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Hidden Pleasures #5: Teased

Page 4

by Kitty Hunter

  “Yes here. Yes now.” He sucked on her tongue, shoved his tongue into her mouth to give her a taste of his cock driving hard into her pussy. He broke away from her mouth and popped the button on her pants to give him easier access. Slow and easy, he slid his fingers under the elastic waistband and right into her wet cunt. Three hard thrusts into her clenching channel, and her knees bent. A full-bodied shudder ran through her and her pupils dilated. She bit down on her lower lip, swallowing a groan. “Did you just come, sub?”

  “Yes Sir,” she whispered.

  “What was that?” He drew his finger up one side of her clit, down to her entrance, and back up the other side. Wet, so fucking wet. “I didn’t hear you.”

  She frowned at him. “Yes Sir I came.”

  “Hmm.” He withdrew his hand and shoved her slacks and panties over her hips. The doorbell dinged again. Good. Let her be even more embarrassed, worrying over who might be in the shop. “I don’t like it when you frown at me. Makes me think I’m not being a very good Dom.”

  This was proving to be too much fun. The floor looked decently clean, but he didn’t want her to get dirty. He towed his shirt off over his head, enjoying her expression as she stared at his torso. Ronnie loved his muscles, and he loved her little pink tongue moving all over his body.

  He spread the shirt out on the floor and pointed. “Get on your hands and knees.”

  “But Sir, everyone will—”

  A well placed smack to each ass cheek got her moving. He’d never much liked to spank submissives, but for some reason, giving Ronnie a slap here or there got his blood going. She got so fucking hot anytime they used spanking for discipline; he was growing to love it.

  “I told you to get on your hands and knees.” Waiting her out didn’t take long. She sank down, her head hanging low, trying to hide her face behind her arms.

  His pants were going to rub all the skin off his dick if he didn’t get them down soon. The second his zipper cleared his cock, the damn thing popped out, a bead of pre-cum hanging from the tip. He knelt down behind her and teased her, sliding the head around in her cum, over her clit, half an inch inside and back out again.

  Goosebumps stood out on her thighs, and she trembled, trying to hold still.

  “Tell me that you want me to fuck you.” He slid his thumbs down both her pussy lips and spread it wide open to expose her hard, engorged clit. “Tell me how bad you want my dick inside your pussy, spreading you, slamming into you, stuffing you full of cock, my fingers on your clit.” He pressed his thumb to her clit for a second and smiled when she pressed back into his touch. “Or maybe you would rather I tease your tight little asshole. Get you good and stretched out so I can fuck you there too. You know how loud you are when I fuck your ass. It’s been what? Two weeks since we did that.”

  “Oh God.” She rocked her hips, squirming and whimpering.

  The head of his dick slid into her pussy all the way, and he canted his hips backward, removing it. He leaned into her, sandwiching his cock between her ass cheeks, pumping up and down to tease her. Another glide through her wetness with his thumbs, this time he circled the surface of her asshole. “Say the words sub. Tell me that you want me to fuck you.”

  “I do. I do. Please Master. Please. Fuck me. Give me your cock. Please.”

  Ah yes. Those words. The tone, the begging. The need. He grabbed the base of his dick and slid into her cunt to the stop. Thrusting slow, steady, he controlled her movements with both hands gripping her hips tight.

  Each breath she took puffed out when he met her body with his groin. He put an extra pump on the end to drive her crazy, slapping his balls into her clit.

  She started to struggle in his hold, trying to fuck him harder.

  “Say what you want, Ronnie.” He angled his hips to the right so the head of his dick rammed into her G-spot better.


  Fuck yeah. There it was. Her first scream.

  She’d be screaming more before he was done with her.

  “Harder please. Fuck me harder.” The knuckles in both her hands stood out, and she arched her back deeper.

  No doubt someone had heard the noise she’d made. But they wouldn’t be curious enough to come back and look. Well, except for her little friend. He had a feeling the pretty Asian would want to come in.

  But he didn’t want to push her too hard. He wanted Ronnie to move in with them and get her butt on track in a job that wasn’t a total waste as much as Luis did. Fucking her in the break room would be plenty. She’d be embarrassed, but she’d realize sooner or later that she couldn’t stand being away from them. Embarrassment would be the excuse she used to quit the job, but her real reason would be a private admission that it was time for her to take the next step. That she craved their dominance more than anything else.

  She’d know they knew what was best.

  Plus she’d said the magic words for him. He loved it when she begged, all out of breath and frustrated.

  “Luis, why don’t you join us? I want Ronnie to scream for me, and she sounds so pretty when her mouth is stuffed with cock.” He rolled his hips and gave her a couple short, fast thrusts to throw her off.

  She was getting too good at controlling her body’s reactions. He wanted her off balance and crazy, out of control.

  Luis knelt in front of her and dropped his pants, freeing his cock right in front of her face. She didn’t need any encouragement; she wrapped her mouth around him and started sucking like a champ.

  Gavin wound her pony tail around his fist, holding her still. “No. He’s going to fuck your mouth while I fuck your pussy. You don’t move.”

  His range of motion wasn’t as good laid out across her back this way, but it didn’t matter. Her cunt gripped his dick, and he slammed his hips into her ass hard, pumping fast while Luis fucked her mouth.

  Luis nodded to him, and he released her hair to let his friend take control of her head. They fucked her in turns. He thrust in, Luis pulled out.

  The slap of their bodies colliding and her whimpers, groans, and the friction of her pussy around his shaft drove him to move harder. He reached around to play with her clit, flicking his fingers over and around it.

  She keened around Luis’s dick, and her inner muscles rippled, fresh cum seeping onto his dick and balls.

  “Fuck yeah sweetheart. Come for us.”

  Luis lost some of his rhythm, jerking in her mouth. The Latino kept his gaze on her face, at the way her cheeks hollowed out while she sucked him off.

  A rattle from the door diverted his attention for a moment, and he glanced up. Heather stood in the doorway, eyes huge, mouth half open. The other woman must have used a key to unlock the door.

  Curious little thing was about to see some really hot fucking. Maybe they could play with her too. Ronnie wasn’t good at hiding her curiosity and lust when she checked out other women at the club. Introducing their sub to bisexuality would be fun.

  He paused with his dick half in Ronnie’s cunt. “Shut the door.”

  She complied, still staring. Oh that was nice. The little cutie obeyed with nothing but a stern command. Luis shoved his cock all the way into Ronnie’s mouth, trusting her to deep throat him.

  They hadn’t explored exhibitionism at the club yet, beyond a small make-out session on the dance floor, but he loved to be watched. Luis didn’t much care, as long as Ronnie’s stare was on him, he was happy.

  They both knew Ronnie was intrigued by the idea. She'd ridden their hands and ground all over them when they’d finger fucked her in the crowd. This might be a good introduction for her to public scenes.

  He rolled his hips in a tight circle and thrust deep into her pussy, the sensation of Heather’s gaze on him spurring him to take Ronnie rough, fast, his balls drawing up tight and pleasure coiling. The snug heat of her cunt drove him insane, and he wanted her to come again around him, to milk his cum out with her orgasm.

  He breached her asshole with one finger, and spread her wider to take a s
econd digit. He rammed her with his cock, and he looked up to see Luis doing the same to her mouth. White spots danced in front of his eyes, and he shot his load into her in four hard jerks, her cunt spasming and dragging his jizz out.

  “Fuck yes. Swallow my cum, all of it.” Her throat moved with each swallow. Luis hissed and withdrew his dick from her mouth, the length all wet and glistening with saliva.

  He could have stayed buried in her all day. But he withdrew, a mixture of his cum and hers leaking across her pussy.

  Luis kissed her, petting her hair and stroking her cheek, whispering to her in Spanish. She straightened up, and Gavin hugged her from behind.

  God, he loved this woman. He slid his hands under her shirt so he could feel her bare skin and nuzzled the base of her neck. She sighed, content, and turned her head to wriggle her head in under his chin.

  “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” Heather sounded reverent and out of breath.

  He smothered a grin, and locked eyes with Luis. Ronnie froze for a second, and started to fight his hold on her.

  Luis stood and fixed his pants, leaving him to care for their sub. She’d never reacted this way to one of their scenes, but he knew how to take care of her.

  He cuddled her, holding her to his chest until she stopped struggling and relaxed. Caring for her was important to him, he had to prove to her and Luis, he was a good Dom. Capable of keeping her safe. More than anything, he had to prove it to himself again.

  He petted her hair and watched Luis cross the room to the other woman.

  Luis had a strange ability to attract subs, especially those that didn’t realize their own inclinations yet. It was like a super power.

  The petite Asian woman tilted her head back and gazed at Luis, her breaths short, nipples poking through her shirt, and eyes wide.

  Oh, Heather was damned excited, and he couldn’t wait to see what Luis did with her.

  Chapter Five


  Oh holy mother of all things stupid to do.

  What in the fuck was wrong with her?

  She didn’t have sex at work. On the floor. While a co-worker watched her. God she’d liked it. She’d liked knowing Heather was there, seeing everything. That people out in the shop heard them going at it only turned her on more. She wanted their eyes on her.

  Damn. Wow, I am just going off the charts.

  Gavin’s strong, heavy arms enfolded and held her, kept her close. He kissed her hair and slid his palms up and down her arms and back, giving her safety and protection with his body. She couldn’t stop shaking.

  “Heather, is there anyone out there that needs taking care of?”

  Luis, talking to her co-worker. She peeked out from behind half-closed eyes. Her lover crowded the petite woman’s personal space, not touching her, but close enough that she trembled. She couldn’t meet his stare for more than a second or two.

  “No. It’s empty right now.” Heather swallowed hard and rocked her weight from one foot to the other.

  “Good.” Luis circled Heather, his hands behind his back, all his attention focused on her.

  What was he doing? She found herself a little jealous of the attention. Gavin had her all snuggled up, but they normally cuddled together as a threesome.

  Maybe their play wasn’t over yet.

  “Heather, I want you to drop your pants and underwear.”

  A protest rose to her lips and Gavin shushed her. For Heather’s part, she stared at Luis with big, wide eyes, swallowing hard.

  “Shh, don’t worry. He won’t touch her. Not until we’ve talked about it together,” Gavin’s whisper teased her ear. “Just enjoy watching him. He’s a master.”

  And didn’t she know that. The first time they’d met, he’d had her naked and in bed in less than five minutes.

  Heather glanced at Ronnie, looking for something. Permission? Reassurance? She didn’t know.

  She didn’t have anything to give back, curiosity to see her friend naked and wet surging in her. What would it be like to taste another woman on her tongue? To suck her nipples into her mouth?

  God, it intrigued her. The night she’d heard Luis, Shea, and Brian through the wall at her apartment, she’d been dying to see Luis in action. The sound of his voice commanding the scene drove her to fuck herself with her favorite vibrator, and she’d still wanted more.

  “Heather. Eyes on me.” Luis stepped into her line of sight, blocking them from Heather’s gaze. “Drop your pants.”

  The soft rustle of fabric could be heard, and when Luis moved again, she could see Heather’s lean thighs and the bottom of her butt cheek. The flesh was tight, rounded, and small. A perfect curve.

  “Now, I want you to think about what you just saw. How hot it made you.” Luis circled her and stopped at her back. “And I want you to finger fuck yourself while we all watch you.”

  “I can’t—” Heather made a move to bend over and grab for her pants.

  “Yes you can. And you will.” Luis grabbed her under the arms and held her upright. His dark chocolate brown eyes slanted, and he stared right at Ronnie. “You watched us, now it’s our turn to watch you.”

  Seeking permission again? As the Dom, he took charge. Unless she used her safe word. Therein lay all the power. Luis cared for her, checked her even as he attended to someone else. But the moment she wanted the game to end, it did.

  She was jealous of his hands on the other woman, at least, a little bit. But even more than that, she was turned on watching him work. Seeing him dominate Heather.

  A trickle seeped from her pussy, and she dug her nails into Gavin’s forearm. Luis kept watch, not moving, studying her. Something she did, a shift in her hips or the way she breathed gave him confidence to continue with Heather.

  The corner of his mouth ticked up, and he towed Heather back into his torso, supporting her weight and surrounding her with his much larger frame. He slid his hand down her right arm and clasped her wrist.

  She shook, a deep shuddery breath exploding from her lips. Luis took her hand across her tummy and lower still until her palm cupped her pussy.

  “Just say red, and it all stops.”

  Heather nodded, and a wicked grin curled Luis’s lips, his dark eyes glittering with pure male satisfaction.

  Oh, he was in his element and knew it. Damn, he was a force of carnal lust, a being comprised of dark desires and deep pleasures.

  “Now. I want you to remember how incredibly sexy and hot Ronnie looked on her hands and knees, with Gavin fucking her beautiful pussy from behind. Did you like seeing his big, thick cock sliding inside her, getting all wet from her cum?”

  Heather’s fingers twitched, and one slid between her pussy lips.

  “And I bet you liked it when I fucked her mouth and made her deep throat me. How we controlled everything, gave her all our cum deep inside. Did you like it when I gripped her hair and held her in place?”

  Gavin thrust two fingers into her pussy, slow and steady, and swiped her clit with long strokes from his thumb. Ronnie jerked in surprise.

  Oh, fuck yeah.

  Heather groaned, her fingers moving faster. Luis still had her wrist captured, and he’d trapped her free arm against her side with his left arm, wrapping it around her waist. His dark eyes smoldered and he met her stare, held her captive with nothing but his personality.

  “Mmm I bet you like girls, don’t you Heather? You like to eat pussy, don’t you? Would you have liked to be under Ronnie, licking her clit until Gavin was ready to fuck her? Were you jealous that you weren’t under us, taking our dicks from both ends? Only good little subs get fucked like that. But I bet you could be a good girl. Kneeling for your Master, waiting for his instructions.”

  Heather made the sexiest little moan she’d ever heard, circling her own clit faster and faster. Luis took control of her hand and forced her to shove three of her fingers straight into her cunt. A full bodied spasm shook her, and only his arm around her waist kept her on her feet.

  Ronnie arched her back, the sight of the other woman coming so hot her pussy fluttered around Gavin’s fingers. Luis’s dirty talk drove her higher, her swollen pussy tightening for a new orgasm. Gavin pressed right on her clit and bit down on her neck at the same time. A blinding orgasm ripped through her, surprising her with its force.

  “Aww baby, you are so fucking hot. You’re my dream woman, you know that?” Gavin’s voice in her ear warmed her, pleasure cresting inside her. His cock prodded her in the back, and she leaned way back to take in his face. He kissed her, a light brush of his lips on hers that filled her with happiness.

  “That was beautiful. Such an honest response.” Luis released Heather, brushing his lips across her temple and smiling at her. “But I was easy on you. If a Dom asks a question, you are to always answer verbally.”

  “Yeah, or you’ll get your ass spanked,” Ronnie groused under her breath.

  Luis’s head snapped toward her, and she shrank back into Gavin’s arms. The Latino arched one eyebrow at her, but didn’t make a move toward them. He shook his head. “You’re getting off right now because I want to make sure Heather is okay. But later I’ll remind you that Gavin asked you questions earlier, and you didn’t answer him.”

  God, she had to learn to control her mouth.

  Heather stood still, not really moving. She bent to get her panties and couldn’t grab them. Luis crouched down and helped her, sliding the material up and over her hips.

  “There. Okay now?” He kept one hand on her shoulders. The little Asian woman crept over closer to him, and he hugged her, let her hide her face in his shirt.

  “Gavin,” she whispered, “is she okay?”

  “Yeah. Just needs some reassurance. We cuddle you after we do something new that scares you, don’t we?” Gavin tightened his arms around her, and she snuggled in closer.

  “Yeah.” She considered Luis and Heather, the way Luis had her gathered in close and let her bury her face in his shirt. Strangely, her jealousy melted away. Maybe possessive, but what he’d done was for her pleasure. He could be tough as nails with her, bossy, controlling, and annoying as crap with his busy body ways. But under all that he was a protective teddy bear.


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