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Favor: The Kresova Vampire Harems: Lyra

Page 9

by Graceley Knox

  “Because that would be too easy, and today is not my day.” I grumble under my breath. Damon rubs his hand down my back and I lean into his side. Seamus eyes the two of us closely but doesn’t say anything. I’m not sure if he can feel the same pull I feel towards him, and toward Damon at the same time, but if he does, he’s probably wondering if I’m the world’s biggest slut, or if something else is going on here.

  Seamus grabs a leather jacket off the back of a recliner and claps his hands together. “Are you ready?”

  “For what?”

  “I’m going to take you to meet, Anna.”

  “What, right now?” If I have to sit my ass in a car one more hour today, I might cry.

  “Perhaps we can go tomorrow afternoon? After we’ve had some rest? We’ve been traveling all day. Literally.” Damon states and I sag into him in relief that he said it for me.

  “Yeah, no problem. Just let me know where you’re staying and I’ll meet you there and we can head out.” Seamus grabs a pen and paper off the table next to the door, and holds it poised for the address.

  “We’ll meet you here, around eleven tomorrow?” Damon once again saves the day, although why he wouldn’t just tell Seamus where we’re staying, I have no idea, but I really could care less.

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.”

  We head for the door, shuffling our feet like a bunch of zombies.

  “Oh, bit of advice? Don’t wear anything too shiny tomorrow. Anna’s known for keeping trinkets from her guests.”

  I wave over my shoulder in acknowledgment. Yeah, whatever. A clepto Fae, why am I not surprised?

  After crashing hard for what felt like only a few hours but was really a solid ten hours, Damon had surprised us girls with breakfast and tea waiting for us. If we weren’t pressed for time, I’d have thanked him with more than a kiss, but getting my hands all over him will have to wait until we’ve gotten some answers so we can move it the fuck along with weakening Morana already.

  Armed with a to-go cup of tea, fewer weapons that usual so I don’t scare the tourists in London, and my werewolf bodyguards, we head to meet Seamus. I’d dreamt about him last night. He’d been with Damon and I, laughing about something, and when I’d woken up, I was sad that it was only a wish, not a memory. But, who knows. My reaction last night could have been due to sleep deprivation and he’ll look like a troll today.

  We pull up to the pub, this time in a rental car, and there he is, leaning with one foot against the brick wall, and yup, he’s still looking like he should be on the cover of a punk rock magazine.

  “Heyo! Morning to you lovely ladies. Bruv, you look like you’ve gone a few rounds with a truck. Need some coffee? I’ve got more in the pub.” Seamus opens the back door, sliding into the car all while simultaneously complimenting and insulting all of us at once.

  Damon doesn’t even dignify Seamus’ remark with an answer, instead he maneuvers the car back into traffic, dropping one hand over mine on the center console.

  I crane my neck to look at Seamus. “Where to?”

  He rattles off a bunch of directions that I hope make sense to Damon, because sure as shit, I haven’t spent enough time in London, or England to get half of what he just said.

  “Got it, mate?”

  “Yeah, I know where I’m going.”

  “Brilliant. So ladies, tell me all about you. Twins, eh? That’s got to be fun!”

  “Oh, we definitely had a blast until my eyes turned bluer and Maeve’s turned greener. Then our parents could tell us apart.” Moira chuckles.

  I laugh, remembering a time when Brenna was yelling at Maeve for something Moira had done. “Oh man, those were the good ole’ days.”

  “You were there with them?” Seamus asks, leaning forward.

  I try to ignore his breath on my arm, but it still sends a ribbon of want through me.

  “What’s it to you?” Damon barks the question before I can answer.

  Seamus sits back in his seat. “Just making friendly conversation, mate.”

  I rub Damon’s arm, trying to calm him down. “It’s okay, Damon, he can know.” I glance back at Seamus. “From the time I was ten until I was fifteen, I lived with Callahan and his pack.”

  “Interesting upbringing you had there.”

  I shake my head. “You have no idea.”

  Three hours and another sore ass later, we pull into a small village in the middle of the English countryside.

  “Right, so remember, leave the shiny bits in the car, or you’re liable to not return home with it.” Seamus climbs out of the car after we pull to a stop in front of a cottage that backs up to a hill, sprawling gardens surrounding it.

  We follow suit, all waiting for him to take the lead.

  “Anna, darling. I’ve brought some friends, it’s safe.” He calls out and I frown.

  “Why would she think anyone you bring with you would harm her?”

  “Because long ago, I brought someone I believed to be a friend with me, and we walked right in, only for him to lunge for her. Now, I let her come to me so she feels safe in her own home.”

  “Seamus, is that you?” A soft voice calls out, before a willowy blonde woman steps through the front door.

  “Aye, Anna, it’s me, darling.” He gestures to us. “I’ve brought some friends with me. We’ve all got a common enemy.

  She tilts her head. “You don’t say. And who might this enemy be?”

  “I’ll give you a hint. She’s got fangs, and she’s a nasty piece of work.”

  Anna rears back, her eyes wide as she peers at us again. “Come inside. We shouldn’t talk about this out here.” She shuts the door behind us, locking it after we’re all crammed inside her tiny abode. “Please, sit. Tell me everything.”

  I clasp my hands together, leaning forward. “I’m Lyra Roux, Abhartach’s only blood daughter, and the second Dria queen.” Well that’s not a mouthful or anything. Next up, I’ll add three middle names.

  Anna gasps.

  “It’s true, darling. I looked into them last night. They are who they say they are.”

  “We’re here to see if you can tell us how to remove the binding spell on the ring you gave to Morana that gives her more power and strength.”

  “I’m not the one who cast the spell. My mother did.” She places her hand over her chest.

  “Is she close by? Can we talk to her?”

  “She’s no longer with us. We were cast out by the Fae after we lost their ring.”

  “Their ring? You mean the ring is Fae in origin?” I sit back hard in my seat, bumping my shoulder against Damon.

  “Well that would explain a lot.” Moira chimes in.

  “It does?” I ask.

  “Yeah, if it’s Fae in origin, there’s no way a simple binding spell would be removed so easily from it. It’s not just a witch’s spell, it’s a Fae ring with a witch’s spell added to it.”

  I nod like I’m following her logic but I’m still lost. “Uh-huh.”

  “Let me try to explain it better.” Anna scoots the edge of her seat. “The ring was forged by ancient Aeos smiths. My family was charged with protecting and caring for it. Keeping it out of the hands of the Fae who would use it to overthrow the current ruling family. When my mother gave it to Morana to protect my life, they were furious and cast us out, branding us as traitors.” Anna rubs at her eyes but continues her story. “We searched for years to get it back, but we’re no match for Morana’s numbers. And any Fae that would try to help us would be branded a traitor as well, so they stopped trying to aide us.”

  “Typical Fae logic. They gave you something to protect, and when you tried to recover it after it was lost, they wouldn’t help you.” Damon grumbles, standing to pace back and forth. “So how do we remove the spell?”

  “The only way I know of is to take it into the Fae lands, and to melt it down with flames from a Fae forge.”

  “Well, fuck.”

  “Do you have it with you?�
� Seamus asks and Damon steps in front of me.

  “No, we don’t. We’re not stupid enough to travel around with it. It would be like putting targets on our backs.”

  “Hey, easy big guy. I’m just asking.”

  The power goes out, the sudden lack of hum through the cottage deafening. I stand, looking around. “Do you often lose electricity out here?”

  Anna shakes her head. “No, not ever.”

  I wave a hand sending Moira and Maeve to the back of the small house. “Check the back, somethings not right. Damon and I will take the front.” I nod to Anna. “Stay here with Seamus, he’ll keep you safe.”

  Damon and I head out, staying low and out of the line of site of the windows.

  “Do you hear anything?”

  “No, nothing. Which worries me. I don’t even hear any birds chirping outside. Something bigger and badder is here and they’re watching quietly from a distance.”

  “Super.” I don’t know who would know we’re here, but it can’t be a coincidence.

  “Come out, come out, halfling! We know you’re in there.”

  The familiar voice rings out and I tense. “Son of a bitch.”

  “Who is that?” Damon asks.

  “That’s Hugo. He’s a part of Morana’s pet assassin group. Le Tireur. Until recently, I was a part of their ranks. They’re here for me. But I didn’t see them tailing us on our way here.”

  “No one followed us here. I can promise you that.”

  I groan. “They had to have been watching Anna’s house to see if we’d show up. Morana’s known where she’s been hiding this whole time. Keeping tabs on her.”

  “How do you want to handle this?” Damon whispers.

  “I want to eliminate the threat. Trust me when I say Hugo’s done plenty of things that warrant his death. And the men with him have as well.”

  “I’ll let the girls know.” He taps my knee. “I’ll be right back. Wait for me.”

  If I wait for him, Hugo and his men might strike first. I can’t risk it. As soon as Damon’s around the corner, I burst through the door, tucking and rolling, flinging a knife straight into Hugo’s chest. It lands, sinking into his flesh with a thud as I jump to my feet.

  “That’s not very nice, Lyra.” Hugo tsks.

  “It’s not very nice of you to attack me and my friends either, Hugo, but here we are.”

  “Yes, here we are.” He removes the knife, throwing it to the ground. “Morana want’s your head on a pike outside her front door.”

  “I’d prefer hers outside my gates. Can’t all get what we want now can we?”

  “Don’t play coy. Just surrender and we won’t torture you too badly.” His cronies chuckle at his words and I roll my eyes.

  “Please, Hugo. You really don’t think I’m going to give in so easily. We trained together. I know what you’re capable of.”

  “Well then I guess we dance.”

  “Bring it on.”

  Hugo lunges for me, his fangs bared and I duck, sweeping my leg out to knock him off balance. I miss, but just barely. His goons fly toward me as well and I let out a roar of primal rage. Nothing like a bare-knuckle fight to get your blood pumping. I fling one of them to the side easily enough, but the second is just a tad quicker, striking a blow across my face.

  I revel in the pain, letting it push me further into the deadly headspace I need to be in.

  A growl sounds behind me, and I glance briefly over my shoulder. A black wolf stands there, teeth exposed. He bounds toward me, leaping over my crouched position, his jaws tearing into the throat of the Kresova who’d hit my face.

  I kick back, just in time to catch Hugo right in the jaw, sending him crashing into the exterior of the cottage. Two other Kresova appear from around our rental car in the driveway and I know we’ll need backup.

  “Moira, Maeve, they’re up here!” I shout, hearing their boots pounding on the ground.

  They jump into the melee, all of us defending Anna, and our lives, determined to lessen Morana’s numbers. Damon moves on from the unmoving Kresova with his throat torn out, helping first Moira and Maeve as they fight in their human forms.

  I face off with Hugo, circling him. “Are you sure you want to do this, Hugo? I won’t tell anyone if you collect your wounded and retreat.”

  He doesn’t even glance at his men, bloody and broken at his feet. “I wouldn’t give up the chance to kick that pretty little ass of yours for the world.”

  I growl at him. Just for that comment, I’m going to aim for his balls. Over and over again until he’ll need surgery just to find them again.

  Fucking dickhead is going down.

  Chapter 13

  We’d fought for a solid hour before we’d narrowed it down to Hugo and one other man. They’d taken one look at the pile of bodies behind them, turned tail, and ran. Once we were sure they left town, we’d hog tied the vamps, securing them in a shed in the back of Anna’s house.

  Battered, bloody, and bruised, we all file back into Anna’s house. She flitters around us, cooing at our scrapes.

  “Everyone okay? Need any major medical attention?” I ask the twins and Damon.

  “I’ve got a sprained ankle, I think.” Moira winces.

  “I think my wrist is broken, but it should heal in a few hours after I get some sleep.” Damon adds, poking at the swollen flesh.

  “I’ve got a salve that will help you both heal faster if you’d like?”

  They both nod, following Anna as she gets it for them, Maeve helping Moira hop along behind Damon.

  I look at Seamus. “So what now?”

  “How do you mean, love?”

  “Clearly Anna can’t stay here. They’ve known where she is all along. And we need to get into Fae Territory and see if they can’t tell us something else other than get the ring here and we’ll light it on fire for you with our magic flames.”

  Seamus snorts. “To get those kinds of answers, you’d need to speak with someone high up in the Fae courts.”

  “Let me guess, that’s not something easily done?”

  “Not usually.” He winks. “But lucky for you, I know just the lady who can get all of us across safely.”

  “You can’t just bring us there?”

  “No, my powers don’t work that way. I can get myself across, but not anyone else. The woman I’m speaking of is a traveler. She can get people to and from places in a blink of an eye.”

  “That must come in handy.” I grouse.

  “And you’re sure she’ll help us?” I ask, not quite sure why a sought-after Fae would help little ole me. It’s not like them to involve themselves in the politics of other supernatural beings.

  “I’m sure she’ll hear us out. But she’ll probably want something in return. Are you willing to bargain with her?”

  “What does she usually want?” I ask, concerned that she’ll ask for my beating heart or something else vital.

  “A future favor, or perhaps an item she can’t obtain herself. It varies.”

  “That’s not comforting at all.” I deadpan.

  “What’s not comforting?” Damon grumbles as he plops down on the couch, holding an ice pack to his injured wrist.

  “Seamus says that in order to get the answers we need, such as finding a different way to destroy the ring without having to get it into Fae territory, we’ll need to speak with someone high up in the Fae courts.”

  “And you just happen to know someone high up, Seamus?” Damon asks, sarcastically.

  “Actually, I do. That’s not the problem. The issue is getting you all over the line safely. I can get myself over, I’m Fae. But it’s not within my abilities to get the rest of you over.”

  “That’s a major issue, Seamus.” Damon growls. “I won’t let you put the life of my mate and my pack members at jeopardy.”

  “Cool it, wolf-man. Anna and I know a traveler who can get us all over the line, safely both ways.”

  Damon grunts. “And where exactly is she located?”
br />   Probably on the outskirts of Narnia.

  “Just around the corner actually.” Anna replies, and for a moment, I think she read my mind, but she’s looking at Damon, so she must have been answering his question. Holy smokes, that was terrifying.

  Damon stands, stretching his arms above his head, his shirt riding up and giving me a peek at his rock-hard stomach. I lick my lips, remembering the way each ridge of his abs felt under my fingers.

  “Well let’s get moving then. I don’t to be here when Morana’s lackeys come back.” Damon issues the order and Anna and Maeve jump into action.

  “I’ll help you pack some necessities, Anna.” She leads the skittish witch away, talking to her about what she should and shouldn’t bring to start over somewhere else.

  “I’m going to sit here, and let this ice numb my foot before we move out.” Moira chimes in. I make a face at her and she laughs.

  “That’s a good idea. In fact, Damon, you should sit and let the ice do the same to your wrist. I know you want to be active and in motion right now, but I’ll need you as strong as I can get you when we head into foreign territory.”

  “You mean Fae territory.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I said. Foreign, Fae, same diff.”

  Turns out a Fae’s definition of around the corner, is twenty minutes away, which turned into an hour as we drove around, switching back and stopping at random places to confuse and shake anyone tailing us.

  By the time we arrive, we’re all desperate to get out of the car. Jamming six people into an SUV that should only fit five is uncomfortable when you’re at your best. With four of us a little worse for wear, it’s downright unbearable.

  Her cottage is similar to Anna’s but the gardens surrounding it are almost double in size and variation. How the hell she keeps all of them alive and thriving as they appear to be, in dreary England, is clearly magical.

  “Does this friend of yours happen to have a name, Seamus?” I ask before exiting the vehicle. “I’d like to at least great her by her name if I’m going to ask her for a favor.”

  “Oh, right. Yes, Rowena is her name, love.” He dazzles me with a wide smile and for a moment I forget why I’m here. Note to self, look into Fae powers and see if they can mesmerize you.


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