Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2)

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Rockstar's Girl (Decoy Series book 2) Page 10

by Fisher, K. T

  "What's that?"

  Jax and I both exchange a look and silently agree now is the time. I take hold of Finley's hand to lead him into the living room and sit down beside him, Jax on his other side.

  "Finley, we want to tell you something."

  He stays silent, Jax picks it up.

  "You know how you want mummy and daddy to be boyfriend and girlfriend?"

  Finley nods.

  "Well....Mummy and daddy are now."

  Finley looks between me and Jax. He looks to me when he asks.

  "You're boyfriend and girlfriend?"

  I smile and nod but really I'm a little scared. I thought he would look pleased but he doesn't look happy or sad. The he catches me off guard and jumps in the air and shouts loudly. He then comes back and wraps and arm around both me and Jax. Finley stops shouting and I feel his body shaking. At first I think he's laughing but then I hear a little sob. Jax pulls him off us so we can look at him and what I see breaks my heart. He's crying!

  "Oh Finley. What's the matter?"

  He sobs a little more and I hear the words "so happy" in between them. How adorable, he's crying because he's happy. I was scared for a minute there he had changed his mind. When his tears stop he smiles at us.

  "Is that why you and daddy kiss?"


  I laugh at him but when he asks his next question I stop.

  "Are we living with daddy now?"

  "No Finley."

  "Not yet anyway." Jax adds.

  He looks at me with pure desire and I'd love nothing more than to live with my two boys. As a proper family.

  Chapter 16


  I wake up the next morning pretty much the same as the day before, only this morning it's fucking better. After Finley went to bed last night me and Kendal didn't waste any time getting to know each other's bodies all over again. That one night was way too long to be apart from her. Before we both went to sleep Kendal advised me to put my boxes back on. I'm glad I did because here we are.

  "Mummy! Daddy! Mummy! Daddy!"

  Finley chants and does a crazy little dance on the bed. Suddenly the bouncing stops and Finley looks down at me.

  "Why is daddy here?"

  Kendal and I look to each other.

  "I thought you didn't live here daddy?"

  Thankfully Kendal saves us.

  "We had a sleepover so daddy is here for your birthday."

  Finley then does his crazy dance again and shouts.

  "It's my birthday!"

  Last night was fucking incredible. After we told Finley I couldn't wipe the stupid smile off my face.

  When we arrived at the restaurant I wasn't surprised to see some paparazzi waiting. For the first time in about three years I wasn't bothered about them. I was actually happy they were there to capture one of the best nights in my fucking life. I didn't give a fuck that I was smiling like an idiot as I walked towards them, with Finley holding both mine and Kendal's hands. By the way, Kendal was smiling, just like me. She looked so happy and that made me feel like a proud man as we faced the paparazzi.

  You could see the confusion on the paparazzi faces because I'm known for not paying attention to them and never stopping to give them an opinion or an answer to their questions. I think the last time I did was right at the beginning when Decoy was first signed. When we got near enough I stopped to pick Finley up and wrap my other arm around my woman.

  "Are you and Kendal back together?"

  "Is it true you're getting married?"

  "Jax why did you hide them?"

  The questions went on and on while they flashed their camera's. Instead of answering question after question I just give my statement.

  "This is my beautiful girlfriend Kendal, I'm glad to say we are finally back together. At long last. This here is our amazing son Finley. There are no plans for a wedding. Yet. We're here to celebrate Finley's fourth birthday, so if you don't mind."

  After we satisfied our hunger for each other I held her all night. The fact today is my boy's birthday makes this extra special. Finley is still bouncing on the bed and singing.

  "I'm having a party!"

  Kendal smiles up at me. She's looking freshly beautiful, purple hair all over the pillow.

  "I wonder when he's going to stop this."

  I pretend to think about it.

  "I'm thinking sixteen."

  That makes Kendal laugh loudly. The same laugh she shares with Finley.

  We both have no choice but to get up. I think we're both excited to start Finley's birthday because we both quickly get dressed. I pull on my loose sport trousers and a plain shirt. Kendal puts on some black leggings and a plain vest top. I have to look away from her arse in those skin tight leggings. Fucking hell, I can see every curve of her backside in those things!

  We finally make our way downstairs and watch Finley as he opens his birthday presents. When Finley was sleeping last night I got Max and Leo to bring his presents around. After Kendal told me how he likes to look for them we decided to keep them at mine. Watching him tear them open with a huge smile on his face was emotional.

  As Finley's sits in his battery powered Range Rover there's a knock on the door. Kendal runs to answer it and when she returns she's holding a big parcel.

  "One more Finley."

  He runs over to Kendal and rips it open. When he has it open he shouts.

  "Aw yeah! My rock star guitar!"

  After a huge breakfast Kendal goes to take a shower so I decide to teach Finley some simple chords on his guitar.

  When it's noon, everyone comes to celebrate with Finley. I can't help but feel a little gutted that my parents can't be here. They're on a cruise and can't come home early. I have told them about Kendal and Finley and they're very happy. I was worried they might hold a grudge against Kendal, but they were just happy they finally had a grandchild. I hated having to tell them over the phone but I had to tell them. As soon as they come back I know they will come here before they go home. They have met Kendal a few times from when we first started dating and they loved her. Kendal was the girl my mum bugged me about, but now I have her back again.

  Everybody gives Finley his extra presents, he's such a lucky dude. I feel a little bad between all our friends, Finley is the only child. I look around at our friends and think who would have a baby next when my gaze lands on Kendal. She's talking to Sam and Jessica with that happy smile she has been wearing since yesterday. She would kill me if she knew the crazy thoughts running through my head right now.

  "So Finley just told me his mummy and daddy are boyfriend and girlfriend."

  I turn to the sound of Sophie's voice and see she's standing behind me with Rhys.

  "We told him last night."

  Sophie gives me a cuddle.

  "I'm so happy for you Jax."

  Sophie is one of the few people who truly knew what I was going through when I was without Kendal. Rhys pats me on the shoulder.

  "Finley also said that mummy and daddy had a sleepover."

  I can't help but laugh and Sophie and Rhys join in.

  "Little fucker."

  "When are you three moving in together?"

  Sophie wiggles her eyebrows.

  "I'm working on something."

  Which makes her looked shocked so I shake my head at her, letting her know I'm not saying anything more. Rhys saves me from her questioning.

  "Look at him, so fucking miserable."

  I don't need to look to see who he's talking about but I do anyway. I see Leo standing with Maisy. She is looking at Leo like lost child, but Leo only has eyes for Tanya who is busy talking to Kendal's parents. Sophie shakes her head.

  "He's next in line to sort out."



  Seeing as all our friends are over at mine, we all make our way to Finley's party at CrazyKids together. All the adults have decided to come along because Jax had told them he's hired the place for the day. Of course they want to have
a little play themselves.

  Jessica has made Finley an amazing birthday cake as usual, this time in the shape of a guitar.

  This year feels so much more different than Finley's previous birthdays. This year my happiness isn't faked. This year, because I'm not worrying about Finley being without his dad, it's a much happier day.

  When all of Finley's friends arrive and have been happily playing for an hour, I decide it's time for some food. I go into the decorated party room which has food set out on a long table with small chairs for the children to it on. I go about unwrapping the sandwiches and other party foods when Sam finds me.

  "So this is where you're hiding out."

  "No, it's dinner time."

  Sam helps me by pouring out juice into the little cups while I set a party hat down on every paper plate.

  "I'm so happy for you Kendal."

  I smile up at him.

  "Thanks Sam."

  He stands in front of me.

  "We all hated seeing you fall apart. I was starting to get worried."

  I frown down at the floor. He's right, I was falling apart, but at the time I didn't realize. I woke up every morning and put on a fake smile for my son. The only reason I got up in the morning was because of Finley. He was my lifeline.

  After the children have all eaten they run back into the play area and Jax helps me clear up the mess. I'm about to pick up a plate of half eaten food when Jax stops me.

  "Leave that."

  He grips my waist and spins me around to face him. He captures me in a hungry kiss that makes me forget where we are. Once I've collected my wits and the party room is clear of mess we walk back into the main party area hand in hand. I see some of our friends give us happy looks at the sight of us.

  The rest of the party is spent like the first half. I catch sight of Max and Leo racing with Finley on the mini quads. I try my best to catch Finley in the ball pit. You don't realize how hard it is to run in those things!

  An hour after the children have eaten, their parents come to collect them and now it's just us adults and Finley. It's our time to play and you can see the excitement on all our faces. Sophie, Tanya and I all go down the bumpy slide together. I get thrown into the ball pit by Rhys. I chase Finley around and Maisy asks me and Jax to go down the three way slide with Finley for a photo. A play fight breaks out in the ball pit which travels outside the ball pit and turns into boys VS girls. Then the balls get forgotten and I don't know who started it, but then it's food that's being thrown instead of the balls. All hell breaks loose and it's a major food fight. Rhys and Jax pin me and Sophie down so Max and Leo can smother food in our faces. Tanya and Jessica manage to cover James and Sam in jelly. Above everybody's laughter I can hear Finley's the loudest.

  Jax drove me and Finley here so he comes back home with us. While I run Finley a bath I quickly get changed out of the food covered clothes I'm wearing. When I go back downstairs Jax has changed too and we bath Finley together. Laughing about Finley's day, I look at him and I don't know if it's because it's his birthday or not, but this is the happiest I've seen him.

  When Finley goes to sleep that night Jax and I don't waste any time. Seeing as we're both still a little dirty from the food fight we take a shower together. I can't help but trace his tattoos and the hard lines on his stomach. Every time I look at Jax I can't believe he's mine. Jax is the man you dream about. He takes great care of me, he runs his hands over every inch of my body. Finally he washes my hair and after I return the favor.

  When we go into my bedroom Jax lightly throws me onto the bed.

  "I've wanted you so bad all fucking day."

  His words make me shiver and I wonder what he's doing when he lies down beside me. That is until he grabs hold of me and flips me so that my face is above his hardness and Jax's face is between my thighs. He dips his tongue straight in and I close my eyes in delight and when I open them I see his hard cock bouncing in my face. I latch my mouth and rub my tongue bar down his stiff length and I'm instantly rewarded with his deep moan. He dives his tongue deeper into my slickness and we keep at it, beautifully torturing each other in our own rhythm. I can feel myself coming to the end.


  He growls and attacks my clit with so much passion I can't concentrate on giving him his blowjob. He dips his tongue in and swipes after, as I come closer to the edge I feel his thumb thrusting inside while his tongue flicks me wonderfully. When my climax comes I have to grip onto Jax's thighs it's so powerful. I'm riding my pleasurable bliss that I'm not aware he has moved us both. We're now both sitting up, Jax on the bottom and me on top, straddling him. My body is so limp that he has to hold me upright. When he slips his delightful cock inside I collapse onto him.

  I don't know how I'm going to cope with more. Jax holds onto my hips and controls my body. He slams me down onto him so that he's buried deep within. I let him have his way with me, not that I'm complaining. I don't know how my body can take so much pleasure after that shattering orgasm, but Jax is giving it to me hard and I'm not even screaming. I think my body is taking that much from Jax and taking everything he is giving me. I'm incapable of doing anything else, including making a single sound. My mouth however is hanging open and I can feel my eyes rolling back. He feels so good and I don't think another climax is possible until Jax demands it.

  "Come Kendal."

  My body responds to his growl, I can feel my climax creeping. How is my body going to take another if it's as powerful as the last? He growls again as he tightens his hold on my hips and slams, slams, slams me down harder.

  "Give it to me baby."

  I can feel it, I'm coming.


  And I do. Thank goodness Jax thinks to cover my mouth in time because my body decides it's time to scream and I do so loudly. When my climax takes control of my quivering body I scream into Jax's hand. I feel Jax stop his thrusts as he fills me. I'm not able to move, my body has totally shut down. Jax being the wonderful man he is gently lays me down, whispering how much he loves me. He leaves me for a couple of minutes but I'm too tired to see where he has gone. He returns to clean me, it's a little embarrassing but as he cleans between my thighs he plants gentle kisses on my stomach.

  When he's satisfied that I'm clean he joins me in bed but not before pulling back on his boxers. He turns me so my back is along his front then Jax kisses me on the back of my shoulder.

  "I love you so much baby."

  "Love you."

  I manage to say quietly.

  "So, so fucking much."

  I finally give in and let sleep claim me.

  Chapter 17


  The past two weeks have flown by. Kendal, Finley and I are becoming closer by the day and I really can’t describe how much they mean to me.

  Mine and Kendal's relationship is getting stronger too and my father son relationship with Finley feels like it couldn't get any better, but it does.

  The band has recorded two songs for our new album and we can’t believe how much better it is this time around. This time we're taking our time to create our album, not writing them on a packed tour bus seems to help.

  Above everything else, I keep thinking about the night I had sex with Kendal on Finley's birthday. The sex was amazing as usual but after I came inside her I kissed her stomach with a silent promise. There will be another Parker baby, just not yet.

  Moving my thoughts away from my wishful thinking I get a little nervous about what I have planned for today. I have a surprise for Kendal. It will benefit all three of us but it's mainly for her. I don't know how she's going to react and I'm shitting myself. I hope she's not going to get angry with me. I didn't spend last night with her because I had to make sure everything was done for today.

  As I drive to Kendal's house I think over and over again, I hope she says yes.


  Last night, Jax and I spent the night apart. Just one night apart and I'm craving him so badly. How I managed four years a
part from him, I don't know.

  He's told me he has a surprise planned for me today. I have no clue to what he has up his sleeve. He did have a cheeky smile on his face when he told me though. I have no idea what we will be doing today so I have a dilemma. How do I dress?

  I decide dressy casual that way I'm safe. I look in my wardrobe and laugh then open my other wardrobe. After Jax treated me to all these beautiful clothes they over took my wardrobe, so Jax got me a matching wardrobe for my new clothes. I decide to wear the white Chanel short sleeve shirt and team it with my floaty, leather looking skirt. I tuck my top into the skirt and it stops right at my knees so it's not too dressy looking. If I put my heels on it will look like I'm trying too much so I go for my purple high top Converse.

  "Where are we going mummy?"

  Finley walks into my room.

  "I don't know Finley. Daddy said it's a surprise."

  Then we hear the door open downstairs. Finley rushes down to meet him and I follow. When I see Jax at the bottom of the stairs holding Finley in a tight hug the sight makes me feel all warm inside. What did I do to deserve to live happily like this?

  When Jax sets Finley down he looks to me and his gray eyes look like they darken in color. My heart rate picks up at his smoldering look. He grabs me in an embrace and holds the back of my head as he captures my mouth. So Finley doesn't hear he whispers.

  "You look so fuckable right now baby."

  I laugh as he demands another kiss. Finley laughs beside us.

  "Daddy loves mummy."

  "I love you both buddy."

  Jax holds onto my hand and pulls me into the kitchen and sits me in one of the chairs around the table. Finley is right behind us.

  "I thought we were going out?"

  He sits beside me and looks nervous. Why is he acting so strange?

  "I need to talk to you before we go."

  I frown at him confused.


  Jax clears his throat.

  "When we get there, keep an open mind OK? Don't freak out please."

  I'm getting really suspicious now. What has he got planned?

  "Are we going now?"

  Finley asks Jax with his pouty face. Jax stands up and holds his hand out for me. He's acting strange and it's making me nervous.


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