Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 27

by Trina Bates

“Any who enter my realm without permission deal with me. Punished as I see fit. He should not have come here and neither should you! You will pay as well. Though I would like to know how you found him.” That voice, it’s one that instills fear and makes you lose all rational thinking. All I want to do in this moment is stand up, leave Rhett behind, and run. But I’m stronger than that. I have to be, for him.

  Turning my head, the man striding toward me with confidence and grace, he’s utterly beautiful. Long blonde hair falls down his back, stopping at his waist. His skin a light gold. He has the body of a swimmer, lithe and agile. Very tall. He wears a black pinstripe suit with a blood red handkerchief hanging out of his breast pocket, his shoes, the same red color of his handkerchief. -Strange get up.- His pure black eyes are the center of attention on his handsome face, though he has full lips and perfectly angled features, his eyes draw you in.

  “For one, you sick piece of shit, he’s my mate, and it was a dragon stone that brought me to him. Two, you can try to punish me, though you might find yourself on the receiving end. Three? Who the fuck are you? I want to know the name of the man that will find justice is a very scary thing from me, you won’t live long. So, at least there’s that,” I growl at him, shrugging my shoulders and smirking devilishly at him.

  While I talk and taunt him, I free Rhett's arms and lay him gently on the ground. “Well, little Demon, that's what you are obviously, only another Demon can untie those binds. As for you thinking you can kill me? I would love to see you try. Many have before you, and they all met an untimely death at my hands. As for my name? I think Death will do. Most just call me, Alastor.” I try to hide my surprise. I have to keep my calm and at least look confident, even if I’m anything but. Tampering down the panic and ire that’s racing through my body, I stand, hooking my foot in between Rhett's, and telling Cyanide to hold on to me in my mind. She came to me quickly and wove herself between my legs again.

  Looking Alastor straight in the eyes, I know I’m the one that won this round when the words fall from my mouth and surprise takes over his features. “I think you’ll be surprised when you get the chance to actually come against me. That time will be soon, but not today. It was nice to meet you though! I go by Mira, but, from what I‘m told… I was born with the name Sigrid, bye-bye, Daddy.” With the words said and his shock quickly turning to rage, he races forward at an ungodly speed making me jump into action. I have one shot at this and I have to hurry.

  I wish to be with my guys again on Yggdrasil with all my will and might. Before I’m able to teleport out, one clawed hand comes at me and is able to slice through my bicep leaving an aching wound that I had to deal with soon.

  “I can find you anywhere now that I have your blood, any world, any realm. I’m coming for you, Daughter.” The sneer that has overtaken his face is terrifying. There’s a promise in his words, one I’m dreading to find out what it is exactly when it comes to pass.

  Ebbin, Merrick, and Rhydian come rushing over, they’re fussing over me but I’m too worried about Rhett’s wounds and push them to him. “Get him! Take care of him! He needs help!” The false bravado I held onto before is gone. I’m barely holding on right now.

  -Miss Mira?- Grunwald’s voice in my head asks with a sadness I wish to never hear from my Spriggan again. -Bring your mate to me. Between my own strength and that of the others, we can heal him. Hurry.-

  “Merrick take him to the trees! They can heal him! HURRY!” My screams jolt him into action. Carefully but quickly he races to the backyard where the Spriggans stand tall and Merrick places him at the bottom of Grunwald’s trunk.

  Branches start to surround Rhett's body, they lift him into the air, and with a blinding light that makes us all look away for a moment, his body is laid back the ground, completely healed. A loud set of gasps ring through the air in awe of the power these tree’s hold and the happiness at seeing our Rhett healed.

  -His body might be healed but his inner wounds are not. Let him rest. Only wake him to give him sustenance. Be calm and quiet. Let him heal. -

  -Thank you so much.- I cry out, rushing to his base and throwing my arms around him.

  Feeling warmth spreading through my body, a tingling sensation starts at my fingertip of my right arm and flows to my shoulder. Looking down, I see that he’s healed me as well. I hug him tighter and rush back to Rhett’s side.

  “Merrick, we can take him back in. He needs as much rest as possible and we are to only wake him for food and water.” Without hesitation, he picks Rhett’s limp body carefully up again and we all slowly walk back into the little cottage. The worry and sadness that is etched on Merrick’s face makes me pause. I know they all love each other, they are their own kind of family but seeing the emotions and the love he has for Rhett makes me understand them a little better. They’re brothers, through and through. It isn't just a word, it’s a feeling and a true bond.

  -Cynide? Why couldn’t you hear me there? I was trying to talk to you.- I almost forgot about that. The way I asked her questions, that she didn’t answer.

  -I don’t know. That has never happened before, I am truly sorry.-

  -It’s not your fault, it just worried me is all.-

  -We will figure it out.-

  -Yes, we will.-

  Sleep that night completely evades me. I stay up worrying over Rhett. He’s having nightmare after nightmare. Groaning, whimpering. Tossing and turning. He’s drenched in sweat and there’s nothing I can do but wipe him down with a cool rag and play with his hair while I tell him how much I love him and won’t leave his side.

  The guys come in every so often to check on him and tell me I need to rest. After the third attempt to get me to go to sleep, they stop asking after I glare daggers at them any time they try. Instead, they bring me an extra pad to lay on, some water and food and leave me to take care of Rhett the only way we can; with the comfort of another person and the soothing touches of a lover.

  With the first rays of light shining through the open window, I sit here and my thoughts turn to Blue; how much I miss her, how worried she most likely is. I haven’t thought to try my Link, and I haven't received anything new on my end, but it still tells the time back home. Trying it out, I send her a quick message telling her not to worry, I’m safe, and that I’m sorry I didn’t try earlier to get ahold of her. After waiting an hour for a reply that never comes, I can’t hold my bladder any longer. I call Merrick in to switch out with me, while I go take some time for myself.

  Finding the fucking raised perch that sits above a hole in the ground, I cringe at using it again. Why does pregnancy make you pee so fucking much? I try not to remember my horror and discomfort at using it the first time, and every time since. Thankfully, still half asleep with too many thoughts spinning through my mind, this morning's visit is a blur.

  After I get more settled, I go into the open area of the bathroom and find there’s a tub full of steaming water and a very wet, sexy tattooed man, naked and leaning against the back of the circular tub. His eyes are closed and he looks to be sleeping. -Yum, this will be fun.-

  Slipping out of the now tattered and filthy wrap that I’m still in, I slip in as silently as possible trying not to make any waves to rouse him.

  The hot water stings my still chilled skin as I lower myself deeper into the water. Feeling the ripples I’m causing, Ebbin’s head snaps up, his eyes landing on my heavy breasts and trailing down to see the rest of my naked form. Pulling his arms from the side of the tub, his eyes deeply lidded, and his biceps straining with restraint, he tries to grab at me.

  “Fuck, you're so gorgeous. Come here,” he growls out, his hands clenching and opening like a child that wants some candy. -I will gladly be his candy.-

  With a devilish smile taking over my face, my core heating at his words, I slowly, teasingly make my way to him.

  Straddling his waist, I can feel he’s already hard. Looking into his eyes, his tongue peeks out and slowly runs the length of his bottom lip. I bite mine in
return, making him groan with need. He pulls me tight against his body. His hot breath fanning against my neck makes my nipples pebble and beg for his attention. Dipping his head lower to meet my eyes, his lips meet mine in slow, tantalizing, yet punishing kisses.

  Reveling in his touch and his kiss, my body is aching with desire. The second he stops kissing me, I look at him confused, the smirk he gives in return has me wanting to smack him. He lowers his head and his mouth closes around my nipple, I throw my head back and can't contain the moan that leaves my body. It’s loud enough I know the other men in the cottage hear, possibly even the neighbors.

  Ebbin eats it up. He knows what he does to me, he loves the noises I make and wants more. -Two can play at this game.- I think loud enough I know he can hear, and smirk through his pleasure filled licks.

  Taking my other nipple and rolling it between my fingers, I start rocking myself against him, grinding against his thigh. Moving one hand from around his neck, I drive my hand up and down his hard length in tight, slow pulls. Releasing his mouth from my breasts, his head falls against the back rim of the bathing pool. Biting his lip, trying to keep his own moans in, I lift myself above him and slide deliciously down his hard, waiting cock.

  Feeling so satisfied at how he fills me, another moan slips from my lips. Before I can raise myself up again, he pins my arms behind my back with one arm and pulls my hair from behind me with the other. Rocking his hips into me, he starts his thrusts slow, but soon enough they become punishing, rough and perfect for what I need in this moment. Harder and faster to the point the water is splashing everywhere and we were both screaming out our release, he gives me one more kiss that seems to go on forever and I lay my head in the crook of his shoulder. Our breaths, still quick and heavy trying to come down from the high.

  “That...that was fucking amazing,” he breathes out.

  Laughing, I lift myself out of his lap and dunk my head under the water that has, thankfully, been filtering the whole time. How the hell would I get clean with what we just did, if it didn’t? This world might be lacking in the electronic amenities of my world, but the water still filters through its own system here, cleaning and heating it. Something that I really want to find out about.

  -Yes, it was. I needed that. We have got to do that more often.-

  Coming up, I grab the bottle from Ebbin's offered hand and start to wash the grime of the last few days away.

  Wrapping myself in a thick towel, I follow Ebbin out, and into the room I laid in the night before. I fall right onto the pad exhausted. Looking over, I see the large round gift still wrapped in its material from Rhett, it makes my heart speed up and my stomach drop just thinking about him. I want to unwrap it so bad, but I promised myself earlier that I would wait and find out what it was with Rhett, when we were alone. Trying not to dwell on his weakened state, I find comfort knowing that Merrick’s with him. That knowledge does little to ease the worry, but soon enough the exhaustion takes over. I pull the thin blanket material over me and am fast asleep with Ebbin holding me snugly in his arms within seconds.

  Without opening my eyes, I lay here and worry. Two days. That's all I have before I ascend. Siv hasn't shown her face since I told her I didn't want her around. I’m thankful for that and also a bit sad. I don't want her in my life, not right now. However, I also didn't think she would give up so easily, but isn't that what I told her to do? My irrational thoughts are giving me fucking whiplash. I need to get my feelings in order, and soon.

  We slept for about two hours before we woke up. It isn’t enough to make me feel charged and ready to tackle anything. It’s still early morning and I’m hungry. The grogginess making me lag behind in everything. I can barely move, but I have to.

  Checking in on a still sleeping Rhett, Merrick’s thankfully, still inside with him and tells me he was able to get some water down him as well as a few bites of meat earlier. Satisfied with that, and feeling a little lighter knowing Rhett is on the mend, I’m suddenly buzzing with renewed energy and want to go explore this strange new realm we’re in, and see what it has to offer. I wish Rhett was able to join, but I know he needs the rest, he’ll be able to soon. I don’t want to miss this chance, not with everything we already have to face so the decision is made.

  Merrick opts to stay behind to keep an eye on Rhett. When I tell him that I feel bad for leaving him and Rhett, he tells me that there's nothing any of us can do right now, that I should go explore while I still have the chance. Hesitating in the doorway, Rhydian comes up behind me and whispers in my ear. “We need to get you more of those wraps, especially since they are so revealing. Those noises you were making this morning made it so hard for me to get out of bed, and I mean that literally.” My face is hot and I’m sure as red as a damn tomato, but I’m flattered by his words honestly, they make me feel sexy.

  Turning my attention back to Merrick, “If anything changes, you promise to call right away?”

  “You wound me with your doubt.” He grabs his chest in mock pain, making me giggle.

  “Fine. Let’s go Rhydian,” I say, rolling my eyes at Merrick and turn back to Rhydian.

  Grabbing his arm, I yell for Ebbin and Cynide. I want this to be fun and surprising, so I race out of the door before anyone can ask what we're going to do. No one gets to know, not even myself. We’re just going to walk out the door and see what the day brings us.


  In my haste to get out the door, I slam right into an iron-hard chest. Looking up with embarrassment, Torunn’s tall frame blocks the sun from my view. Happy to see her again, I wrap my arms around her, embracing the gorgeous woman, I’m too excited to let anything dampen my mood. I’m finally getting the chance to explore, see the rest of this world, and all it has to offer!

  “Torunn, it's good to see you, what brings you our way? We’re headed out to explore, don’t suppose you want to come with us?” I ask, brimming with a charged energy I didn’t feel before, but now my crazy, hormonal body has me ready for anything.

  “I would enjoy that, thank you. Though, I came to check on your mate. I live right there,” she says pointing to the identical cottage to the right of ours. “The tree spirits are terrible gossips. I go to them every night, to get all the juicy details going on in the city,” she tells me with an amused grin taking over her face.

  “They’re amazing. I don’t know if I’m ever going to want to leave this place, they are a large part of why... as are you. I feel like since I found out I was a dual blood, things have been going so fast. I barely have a moment to breath before some other catastrophe wrecks our worlds,” I explain, my excitement dimming.

  Nodding her head at my words, a knowing look crosses her face as a small frown flickers over her gorgeous features. It’s gone before I can comment, thankfully. I don’t want to seem pushy or rude by overstepping.

  “Life often throws us more than we think we can handle. It makes us stronger, more resilient. Able to think faster under dire circumstances.”

  Her advice is well received. I would have never thought of it like that, but I can see the truth in it all.

  “I like the way you think. So, how do we pay for things here? The guys brought back foods and a few trinkets, but I have yet to figure out the currency. I didn’t even think to ask them.” Ebbin and Rhydian are giving us our distance as Torunn and I walk side by side, as she tells me about the city, but Cynide quickly catches up to us. Torunn turns and waves at the two men following. They smile and nod to her in return, I didn’t even hear them follow us out.

  We find ourselves in the heart of the city in just a few moments; the sweet smells of fresh meat and cut fruits are in the air making me breathe deep to get as much in as I can. This is nothing like home, no smog, or the roar of the loud trucks. The fighting people are thankfully left behind and all that’s in front of us are the happy, well met people that are joyfully going about their days, trading and buying new treasures of their own.

  “We don’t have a currency, everyone he
lps out where they can, with what they can. Take my gear for instance,” she says as she waves her hand down her body showing off the intricate detail in her plating. Her armor is beautiful, though I don’t understand why she wears it if she isn't going into battle. I leave that comment for later and wait for her to keep going with the explanation, she already has me eager for more information. “I fight for my people, my world. Our smiths,” she says pointing to a man clad in leather, pounding away at a piece of metal with a large heavy looking hammer, “take care of us because they have talents that are better suited outside of battle. The farmers,” again pointing a small tent filled with fruits and meats covering the table tops to the point they’re almost pouring to the ground, “give us food, and in return, we help them on their farms, give them seeds, and build the wells that will give life water to their crops. Trinket makers,” she points at a table that's in the shape of a crescent moon littered with shiny objects, “get a return in the metals they need and tools they use to make the trinkets,” she pauses, running her hands down a gorgeous piece of material colored in deep blues and yellows. “Our cloth weavers get paid from the people that harvest the plants needed to make the cloth, and people bring them plants to make into dyes. It’s a cycle we all help with in our own way. No one is less than any other here. We are equals, all growing our world with the gifts we were given.” She makes me immediately fall in love with Yggdrasil, well, more than I was before. This truly feels like somewhere I can, and want to, call home.

  “Sounds like something we should have on my world. It’s wonderful.” Trying to take in every shop and table we pass, it’s too much. Yet, I can't help but touch something from each merchants table we pass.

  I have yet to let the keychain my guys all made for me out of my hands, I forgot about it with everything that has happened with Rhett. Once I knew he would be okay, Cynide brought it to me and forced me to keep it with me at all times. I need to find something that will make it easier to carry.


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