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Lizzy Legend

Page 12

by Matthew Ross Smith

  Tad Wexler—Bells TV Announcer

  But then she just landed with the ball.

  Ovid Green—Bells Color Commentator

  [Shakes head.]

  Emily Murray—Philadelphia Sports Columnist

  Traveling. Turnover.

  @polli_wanna_cracka—Indianapolis, Indiana

  what the heck was THAT????

  @make_it_rayne_23—Cleveland, Ohio

  sidney got the girl SHOOK!

  @philly_yap—Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  she ain’t scared man she’s TROLLIN’ these fools

  Ovid Green—Bells Color Commentator

  It was no secret that Lizzy wasn’t, let’s say, pleased with how she’d been welcomed into the league. The network carrying the game had supposedly Photoshopped her chest to look bigger beneath her jersey in the pregame promos. A thirteen-year-old girl! It was sick. So a lot of people, myself included, thought that first possession was a protest to all that.

  Emily Murray—Philadelphia Sports Columnist

  It was brilliant. I loved it.

  Lizzy Trudeaux

  I got so into the game that I forgot. I forgot the power was gone. I remembered at the last instant and, I don’t know. I froze. I messed up.

  Deepak Lobsang—Cleveland Head Coach/Spiritual Guru

  That’s why she’s a legend, in my opinion. She does this stuff that transcends the game. Like that protest shot. She has this way of exposing the hypocrisy, the bias, that’s been right beneath the surface in sports and society the whole time.

  Lizzy Trudeaux

  I was scared, man. That’s what it comes down to. I was scared that I’d miss and everyone would laugh at me. That I, playing as myself, wasn’t good enough.

  Rick “The Wizard” Trudeaux—Lizzy’s Father

  We made eye contact as she ran back on defense. I pounded my heart like, You got this. You’ve been working for this your whole life. Don’t back down.

  Emily Murray—Philadelphia Sports Columnist

  She didn’t shoot again on the second possession, but she made one of the most beautiful passes I’d ever seen. It was like she knew she was this magnet drawing all the defense’s attention toward herself, and she used that to create openings for her teammates. Brilliant.

  Rick “The Wizard” Trudeaux—Lizzy’s Father

  I smiled. I knew right away. Okay, tonight she’s playing point guard.

  Harry Hawkins—Bells Guard

  She wouldn’t shoot. It was weird. But she was good enough playing point that we were right in the game. We were this crappy last-place team, but she made us all better.

  Jimmy Mack—Bells Head Coach

  That’s what a great point guard does.

  Bill “Chalk” Rasner—Nationally Syndicated Sportswriter

  The assists started piling up. Sidney’s competitive, so he started doing the same. He started throwing these crazy passes too.

  Emily Murray—Philadelphia Sports Columnist

  It was tied 56–56 at the half. A lower-scoring game than the one in LA, but the tempo was still breakneck. Lizzy was always looking to push the ball. Every single time. I said to my colleague, “Okay, she has to get tired eventually, right?”

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend

  [Grins.] They obviously don’t know Lizzy.

  Jimmy Mack—Bells Head Coach

  [Runs bubblegum cigar beneath nose.] I wasn’t takin’ her out no matter what.

  Bill “Chalk” Rasner—Nationally Syndicated Sportswriter

  The beginning of the third quarter was one of the craziest sequences I’d ever seen. It was like Trudeaux had given Alou a high five in the locker room and her magic had rubbed off. First time down, Alou took a dribble—always a scary sight—and heaved up a three-pointer with, like, twenty seconds still left on the shot clock. It looked like a soccer throw-in. Everyone in the arena put their hands on their heads like WHAT ARE YOU . . . But then the ball swished through. He ran back down the court, firing his hands like pistols, smiling from ear to ear.

  Deepak Lobsang—Cleveland Head Coach/Spiritual Guru

  Three in a row. Alou Achebe comes out to start the third quarter and drains three straight. What can you do? How do you even block his shot if you want to? A ladder?

  Emily Murray—Philadelphia Sports Columnist

  Lizzy was still piling up the assists.

  Tad Wexler—Bells TV Announcer

  Then Harry Hawkins caught fire. He hit three in a row. Philly went up double digits.

  Sidney Rayne—Basketball Superstar

  The game was turning into a blowout.

  Deepak Lobsang—Cleveland Head Coach/Spiritual Guru

  I called a time-out. I knew just what we needed.

  Sidney Rayne—Basketball Superstar

  Sometimes, instead of drawing up a play in the huddle, Coach just reads us these weird riddles that he has scribbled on little scraps of paper in his pocket. He was like—

  Deepak Lobsang—Cleveland Head Coach/Spiritual Guru

  [Draws two stick figures on coach’s whiteboard.] Two monks are staring at a flag blowing in the wind.

  Sidney Rayne—Basketball Superstar

  [Shakes head.]

  Deepak Lobsang—Cleveland Head Coach/Spiritual Guru

  The first monk says, “The flag is moving.” The second monk says, “No, the wind is moving.” Their teacher walks by, glances up, says, “No wind. No flag. Mind is moving.”

  I could tell they weren’t really getting it. They’re not quite on my level.

  Leonard Galloway—Cleveland Guard

  Coach had lost his mind. Sid took over. He was like, “Yo, listen, this is what’s gonna happen.”

  Harry Hawkins—Bells Guard

  They started fouling us.

  Alou Achebe—Bells Center

  And not just anyone.

  Harry Hawkins—Bells Guard

  They started fouling our worst shooters.

  Emily Murray—Philadelphia Sports Columnist

  It definitely went against the “spirit of the game,” as they say. But it worked. Philly’s big men kept bricking free throws. Cleveland rebounded, advanced the ball quickly, ran their offense, and chipped away at the lead.

  Tad Wexler—Bells TV Announcer

  The other thing the fouling did was give Cleveland a chance to catch their breath. The constant fouling neutralized Lizzy’s superior endurance.

  Bill “Chalk” Rasner—Nationally Syndicated Sportswriter

  I’ve had clogged toilets that flowed better than that third quarter.

  Mark McClaine—National TV Broadcaster

  The Philly fans were out of their minds. They were like—

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend


  Tad Wexler—Bells TV Announcer

  Every time you looked up, the Bells’ lead shrank. Fifteen points. Thirteen. Eight. Six. Two. Then it was tied.

  Emily Murray—Philadelphia Sports Columnist

  It was a cheap strategy. But it worked.

  Ovid Green—Bells Color Commentator

  Finally, the game got moving again. The Philly fans gave a big mock cheer.

  Tad Wexler—Bells TV Announcer

  The whole fourth quarter was back-and-forth. We were “on the seesaw,” as we say. Philly was up one, then Cleveland was up one, then Philly was up one. Then it was tied. We got to the final media time-out—

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend

  And that was when it started, I think. That was the first time I heard it.

  Alou Achebe—Bells Center

  It was during a TV time-out. Coach Mack was drawin’ up a play on his hand, the way he always did. “Okay, you start here—”

  Harry Hawkins—Bells Guard

  It’s weird—Coach Mack, most times, he’s practically deaf. But it’s like he can focus with his ears the way you focus with your eyes. Like he can squint his ears. Those big, droopy ears. He stopped drawin’ the play, clo
sed his eyes, and listened.

  Jimmy Mack—Bells Head Coach

  [Closes eyes. Listens.]

  Bill “Chalk” Rasner—Nationally Syndicated Sportswriter

  It started in the upper levels, the nosebleeds, where the working people sit.

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend

  LIZ-ZY LEG-END (clap clap clap-clap-clap). LIZ-ZY LEG-END (clap clap clap-clap-clap).

  Bill “Chalk” Rasner—Nationally Syndicated Sportswriter

  When chants start like that—and I don’t mean the LET’S GO BLAH-BLAH crap they pump through the speakers nowadays—when a spontaneous chant starts up like that, it’s like a few people rubbing some sticks together. It takes a minute to catch, but when it does, the flame spreads quickly. It gulps down all the oxygen in the place.

  Sidney Rayne—Basketball Superstar

  Yeah, we all heard it. How could you not? But if you’re a competitor, then in that moment you want nothing more than to shut that crowd up. It fuels both teams, just in different ways.

  Alou Achebe—Bells Center

  It was a cool moment. It was like—you know thunder and lightning? How the lightning strikes and then you hear the thunder? It was like everything was reversed. First you heard this huge, booming chant, the thunder, and then the thought flashed inside your head. You thought: This is it. This is her moment. I’m about to witness history. I’m a part of it.

  Lizzy Trudeaux

  I knew this was my moment. It was time to step up. I couldn’t be afraid anymore.

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend

  Coming out of the time-out she looked over at me—well, I thought she was looking at me, but she was looking at her dad. They have this weird language where they can say entire sentences without actually talking out loud. Must be a father-daughter thing.

  Rick “The Wizard” Trudeaux—Lizzy’s Father

  [Narrows eyes. Crosses arms.]

  Lizzy Trudeaux


  Mark McClaine—National TV Broadcaster

  That last minute will go down in history. Basketball history, at least.

  Tad Wexler—Bells TV Announer

  They ran this beautiful play coming out of the time-out. A double screen. Lizzy came off it tight, just like you’re supposed to, shoulder to shoulder. She curled off it, caught the ball at the top of the key.

  Ovid Green—Bells Color Commentator

  She was wide open.

  Tad Wexler—Bells TV Announcer

  Wide open.

  Ovid Green—Bells Color Commentator

  Just like at the beginning of the game.

  Tad Wexler—Bells TV Announcer

  But this time she didn’t hesitate.

  Sidney Rayne—Basketball Superstar

  She rose up.

  Ovid Green—Bells Color Commentator

  Perfect form. Absolutely flawless. Totally fluid.

  Sidney Rayne—Basketball Superstar

  The ball looked different coming out of her hand.

  Mark McClaine—National TV Broadcaster

  It wasn’t a line drive like the last game, like we’d seen before.

  Bill “Chalk” Rasner—Nationally Syndicated Sportswriter

  It had this gorgeous arc to it. A moon shot.

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend


  Mark McClaine—National TV Broadcaster

  It hit off the side of the rim and went out of bounds.

  Tad Wexler—Bells TV Announcer

  Everyone in the arena gasped at the same time.

  @hate_the_playa_not_tha_game_99—Oakland, CA


  @jedi_jump_shooter—New Orleans, LA

  **watches trudeaux catch ball**

  **watches ball float toward rim**

  **stares at tv in disbelief**

  @hate_the_playa_not_tha_game_99—Oakland, CA


  Mark McClaine—National TV Broadcaster

  She kept her cool. It didn’t faze her.

  Lizzy Trudeaux

  I was mortified. I was reeling. I couldn’t believe it.

  Jim Gulch—Ardwyn Middle School Boys’ Basketball Coach

  So now it’s Cleveland’s ball. Tied game. Thirty-five seconds left. The crowd’s on their feet. “DE-FENSE! DE-FENSE!” Sidney clears his teammates to the corners and dribbles until the shot clock’s running down.

  Bill “Chalk” Rasner—Nationally Syndicated Sportswriter

  Trudeaux was on him, crouched in her stance, forcing him left.

  Lizzy Trudeaux

  He went right anyway. I couldn’t stop him.

  Bill “Chalk” Rasner—Nationally Syndicated Sportswriter

  Sidney was too strong. He went right, pulled up at the elbow.

  Jim Gulch—Ardwyn Middle School Boys’ Basketball Coach

  Lizzy recovered, but Sidney just soared straight up over her. She couldn’t do anything about it. Sidney let it go—clean release, perfect backspin.

  Mark McClaine—National TV Broadcaster

  It swirled around.

  Leonard Galloway—Cleveland Guard

  Spun out.

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend

  I’m jumping up and down. Yes! Yes! Yes!

  Ovid Green—Bells Color Commentator

  Alou snagged the rebound and handed it off to Lizzy. Ten seconds left. Me? I’d call time-out. But she didn’t. She took off.

  Mark McClaine—National TV Broadcaster

  She went flying up the court. It was incredible.

  Bill “Chalk” Rasner—Nationally Syndicated Sportswriter

  Sidney was with her the whole way, hands high above his head so he didn’t foul her.

  Ovid Green—Bells Color Commentator

  Five seconds left. I can still see it. She’s in front of the Bells bench, dribbling with her right hand, almost shoulder-high.

  Mark McClaine—National TV Broadcaster

  Sidney’s eyes go wide. He can’t resist.

  Jim Gulch—Ardwyn Middle School Boys’ Basketball Coach

  You can see the visions of glory dancing in his eyes.

  Bill “Chalk” Rasner—Nationally Syndicated Sportswriter

  He lunges for the ball.

  Lizzy Trudeaux

  [Smirks.] Gotcha.

  Mark McClaine—National TV Broadcaster

  She pulls the ball hard across her body—“draws the curtain,” as they say.

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend

  Her dad’s famous move.

  Jimmy Mack—Bells Head Coach

  Get ’em leanin’ one way . . .

  Mark McClaine—National TV Broadcaster


  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend

  She said it was like the whole arena vanished.

  Lizzy Trudeaux

  Suddenly, I was back at the playground.

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend

  Three . . .

  Lizzy Trudeaux

  All alone.

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend

  Two . . .

  Lizzy Trudeaux

  There was no sound at all. No wind. Nothing.

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend

  One . . .

  Lizzy Trudeaux

  Just me and the basket.

  Bill “Chalk” Rasner—Nationally Syndicated Sportswriter

  She pulls up at the foul line.

  Wilson James—Photographer

  I’m beneath the basket. I lift my camera as she lifts the ball.

  Bill “Chalk” Rasner—Nationally Syndicated Sportswriter

  All her shots were beautiful. But that one especially.

  Deepak Lobsang—Cleveland Head Coach/Spiritual Guru

  I remember it happening in slow motion. Probably because I’ve seen the replay so many times. Trudeaux’s leaning forward, ever so slightly. The ball’s just above her eye level. Her guide hand comes off. The b
all’s on her fingertips. She pushes it forward. Her wrist tips down like the head of a swan. Beautiful. She’s watching the ball, wide-eyed. I’m watching it. Everyone’s watching it. It’s floating toward the rim, spokes spinning.

  Mark McClaine—National TV Broadcaster

  The ball hits the front of the rim. It skips forward, hits the backboard, hits the front of the rim again, bounces straight up, swirls around twice, dips halfway in, and then . . .

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend

  It drops in.

  Rick “The Wizard” Trudeaux—Lizzy’s Father

  It drops in.

  Sidney Rayne—Basketball Superstar

  It drops in.

  Mark McClaine—National TV Broadcaster

  The horn sounds.

  Tad Wexler—Bells TV Announcer

  Bells win! Bells win! Bells win! She did it! She did it! Lizzy Trudeaux did it! Bells win!

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend


  Lizzy Trudeaux

  I blinked, and I was back in the arena. For a second, I didn’t know where I was.

  Ovid Green—Bells Color Commentator

  There’s nothing like a game-winning shot at the buzzer. Nothing. There’s this incredible energy, this swell that starts in your toes and shoots up through the top of your head. Boom! That happens to all twenty thousand people at once, and it’s like the roof explodes off the building.

  Mark McClaine—National TV Broadcaster

  God, I love basketball.

  Toby Sykes—Trudeaux’s Best Friend

  It was wild, man. All the Bells players were jumping around on the court, celebrating. I was jumping around on the court. We all were. Coach Gulch. The whole middle school team. We were just jumping. I was looking around for Lizzy.

  Tad Wexler—Bells TV Announcer

  Lizzy was at midcourt with Sidney.

  Ovid Green—Bells Color Commentator

  They hugged. He leaned down and said something to her.

  Sidney Rayne—Basketball Superstar


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