Planting His Seed (Hot-Bites Novella)

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Planting His Seed (Hot-Bites Novella) Page 1

by Snow, Jenika

  Planting His Seed

  Hot-Bites Novella

  Jordan Marie

  Jenika Snow


  By Jordan Marie and Jenika Snow

  [email protected]

  [email protected]

  C opyright © November 2017 by Jordan Marie and Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: November 2017

  P hotographer: Wander Aguiar

  Cover model: Travis S .

  Photo provided by: Wander Book Club

  Cover Design: RBA Designs

  E ditor: Kasi Alexander

  A LL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000 .

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental .

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights .


  J enny is too young for me and way too innocent .

  I’m older, set in my ways—and her guardian .

  Her father was my best friend and when he passed away she became my responsibility .

  Our relationship should have stayed just that .

  But I love her .

  I’ve loved her for longer than I want to admit and I just can’t stay away .

  When it’s all said and done I’m going to make her mine .

  She’ll be by my side, be my wife .

  And Jenny may not know it yet, but she’ll also have my babies .

  W arning: If you’re looking for a quick, hot ride with an over the top Alpha who has eyes only for his woman and will stop at nothing until he’s given her everything—even his babies. Then you’ve come to the right place .


  Hot-Bites Novellas

  Where to find the Authors

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  Coming up next!

  Exclusive Excerpt: Jingle My balls

  Excerpt: Bought & Paid For

  About the Authors

  Bought and Paid For

  Ride My Beard

  Planting His Seed

  Where to find the authors :













  Chapter 1


  “W hen’s Virginia’s plane due in?” Mavis asks .

  I don’t turn around to look at her. I’m standing at the large picture window in my study, looking out across the land that has been in my family for generations. Land that has seeped into my bones and oozes out when I bleed. Land that is a part of me. Land I would die without .

  Living in Blayton, Wyoming might not be for everyone, but it’s all I’ve ever known—and all I’ve ever wanted. Except for one thing .

  Virginia Madison .

  I’ve wanted Jenny for as long as I can remember. She’s been my biggest blessing and my biggest curse. Her father, Luke, was older than me, but he was my best friend and someone I trusted and leaned on. Being a farmer in the heart of ranch country isn’t fucking easy. Being a farmer anywhere these days is hell. Luke was a sounding board when I needed it. I depended on him every damn day and I think he did the same with me .

  When cancer took him out six years ago it felt like I lost a piece of myself. I had already lost both of my parents and except for Luke and this land I didn’t really have anyone. I’d do anything for Luke, and when he asked me to take care of his daughter, I agreed—against my better judgment. What the hell does a thirty-year-old hardened bachelor know about sixteen-year-old girls—other than they’re trouble ?

  And Jenny is definitely that .

  She was angry at the world after losing her father. She had no one left either and if anyone knew that feeling, it was me. We settled into a routine. I was never her father, would never try to be. I became her guardian and her friend and that was fine. My housekeeper Mavis was more of a parental role for Jenny .

  For the first year, it worked out great. I began to look forward to spending time in the evenings listening to Jenny talk about school and her plans for the future. Hell, I didn’t even mind listening to hours and hours of talk about her friends. Slowly that changed. At seventeen, Jenny began dating. Fuck, I might have been thirty-one at the time, but I still remembered what seventeen-year-old boys did and what stayed on their minds. I had to watch Jenny like a hawk. I owed it to Luke to make sure no one took advantage of his little girl. That’s all it was .

  Until it wasn’t .

  One night, on the eve of her eighteenth birthday, we were on the front porch watching the stars, reminiscing about her father and the past and that’s when it happened .

  We kissed .

  It wasn’t planned or premeditated. It happened from bonding over common grief. I had no business touching her. I’m fourteen years older than her, she was placed in my care by her father, and I am supposed to look out for her. Hell, I’m supposed to protect her from perverts trying to get in her pants—not become one of them .

  I’ve fought it. I’ve fought it for four years. I found excuses to stay away from her until I could get my libido under control. Then, I made sure she went all the way to Florida for college. That almost killed me, because with just one touch of her lips I became a marked man. There was only one woman I wanted, and one woman I had to have from that moment on .

  Over the years I’ve become an expert at keeping my body’s reactions hidden from Jenny. Every time she came home for the holidays or during breaks, I was both in heaven and in hell. Having her close to me, hugging her and just spending time with her was an exercise…in torture. Jenny, for her part, was and is clueless. She has no idea how much I want her or how much I need her. She has no idea about all of the dirty little things I want to do to her body .

  I pull my gaze from the window and the landscape outside, to the well-worn photo in my hand. It’s a picture of Jenny from last Christmas. Her long brown hair is pulled back on the top of her head in a ponytail, and stops at her lower back. Her sparkling green eyes shine like they have the answers to life’s greatest mysteries. She’s tall and slim. She’s too slim if I’m being honest .

  Some damn boyfriend she had convinced her she was too heavy and she ended up going to the gym religiously. That little asshole didn’t last long. I had to work to get rid of him. Jenny deserved better than him. Hell, she deserves better than me. But tonight she’s coming home. She’s done with school, having earned her bachelor’s in education .

  In three da
ys she turns twenty-two. I’m done waiting and holding back. I’ve fought with my guilt. I’ve warred with my conscience, but in the end I don’t have a choice. Jenny will be mine .

  “She’ll be home in a few hours,” I tell Mavis. “Make sure everything is ready for her .”

  “Pfft… Like I wouldn’t have the place ready for our girl. Everything is ready, don’t you worry. Ole’ Mavis is going to make sure everything is perfect for her .”

  I nod, but I don’t answer. I want everything to be perfect. It needs to be. Because I’m claiming her. Jenny doesn’t know it yet, but she’s my future. She always has been. I was just too blind to see it, to accept it. I’m going to marry her and I’m not even going to let her catch her breath before I claim her body, plant my seed deep inside of her and make sure it takes root. I’ll tie her to me in the most elemental way a man can. She’ll give me a son to guide this land into the next generation and a beautiful daughter with her mother’s glowing green eyes for me to protect. Jenny will give me everything .

  I won’t stop until she does …

  Chapter 2


  M y heart is thundering and I haven't even gotten off the plane yet. I know Carson will be waiting for me, know he won't have Mavis pick me up .

  Although it hasn't been that long since I've been back at the ranch, it feels like an eternity. Truth is, every time I see Carson my feelings for him grow. He is all I think about, all I want. I’ve foolishly saved myself for a man who probably sees me as nothing more than his ward .

  Carson has been my guardian for years, looked after me when my father passed away, and here I am lusting after him when I have no clue if he even reciprocates my feelings .

  And truth is, I am too weak, too much of a coward to ever admit how I feel .

  I grab my bag and get off the plane, my heart pounding so hard I feel like it's going to burst through my chest. The airport is small, very rural for this area. I had to do a layover before boarding this smaller airplane, and Carson's ranch is still almost an hour away .

  But honestly, I've been looking forward to this trip since I was last here. I finally graduated with my degree, put what little possessions I had in storage, and couldn’t wait to get back here. But for the last year I've been working on finals, making sure I pass my classes, and trying not to think about seeing the one man who I want more than anything else .

  I leave the small airport and am momentarily blinded by the sun. I blink until my vision clears. I see Carson standing there, his back against his old pickup truck, the red color faded, and the rust spots around the wheels telling of age and use .

  He's had the truck for as long as I can remember, and damn does he look good with his arms crossed, a faded baseball cap on his head, and a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes. When he’s not wearing a cowboy hat while working out in the fields he has on that ball cap, one that I will always associate with him .

  The smile he gives me has my heart pounding faster and this warmth seeping through my entire body. I smile in return but I feel like it’s a bit shaky, a little bit forced. My feelings for him are so consuming. Even though it has been a while since I've seen him, my love for him has only grown. But I can never admit how I feel for Carson, can't even say it out loud when I'm alone .

  He takes the bag out of my hand and puts it in the back of his truck. When he turns around, there's only a second where we stare into each other’s eyes before he pulls me into the hardness of his body and embraces me. He's so big and strong, and my head fits perfectly against the center of his chest .

  I close my eyes for a second and listen to the beat of his heart. It sounds fast, as if maybe he's a bit nervous too. But no, Carson wouldn't be nervous. He's always so steady and controlled .

  When he pulls away, the grin he gives me is genuine. He reaches up and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. His fingers linger right at my pulse point. Can he feel how hard and fast my heart is beating? Can he see the effect he has on me ?

  “How was your flight?” he says, his voice gravelly, harsh. He takes a step back and clears his throat. I watch as he lifts his hand and runs it over the back of his head, his bicep bunching underneath the red plaid shirt he wears .

  God, he's so big, so muscular. But working on a farm your whole life will bulk you up that way .

  I nod and glance away, my cheeks feeling hot. I know I'm blushing, and wonder if he notices I am staring at his body. I clear my throat before looking back at him. “It was good .”

  “You're probably hungry and tired,” he says and I stare into his blue eyes .

  So many times I've thought about the dirty, inappropriate things I wanted Carson to do to me. I should feel ashamed, given the fact that he looked after me when my dad died. But the truth is I never saw him as a guardian, never saw him as a parental figure. Even before I knew what attraction and love was I knew there was something more I felt for Carson. I just didn't know what it was until later on in life, until we lived under the same roof and I felt my feelings for him grow to something womanly .

  I may have graduated, but I still don't know what the hell I am going to do with my life. I haven't even told Carson that my plane ticket is one way. I no longer live in the dorm, no longer have connections to the university that will keep me there. Sure, I made friends along the way, even went on a few dates, but I have nothing substantial back there .

  The only thing I want, the only person I want to spend time with, to be around, stands right in front of me. I just need to know, to understand and realize, that I will never have the courage to admit it to him. I’m too afraid of losing him .

  Which brings me to the decision I’ve made. I promised myself when I came back to the farm that I would finally move on with my life. I’ve had feelings for Carson forever, but I can’t continue to build dreams around a man who more than likely will only see me as his best friend’s little girl—his ward…another responsibility in his life .

  I have to move on. I have to begin building a life without Carson being the focal point. It’s not going to be easy, but I don’t really have a choice. I want to keep Carson in my life and if he knew the feelings I have for him, what I want from him, it would ruin our relationship forever .

  I can’t let that happen .

  Chapter 3


  I t feels so damned good to have Jenny back. Just having her riding in this old truck beside me soothes me in ways nothing else can .

  “You look good, Jen,” I tell her before I can think better of it. I was supposed to play it cool, but as always with Jen, I react first, think later .

  “No one looks good after spending the day flying and catching a layover, Carson,” she laughs, her face coloring in either embarrassment or shyness. I can never be sure of which with Jenny, I just love that she still blushes. I’ve always been a throwback in this world, set in my ways and liking the past much more than the morality and people in the present. I feel like I should have been born in a time when a man claimed his woman and he kept her and devoted everything he did to her. It’s not a popular way of thinking now. I get it .

  Women want equality and to prove they can do any job a man can do. I’m not saying they can’t. Fuck, most of the women I know are capable of doing things better. I’m saying that if a man is any kind of a man, he busts his ass so his woman doesn’t have to work, doesn’t have to do anything…but have babies .

  And just like that, my mind has drifts off into dangerous territory. What would Jenny say if she knew that I want her barefoot and pregnant with my children? A better man would probably warn her that I’m bringing her home and making sure she never leaves… And maybe I will tell her—after her stomach is stretched with my child .

  That’s my plan and it’s only cemented since Jenny walked up to me at the airport. The time for waiting is over. All I need is time. That’s it. I have to make myself move slowly. I don’t want to spook her and have her leave. First I need to make sure she gets settled back into
the farm. I want her to relax and realize that this ranch is her home too—that I’m her home. The next part of the plan is a little more complicated. I need to make sure she starts seeing me as a man…but not just any man .

  I want Jenny to see me as her man, because she sure as hell isn’t getting another one. It may take some time, but I’m okay with that. I have Jenny home now .

  I have nothing but time .

  “Did you hear me, Carson?” Jenny’s sweet voice asks, and I shake my head free from my thoughts, glancing at her before turning my attention back to the road .

  “Sorry, honey, what were you saying?” I ask, the endearment slipping out naturally .

  “I was asking if you had plans tonight. Because if you hadn’t planned anything, I was thinking of going to stay with Donna for the night .”

  “Donna? It’s your first night home, Jenny. I thought we’d stay in and watch a movie after dinner. Like we used to,” I answer, irritation firing inside of me. Jenny hasn’t even walked through the front door and she’s already planning on leaving? I want her sleeping under my roof tonight .

  “I know, Carson, but I haven’t seen Donna in months. I’d like to catch up with her and it’s planting time on the farm. You won’t be in until late. I’m surprised you could tear yourself away to come pick me up,” she answers and my fingers tighten against the steering wheel .


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