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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 24

by Trina Bates

  “A little warning would have been nice you jackasses!” I screech trying to catch all the little pieces while they roll away from me on the stone floor, thankfully catching in the cracks.

  Laughing while trying to catch all the little balls that are rolling across the floor going under everything, I stop when something shiny catches my eye. It’s sitting there on the floor by Rhett's feet. -What is that?!- I wonder, my eyes going wide and a mischievous grin takes over my face.

  “What’s wrapped in the cloth, traitor?” My scrunched face and outstretched hand, make his gorgeous jade eyes light up, in what looks like embarrassment. He seems a little nervous as well, he wrings his hands together, and starts stuttering his response.

  “Uhh, well, see, I mean. I, okay look... I found this in the marketplace when we were waiting for you to call us after what happened with Siv,” he starts chewing on the side of his cheek looking very sheepish, I smile sweetly at him as I sidle up close to him. He’s so thoughtful. Not only did he get me something but, he didn’t call that wretched woman my ‘mother’; I’m thankful for that.

  “You got me a gift? But I don’t need anything, wait, do I?” I say, licking my lips, rubbing my hands together since they’re itching to tear into whatever is in his hands.

  Handing me the round object that’s wrapped in a beautiful maroon piece of material, I notice how light it is! With its bulk I was expecting it to weigh a bit more. I look to him with happy tears in my eyes at his thoughtful gesture.

  Seriously, my fucking hormones are making even me nutty. I feel like a bipolar, anxiety riddled mess. -This better be over soon. I can't take this kind of shit the entire pregnancy.-

  Rhett puts a hand over his mouth to cover a laugh, Ebbin snorts, Merrick full on laughs at my outburst and Rhydian pulled his lips into his mouth holding in his laugh as well. -Fuckers. You all suck, you know that? Why the hell can't men do the whole pregnancy bit? We already bleed every fucking month for a week.- Let them take a crack at it.

  “Oh my god, stop. I might throw up. Just open Rhett's fucking present and stop thinking that way,” Merrick cries out, holding his hands over his eyes, groaning loudly.

  “Fuck you Merrick, you know it's going to start happening again when I give birth. You’ll be my designated tampon getter until I can get another injection. That reminds me, I need this one taken out. I have no idea if it will harm the baby.” I look down at my arm and stare at it, trying to see the little bump that’s under the skin, but nothings there. I pull down my eyebrows in confusion, wondering if I’m seeing things.

  “You're nuts if you think for a second I’m gonna be caught in some store buying you that crap. Make Ebbin do it, he's gotta be used to it.” Merrick’s bottom lip is pushed up in disgust, but his shoulders are pulled in. I can tell it grosses him out, but he did this to himself.

  “Lyra took it out when you were out for that week love, she wasn’t sure of the repercussions either,” Rhydian interrupts, obviously seeing my face a moment ago when I was staring at my arm.

  I surprisingly don’t care that they didn’t tell me that, it wasn’t something dire and it wasn’t that they were holding something back, just seemed like something that was easily forgotten, this time.

  “Does she know why I got pregnant with that in anyway? And Merrick, Ebbin has done it for six years, I think it's your turn now. Deal with it sucka!” I stand and throw both of my hands down at my crotch, thrusting my hips forward to let him know just what I thought about his crap. I start laughing and run, when he stands up with a mock growl coming from his throat and his lips pulled back showing his pretty teeth.

  Screaming, I run to the bedroom I had slept in before when I heard Rhydian singing, and slam the door behind me.

  Still clutching Rhett's gift in my arms, I set it on the bed fully intending to bring him in here when I open it later, then I went to go hide behind the door. I don’t even get the chance to hear what anyone said about getting me pregnant on birth control before I hear Merrick racing down the hall after me. I will get the chance to ask again later. Right now, I was running for dear life! This was too much fun and we all need a little distraction.

  Within a few seconds, the door swings towards me and Merrick rushes in. When he gets fully inside the room, I rush out behind him without him knowing, slamming the door in his face for a second time before he has the chance to get me.

  “You sneaky little shit! Where did you go? When I find you, I am gonna bend you over my knee and spank that tight little ass of yours!” He bellows behind me making me clap my hand over my mouth while I slink away.

  Knowing he’s telling the truth and excited by it, I run through three laughing men, one of which slaps my ass on the way out the door. I don’t dare turn around to see who, or I would be caught. Merrick’s hot on my heels as I run around the back of the little cottage trying to find somewhere to hide.

  Seeing a large marshmallow tree up ahead, its thick limbs perfect to climb up, and full, billowy branches easy to hide in, I race for the bottom of the tree and reach for the thickest limb. Pulling myself up, Merrick rounds the back of the cottage later than I thought he would, thanks to someone obviously slowing him down, giving me a better chance to outrun him. Pulling my foot up right before he looks towards the tree, I try to climb on the biggest branches so not to move the tree alerting him to where I am.

  “There’s only so many places you can hide Mira! Come out, come out, wherever you are. If you come out now, I promise to make sure you like the punishment I give you!”

  Trying not to laugh at him and tamp down the retort I want to yell in return, I turn my focus on climbing higher.

  About fifteen feet high, the limbs and branches seemed to open for me, at first I thought it was from the breeze making the branches sway in the sweet smelling winds. After climbing a bit more, there’s no mistaking the tree branches actually move, and lift higher giving me a boost as I stand on it.

  When I’m high enough, and can see Merrick, I giggle when I see his drawn brows and questioning glances. He’s still walking around, looking up into the other trees searching for me. Searching the bushes, and poking under the small porch at the back of the cottage. I give the tree my thanks in silence with a pat to the large trunk, while I grip tightly to it. Feeling a rush of something I can’t quite place, go through me, I know somehow it’s the spirit of the tree itself. The way the limbs move and the feeling that just went through me, this world already holds so many secrets and it’s such an intense feeling.

  I ask it to keep me hidden from Merrick. Surprisingly, an emotion rushes through me that I know all too well; rage. It’s coming from the tree. Quickly, I try to reassure it that I’m not scared of Merrick, that we’re just playing a game. It seems to calm at that and amusement comes through me, from it. “I hate calling you a tree. Do you have a name?” I whisper as I stare at the bark, I have a strange feeling I might actually be able to communicate with this tree. “Thank you for keeping me safe and caring for me,” I whisper to it again. I have my doubts it will actually reply, so when it does, I’m happily surprised.

  One of the smaller branch caresses the side of my cheek and moves to hold onto my wrist.

  -I am known as Grunwald, it is my pleasure to watch over you as you play. So few use our branches for enjoyment anymore.-

  His deep baritone voice is soothing and I quickly relax into his branches. I’m so happy to meet a fucking tree that can talk to me, it’s comforting. This is amazing!

  -So, can all of the trees talk into minds like you are with me?- I’m surprised, but also intrigued, and soon, I get lost in this new adventure.

  -We are Spriggans, little one. However, I don’t know all of them, but the ones my roots connect to, we speak to each other so I would imagine so.- He pauses and his words are tinged with sadness when he speaks next. -Though there are only a few people here that will actually take the time to speak with us and enjoy the company we give.-

  -That’s a little sad, I’m sorry to
hear that. My time here might be short, but I will try to connect with as many of you as I can. Anytime I am touching one of you, will this happen? Touch and amalgamation are all I know how to connect to someone’s mind. I’m still very new to all of this.- I admit to him with a laugh.

  -It will, if you're open to it. I can tell you're young, and have the blood of our people coursing through your veins, though not a Valkyrie entirely, you will ascend soon. I can feel the determinations running through you, along with your child’s spirit. You, my little Demon, are a rare find indeed. The power inside of you is limitless it seems. Are you the reason we felt the loss of one of our Spriggans hours ago?-

  -Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I had no idea, I couldn’t contain it. I’m so, so sorry!-

  I hadn’t known at the time, that my actions would affect others so deeply. They are linked so thoroughly, I felt terrible at what happened earlier, but I can’t change it either.

  -Calm little one, her spirit is already in another. We don't die, we live on, over and over, our spirit transferring to new growths around this world. We may have lost her to our interlinked structure but she is not truly lost.-

  Sad that they lost someone in their ‘structure’ as he called it, but relieved I didn't kill something sentient, with a spirit. I sent a prayer up to whoever was listening to help me, to let whatever I did kill, be reborn and enjoy new life. I knew that wasn’t possible for everything, but I prayed for the innocents that I undoubtedly will harm at some point. Like the little bird, when I first came into my powers.

  -Thank you for your kind words, it still tears me apart knowing that I caused such a mass destruction.- My heart is hammering in my ears. This guilt wasn’t going to disappear anytime soon.

  -You are fine. It takes time to learn, no one can fault you for that, and I have a feeling you did everything you could to make sure no one else was harmed.-

  -I ran as far away from everything and everyone as I could. You're right.- At least he knows the truth to that.

  -Mmhmm, take comfort in that. You might cause Death, but you don’t relish in it. I have a feeling you will do everything you can to make sure you only use it for what it’s intended for. Justice against the guilty and defense against those who cause harm. I think it is a very noble gift to have, you received it not only because of where you came from, but because of who you will become.- If a being that barely knows me, has such faith in me and my powers, maybe I should start believing in myself too.

  -Thank you again Grunwald, you have given me much to think about. Now I think I should give my friend over there a little run for his money. Think you and the rest of the Spriggans around here can hold him off while I run inside?-

  -That would give us much pleasure. Once he comes near Birchwood’s branches, I will have him contain your friend while I help you down and rush to safety.- He’s laughing, and I can feel his amusement and joy grow at not only the interaction of another being, but the fun we’re having. It’s a welcome distraction.

  Giggling at how easy he is to talk to, the comfort he gives and the fact he wants in on our little game. I’m all to thankful that I decided to climb his branches. This truly is a treat. Looking to my right, I see who Grunwald is talking about, Birchwood is an enormous marshmallow tree. I thought Grunwald was big, I have no idea how I overlooked such a massive tree before. Birchwood seems to ready himself for his attack, his white fluffs shake and his branches seem to extend out, in wait for Merrick to get close enough.

  -Okay little one, he’s close!- Grunwald's voice once again rings through my head. -Are you ready?- The amusement in his voice is all I need to push me and make sure I see him as much as I can before I leave this realm.

  -Anytime you are!-

  I knew the moment he told Birchwood to grab Merrick, I clutch hard to Grunwald’s branches readying myself to start the hopefully, quick climb down.

  “Fuck, shit! What the hell is this? Rhett, Rhydian! Ebbin? Someone fucking help me! Mira, where the hell are you, you little witch? What did you do?!” I can't tell if he’s truly angry and I’m not about to stick around and find out.

  With Grunwald's help, the climb down takes me only a few seconds with him lending me his branches that lower me down, safely to the ground beneath. I can’t contain the laughter at seeing Merrick caged in the branches of the giant marshmallow tree, Birchwood.

  “What did you do?!” He bellows at me with a bright red face full of frustration.

  “I made friends with the trees! Maybe you should try to be nice once in awhile and you wouldn’t find yourself in… sticky situations like this one.” Laughing as I start running for the cottage, I turn my head and yell, “Thank you, Birchwood!” A large branch curves up and waves at me in return.

  Turning around, coming face to face with three giant men, all who are standing at the back of the cottage laughing with tears streaming down their faces.

  “You might want to find somewhere really good to hide! He’s going to break free any minute now and when he’s done with you, I expect a detailed explanation of how the hell you managed that.” Rhydian says waving to the tree, wiping his eyes to get the tears off his face. I don’t reply, I just keep running for the front door with a huge smile plastered on my face.

  Coming to an abrupt stop in front of the last woman I want to see right now, or any fucking time soon. All the happy feelings and fun thoughts are immediately gone and replaced with outrage and disappointment.

  “What the hell do you want?” The words flowing from me with so much vehemence, even I feel a tinge of sadness and guilt when I finish saying them.

  Her eyes fall down to the ground and she clasps her hands together in front of her. I can tell this is hard for her, but so was my whole fucking life. She can deal with it. She did this.

  “I was hoping I might have a moment of your time to finish what was said earlier, there is so much I wasn’t able to explain.” Her voice is so low I have to lean closer to hear her words and she still won’t look at me, which I think keeps my rage in place.

  “Look Siv,” the use of her first name makes her wince like she’s in pain, but that isn't my problem. She’s in for a rude awakening if she thinks everything is going to be fucking sunshine and roses and have me calling her ‘mom’. “I came here to ascend, not have some fucking family reunion. You might be excited and that’s fine, but I wondered for years what I could have possibly done that was bad enough to be cast aside, abandoned, and completely forgotten by my own parents. It took me years after that to start actually living and try to push that pain from my mind. I’m not ready to start this with you. I barely have any knowledge of what I am. There’s too much going on and having you here, is honestly not wanted or needed. I grew up blunt so if my words hurt you, I’m sorry for that. I didn’t grow up in a world where people liked pretty words and lied to make others feel better. I grew up with harsh truths and words that could bring the devil himself to his knees.” I’m done with this conversation, exhaling a breath I didn't know I was holding, I let the rest fall from my lips in a plea. “Please. Just leave.”

  Without giving her the option, or chance to reply, I walk in the front of the cottage, leaving her alone. I sit down and grab a piece of the black fruit I like so much but can’t bring myself to eat it. I sit there like a statue not eating the fruit or moving, just staring at my feet. My emotions are everywhere and I don’t know where to start to get them sorted. I zone out on nothing instead not, paying attention to my surroundings at all.

  I don’t know how long I stare at my feet lost in thought, but soon enough the door creeps open, and Merrick takes long strides to make it to me as quick as he can. I know it’s him from his smell and the way he walks to me. I don’t have to tear my gaze away from the ground to see that it’s him.

  The playfulness we were having before is gone, he silently wraps me in his arms, and I can’t contain the sobs that escape me. I have no idea what I’m crying for, or what it’s about, but he holds me tightly, and plays with my hair,
rocking us back and forth in the chair. He knows that when I’m ready, I’ll talk.

  The others came in at some point, but I’m still not back to myself and I don’t have the energy to speak.

  Still in Merrick's arms, Rhydian suddenly falls to the ground howling in agony. That wakes my body up. Jumping from Merrick's lap, I run to Rhydian falling at his side and cradling his shaking body against mine.

  “You're going to be fine. I have you. Tell me what’s going on.” With a calm I wouldn’t have thought possible for me at that moment, I keep talking to him, trying to reassure him I won’t leave.

  -Mira, my Doyen is about to shift, there is someone close that I can feel that intends to harm a small child. You will have to let the shift happen. Don't be afraid, but this is what we are.-

  -Kigiree, I can't leave you alone in this, you or him. We are in a different realm. Mine. I can't let you do this without an explanation as to why this is happening, what you are and why you are doing this. Will I be safe to follow you?-

  -I will never cause you harm, though my Doyen does not want you there, he's scared of what you will think of us.-

  -I think you're noble, kind, loving, and protective. If you feel like you're going to kill, I trust your judgement.-

  -I love you, Mira.- That coming from Rhydian makes tears spring to my eyes again. I feel like all I have been doing lately is fucking crying. This shit needs to stop. I hope my admission earlier would have taken the doubt from all of them, but now I’m not so sure. -I love you too, Baby Daddy.-

  I can hear his laugh and feel the wonder at my words, he can't reply back since Kigiree is now taking over, but at least he knows how I truly feel and understands I won't leave him. Ever.


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