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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 22

by Trina Bates

  Grasping my stomach, a little annoyed that everyone can hear my little girl besides me, I answer her question that I’m honestly getting tired of.

  “I am a Death Demon. I manifested a week ago,” I retort back a little more haughty than I mean to.

  Though she stated that she was beginning to understand the reason for me being here, her look tells me different after what I’ve just told her.

  Her eyes are wide and filled with unshed tears. Suddenly, she falls to her knees, and covers her eyes with her hands as she cries. I look back to the guys and up at Torunn. Torunn looks thoughtful, the guys seem confused, and Rhett always the jokester, is smirking. I want to hit him to wipe it off his face, but I know that will just cause more eyes to fall on him, and that’s not what I want.

  Baffled by her reaction, I can’t take someone in that kind of pain. I may not understand what she’s crying about, but I’m not a completely heartless bitch. Dropping down in front of her, I pull her into my arms, embracing this strong woman that now looks so frail. I sit here and wonder what could have her so distraught but can’t come up with a single thing. She embraces me back with a fierceness that takes me by surprise for a moment before she speaks. Her next words shatter my world.

  “Your name is not Mira. It is Sigrid. Mira is my family name. It was the only way I could hide you from your father. When he came after me, I had just put you in our car. I was hoping that if I lead him away on foot, he wouldn't think about you in the car. When I finally outran him, I came back for you, but you were gone. I was trying to get you to a friend a few towns over, but I sensed his essence when he teleported to the hotel we were staying at. I am so sorry for what has happened to you, for the things you went through and the things you must be feeling. Believe me when I say, I looked for you, for so many years!” Her crying has completely taken over, her body is shaking with her sobs and I can feel that my shoulders, where her head is laying, are wet with her tears. “I can’t stay more than a few days on your world before your father will sense me there. Even to this day, I only go back for a few moments. I was in love with him, Sigrid,” her use of my given name has my blood boiling.

  -Who the fuck does she think she is?- I scream in my head, making four giant men groan or hiss with what I just subjected them to. She has no idea that her words aren’t bringing me comfort. She keeps talking and telling her twisted tale, “and I bonded myself to him. I thought we would be together forever. I only found out about what he had done to his other children when I came home early from work one night. He was in the backyard pulling the life out of an infant. There was a woman lying dead on the ground at his feet. I was newly pregnant, just about to tell him the good news. He did not know I saw him so I left after that, always on the run, trying to stay away from him. You have his blood and were not born of my world. I couldn't bring you here until you ascended.”

  I vaguely register that Cynide is growling at my would be mother. I didn’t want her to do anything rash, but there wasn’t much I could do in this moment, with everything this woman has me feeling. I’m barely hanging on to her body with these revelations even though she is still wracked with guilt and crying. I think I’m more of a burden now than she is to me.

  Finding out your mother is alive and well, living on another fucking planet/realm and that she isn't still looking for me? That pisses me off. Knowing my mother is alive and did ‘try’ to find me, it does send me into a whirlwind of emotions. I don’t know if I want to get to know her, she left me. It couldn't have been that hard to follow the trail and find me with the Conclave. Before they start the tests on Unwanteds, they will put out a picture of you, where you were found and your assumed age. It hits every Link. The place might need to be burned down with the assholes that ran it locked inside, but they did try to find out if a child was truly Unwanted or simply lost.

  I stay and listen like Torunn requested, but I’m done. There’s too much pain from my past that I’m not ready to take on at this point in time. I have enough to worry about with my own child. The fury is rising in me and I’m quickly losing my battle with it. I need to get as far away from her as possible. The threat of Death brewing inside me is fueling my desire to lash out at her.

  I know something’s about to happen. I can feel this pressure inside my chest, building and it’s to the point I’m about to burst. I have no idea what’s going to happen, all I know is I need to be far away from anyone when it does.

  I jump up and start to hyperventilate. “Stay away. Get the hell away from me and do NOT follow me. I don't have control yet!” I yell at everyone as I jump further away from Siv and burst through the door of her tiny home rushing outside.

  -We will be waiting for your return. Be safe Mira. I am sorry that you're hurt and I can't do anything to make it better.-

  -Cynide, you already are. You make me see I am not alone. That makes it easier. Stay safe okay?-

  -Always.- She says, as I feel her slip from my mind.

  I look all around me and the only place that seems to be empty of people is a good distance away. I can feel the burn start up again in the pit of my stomach, it’s expanding and taking over my entire body. My skin is burning, my hands are shaking and I’m about to scream out of desperation, fear, and the complete unknown. I’m scared to find out what’s about to happen, nothing good is going to come of this and I’m panicking while running through the crowds of people that are blocking my way to safety. Theirs and mine.

  I shout at everyone to move and get out of my way, but instead of listening, they stop dead in their tracks making it more difficult for me to get away while they openly glare or stare at me in question.

  The panic is only feeding the desire in me to start hurting people. -They just won't fucking listen!- I try my best to think calming thoughts, think of my daughter. I have to keep her safe too. What if this hate and pain inside me effects her? Would I lose her in my crazed state? If I really do wish so many people harm, will that include her in the wake of my own destruction?

  Pushing my way through all of the people that still didn't heed my warnings, I can finally see the clearing. It’s still far off, but if I can make it, I think everyone will be safe.

  -Love, you have to calm down. We can all feel you, the sadness, the pain, the betrayal, and the worry. You’re reaching your limit, love. Go as fast as you can, we are trying to get everyone away from you, but they are too infatuated with the newcomers.- Merrick’s deep voice says into my mind. Even in my head, he sounds angry and utterly annoyed at the people. Exactly how I felt. -Keep going, we have this. Know that when you're ready, we will be there.- The calm in Merrick's tone helped me tamper down the fear that was rushing through me at the thought of hurting anyone, but not enough to stop whatever this was. I felt him leave just as quickly as he came.

  -Bugs, I think those wings you're going to get are going to come in really handy, especially in situations like these. Think how quick you can fling ‘em away with your wings. Might hurt their asses and pride a bit, but in the end they will be thanking you for it.- Ebbin’s attempt at a joke has me smiling while still running. I know what they’re doing and I welcome it all. Plus, that‘s a pretty funny visual. I want to thank him, but he too left my mind after he was done talking.

  -You always seem to forget that not only am I sexy as hell, have the biggest dick, and amazing hair… I can portal you anywhere you want to go. Would have been a lot easier!-

  -Rhett, you totally ruined it when you took that last stab. I couldn't control it. I just freaked, and I have the best hair. Yours comes close, but not quite.-

  -You wound me! I’ll accept that though, I'm glad we can agree that I have the biggest dick. Be safe!-

  Asshole closed me off before I could get a word in. They’re all big, he isn't the longest but I think he does win in being the widest!

  -We all know I win in every department there. I have the sexiest bod and the most tattoos. We all know you like me best, plus I am the baby daddy. Shouldn't I always win?-r />
  -Rhydian, you never cease to amaze me. You're always so level headed and then you go and say shit like that! God, I love you guys. Now seriously, I can't hold on much longer. You all helped me so much, but I can't hold back. I am through the people and over the big purple hill. Keep as many people away as you can.-

  -We love you, too.-

  Shit, I didn't even mean to say it like that! I can’t take it back now, nor do I want to. We might not be in that smooshy, lovey dovey, in love phase, but I can feel something growing for each of them. Drives me a little crazy considering I have only been getting to truly know them for a few short, hectic days.

  Out of breath and finally far enough away from anything living, I hope, I stand there holding on to a marshmallow tree in the middle of nowhere and I let every ounce of rage, sadness and pain consume me. The only thing I let my mind think about is saying a single little prayer over and over, “Keep her safe, don't let this hurt her,” I say it out loud while my body is racked with the fires of hell burning through me. Letting the feelings leech off each other, my body burns higher and wave after wave of pure hate consumes every part of my being. Turning me into something, and someone, I’m not sure I want to know.

  I feel like every nerve ending in my body is fighting against me, causing even more pain. I can’t hold myself up any longer, letting my body slide down the tree and onto the lush purple grass floor, I bring my knees to my chest and cry. I can’t contain anything, all of my emotions are overpowering my senses; it makes this so much harder. Still praying for my little girl, I start imagining what will happen if I don’t accept this, it will mean I will be leaving her without a mother, without the love and protection only a mother can give. How will she feel, how will she cope? Then I think about me.

  “How could anyone abandon their child like a piece of garbage? I don't care for her reasons! She didn't try hard enough! A mother's job is to protect, to give love, and always be there! I would never do that to my little girl! I would die running, never leaving her behind! At least she would know I tried! That I did everything in my power to keep her! I would do ANYTHING!” I accept it all. Every part of my Demon self.

  Screaming out of anger, I let the power complete its course and dominate every part of me. With an intensity I wouldn't have thought possible, pulses of red and black power fly from my hands. Anything it comes in contact with turns to ash. This beautiful lush landscape is now filled with death, decay and darkness. All around me in a giant circle, everything is decimated. When the last of the power drains from

  my body, I fall to my side, and lay there letting my body and mind heal from everything I just put it through.

  It feels like an overbearing weight is gone from my shoulders, I can breath and not dwell on the bad. I might be Death, but you better believe I’m life too. I’ll find a way to control this, conquer it. My powers will not enslave me, I have to be better than what I just let happen. The rest will come with time. I can, and will, deal with everything life throws my way.


  I don’t know how long I lay on the cold dead ground beneath me, but I’m refreshed and calm. I needed to let out everything. It might not have been the right way, but it’s mostly gone, the hate, fear and rage. I feel better, but still worry about when it will happen again.

  Finally relaxed enough and having gained back a little energy, I call to Rhett. -Can you come get me. I have no idea where the hell I am or how I am supposed to get back. -

  -Of course gorgeous, but only if you concede that I am the prettiest out of them all…-

  Snorting out loud at his jest, I can’t help but give him what he wants. They’re all gorgeous, but he is the prettiest. It’s the hair and those damn jade eyes.

  -You totally are.-

  He portaled in alone and I’m honestly so thankful for that. I don’t want to explain the complete annihilation around me to everyone right now. Without a word, he puts his arm around my waist when I stand up and we walk instead of portaling back.

  He asks me what I have been feeling and what happened. I tell him every dirty little detail; surprisingly there’s never a judgemental tone in his voice, a little worry sure, but no judgement. He’s just trying to figure everything out with me. He makes me feel like I truly can tell him anything.

  He takes us back through the lined cobblestone streets, they’re still filled with people milling about, and some still openly stare at me with disdain or wonder. It appears to be a marketplace. There are merchants everywhere, selling foods I have never seen, wraps that all the women are wearing; almost like ancient times where women wore tunics. These are vibrant in color and have different designs that make the entire material seem very alluring. There are blacksmiths making weapons and a few tables with pretty trinkets set out. I want to stop and look at everything, but there’s too much to see all at once and I have too much to do.

  I’m lost on where we just came from, the market is easy to make our way through, but after that we take a few twists and turns and finally end at a cottage that looks just like the rest of the ones around. Apart from Siv’s home, this one has an angled roof, not flat like the others that were around us. It seems every street, the cottages are the same size but different in the way they are made.

  Walking in the front door, there are six chairs with a small table in the center. The kitchen doesn't have appliances, though I expected that already from what I had seen at Siv’s cottage. There’s a sink made out of stone, but instead of there being a faucet, there’s an old style pump to bring the water in; that’s it. There’s little counter space, and only two doorless cupboards. -How can anyone live like this? There is nothing here!-

  Rhett smiles at my assessment of the cottage and sits down in one of the wicker looking chairs. “Where is everyone?” I ask him, while still looking around like the others might appear out of thin air.

  “Rhydian was here when I left, but Ebbin and Merrick went to find food for us all and get some pads to sleep on along with a few extra blankets.” He shrugs like it’s the most normal thing ever for someone to get ‘sleeping pads’ and looks down at his empty hands and starts to pick the dirt out from under his nails, making me cringe and scrunch my nose.

  “Pads? You're kidding me. They don't even have beds here? Please tell me they have fucking toilets, if not, I'm making you portal us back home!” I say a little louder than needed, but very serious. My arms are crossed and I’m openly glaring at him.

  He tries to cover his mouth with his hand so I can’t see the smile, but he’s too late. I see it. -Fuck, he’s serious.-

  “There are… places to do your business, they don't flush. I went earlier. The smell doesn't come up from the ground surprisingly enough and they are inside. It's really dated here as you can see,” he says while laughing to himself, trying not to make eye contact with me.

  Rolling my eyes at him, I walk down the small hallway but stop when I hear what can only be Rhydian belting out some love ballad. I creep to the door and stand there listening while I laugh as silently as possible with my hand over my mouth.

  “Because I’m happy!” is all it takes for me to lose it all and bend over clutching my stomach laughing loudly. His singing immediately stops, and I hear water start splashing everywhere. I can’t take it, I’m not about to be caught laughing at him when he’s in such a good mood. I run into a room and close the door as quick as I can. I fall onto the mattress pad that was thankfully here, and laugh into the small pillow until I fall asleep, still giggling at the song, and his voice.


  Watching Mira or ‘Sigrid’, as we were just told hours ago, rush away from the bathing room, can’t call it a bathroom since there was no shower, toilet or any other amenities we were used to having, has my interest piqued. Hearing Rhydian singing is nothing new for the rest of us, we’re used to his incessant need to make our ears bleed with his wretched voice.

  Before I can even open the door, it swings open with a surprised Rhydian standing on the other side
in a very thin towel, hanging low on his waist.

  “You tone deaf sphincter hound! Can you be anymore annoying?” I say shaking my head, walking past him, trying to act like I’m not about to open the bathing room door on him and start yelling.

  “Hey! I might not be able to carry a fucking tune, but at least I embrace it. Quit your nagging. Was that Mira I heard?” His eyes are wide and I can tell he’s nervous and hoping it wasn't her that he heard laughing through the door.

  “Yeah, she heard you singing and ran into the nearest room to get away from it. I think you pierced her ear drums,” I say over my shoulder. With Rhydian following behind me, we go into the room he and I were sharing. I turn around and find him shaking his head with a grimace on his face. I feel bad, but not enough that I don’t laugh at him anyway.

  Watching him untie the towel from around his waist, biting my lip as it slowly slides down his hard body, has my own temperature heating up. I have never been with another man before, but Rhydian can turn any straight man his way. He’s perfection, his body is all bulging hard muscles, the tattoos that covers his body are in all the right places and stopping just at the right spots. He’s correct when he told Mira he’s the largest out of us all. Getting a full frontal view of his impressive size, even I’m feeling jealous. He catches me staring, but doesn't say a word. When he sees the heated look in my eyes it’s clear he doesn't mind the looks I’m giving him at all. He seems to revel in the attention. Seeing his length, I’m turned on, and it doesn’t help when his cock starts to jutt and rise with each breath he takes, he’s enjoying this just as much as I am. This needs to stop. It’s new and not unwelcome per say, but this isn't needed right now. We barely just got back to Mira; none of us want to mess that up.

  Turning away before either of us do something we might regret, I grab the surprise I picked up for Mira at the market earlier and look down at it, hesitating to give it her, worrying she won't like it.


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