Fearless - A Big Girls & Bad Boys Romance

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Fearless - A Big Girls & Bad Boys Romance Page 10

by Cameron, D. H.

  I walked out to find Jack staring out my big picture windows at the city and finishing his coffee. He turned as he heard me behind him and his eyes went wide. “Holy fuck, doll!” he said.

  “Biker bitch enough for your friends?” I asked.

  “Who cares? I think you look fucking fantastic,” Jack said.

  “That’s all that really matters. You look good too, Rogue,” I said returning the compliment but I wasn’t just being polite. Jack, as usual, made my knees weak. His tall, chiseled form clad in blue jeans, a black t-shirt sporting a bald eagle over an American flag and big heavy boots was magnificent. He never failed to get my blood boiling when he dressed like that. Lucky for me, he always looked like the biker he was.

  “You ready?” he asked and I shook my head to let him know he’d forgotten something. Jack smiled and came over to me, slipped his arms around my waist and kissed me.

  “Now I’m ready,” I said after he broke the kiss. Jack tossed me my helmet, a black half-helmet with a Hello Kitty skull and crossbones, grabbed his own helmet and we left to go down to the garage. His bike was parked next to my car in the parking garage. A pair of panties was hanging from the handlebars.

  “I was wondering where we left those,” I said as Jack picked them up and stuffed the pink panties in his back pocket like a handkerchief.

  “You left them there after you pulled them off so I could eat your pussy on the hood of that Caddy,” Jack said and gestured towards the black Cadillac parked nearby.

  “I remember now. Won’t be long before we’ve defiled every car in the garage,” I joked. Jack grinned a wicked little grin that made my pussy warm. He climbed on his bike and I slid on behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso. Jack started the bike and it rumbled to life, the loping of the engine reverberating off the concrete of the garage.

  “Your neighbors must hate us,” Jack said turning to look over his shoulder as he walked the bike backwards out of the spot.

  “Fuck ‘em!” I said. Jack laughed, turned around and laid into the throttle. The bike sped off like a rocket leaving a black rubber scar on the garage floor. We roared around the garage and out the exit into the warm, sunny day. Riding with Jack still scared me a little but I liked being a little scared. Scared was fun. We met at a casino parking lot on the north end of Las Vegas. Some of Jack’s friends had met for breakfast at casino coffee shop that morning but Jack and I decided to stay in bed and mess around instead.

  Now they waited for us at the edge of the parking lot, four bikes besides Jacks. Each bike looked a lot like Jacks, in other words, they all looked like they might fall apart at any moment but I knew better now. They were as fast and reliable as any motorcycle. Rat bikes they were called, a response to all the beautiful but soulless custom choppers that had become all the rage after a couple of TV shows made them popular. These bikes were organic and personal, an expression of the owners tastes and a salute to the past before custom choppers.

  Jack parked his bike next to the others and shut her down. The members of his small club, seven in all, turned their attention to us. I was surprised by the eclectic collection of bikers. Not the pack of scruffy, leather clad outlaws you might imagine, not that there was anything wrong with scruffy, leather clad bikers. I kind of liked mine. However, this bunch was quite the mix. Jack dismounted and took my hand and helped me from his bike. He bumped fists with the one biker that looked more or less like Jack, tall, lean, muscular and a bit rough around the edges.

  “Everyone, this is my old lady, Brandy. Brandy, meet Butch and his old lady, Ruth,” Jack said by way of introduction. Butch offered his hand and I shook it but he pulled me in close for a hug instead.

  “Jack’s told me all about you. Glad to finally meet the girl that tamed Rogue,” Butch said as he let me go. Ruth hugged me as well, the couple welcoming me like family.

  “Nice to meet you, sweetie,” Ruth said after she hugged me. Butch may have looked a lot like Jack except for his shaven head and the hoops in his ears but Ruth and I looked nothing alike. She was thin and busty with long blonde hair, a big smile and pretty brown eyes.

  “Thanks, nice to meet you too,” I replied. Jack introduced me to the rest of his crew and I felt a bit overwhelmed meeting so many people at once. I tried to remember their names but I wasn’t sure I could.

  “You remember Doc and his wife, Linda?” Jack asked me as I greeted the middle aged guy and his older but still very pretty wife. “He’s a heart surgeon,” Jack added.

  “You told me that last time I met them,” I replied as I hugged them. I’d met them one night by chance when Jack and I were at a barbeque joint. Doc didn’t look the part dressed in his leather vest and faded jeans, his arms covered in tattoos. Linda wore her auburn hair in a ponytail and was obviously proud of her fifty-something body showing it off in her tight jeans and bikini top. Who could blame her? She was firm and fit with the body of a girl half her age.

  “This is Dexter and his old lady, Peace,” Jack said introducing me to the much younger couple next to Doc and Linda. They looked more like hipsters than bikers. Dexter had thick, wavy brown hair, thick rimmed black glasses and wore a “True Blood” t-shirt, denim shorts and red Vans skater shoes. Peace, wore her sandy blonde hair in a pixie cut and had on a short floral print sundress, black knee socks and purple flats. She wasn’t as curvy as me but she wasn’t rail thin either. We hugged, apparently the way this club greeted one another, and then Jack turned to the last of the group, the most surprising of all.

  “And this is Kat,” Jack said introducing me to the stunning Asian woman in a tight black stretchy jumpsuit and leather high-heeled boots. She wore her jet black hair long and instead of hugging me, she looked me up and down, bit her lip and exhaled.

  “Nice work, Rogue. I’d fuck her,” Kat said. I looked up at Jack and he smiled back.

  “Kat’s a...,” he began to say but Kat jumped in.

  “I’m a dyke. I like girls. You’re sexy as hell. Too bad Rogue found you first. I’d love to suck your pussy,” Kat said and licked her teeth seductively. I felt a bit unnerved by her forwardness but I appreciated the way she looked at me.

  “Uh, thanks,” was all I said. Jack had a huge grin on his face as he watched Kat and I interact. I noticed his interest. “Enjoying yourself?” I asked.

  “Immensely,” Jack replied and Kat laughed. She might have been forward but she seemed nice enough. “You assholes ready to ride?” Jack asked loudly and the entire group responded excitedly. Everyone began donning helmets and mounting their bikes. Jack and I climbed back on his bike and he fired it up once we were seated. Soon all five bikes were shaking the ground with their power. Jack put a hand in the air and circled his finger as we rode off towards the highway. The other’s followed, Butch and Ruth riding next to Jack and me.

  We rode east on Interstate 15 and then took US 93 north. This was all desert, barren save for the mesquite and yucca. Beyond the flat broad valley, red and grey mountains rose from the desert floor, rugged and forbidding. The land was stark but beautiful. I’d been out here before but seeing the area on the back of a bike instead of through a windshield was like seeing it for the first time. The warm air felt amazing, almost as good as pressing my body against Jack as we rode. No wonder these biker bitches loved riding so much.

  Most of Jacks’ club seemed normal enough. Butch and Ruth were a lot like Jack and me, well Jack anyway. I was just beginning to appreciate the lifestyle. Doc and Linda looked to be your normal middle-aged professionals turned bikers on the weekend but something told me they weren’t just playing dress up. Dexter and Peace didn’t fit the biker mold but bikers came in all types, I suppose. Kat, however, was the one that really stood out.

  An Asian woman, Korean probably, of maybe about thirty just didn’t seem the biker type. Dressed as she was in that jumpsuit and leather boots, she looked more like a dominatrix than anything and the fact she was openly gay just made her seem even more out of place. I didn’t care, I’d come to appreci
ate alternative lifestyles as of late. She was pretty, however. Green eyes, fair skin, long, straight, black hair and as perfect a body as you could imagine.

  It was Butch, however, that had caught my eye. He was just as sexy as Jack. He wouldn’t have been my type a month ago either but I was acquiring a taste for scruffy, muscular guys on bikes. My mind wandered as we rode, the beautiful but unchanging landscape not able to hold my attention. Suddenly, I was in nothing but fishnet stockings and leather garter belt. I was sandwiched between Jack and Butch, each of them thrusting into me. Jack took care of my backdoor as Butch satisfied my dripping pussy.

  Both men mauled me with their strong, rugged hands as I climaxed over and over again, screaming, shrieking and sobbing. For good measure, and because I felt a bit guilty about borrowing Butch for my impromptu fantasy, Ruth pleasured herself in the corner of Jack’s bedroom with a vibrator. Damn, I shouldn’t be having thoughts like this out for a ride with Jack and his club but I couldn’t help it. It was too good to stop and I let the unexpected fantasy continue.

  In my mind, the two scruffy bikers had their way with me. I was their plaything, simply a means to an end and I was happy to be used by the two bikers. The men were desperate for that end but they weren’t quite finished with me. I enjoyed one last, mind-blowing orgasm as the men strived to gain their own satisfaction. Suddenly, I was tossed to the bed and both men came to my side as I lay on my back. I grabbed their shafts, Jack bigger but only by a hair’s breadth, and stroked the two bikers. Suddenly, both men exploded covering me in their orgasm. What a sight as the men grunted and tensed, their magnificent cocks covering me with their love.

  Then suddenly, Ruth was there on top of me. She licked the warm treat from my big breasts and then kissed me. We shared the salty-sweet liquid until...suddenly, Jack’s bike slowed and we turned. I exhaled and bit my lips. Wow! I’d really let my mind wander. Ahead was a sign that read “Extraterrestrial Highway” covered in colorful stickers left there by travelers. I blushed despite myself. I hoped we had a ways to go before we stopped so I could regain my composure. Still, I couldn’t help but steal a glance at Butch and wonder.

  I tried to focus on the landscape as we rode northwest on SR 375. This was the highway that skirted Area 51 and it was famous for its kitschy town of Rachel that embraced its ties to the not so secret military base to the south. Rachel was where the believers gathered to look for lights in the sky and to swap stories of alien encounters. I’d always wanted to believe in stuff like that but I was too much of a skeptic. It looked like a lot of fun but I couldn’t bring myself to accept flying saucers and little green men as anything but myth.

  My little diversion into torrid fantasy only added to the thrill of riding. The wind in my face, the rumble of the bike and the stark surroundings were exhilarating. Sharing it in silence with Jack made it even better. The naughty thoughts were just icing on the cake. It wasn’t long, however, before we arrived in Rachel, Nevada. I expected it to be bigger. Blink and you’d probably miss it. Even so, it was unmistakable as we turned off the highway where we saw the sign that read “Little A’le’ Inn.” Get it, little alien? Yeah, a bad pun. Next to that was an old tow truck hoisting a flying saucer. Only in the middle of Nevada could you find stuff like that.

  We all parked and dismounted, stowed our helmets and went inside for lunch and a few beers. We pushed a few tables together so we could sit together and then perused the menus. The special was the “World Famous” Alien Burger. I had to get that even though it was just a burger with alien sauce, whatever that was. This place despite being in the middle of nowhere was pretty popular so how bad could it be? As soon as we’d placed our orders, I had to use the ladies room. It was a long ride and the morning’s coffee had run right through me.

  “I’ll go with you,” Ruth said as I got up to go. I didn’t think much of it. Ladies always went to the restroom together but Ruth had a purpose. We did our business and then as we washed up and teased our hair in the mirror, Ruth shocked me. “You like my old man?” she asked but it was more of a declaration.

  “Excuse me?” I replied. It was an unexpected question but I couldn’t help but wonder if she could read minds.

  “Butch, you like him, don’t you?” she clarified. I blushed hard remembering my naughty thoughts as we rode. I didn’t have any designs on Butch, I was with Jack, but he was sexy. I was only human.

  “I...I...um,” I stammered. I didn’t want to admit I found him attractive mainly because I didn’t want Ruth to be angry with me. “I’m not like that,” I finally said. Ruth laughed softly.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to freak you out. I’m not mad. Butch and I...well, we’re swingers. I don’t mind. I don’t blame you for it. Butch is a sexy bastard, isn’t he?” Ruth told me. That was even more surprising but Ruth’s admission put me at ease.

  “Yeah, he is. Almost as sexy as Jack,” I said. I just blurted that last part out, needing to reaffirm my budding relationship with Jack and let Ruth know I wasn’t after Butch.

  “I won’t argue. Jack’s a hottie too. I wouldn’t kick him out of bed for eating crackers,” Ruth said and winked at me. I couldn’t help but giggle at that expression I’d only heard guys use before. For some reason, I needed to reveal my fantasy about Ruth’s husband. I assumed they were married because they both wore rings. I guess I just needed to tell someone about it and Ruth gave me an excuse.

  “I...um, I had a little fantasy with Butch and Jack, I mean Rouge, on the way here. It just happened. It was kind of exciting. Sorry,” I told Ruth. She smiled warmly assuring me she didn’t mind.

  “Don’t be sorry. It’s just a fantasy. I’d be lying if claimed I’d never fired up the wand and dreamed about Jack...or Kat,” Ruth replied. I giggled. Kat was really hot. I wasn’t necessarily into women but if Kat wanted to try and talk me into bed, I’d be hard pressed to not at least listen. But then Ruth blew my mind. “You want to borrow him?” she asked and my mouth fell open.

  “What?” I asked needing to make sure I hadn’t misunderstood what Ruth just said.

  “Look, our lifestyle wasn’t Butch’s idea. I’m the kinky one. I’m the one that pushed him to let me play. He gets to play too but I do it a lot more. He likes it, especially when I let him watch. I think he’d jump at the chance to fuck you. If you want, that is,” she told me as if we were simply exchanging recipes or something. I’d opened my mind considerably since I’d met Jack. Hell, my best friend was a man in a dress and Jack and I had had our share of sexual adventures. But this was something different entirely.

  “I don’t know if Jack would like that,” I told her but even I noticed I didn’t tell her I wouldn’t like it.

  “Talk to him. You might be surprised. If he’s game, let me know,” she said and that was that. Ruth had just offered to let me have sex with her husband but she acted as if this was all normal. “C’mon, let’s get back before everyone thinks were messing around in here,” Ruth told me and winked.

  This might have been normal for her but for me this was extraordinary. I’d never really heard anyone talk so openly about stuff like this. I mean, Ruth was offering to let me sleep with her husband like she might offer me a stick of gum. I followed her out of the restroom and Ruth went and sat next to her husband like nothing happened. I tried to do the same but I was sure everyone at the table knew what we had discussed in the bathroom. I knew that wasn’t the case but I still felt that way, a bit exposed and embarrassed.

  “We were about to send in a search party,” Jack told me. I laughed trying to act normal. Then I saw Ruth whisper in Butch’s ear. He nodded and his eyes looked my way for just a moment but otherwise, he played it cool. Did she just tell him about what we discussed? Why was it so hot in the Little A’le’ Inn suddenly?

  “You alright?” Jack asked noticing I wasn’t quite myself.

  “Yeah, fine. Just a bit shaky after the ride,” I lied. I looked Ruth’s way and she smiled knowingly.

  “You get used to it?” Jack to
ld me, completely oblivious to what was going on. I sat quietly as the others talked and joked. I laughed along with them and listened to the stories but I didn’t say much. I was a bit hesitant. I was the odd one out here, the new girl. Even Jack didn’t think anything of it. But it wasn’t only the fact I had just met this group that kept me from joining in, I couldn’t get Ruth’s offer out of my head.

  Thankfully, the food came to take my mind off of Ruth’s offer and it wasn’t half bad. The beer helped settle my nerves too and before I knew it, I was sucking down another. The place had a bar and I almost asked for a couple of shots but thought better of it. After we ate and paid the bill, we headed outside. The men save for Dexter lit up cigars, as did Kat. Seeing the sleek Asian woman smoke a fat cigar was a bit erotic for some reason. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the cigar’s phallic shape and dark wrapper. Yeah, right! Dexter and Peace pulled out a joint and lit it up, sharing the pungent marijuana though Peace smoked much more than Dexter. Ruth, Linda and I joined the rest but just enjoyed the warm day and the rest of our cold beer

  “You think they really have aliens in there,” Butch asked referring to the secretive Area 51.

  “I knew this guy whose brother-in-law’s best friend’s cousin used to work there. He says there’s all kinds of strange shit going down in there,” Dexter replied.


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