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Fearless - A Big Girls & Bad Boys Romance

Page 25

by Cameron, D. H.

  But most of all, I received strong support from the alternative community. Las Vegas was home to not only a vibrant LGBT community but a lot of performers and artists that worked at the casinos. The two groups shared members as well as a common issue. They didn’t quite fit in to the norm. They weren’t Middle America, not that there was anything wrong with being normal. My message resonated among them and though they were in the minority, they were motivated and let’s be honest, the turnout at a midsummer special election for District Attorney was pretty low.

  But the most significant event that helped my campaign was Christine Kwan’s support. She editorialized continuously on my behalf. Channel 3 endorsed me. But when she came out on the Six O’clock News, she put her money where her mouth was. Christine, as it turned out, was born Christopher. She was a transsexual and no one had any idea. She had attended college in Minnesota as Christine, legally changed her name and lived as a woman ever since.

  She took a huge risk but it paid off. Channel 3, correctly and to their credit, supported her one-hundred percent. The Vegas community did too. Sure, there were the typical ignorant comments from bigots, namely Chip O’Brien, but the Las Vegas live and let live creed was evident. So, when election night rolled around, I was tied in the polls with the acting D.A. My silly idea to run for District Attorney had become quite serious. In a few hours, I could be the new D.A. It was exciting and more than a little scary. I might actually have to put my money where my mouth was, so to speak.

  “There must be five hundred people out there,” Jack told me. We were at Hogs and Heifers, the one and only place I’d even considered for my election night headquarters. They knew me and were thrilled to host the event. I expected a few dozen people, most of whom I knew, to show up but the place was packed and the street out front was full of people. It was a real party. Channel 3 was there, including Christine Kwan. There must have been a dozen cops patrolling the crowd to keep the peace but so far, everything was peaceful despite the disparate crowd.

  “This is nuts. I feel like I’m in a dream,” I said.

  “This is unexpected,” Sarah observed.

  “To say the least. If I lose, there’s going to be a riot,” I said only half-jokingly.

  “Well, you’re not going to lose,” Jack assured me. I sat on his thigh at the bar. Since I was supposed to act responsibly, I drank Diet Coke but I wanted whiskey. Sarah sat next to us while the rest of our gang milled about, Butch and Ruth, Doc and Linda, Dexter and Peace along with Kat and some young girl she brought with her. Trudy was there too.

  “You’ve come a long way,” Trudy told me. She was the friend I turned to after my first night with Jack. She was the one that got me thinking about how I lived my life, always seeking to please others to avoid their judgment. She also introduced me to Sarah. Trudy was an old friend from college and we weren’t terribly close but I owed her a lot.

  “Yeah, I guess I have,” I replied.

  “I’m proud of you,” she told me.

  “Thanks, roomie,” I said.

  “And now I can say I have powerful friends,” Trudy teased.

  “Well, not yet,” I reminded her.

  “I have faith,” she assured me. The polls had been closed for hours and my stomach was hosting a butterfly rave. The election was too close to call. Exit polling showed the race was a virtual tie as well. At times, the vote count favored my opponent and at times, it favored me. The last time I forced myself to look, I trailed by fifty some odd votes. That was a lot considering the low turnout. I just knew I was going to lose but I guess that was OK. I tried and the people spoke. It was a fun ride while it lasted.

  “Brandy,” Christine Kwan said as she approached.

  “Yeah?” I asked her.

  “They called the election,” she told me. I sighed. I knew she was going to tell me I’d lost. The trend as the final precincts came in was not in my favor.

  “And?” I asked her dutifully though I was sure of her answer.

  “I think the proper term is Madam District Attorney,” she told me. I just stared at her blankly until it hit me.

  “Are you fucking serious?” I exclaimed

  “Yes, I’m fucking serious. Congratulations. You won by 37 votes. There will be a recount but you did it,” Christine told me. I hugged her and then hugged Jack and Sarah in turn. I felt faint and excited all at once. The band playing to entertain the crowd as the vote count dragged on was stopped and handed a note. They announced the news and the inside of the bar cheered. The news spread like wildfire to the people out front. They erupted in shouts and applause as the word was passed around.

  “I need to interview you but after you address the crowd,” Christine advised me.

  “Oh...OK,” I said. The manager of the bar gestured for me to come to the small stage. Fittingly, there was a big American flag hung on the wall behind the stage. I took the stage and the crowd cheered even louder. I was a bit embarrassed by all of it. One of the bartenders pulled out a bull horn.

  “Hey, shut the fuck up,” she screamed into it. The crowd did as told, at least the people inside the bar. “Go for it,” she said over the bullhorn.

  “Thanks,” I said into the microphone. The crowd quieted even more. “Thanks to all of you for supporting me and showing up here. We did it,” I said. They cheered again but it was short-lived. “I promised to be fair and I will. But I represent everyone. I’m one of you but I won’t favor anyone. Rich or poor, black or white, Latino or Asian, straight or gay, biker or member of a country club. That’s what this country is all about and I plan to keep it that way. Well, at least the little corner called Sin City,” I said. More applause and cheers as I handed the microphone back to the lead singer but then I yanked it back as I remembered something else.

  “Hey, I’ve got a bit more to say. I want to thank a few people. I’m new at this and I’m not even sure what to say,” I told the crowd. The cheering and revelry turned to a chant, Brandy, Brandy, Brandy. I tried to quiet them and after a moment, the crowd did settle down. “You’re making me blush,” I told them. That got a laugh.

  “I want to thank Jack, my old man, for being my biggest fan. I want to thank my best friend, Sarah, for always being there. Both of them taught me to live fearlessly and without them, I wouldn’t be here. To the rest of you, and you all know who you are, thanks for being my friends. Ok, that’s it. Continue getting drunk but don’t drive or start a fight or we might meet on less than friendly terms,” I told the crowd. Some laughed but most cheered.

  I made my way back to Jack and Sarah. Christine was waiting to interview me and I chose to do it sitting on Jack’s thigh with Sarah next to us. Christine helped her cameraman get the shot just right. It was your typical interview. How do you feel and what does this mean kind of thing. I answered as best as I could. It was a short interview but I was glad when it was over. Christine helped her cameraman load his stuff up but she told him she was going to stay.

  “Have a good night, Christine,” the cameraman told her.

  “Yeah, you too. See you tomorrow,” she told him. He pushed through the crowd with his camera and a case full of equipment. Sarah was on her own stool again and Christine leaned against her as Sarah slipped her arms around the newswoman. I’d been busy and though I knew Dave had called Christine and they had gone out, I wasn’t sure about much more.

  “So, what’s up with you two?” I wondered. Sarah smiled and blushed. She was so cute.

  “I called Christine and asked her out. We hit it off,” Sarah said. Christine rolled her eyes.

  “I wasn’t sure what I was looking for in a man until the debate. After I saw Dave that night, I knew I had to get to know him...and Sarah. My instincts were right,” Christine said.

  “Ahh, that’s sweet. So you two are like an item?” I wondered.

  “Yeah, I guess you could say that,” Sarah told me.

  “So...I’m not sure how to ask this but I’m just going to do it. Slap me if you think I’m out of line. Did
you tell Sarah know,” Jack asked. I turned and glared at him.

  “No, it’s fine,” Christine, said. “I’m not ashamed and I know people are curious about stuff like this. Maybe you more than most, Jack,” she told him meaningfully. Jack, for the first time ever, blushed. Obviously, Sarah had told Christine about the night the three of us spent together. “Sarah didn’t know until...well, let’s just say she got a little surprise,” Christine told us.

  “I was just wondering if you told her before you came out, that’s all,” Jack explained sheepishly.

  “She showed me...several times,” Sarah replied. Jack downed the rest of his beer, called the bartender over and ordered another. “I never thought I’d see the day, Jack. You’re blushing,” Sarah observed. Christine and I both giggled at that.

  “OK, that’s enough. Let’s talk about something else,” Jack said. I and the other two ladies laughed at him. I got it. Jack was curious. So was I. Not in a creepy kind of way. Sarah or Christine weren’t a side show. They were a different kind of couple and I wondered about it is all. It didn’t matter. I didn’t care if Christine was born a girl or a boy. I was genuinely glad for her and Sarah and I hoped they could be happy. And maybe the idea was kind of a sexy. I could admit that.

  “So can we get out of here?” Jack asked.

  “Got a date?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I’m seeing the District Attorney on the side,” he joked.

  “I suppose you’re going to run off and go have wild sex with her,” I replied.

  “If she can pry herself away from her adoring fans,” he told me.

  “I guess we could sneak out the back,” I observed. “You guys coming?” I asked Sarah and Christine.

  “I think we’re going to hang out,” Christine said. Sarah agreed.

  “All right. Have fun,” I told them. We all hugged and I thanked Christine again. Jack and I ducked through the crowd and found the back door. The manager saw us and turned off the alarm so we could leave. We thanked him and found ourselves in an alley behind the bar. “I’m glad to be out of there. I need some time to absorb this,” I told Jack once we were alone.

  “I know. I knew you’d win but I didn’t expect it, you know,” he said.

  “Yeah, I know what you mean,” I replied. He slipped his hands around my waist and kissed me. I wondered if I might wake up from the dream as he did but this was real. Then we heard someone.

  “Well, isn’t that cute,” came the gravelly voice. We turned and it was that toothless biker and four others from his motorcycle club. “I couldn’t understand how Larry got framed until I saw you running for office. Then it all came into focus. You set him up. You wanted his job and now you’ve got it. Now you’ve got trouble too. Larry asked me to congratulate you on the win, you fucking bitch,” the guy said and a chain dropped from his hand. The others suddenly pulled crowbars and baseball bats from behind their backs. Jack reached for the door but found it locked.

  “We didn’t frame anyone. That was you. Larry was a scumbag and I’m going to see he gets what’s coming to him if the Feds don’t get to him first,” I replied trying to be strong but I was shaking in my heels.

  “I doubt it. Unless you plan on doing it from a hospital bed or the morgue,” the guy said. This wasn’t going to end well. But just as I thought we were going to be beat to a bloody pulp, Jack whispered to me.

  “Keep him talking,” he said. I frowned but he gave me a look that told me not to question him. Jack let me go and I turned to face the toothless biker as Jack turned to face the two men behind me. Jack said something strange then. “So, you’re going to assault the new D.A. behind Hogs and Heifers?” he asked. I found that a bit odd but I had more to worry about. I wasn’t sure what to say but I had to say something. So I bluffed.

  “You just don’t learn, do you? I kicked your sorry ass once and now I have to do it again? You’re starting to piss me off,” I told him. Then I had a thought. “And I didn’t frame Larry but I’m glad someone did. He deserved it,” I told the biker. I felt I needed to deny that. I didn’t need to be connected to what happened.

  “It doesn’t matter. You did enough, you and your gang of lesbians and fairies. Yeah, I framed your asshole boyfriend. Nobody fucks with me and mine,” he said.

  “What are they going to find? You and Larry were moving drugs, weren’t you?” I pressed.

  “And now that’s all down the drain. I can’t let a do-gooder like you run the District Attorney’s office. You’ve got more enemies than you know, bitch. They won’t let you ruin a good thing,” the biker told me and advanced towards me. I retreated until Jack and I were back to back.

  “You’re not carrying are you?” I asked hoping Jack had a gun on him.

  “I wish,” he replied and then under his breath he said, “C’mon, figure it out.” I didn’t know what he meant until I heard my phone. It was muffled but I could hear someone talking.

  “Time to die, bi...,” the biker began to say but he was interrupted.

  “Freeze! Put the weapons down,” came a shout from behind me. I turned and saw two Metro officers, guns drawn. “I said put the weapons down!” the officer repeated forcefully. The bikers didn’t look as if they were going to comply until two more officers burst out of Hogs and Heifers’ back door and took up positions around Jack and me. Another two showed up around the opposite corner of the building. Weapons hit the ground and hands went into the air then.

  “You OK, ma’am?” one of them asked me. I was still in shock. How did they know?

  “Where did you come from?” I asked as the other officers shouted for the bikers to get on the ground and began cuffing them and searching them for weapons.

  “Dispatch said they got a call. They heard enough to know to call us,” he explained. I pulled my purse off my shoulder and reached inside finding it already unzipped. The voice was still asking for a response as I pulled out my phone. The officer asked for it and I gave it to him. “This is Officer Collins. Everything is under control,” he told the dispatcher. I turned to Jack as the officer further identified himself to the dispatcher and more police officers showed up.

  “How did you...?” I asked Jack. I knew he’d done it but I wasn’t sure how.

  “While I was still holding you, I unzipped your purse and I dialed 911,” he explained. I hugged him and felt like I might cry. This was too much for one girl to handle in a single evening. But Sarah and Christine were there suddenly along with a bunch of supporters. The police held them back but I let them know it was OK.

  “Are you OK?” Sarah asked us after I told the police to let her and Christine through.

  “Yeah, we’re fine, thanks to Jack,” I replied. Sarah hugged me.

  “I wish I still had my cameraman.” Christine said.

  “I’ll use my phone, “Sarah said. Christine nodded eagerly. Next thing I knew, Sarah was filming her girlfriend doing a report from the scene. Christine described the scene as the police began leading the biker’s away in cuffs. I wondered if this was how it would be. Would criminals like them come out of the woodwork to challenge me? I wondered if I had thought this through well enough but I reminded myself why I did it. I wanted to help people. I wanted to restore confidence in the law. I guess I knew that wouldn’t be easy but I didn’t expect anything this soon and this scary.

  I suppose I should get used to it but then again, I had a lot of people that wouldn’t let anything happen to me. I took solace in that.


  A month later, I rode though the city in a car. I was blindfolded. I had no idea where I was or where I was headed. It was rather unnerving. “Is this really necessary?” I asked.

  “Jack’s orders,” Sarah told me. I sighed.

  “This a bit dramatic, isn’t it,” I wondered.

  “Quit your whining, Brandy,” my best friend warned me.

  “Fine! How much longer?” I asked.

  “We’re almost there. Keep your panties on...if you’re wearing any, you hussy
,” Sarah joked.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know,” I shot back. Sarah didn’t reply but her car stopped and I heard her get out. Then my door opened and she helped me out so I wouldn’t bump my head or stumble. “Can we take this off now?” I asked.

  “Not yet. Patience, grasshopper,” she replied. Sarah helped me walk, leading me away from the car to someplace unknown. I was on gravel. I wish I wasn’t doing this in heels but she kidnapped me from my office at City Hall as I was leaving for the day. The City Engineer saw her leading me to her car as he left for the day and then watched as she blindfolded me. I just waved at him as a tall crossdresser blindfolded the new D.A. He smiled back awkwardly before getting into his car and left. I have a bit of reputation around City Hall so he wasn’t concerned. Disturbed, yes, but not concerned

  “What took so long?” I heard Jack ask.

  “She resisted so I had to slap her around a little,” Sarah replied but it was Dave’s voice. Jack chuckled.

  “Can I please take this damn thing off?” I asked again.

  “Almost, doll. Relax,” Jack told me. We walked a few more feet, two pairs of heels and one pair of boots crushing gravel underneath, and then Sarah stopped. I waited a moment before Jack walked up to me and removed the blindfold. It took my eyes a moment to adjust but I found Jack with a knowing smile on his face. He had decided he liked the goatee, though he grew it out, and now kept his hair cropped short. I liked the new look.

  “What are you...,” I began to ask but then Jack moved out of the way. I stood on a gravel drive leading to a long, sleek Airstream trailer. Off to the side was a big metal building. I looked around and I could see the Las Vegas Strip off in the distance. We were on the outskirts of Las Vegas on a big lot with the shiny trailer, Jack’s repainted vintage pickup and two plastic pink flamingoes. The property was fenced with chain link.

  “Surprise!” he exclaimed.

  “When did my God!” I exclaimed. I had no idea Jack had bought a new trailer already or land to put it on. “You bastard, you’ve been holding out on me!” I told him.


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