how things work now.” I growl the words, sick of the argument we’ve been having for the past hour.

  I’d walked downstairs and into a hurricane known as Abhartach. Hurricane Abe as Reina was calling him.

  “I don’t see why not, Lyra. It is the smartest move for everybody involved.” He argues.

  “No. It’s the smartest move for us. The vampires. Not the werewolves. They’ve stayed far far away from the Kresova politics and for good reason. Morana is a psycho. Or have you forgotten?”

  He flashes his fangs at me, hissing. “I have not forgotten what depravities she is capable of, daughter. But I do not see any other choices here. The Baetal won’t move against her. The Draugur, while helpful previously, aren’t willing to completely throw in with us, and the Istria laughed when we said we’re taking the Kresova back from Morana.”

  I wish I could say I’m surprised at their answers but after Arsen Eskandar’s help at the centennial I’m sure Morana is watching the Draugur closely. The Baetal simply don’t have the numbers they used to, and the Istria queen Nefertari is just as depraved as Morana. I’m pretty sure they swap torture ideas like most women swap recipes.

  “So you think that telling the wolves that they have to align with us is the way to go?”

  Abhartach nods, and I glance around the room, taking in Carver, Lucian, Marius, and Row’s expressions. They range from resigned to annoyed, to amused.

  “Father, you can’t demand anything from them. You can ask for them to hear you out, and to consider the option, but they’re not under your rule. Not any longer. Morana banished them after she imprisoned you.”

  “I am sure they could use the protection of the Kresova again.” He huffs.

  I laugh. “Their numbers are vast, and there are hundreds of packs around the world. They no longer need our support to survive. They’ve thrived without our interference.”

  “We have a number of supporters we can call on within the Dakvahar, King.” Marius adds.

  “Yes, and if known members of the Dak’s start flooding Ireland, Morana will know exactly where we’re hiding, and strike before we’re ready.”

  “I didn’t say it was a perfect plan…” Marius retorts.

  “I think it’s smart to tell everyone to slowly make their way here, yes. But not in droves. And not all the same way. Some should come via plane, via boat, and from multiple countries. No two should enter from the same country in the same month.”

  “Noted. I’ll spread the word.”

  “And what about the wolves?” Abe asks.

  “I can set up a meeting with the wolves so we can discuss any options with them, father.”

  “Excellent, let’s go.”

  “I just have to make a phone call first. We can’t just show up on their doorstep.”

  “Why not? I thought they raised you for a time, daughter.”

  I nod. “Yes, they did. But that doesn’t mean that they’re going to shelter the enemies of one of the craziest, blood-thirsty, vampires on the planet.” I hold up my hand to halt his argument. “I’ll make the call. But for now, feed, rest, and let me see what I can do. No promises here.”

  I’m sure that my father means well, and he’s only trying to do what’s best for the race he created, but his inability to accept anything other than what he wants is something I’m going to have to get used to. I guess, back when he was alive and kicking, no one questioned a King. But a lot has changed since his time as ruler. And revolutions may be more than acceptable, but that doesn’t mean they happen at the snap of a finger either.

  It’s not like we don’t have fate and an ancient prophecy on our side, but as time has taught me, fate’s a fickle bitch, and she loves to fuck with the best laid plans.

  Chapter 2

>   “Lyra, ride with us!” Aurora calls out as we approach the cars. Callahan had agreed to meet with us but wasn’t promising anything. As it stands, he’s already nervous about so many vampires being this close to his pack, but once I’d assured him we’re all drinking from blood bags and not humans or wolves, he’d settled some.

  I switch directions, heading to the SUV Aurora and her men stand near, leaving my father, Reina, and Row as well as a few guards to take the second one. We pile in and I give Carver the GPS coordinates to the pack’s headquarters before leaning back in my seat next to Aura.

  “Soo… how’s it feel to be free?” she asks, wiggling in her seat a little. Lucian places his hand on her thigh and she settles down, almost like his touch centers her.

  “Not exactly free yet, but it’s a start. At least I don’t have to see her ugly face every day now.” Marius cracks up laughing in the front seat, tossing a smirk at me over his shoulder.

  “Well, that’s true.” Aurora opens her mouth and then closes it, meeting the gaze of each of her men.

  I raise a brow. “Is there something I need to know?” I’ve never been one to beat around the bush, and I’m certainly not going to start now.

  “Go ahead, ma belle. Tell her of your feelings.” Carver encourages Aurora.

  She grabs my hand in hers and holds it tight. “I know this might come as a kind of shock, but I think you’re the second Dria queen. And I know it’s a lot to handle, but I can walk you through it and I’m here for support, and so are the guys, and if you ever have any questions you can come to me, and I think it’s going to be great. And I’m sure you’d like for me to shut up now.” Her mouth closes with a click of teeth and she leans back, my hand still in hers as she stares intently at me.

  I blink at her, half of me terrified that I’m not suitable for the honor, the other half of me already knowing that my destiny is to join Aurora and unite the Kresova.

  “What makes you so sure I’m the next Dria?” I ask, mostly curious and to buy myself more time to process that my suspicions were apparently correct.

  “The best way I can explain it is like magnets. I’m drawn to you. I feel more powerful when I’m near you. Like when I step into your energy bubble it amplifies mine, and if we were to touch we’d look like those cartoons do when they touch an electrical outlet, hair medusa style.”

  I raise her hand in mine. “Well, good news is, neither of us has screaming snakes for hair.”

  Aurora giggles. “True. But that’s the only way I can explain it. Do you feel it to?”

  “I feel something. Like a shift in the atmosphere when were together. Like the pressure from a thunderstorm coming.”

  “Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane!” Marius sings the lyrics to the Scorpion’s song in his best imitation of the lead singer, and the entire car falls into fits of laughter the tension broken wide open.

  I pepper Aurora with silly questions, like will I suddenly gain new powers. Or will men just come flying at me in droves. She tells me of her dream visions and is completely honest. She’d found her consorts one by one, and it hadn’t been easy. But destiny has a way of working itself out in the funniest of ways.

  Thirty minutes later we’re pulling up to Callahan’s own castle and he’s waiting on the main terrace for us with his mate, Brenna. They’ve both got a few wrinkles around their eyes now, but that’s the only thing that gives away the fact that they’re both approaching their second century. Wolves aren’t exactly immortal, unless they mate with one, but they live for thousands upon thousands of years now that they’re not fighting each other for land and dominance under the hands of the vampires.

  I jump out of the SUV and run up to them, lightning fast, and Callahan catches me, just like he used to, squeezing me in a big bear hug and lifting me off my feet.

  “Ah, wee little scrapper, you’re home at last.” Brenna rubs her hand down my back, and any and all doubts I had that I’d be less welcome after all of the sins I’d committed under Morana’s rule dissipate like fog on a hot summer day.

  “Told you you’d be stuck with me forever, Pops.” I pull away, meeting his kind grey eyes. The same eyes that had taken a feral ten-year-old, coaxed her out of her shell, and given her a reason to believe in herself.

  “No love for your, Ma, young lady?” Brenna teases, and I smile at her, throwing my arms around her as well.

  I breathe her in. Her subtle scent of lavender and honey is just like I remember. Soothing and gentle with a hint of spice. “I’ve missed you so much.” I whisper the words into her hair, letting her magic calm me once more before I start blubbering like an infant.

  “We know, love. We know. But we’ve always known you could handle what was in front of you. And none of that matters now. You’re home, you’re safe, and we’re not letting you go this time.” She leans back, pushing a strand of hair out of my face before cupping it in her palm.

  “Thank you.” I look between them, completely ignoring the fact that about ten other vampires are behind me, and we’re here for a reason. I need this moment with the only parents I’d ever known after my own had been taken from me.

  “Now, down to business. You look too skinny. You should be eating more. Or feeding more. Whichever it is now. Come inside, and let’s get you fed.” She glances over my shoulder. “Aye, the lot of you as well, come on, this way.”

  Footsteps shuffle behind me and Aurora and Reina bounce up to Callahan and Reina greeting them, their men close to their sides.

  “Welcome, Aurora. We’ve heard much about you from Lyra and our friends in Texas.”

  “Aw. You know, Harlow? She’s the best. We love her.”

  Callahan nods, leading Aurora and her group inside, and I hang back, waiting for Abhartach, my blood father, who’s got a sour look on his face like he’s sucked a lemon.

  “What is it, father?” I ask him, unsure of the reason for his look.

  “You are very familiar with them.”

  “Yes, I am. They took me in and raised me after you were imprisoned and Morana killed mother. They’re the only parents I’ve known in a very long time.” I rest my hand on his arm. “I hope that one day, you and I will build a relationship just as strong as the one I have with Callahan again.”

  He nods, jerkily. “Yes. I think I’d like that.”

  It’s not a proclamation of love, but when you’d been locked up in solitude, starving, and screaming for help, with no hope of anyone finding you, it can’t be easy to remember what love and caring felt like. I’m sure he thought I was dead. And imagined a million ways in which Morana had done the deed. He’d also lost his mate. Either way, when he rests his hand on mine, I send a wish for what we once had up to whatever god’s listening.

  “Oy. Are you two slow pokes coming or what?” Reina shouts.

  Abhartach sighs. “I simply can’t grasp this one’s wording at times.”

  I rub at my mouth to cover my smile. “She’s got her own language, it would seem. It’s called slang, father.”

  “Whatever it is, it should go back to where it came from.”

  I snort at his disgruntled tone. Adaptable, he was not. But he’s getting there.

  As we enter the castle, I take in my surroundings. Not much has changed. Toys still litter the foyer for the pups, giant couches can be seen to the left in the main living room, half of them full. Photos of the pack and it’s various members line the double staircase leading up to the second level. When they’d given me my own mini-castle as I call it, because it’s about a quarter of the size of their own, they’d built it after the pack house to remind me of home. I’ve even got my favorite beat up leather recliner that Callahan used to read to me in my bedroom. He’d stayed up most nights, when I couldn’t sleep, teaching me chess, reading me a million stories, and telling me old pack legends.

  “She’s here!” Twin voices screech and before I know it, I’m bowled over by two very excited werewolves. We roll around, play nipping at each other, as they hug me and ruffle m
y hair in greeting.

  “You’re not as big as I thought you’d be.” One twin states. I look into her eyes to see which twin it is. Blue like the ocean waves crashing on the shore of Ireland. Maeve.

  “Aye. Big bad vampire like yourself? What the hell? Did they not feed you yer Wheaties?” I smile up at her, my own hazel ones meeting her forest green ones. Moira.

  “I missed you crazy pups too.”

  They hold out their hands, helping me up, and we stand together with me in the middle, like always. Only this time, they tower over me. But that’s easy to do when you’re five feet tall. I’d say they’re five foot ten. They’re not giant like a man is, but they’re clearly toned and able to handle their own. They’d have to be to help their father run the pack and keep order now that they’re old enough. Both have curvy hips, legs for days, and a stunning smile that could stop traffic.

  They both scoff. “We’re not pups.”

  “Uh-huh. Sure, whatever you say.” I poke my elbows into their sides and wink.

  “Enough rough housing. We have guests.” Brenna chastises us and we all duck our heads like we did when we really were just pups. “I’m so sorry about that, please, come into the kitchen so I can get you all something to snack on and some coffee.”

  “Did you say coffee?” Aurora perks up, walking quickly to where Brenna stands at the entrance of the kitchen.

  “Aye. And we have the good stuff.”

  “Lead the way fair lady. You had us at coffee and snacks.” Reina bounces on her toes, and Brenna takes them both by the hand, chatting softly with them.

  Our entire group follows, and I take stock of each of them. Carver, Lucian, and Marius seem to be relaxed, but they’re all alert, keeping a close eye on their queen. Rowland does the same, one eye on Reina at all times. His devotion to the human girl is something I’ve never seen, but Carver tells me that it’s real for both of them and when the time comes, he thinks Reina will ask to join Rowland in eternal life. Even if Aurora has issues with her best friend becoming one of the undead.


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