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The Vampire and the Vixen

Page 2

by Debra St. John

  “To lead us in this venture,” Arthur continued. “I’d like to introduce you all to Rafe Alexander, the new Executive Deputy Director of Nighttime Operations.”

  Horror flooded Kelsey and rooted her numb legs to the spot. Rafe wasn’t a possible donor. He was her new boss.

  Chapter Two

  Monday evening, Kelsey gathered her courage before walking into the library’s conference room. After Arthur’s heart-stopping announcement at the fundraiser Saturday night, she’d fled the banquet hall like the hounds of Hades were on her heels. Which might have been the case.

  She’d had the rest of the weekend, and a long, long Monday to dwell on the colossal error in judgment. How could she have been so stupid to kiss her new boss? Now it was time to face the music. Or at least face Rafe.

  Her heartbeat quickened.

  He’d called his first project meeting, and it wasn’t like she could refuse to attend. All her hopes of a promotion rested on the outcome of the new nighttime programs. Since he was in charge, there was no avoiding him.

  Maybe he wouldn’t remember. Right. And maybe pigs would sprout wings and soar past the clock tower across the square outside.

  She took a final fortifying breath, and pulled open the door. Rafe looked up from the folder on the table in front of him, and his gaze met hers.

  Sweet Moses. Even without the Dracula costume he was still commanding. Sexy. Tempting.

  Ignoring the instant flash of heat, she looked away and smoothed a strand of hair back into its simple twist. She slid into the vacant chair next to Tracy and risked another glance at Rafe. His dark eyes watched her intently. Intimate secrets shone in the deep depths. His gaze dropped to her lips. Hers lowered to the faux wood grain of the table. She gulped.

  He remembered.

  A tingle shimmied down her spine. She remembered, too. Gentle but insistent hands. Firm lips. The heady flavor on his tongue. Languid heat flooded through her.

  “Did you two talk about what happened at the fundraiser?” Tracy muttered out of the corner of her mouth as she passed a stack of papers to Kelsey.

  She took the top packet and passed the rest to her left. “God, no. I haven’t talked to him, period.”

  Tracy eyed him.

  “Stop staring,” Kelsey hissed.

  Rafe cleared his throat and the room fell silent. “Let me begin by telling all of you how happy I am to be a part of this project. And thank you for meeting with me in the evening. As the nighttime director, I’ll be working nights, and I’ve already gotten into the habit of sleeping during the day.”

  A few chuckles met the statement.

  “So first things first. Sherry is going to take pizza orders.”

  The efficient assistant held a pen poised over the paper in front of her. “Okay, give them to me.” She jotted notes as those gathered around the table stated their preferences.

  Kelsey avoided looking at Rafe, instead keeping her gaze cemented to the packet in front of her. But she couldn’t avoid the scent of his aftershave lingering subtly in the room. Or how his very presence filled the small space and made her achingly aware of every move he made. She twitched when Sherry spoke his name.

  “Rafe? Anything special for you?”

  “Nope. Anything but garlic works for me, and it looks like we have that covered.”

  Beside her, Tracy stiffened. “Oh.”

  “What?” Kelsey whispered.

  “Nothing. I’ll tell you later.”

  “Okay, so let’s get started,” Rafe continued. “Just so we’re all on the same page here, I’d like to briefly go over what each of you has been doing on the project and what my expectations are for you in the future. I promise I won’t keep you here too late. I know many of you have families to get home to.”

  Appreciative nods and murmurs swept the group.


  She wiped sweaty palms on her skirt. “Yes, Mr. Alexander?” Could he hear the tremor in her voice?

  His lips quirked. “You’ve been working on developing programs for the new nighttime hours?”


  “Excellent. Let’s set up a time to discuss that further tomorrow or the next day. Also…” His gaze captured hers.

  And held it. For much longer than proper. Heat flooded through her. She wet dry lips. He tracked the involuntary gesture.

  Someone cleared their throat.

  “Since I won’t be here during the day.” Rafe went on as if he hadn’t been caught staring at her. “I’d like you to be my liaison with Arthur. Would you be able to adjust your schedule to be here from one to nine? If so, then you can step in as Assistant Director.”

  A thrill shot through her. “That shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Excellent. I’ll get the necessary paperwork to HR.”

  “I didn’t think a decision had been reached about the assistant direction position,” Ryan said. He shot her a narrow-eyed look from across the table. It was no secret he’d also been hoping for the promotion.

  Rafe didn’t look up from his notes. “I just made one.”

  “I guess if you’re sleeping with the boss…” Ryan muttered.

  Kelsey stiffened. Apparently her behavior at the fundraiser hadn’t gone unnoticed. Her hands trembled as she tapped the papers on the table until all of the edges aligned. Did people really think that’s why she’d gotten the job? How could she blame them? More importantly, if that was the only reason Rafe had given it to her, she didn’t want it.

  The meeting continued around her in a blur. Luckily, she knew the ins and outs of the programs she’d developed like the back of her hand and was able to answer any questions directed her way. With ironclad willpower, and her fingers clenched around the seat of her chair, she managed to avoid looking at Rafe.

  They took a quick break when dinner arrived to load their plates, then resumed. Although Kelsey had been looking forward to a slice of her favorite deep-dish pizza all day, the knot in her stomach rendered the thick, cheese-filled pie nearly tasteless.

  At eight o’clock, Rafe tossed down his pen. “Okay, folks, that will do it for the night. I think we’re off to a good start here. If you need anything, let me know. During the day, when I’m not here, your first line of contact is Kelsey.”

  She ignored how the sound of her name on his lips caused her legs to quiver. And she ignored the glare Ryan sent in her direction.

  “If neither of us are here, leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Anything else?”

  When no one replied in the affirmative, Rafe nodded. “Then have a great night everyone.”

  In small groups, pairs, or singly, the conference room emptied until only Rafe, Tracy, and Kelsey were left.

  Tracy stood, then looked down at Kelsey when she remained sitting. “Are you coming?”

  “In a minute. I need to—” her gaze flicked to Rafe, whose head was bent over his work as he wrote on the papers in front of him—“do something first.”

  Tracy looked at Rafe, too. “As soon as you’re done, I need to talk to you about something.”

  “I’ll come find you when I’m finished.” With no one else in the room, Rafe had to have heard their conversation, but he didn’t look up from his task.

  “Okay. Don’t be too long. It’s important.”

  As soon as Tracy left, Rafe set down his pen. “What’s on your mind, Kelsey?”

  Why did it sound so damn…good…when he said her name? Toe-curling, knee-weakening good. “Why did you give me the Assistant Director’s job?”

  If the question surprised him, he didn’t show it. “You have the most experience. You were in line for the promotion.”

  “Ryan was in line for it, too. So why did you pick me? If it’s because of the other night…”

  Rafe quirked an eyebrow. “The other night?”

  Her face heated, but she raised her chin. “I don’t want people thinking I got this job because of…what happened between us at the fundraiser.”

nbsp; As the daughter of a well-known District Attorney she’d grown up with people having the impression she was handed anything she wanted in life. She’d decided on a career far outside her father’s sphere of influence, and intended to make something of herself on her own merits. Not because she had a famous father. And not because she’d made out with the boss.

  He sat back in the padded leather chair and steepled his hands. A gold signet ring adorned his left pinkie. His black sweater stretched tight across his broad shoulders and chest, outlining well-defined muscles. “Ahh. Is that what you think?”

  Kelsey stared at the white board behind him. The faint shadow of another meeting’s previously erased notes shone in the glare of the florescent lights. “I don’t know what to think.”

  “Look, I chose you for the position based on your job performance and the recommendation Arthur gave me. I told him my decision last week. Ask him yourself.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “You don’t know anything about my job performance.”

  “I do from your personnel file.”

  “Oh.” She should walk away. Decline the job. But she’d wanted it for so long. Been working for it for so long. Could she believe him? Trust him?

  More importantly, how in the world would she be able to work with him when she was so…aware of him? The tension zinging between them was a palpable thing in the room.

  She nibbled her lip. “People saw us. They’ll think the only reason I got the job was because—”

  “Then prove them wrong.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Prove you’re the best person for this job. I gave it to you because of your qualifications. Now show me, and everyone else, I was right.”

  “Did you know who I was the other night?”

  “Not until Arthur introduced us.”

  “But, out on the balcony…you knew.”

  He nodded. “Yes, but by that time it was too late.”

  “Too late?”

  “To resist you. As soon as I walked into that room and saw you I wanted to kiss you.”

  The breath whooshed from her lungs. Why couldn’t she ever breathe when he was around? She had to find a way, or they couldn’t work together.

  Her glance flicked to the tissue paper ghosts hanging from the ceiling and then to the grinning jack-o-lanterns taped to the windows. “I…I can’t explain my behavior the other night. It was unprofessional, and if I could take it back, I would.” Would she?

  “I wouldn’t.”

  She jerked her gaze to his. “What?”

  “I wouldn’t take it back. And Kelsey?” He leaned forward and folded his arms on the table. “I want to do it again.” His smoldering eyes matched the heat in his voice.

  And melted her insides. Sweet Jehoshaphat. For several pulse-pounding, breath-stopping heartbeats she did too. Until sanity returned.

  As every feminine instinct screamed in protest, she looked him in the eye, got a firm grip on her resolve, and said, “It can’t happen again. You’re my boss.”

  For a moment it looked like he was going to object. Then he nodded. “I know.”

  The tension slipped from her shoulders. “We have to forget about the other night.” No matter how hard that might be.

  His lips curved, but didn’t quite form a smile. “I’m not sure if I can do that. Because Kelsey, you played the vixen very well.”

  Her mouth opened. Closed.

  He picked up his pen, and then returned his attention to the papers in front of him. “You’d better get going. Tracy wants to talk to you, remember?”

  “Right.” Damn. She had forgotten. No surprise there.

  After taking a few minutes to compose herself, Kelsey walked around the corner of Tracy’s small cubicle. She propped her hips on the edge of the desk. “What did you want to talk about?”

  Tracy turned from the computer screen. She looked at Kelsey’s face. Her eyes widened. “You didn’t kiss him again, did you?” Her gaze flicked to Kelsey’s neck.

  Kelsey smoothed a strand of hair that had escaped its clip back behind her ear. “No.” She tamped down the regret of never being able to again.

  “Good.” Tracy looked around, then leaned closer. “I think Rafe’s a vampire.”

  Kelsey frowned. “I know. I saw him in his Dracula costume at the fundraiser, remember?”

  “No.” Tracy’s long blonde hair scattered as she shook her head. “I think he’s a real vampire.”

  Chapter Three

  Kelsey laughed. “Yeah, right.” Then she took a closer look at her friend’s serious face. “You’re kidding right?”

  “No. I wish I was.”

  “O-kay.” Kelsey still didn’t get the joke, but she’d play along for a little bit. “What makes you think that?”

  “I’ve noticed certain…things.”


  “Well for one, he said he won’t be here during the day.”

  “He works the night shift. He doesn’t need to be here during the day.”

  “Or, he can’t be out during the day, so he has to work the night shift.”

  “I really don’t think—”

  Tracy cut her off. “He didn’t want garlic on his pizza tonight.”

  Kelsey sighed. “A lot of people don’t like garlic. It gives them bad breath.”

  “Well, he didn’t eat any pizza either. And did you notice? The signet ring he wears is gold, not silver. Silver burns vampires. And he bit your neck. Which is exactly what a vampire would do.”

  Kelsey shivered. Rafe’s lips against her throat had been warm and sensuous. But he hadn’t really bitten her. More like, sucked gently. Her pulse quickened and her breath caught.

  She cleared her throat. “Are you working off of some kind of list you found out of Vampires for Dummies? I suppose next you’re going to tell me he sparkles in the sun.” Tracy’s adoration for a certain forever-seventeen literary vampire who did just that was legendary around the library.

  Tracy’s eyes narrowed. “Leave Edward out of this.” She waved her hand. “Besides, he’s just a fictional character.”

  “My point exactly. All vampires are fictional characters.”

  “Fine. Don’t believe me. But I’m going to prove I’m right.” Tracy paused. “Just be careful around him, okay? You’re not going to start dating him or anything, are you?”

  “Of course not, he’s my boss.”

  “But you kissed him the other night.”

  “It won’t happen again.” A stab of disappointment pricked her stomach. “If I’d known who he was, I never would have kissed him in the first place.”

  “You mean what he was.”

  Kelsey shook her head. “I swear, I never would have guessed these words would ever, in a million years, come out of my mouth because they go against everything I stand for and believe in as a librarian, but, Trace, I think you’ve been reading too many books. Maybe lay off the paranormals for a while.”

  Tracy rolled her eyes.

  “And I meant just what I said. Who he is. As in my boss.” She pushed away from the desk and stood. “Are you ready to get out of here?”

  “Yeah, I am.” Tracy logged out and switched off her computer. “Congratulations on your promotion by the way.”

  “Thanks. That’s what I was talking to Rafe about.” She ignored the pleasurable shiver saying his name elicited. “I, um, wanted to make sure I got the job based on my qualifications, not my—”

  “Talents.” Air quotes accompanied the word.



  Rafe leaned back in his chair. He pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. The florescent lights and the too bright computer screen made his eyes ache. He closed them.

  A vision of Kelsey’s lush, kissable lips appeared behind the lids. He shouldn’t have kissed her. Especially after recognizing her name as soon as Arthur introduced them. But he hadn’t been able to help himself. The long blonde curls cascading over he
r shoulders and blue eyes that matched the color of her dress perfectly had made her seem every inch the vixen she portrayed. And he’d been far from immune.

  He chuckled wryly. How many times had his natural instincts gotten him in trouble over the years? Too many to count. He opened his eyes, and then clicked the mouse. The glowing screen shifted. Undulating waves of black and dark blue drifted across the monitor.

  After flicking the switch to shut off the overhead lights, he stood in front of the plate glass window behind his desk. Darkness shrouded the main square of the small town laid out before him. At this hour, the clock tower showed it was almost two in the morning, the streets were deserted.

  Somewhere out there, Kelsey slept. Was she dreaming of him even as he was thinking of her? He rubbed a hand over his face. He wasn’t tired. Night was the time he came alive. But thoughts of his sexy new Assistant Director made him want to climb into bed. With her.

  And pick up where they’d left off.

  He wanted to measure the feminine weight of her breast in his palm. He wanted to press his lips to the pulse in her slender neck. He wanted to taste her.


  Kelsey moaned at the sting of Rafe’s sharp fangs. A hot rush of pleasure licked through her veins when he opened his mouth over the small wounds and sucked. Warmth pooled between her thighs, then flared even hotter as he buried the hard thrust of his arousal inside her. When he kissed her, the salty tang of her own blood lingered on his tongue. Then the world exploded as she contracted around him, drawing him even deeper, taking him with her into the conflagration.

  Kesley sat up with a gasp. She placed a palm over her heart where it threatened to beat out of her chest. Her breath escaped in short, staccato bursts. Heat raced through her in the wake of the shivers contracting her womb and making her limbs tremble.

  Sweet Zacchaeus.

  The memory of their real life kiss was bad enough. How would she face Rafe later tonight after dreaming about him like that?


  After commanding her foolish, racing heart to behave, Kelsey sucked in a lungful of air, and then knocked on Rafe’s office door. When she received no response, she pushed the door open and peeked in. “Rafe?”


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