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Celtic Fury

Page 27

by Ria Cantrell

  “Yes, ye’ are so beautiful when ye’ come, sweetheart.” He could have sworn he felt a small extra burst of her essence soak him as she came. That hot wet response was enough to bring him back over the edge. He felt the tightening inside of him as his seed surged into her.

  “Oh, aye. Ye’ know how to please yer’ man.” Feeling him come again, she squeezed around him again, to milk every drop from him.

  She loved how he looked when he succumbed to his orgasm. She watched as a thin line of sweat trickled down his cheek. He kissed the calf of her leg and lowered her legs. She could see he was shaking slightly, so she drew him down against her body, holding him in her arms. She could feel the ragged pounding of his heart against her own breast and while it was because he had been hyper-excited, Brielle felt joy at feeling the solid thudding of it. A thin sheen dampened their skin and Brielle traced her fingers over the dewy moisture on his shoulders. She felt him calm in her arms, she kissed his face. He nuzzled her breast with his cheek.

  “Beauty, y’ undo me.” He brought his breathing back to normal, feeling spent and sated from having loved her. He kissed down her ribs, moving to lay kisses over her stomach. “My angel…is giving me a baby,” he said reverently.

  “Well, at least I think I am, Ruiri.”

  “Ye have been sick in the mornings…”

  “Aye, nearly every day. At first I thought it was from the squalor at Campbell Keep, but it happened more often and I realized the possibility a few days ago.”

  “Have ye’ missed yer’ time?”


  Brielle blushed, not used to talking of such things.

  “Well, have ye’?”

  She put her hand over her eyes and whispered, “Aye.” Ruiri noticed her unease and wondered at it.

  “Sweetheart, ye’ arena’ shy from my question are ye’?”

  Blushing deeper she said, “I am na’ used to telling a man such things.”

  Rory laughed softly and said, “I am not just any man. I am yer’ mate. And ye’ just seduced me and made me come like a man released from celibacy …Twice! And ye’ are shy about me askin’ if ye’ missed yer’ time?”

  She nodded. He kissed her neck and said, “Why? Ye’ drained every drop from me. Ye’ are so un-shy when ye’ love me. T’is a natural thing to ask if a man thinks his wife is with child.”

  “It is one thing to love ye’, Ruiri, with my body. T’is an entirely other to discuss private things.”

  Chuckling at her shyness, Rory nibbled next to her ear.

  “Dunna’ be shy to tell me anything. I am yer’ mate.”

  To make her feel comfortable, he playfully kissed her stomach again and he said,

  “I am yer’ da, little one. I love yer’ ma very much…and we both will love ye’.” Planting another tickly kiss there, Brielle giggled. Rory’s heart lightened with her laughter. He moved back up and took her in his arms. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest. He stroked her hair away from her neck and nibbled there. He felt her relax in his arms. Her back was to him and he just stroked her.

  “I know ye’ didna’ sleep well last night. Try to rest now. Liam is going to be fine. I will stay with ye’ till ye’ fall asleep.” Feeling sated and feeling his love and warmth, lulled Brielle into a drowsy calm.

  “Mmm, it feels so good to be with my beloved Ruiri again.”

  He stroked her arms and he just breathed in her scent. After a short time of silence, Rory said, “Bri, I am really sorry about yer brother. I wish it could have ended differently.”

  She stroked over his arms that were holding her. “Me, too, sweetheart, but it could not. He told me if he learned I carried yer’ babe, he would see to killing it himself”.

  Rory felt her shudder at saying those horrible words. He held her tighter. He once again was horrified. What kind of a monster could do that to his own sister? He whispered, “Oh, honey, I wish I could take away all those terrible things.”

  She said, “Ye’ cannot, no more than I can for ye’. But don’t ye’ see, Ruiri, in loving each other, we can heal the brokenness we have felt.”

  He kissed her hair and murmured, “Aye”.

  He held her and felt her relax in his hold. Never again would a man raise his hand to Brielle. He vowed only to touch her in love and passion, with gentleness and care. Feeling him holding her made her feel loved and protected…and complete. Feeling sated from making love with him, she said, “Ruiri?”

  “Aye, Bri…”

  “That was amazing.” He grinned against her hair.

  “What was, Angel?”

  “The way ye’ loved me.”

  “Oh, Aye? It pleased ye’?”

  He felt her nod against his chest. He didn’t want to embarrass her again, even though it charmed him.

  “Ye’ know I would ne’re hurt ye. Sweetheart. We have to get used to each other again. We had so little time before I had to leave, ye’ are much still like a virgin…although, certainly not after what you just did to me this morn,” he laughed.

  But then more seriously he said, “I aim to show ye’ everything that can cause pleasure between a man and a woman. I will never ever cause ye’ pain or dishonor ye’. There are many different ways I want to love ye’.” He eased his hands over her shoulders. She sighed, settling into his arms and she said, “I want ye’ to show me everything…I want to feel all the pleasure ye’ know how to give and I want to learn what ways ye’ like, too.”

  Rory kissed the top of her sleepy head and said, “I am a very lucky man. I have such a beautiful, sensual woman and mate, who is so responsive to me and to the different ways I want to love ye’.”

  “Ye make me feel things I never dreamed could happen between a man and a woman. Ye’ bring me passion and the more I make love with ye’, the more I crave to again and again. With ye’, I know contentment I never realized existed.”

  He kissed her neck and said, “I love making love with ye’. I love the feel of ye’ in my arms and the taste of ye’ on my lips…how perfectly ye’ fit me, how wonderful ye’ make me feel when ye’ love me.”

  She just sighed, sleep starting to claim her. She felt the warmth and comfort of Ruiri and she stretched out under the covers and fell quietly to sleep. Once he was certain she slept deeply, Rory eased himself out of bed and dressed. He went back to check on Liam and found his brother to be awake and looking less feverish. Shawn teased Rory, saying, “Well, aren’t ye’ going to tell us how the wee lassie is?” A slow grin spread on Rory’s face.

  “She’s resting.” Caleb raised an eyebrow and said, “Resting, Aye? Took a while for her to settle down, did it?”

  “She needed a lot of attention, but she is alright now.”

  “Was she ill?”

  “Indeed she was, Da. T’was as ye’ said. She is sick many times in the morning. It passes.”

  “Then ye’…”

  “Aye, we are…She’s carryin’ my bairn. I’m finally to be a father.”

  Shawn and Caleb clapped him on the back.

  “Praise Be! That little angel has brought light back into ye’, son.”

  At Caleb’s words, Rory frowned and said, “Aye, Da, aye. And to think I almost lost her. We got her out of there just in time, Da. I am sorry, Li that ye took that arrow, but Roderick Campbell was capable of the unspeakable. He promised harm to the babe because it was mine. He wanted to pass her to his men and make her their whore. We saved her from terrible horrors.”

  Rory’s voice drifted as his mind was filled the horrible images of the life they saved Brielle from.

  “I would gladly have taken another to save her, Rory. She has worked her way in all of our hearts. T’is hard to believe that she is a Campbell.”

  Caleb answered, “Well her grandfather was a decent man. I dunna’ know what happened to those two brothers of hers, but as dark as they are, is as sweet and kind as Brielle is. She is a gem, Ruiri. She is all goodness and light.”

  “Aye, she has brought the l
ight back to me. She has given me sweet absolution in ways I didna’ even understand”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  A few days later, Rory, Caleb, Shawn and even Liam stood beside Brielle as Roderick was laid to rest. Rory was on guard, certain Brielle’s other brother Derek was going to show himself and he was prepared to do battle if needed. He would never again let anyone hurt his Brielle and he did not trust that Derek would stay away. His body was tensed at the ready, certain that Derek lurked nearby. Still, as the mournful sound of the piper on the castle battlements played and Roderick was interred, there was still no sign of him. Rory’s arm was around Brielle’s waist, as if to steady her, but as the priest uttered the final prayers, he felt her standing straight and unwavering. He glanced over at Brielle. She was wearing her clan plaid only because she had told him that Jerome McManus had burned the MacCollum plaid. He thought she looked beautiful despite the colors she wore. She looked like a laird’s woman, bred from noble highlanders. Looking at her, none could tell that she had been treated more as the lowest of slaves rather than the granddaughter of a powerful laird. Her bearings were graceful.

  His broken little bird that had fallen into his lap had blossomed into a confident woman of strength and courage before his very eyes. He knew that his love had helped her rid herself of the lies that her brothers tried to force her to believe. This changed and stronger Brielle was all the more the perfect mate for him. While he loved nurturing her, he was glad that her own strength was surfacing. Rory noticed that there were unshed tears that glistened on her lashes and though she looked a trifle pale, she maintained her stance; proud and regal, despite how she had been treated at the hands of those who should have loved, cherished and protected her. He tried to read her thoughts, but found them to be impassible. He was certain it was because many things were going through her mind. If Rory had expected Brielle to weep and cry out, “Why didn’t ye love me?” he would have been wrong. She was stoic, almost, and veiled in her own thoughts. He watched her as a gamut of emotions was going through her head, but Rory could discern nothing from her expression. He was once again taken by her bravery and her strength.

  Brielle thought about the times in her childhood when her brother had taunted her with cruel words or painful slaps. Her father was too consumed with his own grief to notice the abuse that was inflicted on her. When Roderick would taunt or hit her, it gave Derek the go ahead to do the same. She remembered the lonely years growing up and after her father had died, her grandfather had done what he could to protect her. She remembered the day that her grandfather had thrown her brothers out for abusing her, and how Roderick had snuck back to her room and cut her, in a drunken rage. She knew she should have felt sadness for the death of Roderick, but she only felt sadness that he had never tried to redeem himself. He had become a monster.

  Then she thought about Rory. Her Ruiri...Rory had loved her and nurtured her in so short a time, making the horrors of her past fade away with his love and passion. Thinking how close she came to losing him, made her feel sick inside. She felt the prickling of tears behind her eyes and though she did not cry, the tears were just on the surface. They were not tears of grief over the loss of her brother. There’s the pity, she thought. He was her brother after all and shouldn’t he deserve some tears for his passing? But thinking again how he had abused her in the last days of his life and how he threatened her with unspeakable evil horrors, including the torture and murder of both Rory and her unborn child, there were no tears of grief for this man who was poisoned with madness. No, her tears threatened because of how grateful she was to have Rory back in her life. He had once again begun the nurturing to heal the hurts she had suffered at Roderick’s hands. He had showered her with love. He had made love to her every night since being reunited. He had shown her passion and tenderness. He had shown her the wonderful ways to find pleasure in each others arms; never once making her feel humiliated or embarrassed. She loved him so much. She was not sure how her love had come to be so deep for this man in so short a time, but love him she did, with all her heart. She choked back a sob, overwhelmed with the love that filled her heart.

  As the last shovel of dirt was tossed on Roderick’s grave, Rory heard a single short sob leave Brielle, but she hiccupped it back and walked forward, never lending even so much as a glance back at the keep behind her. Rory worried her heart was hurting, but as he viewed her strength and resolve, he was calmed somewhat. She was going to be alright, of that he was certain. She mounted her horse and waited as they helped Liam into a cart to travel back home. Liam was not happy about having to return home like an invalid, but he could not sit comfortably on his horse yet. He had somehow made a remarkable recovery since being struck with the arrow, but he was still weak and living with a good deal of pain. Brielle’s heart still hurt thinking of how he had taken that arrow to save her life. She knew there was nothing she could ever do to repay him or to make up for what he had endured.

  Rory rode up next to Brielle. She was sitting her horse stoically. He longed to take her into his arms to protect her and give her a place to let lose the tears he was certain she wished to cry.

  “Are ye alright, Bri?”

  She nodded and said, “Aye, fine.”

  “Can I do anything for ye’?”

  “Nay, just let’s leave this place. I am anxious to leave my past behind.”

  “Aye, Angel. I know. We will ride home now and we will turn from the past and seek our future.”

  As they set out, Rory continued to notice Brielle’s silence. He rode beside her and observed her silently. She had not been ill this morning, so he guessed her silence was just from all the anxiety of the day. He let her have her silence, but offered her his strength by just riding beside her. There was time enough for words later. For now, Rory was content to just be near her.

  Toward late afternoon, the riding party stopped to water the horses and stretch their legs. As Brielle stooped by a stream and cupped water to drink, Rory approached her from behind. After she had slaked her thirst, Rory helped her up and hugged her. She breathed in a deep sigh and allowed the warmth of his body to seep into her chilled flesh. How many times had he done that since they had found each other? It was something she had grown accustomed to. It was becoming quite the habit. She looked up at him and said, “I’m sorry, Ruiri.”

  Kissing her hair, he said, “Oh, why, M'love?”

  “I know I have been moody and sullen.”

  Rory smiled down at her and said, “Oh, have ye’? I hadn’t really noticed,” he teased.

  He kissed her cool lips gently and felt her arms snake around his neck. After another kiss, he said, “I just wanted ye’ to be alright.”

  “With every mile we put between us and the keep, I feel freer of the choking hold I felt upon being there.”

  Rory smiled and then said, “Ye’ still want to marry me, then?”

  Now Brielle smiled up at him. Her lilac eyes met the warm liquid gold of Rory’s.

  “Did ye’ think I no longer wanted to marry ye’ because of my moodiness?”

  “Well, a man sometimes needs reassurance, too, Brielle,” Rory said, with his grin growing. Kissing him deeply, she said, “Aye, oh Aye, I still want to marry ye’. I am so lucky to have this second chance to be with ye’. Marrying ye’ will be the perfect fate for me…”

  Reaching up to him, she kissed him, enjoying the feel of his lips pressing hers. She felt his arms drawing her more firmly to his chest and they nearly forgot they were not entirely alone. They kissed deeply, feeling the wonderful passion rising between them. They were far enough away from the others to not be teased too much.

  Brielle sighed and she said, “Ahhh Ruiri, I love ye’ so much. Thank ye’ so much for standing with me today.”

  He stroked his fingers gently down her cheek and he said, “I wasna’ certain ye’ even knew I was there. Ye’ were so quiet.”

  “I knew ye’ were there. Oh, I definitely knew ye’ were there. I was drawing on your
strength and it kept me strong.”

  Rory kissed her, holding her tightly and feeling the wonderful comfort of her lips against his. She sighed deeply, feeling the wonderful rush of heat flood her from his kiss and his touch.

  “When ye’ kiss me like that…I canna help wanting ye’.”

  “Oh, aye? Hmmm, perhaps we need to find a little spot to be alone, perhaps behind those trees, Aye?” Although Brielle blushed, her eyes were bright. Tucking her cheek against his chest, she said, “But the others…they might look for us…”

  “Then I shall moan loudly and they shall know not to disturb us.”


  Rory kissed her deeply and said, “I will not embarrass ye’. I will wait to make love to ye’ if ye can wait.”

  She looked up at him and said honestly, “I dunna’ wish to wait, Ruiri, but I think we must. I want to be alone with ye’ and love ye’ and not have to worry about being interrupted.”

  Rory laughed softly and he took her mouth in a kiss that promised passion to follow. With a cheeky grin, he said, “Ye’ know, we can do it quickly…I suspect it won’t take long for either of us.”

  She nestled in his arms, kissing him deeply, and actually giving his suggestion some thought. They just reveled in a few moments of reconnecting from the distance that had seemed to spring between them while they had remained at Campbell.


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