Fearless - A Big Girls & Bad Boys Romance

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Fearless - A Big Girls & Bad Boys Romance Page 11

by Cameron, D. H.

  “Like what?” Butch asked.

  “Didn’t say,” Dexter answered.

  “Well, what good are you then?” Butch asked and Dexter frowned but then chuckled.

  “We should go see,” Kat interjected. Linda rolled her eyes.

  “They’ll arrest you, sweetie,” Linda told the younger woman in a vaguely motherly tone.

  “Rogue, didn’t you say your bitch was a lawyer? You’re a lawyer, right?” Kat asked Jack and then turned her attention to me. I didn’t take offense at being a called a bitch. That was just biker lingo.

  “Yeah, but it’s the Federal Government, the military. They might just make you disappear.” I warned though I had no idea for sure.

  “We should totally do this,” Jack said. I turned and looked at him. He shrugged.

  “I’m up for it,” Doc said. Linda frowned.

  “Excuse me?” she replied.

  “C’mon, it’ll be fun,” Doc replied. Ruth just shook her head and smiled. Moments later, cigars were being snuffed out and beers were being finished. I guess we were doing this. We mounted the bikes and threw on helmets before roaring off down the E.T. Highway to find trouble. The line of motorcycles turned off and followed a gravel road for a ways. Bikers on shiny custom choppers probably would have turned around but chips and dings from the road only added character to a rat bike.

  After about ten miles, we saw the red and white barrier across the road and a few small gray buildings beyond. I wanted to turn around so we wouldn’t get in trouble but not this bunch. We rode up to the gate and I expected soldiers to appear but none did. It appeared the gate was unmanned but the signs were pretty clear. No pictures, no trespassing and threats about heavy fines and even deadly force.

  “Take my picture,” Kat said as she dismounted and walked up to the red sign that clearly stated that photographs were not allowed. Dexter pulled out his phone and snapped a few pictures. Soon, all of us were posing for pictures in front of the sign. This was so stupid but it did make for a good picture I guess. Then suddenly I heard something but Linda beat me to it.

  “You hear that?” she asked. It was a low rumble.

  “UFO!” Butch said and most of us laughed. I didn’t, however as a Humvee came down the road towards us.

  “Oh shit!” I blurted out. Everyone turned to see the vehicle approach. No one made a move to go, however. The vehicle stopped at the gate and two armed soldiers climbed out.

  “This area’s off limits,” one told us. Kat stepped forward stopping just a couple feet from the gate.

  “How about I show you my tits and you take us for a tour?” she said brazenly and grabbed the collar of her jumpsuit. Linda groaned and I rolled my eyes. “I’ll let you see my pussy if you show us the dead aliens,” Kat added. The soldiers were well disciplined apparently because they barely reacted.

  “Ma’am, step away from the gate and we won’t give you a tour of a prison cell,” the other soldier said.

  “Fine!” she said, turned and shrugged at us. “I tried,” she told us. Jack and Butch laughed. Doc started to join them but Linda’s stare stopped him.

  “If you leave now, we won’t confiscate the phone and the pictures we didn’t see you take,” the first soldier offered. We all looked at each other. Even Kat knew when she was beat.

  “Your loss, Sergeant Stick-in-the-Mud,” Kat told him. A moment later, we were all donning helmets and climbing on bikes. We roared off down the gravel road, not going so slowly this time but Kat put her hand in the air and showed the soldiers her middle finger as we left. I was sure the vehicle would chase us down and arrest us but I turned to see the soldiers were climbing back into their Humvee. “You’re all idiots!” I exclaimed but only Jack could hear me as I held on to him.

  He just laughed. What had I gotten myself into? I had to admit almost getting caught was a bit thrilling but I had to wonder if FBI agents would show up at my condo to ask questions later. Probably not. At least I hoped not. We hit the highway and headed back towards Las Vegas. I managed to keep my thoughts clean but I couldn’t help wondering about Ruth’s offer after I decided those soldiers probably dealt with people like us every day.

  I wondered if I should tell Jack about Ruth’s offer. I couldn’t see him getting angry, that just wasn’t his way. I knew I should. I didn’t want to keep stuff from him. But then I’d have to reveal my fantasy. What would he say? Would he tell me to go ahead and sleep with his friend? And what if he did? Would I do it? Would I do it alone or would I indulge that fantasy and have both men at once. Oh God! The thought was intoxicating. I shook my head and focused on the scenery to keep my mind from wondering. It was hard, however, not to let my thoughts drift into that forbidden threesome fantasy again.


  We ended up at Hogs and Heifers once we got back to Vegas. The place was hopping, the rock band loud and the whisky flowing. I was feeling a bit adventurous, mainly due the copious amounts of liquid courage I’d consumed once we got there and the sexual arousal that had been growing within me all day thanks to my sexy thoughts and Ruth’s offer. I danced with Jack, grinding on his thigh as we did. I was so horny. Butch and Ruth danced nearby and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of them, or more specifically Butch. I wondered if he was as big as Jack. I wondered what being ravished by two sexy bikers would be like.

  “What’s gotten into you?” Jack asked. I admit I was acting a bit out of character.

  “I’m horny, Rogue,” I told him. At that point, I would have been satisfied with just a wild night of lovemaking with Jack.

  “No shit?” he replied and laughed. Even though Jack would have been enough to satiate my longings, I had to tell him about my fantasy and Ruth’s offer. I just wanted to come clean and when Jack told me he had no interest in some tryst with his friend, I could let it go and move on.

  “Can we go outside for a minute?” I asked. Jack got that look in his eye. I guess he still remembered the blowjob I gave him a couple of weeks back between a couple of SUVs outside of the bar.

  “You’re a bad girl,” Jack said. I rolled my eyes, grabbed his hand and pulled him behind me. I led him outside and down the street to the corner where it was quieter.

  “I hate to disappoint you but I brought you out here to talk,” I said seriously.

  “What’s up?” Jack asked me. He could obviously tell something was bothering me.

  “I don’t even know how to begin. I...uh...shit!” I said. Jack looked a bit concerned.

  “Just say it. How bad could it be?” he replied and smiled at me. That set me at ease. I had to remember this was Jack, Rogue, and he was the open-minded one. The biker that didn’t judge, that helped teach me to live fearlessly and accepted me for who I was. With that in mind, I just blurted it out.

  “Ruth offered to let me sleep with Butch,” I said cutting to the chase. Jack was obviously shocked but he took it in stride.

  “Why would she do that?” he asked. I guess that was my opening.

  “On the ride to Rachel, I had a seriously naughty fantasy. She must’ve seen me looking at Butch. In the restroom, she offered to let me...borrow him and I told her about my fantasy. She left it at that,” I explained.

  “You were fantasizing about Butch?” Jack asked me. I shook my head and Jack screwed up his face in confusion.

  “I was fantasizing about you and Butch. I was thinking about both of you fucking me,” I said and bit my lip hoping Jack would understand. I couldn’t read him until a sly grin crept across his face.

  “You’re a dirty girl,” he said. I giggled and blushed. I should have known Jack would understand.

  “Sorry,” I replied.

  “Don’t be sorry. You really want that?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. Kind of, I guess. I don’t want to say no because I do want it. I’m not after Butch but he’s sexy and...I don’t want to pass up the opportunity and regret it later, you know,” I admitted. I’d been trying to live my life like Sarah did, without regret and without worrying
about what others might think. That’s how Jack lived too. Damn, the idea of two men like Jack and Butch was driving me mad. I had to try it, right?

  “I know you’re not after him. Look, doll, if you really want that, I’m game. I like making you happy,” Jack told me. Was it really that easy?

  “Really?” I pressed.

  “Really, doll. Why not? But you might owe me?” he said. I glared at him.

  “Owe you what?” I asked.

  “I’ll tell you when I figure it out,” he replied. God, was I really going to do this? I was horny and the fantasy was fresh. I was a liquored up and feeling bold.

  “Can we do it tonight?” I asked. I realized I was being a bit rash and a whole lot of slutty and honestly, I liked it. This was what my new attitude was all about, right? Doing what made me happy instead of what made other’s happy. I didn’t want to hurt Jack but he was apparently on board with the idea. I knew enough about him to know that he didn’t say anything he didn’t mean.

  “I’m glad you told me. I already knew about it though,” Jack said ignoring my request.

  “What? How?” I asked as Jack’s admission caught me off guard.

  “Ruth told me. This won’t be the first time Butch and I have doubled-teamed a woman. The last time it was Ruth,” Jack said. Now I was shocked and I felt my mouth fall open.

  “Why didn’t you say something?” I demanded. Hell, why didn’t Ruth say something? I wasn’t mad but it would have made this a lot easier if one of them would have informed me. I suppose Ruth got a pass. She probably figured it would be best coming from Jack.

  “I like making you squirm. I mean it. I’m glad you were honest with me,” he said. I smiled up at him.

  “You were testing me weren’t...wait, what do you mean the last time? You’ve done it more than once?” I asked forgetting my thought.

  “Doll, you’ve got a lot to learn about me,” he said and winked. “Let’s go find Butch,” he said and then bent and kissed me. All my reservations melted away as we kissed but that didn’t mean I wasn’t nervous. Those damn butterflies were having a party in my tummy but they were nothing compared to the fire engulfing my core.

  “Wait, Jack,” I said as he turned to leave.

  “What?” he replied as he turned.

  “You’re sure?” I asked. Jack chuckled.

  “Why not? You want to try it. I’d love to indulge your dirty fantasy. Let’s go for it. Life is risk, doll. But if you never take a risk, you never get the reward. Look, let’s call it an experiment. If it doesn’t work out, so be it. If it does, maybe we do it again. I care for you, you know that,” he told me to reassure me.

  “I care for you too,” I told him. I did, a lot. My life was beginning to become difficult to imagine without Jack in it. Neither of us had said the “L” word but I was falling for Jack and I was glad he shared my feelings.

  “I know. C’mon, let’s have some fun, you dirty slut,” he told me playfully and offered me his hand. I smiled at his words, taking them as intended, a term of endearment.

  “Are you nervous?” I asked as we began to walk back to Hogs and Heifers.

  “Excited is more like it,” Jack said.

  “Me too, Rogue, me too,” I replied. He smiled down at me and squeezed my hand. I guess this was what life without fear was like. Doing what you wanted, what felt good, without worrying about the repercussions. I’d managed to surround myself with people that accepted me for who I was, people that didn’t care I was dating a biker or had a crossdresser for a best friend, true friends that took me as I was. I think that was what felt the best. The sex, the motorcycles and the good times were all better because I shared them with true friends like Jack.

  Inside, Jack told me to grab a seat at the bar and order myself some whiskey. I needed it, both to settle my nerves and to provide a bit of courage. Jack found Butch and Ruth and as I watched, he apparently told them about our desire. Ruth nodded and then her eyes found me and she smiled knowingly at me. I blushed a bit. The idea she didn’t mind me borrowing her husband to fulfill my desires was strange but in a way, it was kind of sweet that she and Butch trusted and loved each other enough to allow themselves this freedom.

  Butch and Jack talked and then finally Butch looked my way. Damn, he was sexy. Tall, muscular, covered in tattoos, his head shaven but with a rough sandy beard and rich brown eyes. I stared back, refusing to give in to modesty. His eyes undressed me and I could tell he wanted me as much as I wanted him. Then he looked at his wife and she hugged him. I could read her lips as she bid him goodnight, “Fuck her good, baby.”

  Then Jack and Butch walked my way. It really hit me all of a sudden. I was about to have a wild night of torrid sex with these two bikers. I felt pleasantly faint as they approached. “How about a round before we take off,” Jack offered.

  “Why don’t we just go back to your place and get fucked up there,” I replied. A wicked grin crossed Jack’s face as I stood up, grabbed his crotch and slipped my hand behind Butch’s neck. I pulled the other man to me and kissed him, slipping my warm tongue into Butch’s mouth. His arm slipped around me and his other hand found my breast. I broke the kiss and looked at him.

  “What’s Ruth going to do?” I wondered. I didn’t like the thought of her just going home alone for some reason.

  “She’s had here eye on those two all night,” he said and pointed to a biker and his old lady that were suddenly dancing with Ruth like they knew her. I guess I didn’t have anything to worry about.

  “She’s a lucky woman,” I said and I think Butch took my meaning. She had a husband that would let her play and loved her too. “Shall we?” I asked feeling brazen like I always did with Jack. I felt even more brash than usual. I wanted to be naughty. I wanted to push the boundaries. I wanted to embrace my new attitude completely.

  We walked out to the bikes. Jack was still my man so I rode behind him. Once I was settled behind Jack, he fired up his bike as Butch did the same. The ground shook with the raw power. A moment later, we were roaring down the street that fronted Hogs and Heifers. We headed towards Jack’s place. Once we hit the freeway, both men weaved and swerved between cars going at least ninety miles per hour. That always frightened me a bit but I liked it. It also got me sexually excited though I usually didn’t need it with Jack. Tonight, I needed it even less. Still, riding with these two muscular bikers, experiencing them deftly maneuvering their bikes at breakneck speed without fear made my pussy wet as hell.

  It seemed like forever but we finally rolled up to Jack’s shiny Airstream trailer. His vintage pickup sat next to the trailer. We parked the bikes, climbed off and I couldn’t help but look around at the other mobile homes in the park. I wondered if Jack’s neighbors knew what we were about to do? Part of me hoped they did. I hoped they saw the curvy girl and her two studs. God, I couldn’t wait to tell Sarah.

  Jack opened the door and told Butch to go ahead. He nodded and went inside. Jack took me in his arms and kissed me. “This night’s all about you. If we were living my fantasy, we’d be here with Kat and I’d be fucking you while you ate her pussy,” he said after breaking the kiss and winked. I giggled. “You do whatever it is you want, doll. I’ll follow your lead. Nothing’s off-limits,” Jack assured me. Feeling wicked, I knew just how to reply to that.

  “Good, because I want to see you suck his cock so bad,” I said. I wasn’t serious, I think, but I tried to act as if I was. Jack narrowed his eyes trying to ascertain if I was joking or not. I couldn’t help but giggle though. “You’re a bad girl,” he said and slapped my ass.

  “I’m your bad girl, Rogue. Don’t forget that,” I told him. He kissed me again and inside we went. Butch had his shirt off and he was pouring whiskey for us. Holy hell, he was magnificent. “No, no, you’re the guest. Jack will pour us drinks. You come with me,” I told Butch. He looked at Jack but my man only shrugged and laughed.

  “Well, I’m not going to argue,” Butch replied.

  “Brandy gets what she wants
so just enjoy the ride,” Jack assured him. I led Butch to the worn leather sofa that was as deep as a small bed in the front of the Airstream. I had him sit down and then I began dancing and swaying my hips for him. As I did, I began undressing. First, the studded leather belt came off and then I turned and bent over showing Butch my big ass as I worked the Daisy-Dukes over my wide hips. I heard him groan behind me as I slid them down my legs and then reached back and ran my hands over my ass.

  “You like that?” I asked looking over my shoulder at him and slapping my ass hard.

  “Yeah,” was all he said but the look on his face was priceless. Jack set our drinks, three bucket glasses with Jack Daniels and ice, on the small L-shaped counter and grabbed a stool to watch the show. I turned to face Butch, slipping my hand down my black panties and touching myself. I was sopping wet and my finger slipped easily into my hot sex. I moaned as I pumped it between my velvet folds for Butch’s benefit. But that was just a tease, for him as well as for myself. I pulled my hand free of my panties and set my breasts free, shedding the leather vest, quickly losing patience. Next, I put a boot on the sofa between Butch’s legs.

  He knew what to do. He unbuckled it and tugged it off before I offered him the other one. He removed that one and then his hands reached for my panties but I slapped them away. “Not so fast. You fucking bikers are always so grabby,” I admonished him playfully. Instead, I knelt before him, pushed his knees wide and began working at his belt. Butch seemed more than willing to let me do that instead.

  Jack stood up and handed Butch his drink. “You’re likely going to be there a while,” he told his friend. Butch laughed but then he got serious again as he watched me work at his blue jeans.

  “You’re a lucky man, Rogue. Brandy’s one fine woman,” Butch said as I tugged his jeans open and found the thick ridge of his manhood straining under his briefs. I ran a finger over his length and it was considerable. Close enough to Jack’s own tremendous size to make a girl swoon.

  “Yeah, I am. Now scoot your ass over,” Jack told Butch. There was more than enough room and I was more than happy enough to accommodate Jack as well. I bent and took Butch’s briefs between my teeth as I worked at Jack’s jeans. I tugged at the cotton fabric until the monster beneath was able to escape. Butch sprang to attention, his thick manhood mere inches from my face. Now it was time to test my coordination.


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