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Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2)

Page 5

by Fisher, K. T

  "Come Kendal."

  I obey his deep husky command and fall apart against his mouth. When I open my eyes I see Jax smiling down at me with the stupid sexy charming smile. Jesus this man is gorgeous. 100% mans man ruggedness, but his face also has that beauty that makes your heart stutter. Well it does to mine anyway.

  We face each other on my bed and Jax wraps his arms around me.

  "I meant what I said."

  "I know."

  I feel guilty for not being able to say that I feel the same. I don't know what's keeping me back. Maybe when we have spent more time together I will be able to. This is still all a huge shock to the system. Jax strokes my hair and I feel like I've floated back in time. I feel my eyes getting heavy.


  I open my eyes to see Jax looking down at me again.

  "It's getting late."

  Oh, he's going. I slowly sit up and follow Jax downstairs. I feel really sad he's going, but its best if he does go. If Finley woke to find Jax in my bed he would think we were together and it would only confuse him. We get to the front door and he strokes my cheek. I really don't want him to go.

  "I'm so happy to find you Kendal. You gave me the best present a man could get. You and Finley are my life now. Don't leave me again."

  "I won't. I promise."

  He gives me a goodbye kiss and cheekily pinches my nipple that leaves me begging for more. By the cheeky smile he flashes before he leaves to go to his car, he knows the effect he has on me. I watch his tight ass as he walks away.

  When I get into bed I think about the possibility of maybe giving me and Jax another shot. Not yet though. It's too soon but I'm not going to lie, it’s going to be really hard to resist him, he’s only just left and my body is craving him, wanting a repeat of what he did tonight, wanting more.

  Chapter 7

  Two weeks later

  These last two weeks have been heaven and hell. Watching Finley get to know Jax has made me unbelievably happy. They're amazing together and that old feeling of guilt creeps up when I watch them because seeing Finley now, makes me realize how much he actually did need Jax.

  We haven't had another night like that steamy night two weeks ago. Which is complete torture for me. Jax will sometimes brush against me or he'll run his fingers along the back of my neck. Sometimes he smooths the back of his hand down my arms and places a hand on my knee under the table. When he says goodbye he will let his mouth linger against mine, after an innocent kiss he will whisper sweetness into my ear. He hasn't told me that he loves me again but he has let me know just how much he wants me, which is just as bad to my craving body.

  I haven't heard from Harley since that awkward meeting with Jax. I don't know wether I'm glad or not. I've had a good friendship and then relationship with Harley but that situation outside work was just weird.

  Today is my day off work and I'm so excited because the girls are all meeting together because Sophie came back from her honeymoon at the weekend. Sophie and Rhys came over the day after they came back because Rhys really wanted to meet Finley. They got on great.

  We're meeting at Summer's. Ever since the first time we met there it has become our favourite place to meet and chat.

  Today is Tuesday and that means it is Jax's day to take Finley to school, even though I have the day off.

  We decided that Tuesdays and Thursdays are Jax's days to do the school run. He has also taken over from my parents when I'm at work and I'm unable to do the school run. My mum was was a little upset at that but I kindly reminded her that she's had four years with Finley where as Jax hasn't, because of me. Jax being the man he is didn't like to upset my parents so offered to arrange it whenever I got my work schedule. I'm happy to say that my parents met Jax and adore him. Well my dad likes him, my mum adores him. There's no awkwardness and it's like he's always been here with us.

  This is Finley's last week of school before he finishes for the school summer holidays and that means it's his birthday next week! Finley's last birthdays have left me feeling down because the whole mess with Jax but I'm so excited for his birthday this year. Jax is here now so now all there is to worry about is making sure Finley doesn't eat too much cake. It will be just a happy day. No fake smiles anymore.

  Mine and Jax's first little argument since me telling him about Finley was about Finley's birthday party. Finley wants his party at Crazykids, which is a huge indoor play area. It has everything you need, a soft play area complete with tunnels, slides, swings and ball pits. It even has a mini quad racing area. There is a private party area where the party guests can sit and have something to eat and drink and it has a little dance floor area if the kids want a little disco. It's a set price for three hours but Jax wasn't happy with that. He wanted to hire the whole place out and close it for the day so Finley had the whole place to himself. I couldn't allow him to do that, it would cost a fortune.

  Jax being Jax wouldn't listen and didn't think twice about paying for Finley to have CrazyKids to himself for the entire day! I'm grateful because Finley will be amazed but I'm a little annoyed he didn't listen to me because it's a little overboard. At the same time I can't stay mad because he looks adorable at how pleased he is. Jax argues his case saying now Finley and his friends can do whatever they want without a time limit which is a bonus.

  Jax lets himself in using his own key to the house that he said he needed to have. I didn't argue with him which I think surprised him. I did like the idea of Jax having a key to my house though.

  I nearly choke on my cup of tea when I see Jax walk in through the door. He's wearing his dark blue jeans and his tight black shirt that clings to him. The short sleeves letting me see his tattoos down his arms, his messy black hair is hidden under his black flat peek hat. He hasn't shaved so he has the sexy dark shadow along his jaw and chin. What is this man doing to me?

  Finley runs straight up to Jax when he hears him enter the house and my heart swells at the sight. After he's fussed over Finley he walks into the kitchen doorway and smiles at me.

  "You're looking beautiful today Kendal."

  I think I'm blushing and I hear Finley say.

  "Mummy is beautiful."

  "Yes she definitely is Finley."

  I'm Definitely blushing now and I think my cheeks are as red as the jeans that I'm wearing. I don't look anything special today.

  "You look good too Jax."

  He smiles knowingly at me and I look away so I don't jump him in front of our son. We talk for the ten minutes he has to spare before he leaves. I walk them to the door and give Finley a kiss goodbye, Jax pauses by the door.

  "Are you doing anything today?"

  "Meeting the girls in half an hour."


  I have nothing planned which makes him smile that charming smile.

  "You want to go and look around for Finley's birthday together?"


  It sounds like a good idea and I agree to text him when I'm leaving the girls.

  Maisy is getting out of her car as I pull up in the little car park next to Summer's. We walk in together and find Tanya, Jessica and Sophie all sat at our usual booth. As soon as I've sat my bottom onto the seat Sophie jumps straight in.

  "So, how is everything with Jax going?"

  She smiles a wicked smile and I grumble.


  All the girls frown at me because I haven't told them what happened between me and Jax. If I want to explain I'm going to have to tell them.

  "A couple of weeks ago, after Jax had put Finley to bed. We sort of hooked up."

  I watch as all of their perfect eyebrows lift. The waitress takes our orders and as soon as she's gone Tanya turns to face me.


  I sigh loudly.

  "Yeah. Define 'hooking up' to us."

  Sophie uses her fingers to quote her words.

  "OK. So we had a couple of drinks and Jax started to kiss me which quickly turned into dry humping. My top came off and we moved
to my bedroom where we finished."

  My words came out in a hushed rush. I don't know why I'm feeling embarrassed telling the girls. I've never had trouble telling them before. Maisy giggles.

  "You're going to have to be a little clearer Kendal."

  "What did you two do when you went into your room?"

  Jessica asks.

  "We kissed some more and he went down on me."

  I confess.

  "So you didn't have sex?"

  Tanya asks and I shake my head no.

  "He told me he's not going to have sex with me until I confess that I love him."

  They all let their mouths hang open before Maisy says.

  "He said that?"

  "That's so sweet."

  Jessica's voice sounds dreamy but Tanya's shaking her head.

  "Kendal, that's not hooking up."

  Sophie frowns at her.

  "Yes it is."

  Jessica and Maisy nod in agreement. Tanya just shrugs it off like she doesn't care. Something's up with her. Jessica waits until the waitress leaves after placing our orders on the table.

  "Have you told him how you feel?"

  Tanya scoffs at her.

  "Of course she hasn't, otherwise she wouldn't say she's in hell would she?"

  All the girls frown at her this time along with me. Something is definitely eating at Tanya. She's not usually this snappy. Sophie looks at me.

  "Why haven't you?"

  "I don't know."

  "But you do love Jax?"

  I nod my yes and Jessica places her hand over mine that's on the table.

  "What else did he say?"

  "He told me that he loves me."

  I leave out all the rest. Jax spoke those words to me so I want to keep them private.

  "So why haven't you told him?"

  I take my hand out from under hers and hang my head down.

  "I don't know Jess."

  I really don't know the answer. The girls take pity on me and leave that subject alone for now. Sophie fills us all in on her wonderful honeymoon. It sounds like absolute paradise and it sounds like she spent most of her time there naked.

  "Oh Kendal, Finley has got me and Rhys broody for a baby."

  I'm shocked. Not because I don't think they should because I think they would be great parents but because she said it out of nowhere.


  She nods her head quickly with a huge grin spreading across her face.

  "We've decided to not use anything anymore and if it happens, it happens."

  We all smile happily for them and congratulate her. Sophie asks me how I feel about being pictured with Jax when we're out.

  "It's fine, I guess. It can be annoying sometimes when we're together and when girls ask about Jax while I'm working. I'm OK with it though."

  She looks thoughtful and I remember what I had been thinking about at work.

  "Soph, what's going to happen with us now? You've been careful to never be seen with Rhys."

  "I spoke to Rhys about this last week. I've decided not to hide. I just can't be bothered anymore. You're OK with it and I don't want it to be a strain on mine and Rhys relationship anymore."

  I'm glad because I could use her to lean on sometimes and I think she wants the same from me too. Maisy looks back to me.

  "Have you thought about Finley?"

  "Yeah, me and Jax spoke about it. We're going to be careful to make sure he's safe and not hounded by them. We're not going to hide him away though. If we do then he won't be able to be out with Jax as much and that's not fair either."

  We try to question Tanya on her and Leo but we don't get anywhere. She doesn't want to see or hear from him is all she says. None of us are convinced because she used to go on and on about this secret man who was amazing and how no other man ever lived up to him. How could she stop fantasizing about him now? She's not fooling anyone.

  At 11:00 I get a text.

  JAX: I have a surprise 4 U baby. When will U B free? xxx

  I blush a little at his text. I love how he calls me baby.

  "Who's that?"

  Jessica leans her neck closer to get a peek at my phone but I hold it to my chest so she can't see. Sophie winks at me.

  "I'm guessing it's Jax."

  I nod.

  "He says he has a surprise. I'm meeting with him after you guys. He wants to go shopping for Finley's birthday."

  Tanya and Sophie speak at the same time.


  "Why are you still here?"

  I laugh at them and we all finish up. They're all suddenly eager for me to spend time with Jax. There's no more anti-Jax group anymore.

  As the girls all get into their own cars Sophie stays beside me.

  "So things are OK with you two?"

  "Yes they're great Soph. Jax and Finley are amazing together."

  "Aw. I'm so happy for you both. Why don't all three of you all come over for dinner tomorrow night?"

  "I'm at work tomorrow. What about Friday afternoon? Finley's at my parents on the Saturday."


  Before I drive away I send Jax a text to let him know I'm on my way home.

  Chapter 8


  I get into my new car and head for Kendal's house. I'd already told Finley I was getting a new car today when I took him to school. He didn't want me to get rid of the shiny fast car, which made me laugh. I assured him the fast car wasn't going but the new car would still be fast. I won't get rid of my Aston Martin anytime soon, I've wanted one for too long. I've bought this new car because after just a few weeks with Finley I need a family friendly car. This is a big surprise for Kendal but small compared to the other surprise I have for her. That won't be ready for another couple of weeks though.

  The car I have purchased is a fucking awesome car! It's a Mercedes Benz G class in black. It's got a lot of room, more than the Aston has and a bigger boot which is good for today. I haven't told Kendal but today I'm planning on treating her aswell as Finley. I want to spoil her but I know she won't be happy about it.

  After seeing what Kendal's life is like these past two weeks I'm in complete awe of her. She has taken care of our son on her own for four years and she has done a fucking amazing job. She's an un-fucking-believable woman and I want her so bad!

  I don't understand why it's taking so long for her to admit her feelings, but she will. I need her to say it. I think back to that night and I wish I could have stayed over and held her all night and woken up in the same house as Finley but that wouldn't have been fair to him. He wouldn't understand. I wonder if Kendal would let me have Finley over for a night. Two weeks ago I would have thought that was impossible but ever since Sophie and Rhys wedding the guys have changed. The house parties have almost stopped and the couple they have had haven't been their usual style. The music wasn't as loud, it wasn't late and the number of girls had halved. They have been out of the house a lot more though and I'm thinking that maybe they're doing there business elsewhere now. I know if I told them Finley was staying over they would be on their best behaviour. They love Finley so I know they wouldn't mind him staying over. They would stay in with us.

  When I pull up outside Kendal's and see her ugly little car parked outside I think of a perfect birthday or Christmas present for her. Kendal would go crazy but once she's mine again she won't be able to complain. I want to take care of Kendal and Finley and if that means buying her a new car then I will.

  I let myself in with my own key. I hear the radio on in the kitchen so I head straight there. The back door is open and as I walk past the window by the sink I stop and smile. Kendal is hanging her washing out and wiggling her bottom to the fast dance track that's playing. She doesn't even hear me approach her and gasps when I place my hands on her hips. I would love to grab onto her tight arse. I meant what I said this morning. She looks beautiful everyday.

  "Bloody hell Jax. You scared me."

  I laugh and step away as I watch her finish
hanging out the wet clothes.

  "You know, you could help."

  "Or I could stay here and watch you."

  She blushes and turns away. I remember that hot little body of hers and I want to see it again. The waiting is killing me but it will be worth it. When we step outside Kendal looks puzzled.

  "Jax where's your car?"

  She looks around at the houses to see if I've parked in front of any other house. Totally missing the huge Mercedes so I outstretch my arm and point to it. I watch as her eyes widen and she gasps.

  "You bought a new car?"

  "Yep. I thought it would be better for my new family lifestyle."

  She surprisingly smiles at me.

  "But you love your other car."

  I grab hold of her hand and lead her to her seat. When I get in and shut the door behind me I finally respond to her.

  "I didn't sell the Aston Kendal."

  She stops flicking through her mobile and snaps her head in my direction.

  "Are you serious?"

  I nod and start driving away.

  "Jax that is ridiculous and a lot of money!"

  "Kendal you don't have to worry about my money. OK?"

  "Yeah well excuse me if I don't want you to waste your hard earned money."

  I laugh a little at that. She's so fucking cute.

  "Kendal there's no chance of that happening. Don't worry about it."

  She finally lets it go and huffs as she sits back in her seat. She looks back at her phone and frowns.

  "What's the matter?"

  She shakes her head and bites her lip.


  She exhales loudly.

  "Fine. I'm looking though websites and all they have is pictures of us. They seem to think I'm the one for you. Why do they think that?"

  I guess I should have told her about this before we left. So I explain to her about everything that me and Angie had arranged.

  "So that is why they think I'm this special girl? Because we're on and off all the time? Gee I guess I look like a dumb bitch."

  I frown at her road.

  "Why would you think that?"

  "Hmm, let me think. Maybe because all these years you have been shagging your way through so many girls while we're supposed to have been on and off. I just look like I'm a dumb girlfriend to a rich guy."


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