Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 29

by Trina Bates

  Embarrassed and elated, it is strange to feel those two things at the same time. I hug him tighter, kiss his bare chest once, and leave his arms. “Okay! I have one day left after tonight! What are we going to do while we are here?”

  Torunn is quick to raise her hand like a child in school, the strange sight has me biting my lips so I don't laugh. Waving a hand so she will proceed, her smile is warm and filled with affection. “Valkyries, that choose to ascend, we go to the water’s edge, placing our feet in the sea that connects all of us, and ask for a gift. I think you will enjoy this. It is able to happen within a week of ascension. The waters know your heart, if you truly want to ascend and become one of her warriors. If you lie, you will be swept under the current for trying to deceive her. She will not kill you, but keep you there until you find the truth in your own heart. You want to become a Valkyrie for different reasons than most. I think she will see that and grant you a gift like she has for the rest of my sisters that have taken the sword.” The excitement and pride in her voice make me want to rush off immediately, but the warning in there makes me take pause.

  “A day at the beach? The rest might be a little daunting, but I would love to. Rhett?” I ask turning to him, “You feeling up to a little trek?” I say raising an eyebrow at him, crossing my arms to see if he will take the bait I laid. I know he will take my words as a bet.

  “I’m at one hundred percent. Hell yeah, I’m up for it! Especially since it means seeing you in less clothes.” The gleam in his eyes and the way he winks at me, I’m ready to burst with laughter.

  -Oh yeah, this is going to be fun!- I think to them all.

  “And remind me to thank the trees when we get back please?” he asks.

  Loving the fact that he seems as attached to them as I am, I will most definitely remind him. Maybe he won't mind me tagging along.

  “Sweet! “I exclaim, jumping into the air.

  I rush down the hall to my little room, throwing on the last clean bra and pair of underwear I brought with me. I wrap myself, (that’s a fucking task and a half doing it on my own), in the gorgeous blue and yellow wrap I couldn't resist getting at the market. Falling to the floor a few times, I’m even more amazed at how this day is going. Worrying about Rhett, getting in an argument, and now going to the beach; it feels like the universe is whipping me around for its own sick amusement.

  Throwing some water into my pack, and lacing up the leather sandals I got earlier, I leave my now blond and red tipped hair hanging loose around my face and race out of my room.

  Earning a few cat calls as I come out, I whistle low at each of them in turn, in all of their shirtless glory. Ebbin is wearing his combat boots, since that's all he brought, and a pair of his gym shorts. The rest wear the same kind of shorts but they are wearing leather sandals similar to mine. Wagging my eyebrows in appreciation, I grab a handful of Ebbin and Rhett's ass since they are the closest and on each side of me, Rhett jumps in surprise but Ebbin shake his ass right in my hand, making me smile.

  “Where did Torunn go off to?” I ask, looking to see if she might be in the little kitchen.

  “While you rushed off, she went to her place to grab her own ’water wear’ is what she called it. I tried explaining what a bathing suit was, but she looked at me like I offended her. She asked why people would wear anything to bathe in. I couldn’t hold in the laugh, so she glared at me and left,” Rhett says, shrugging his shoulders and rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Rhett, you're such a dumbass sometimes,” I reply pinching his butt once more.

  “You wouldn’t have it any other way, as you would say.” He grins back as he jumps away from my pinch.

  Shaking my head and grinning, I have to agree. “Shut up, you might be right, but I trademark that shit. Use your own words, ass.” Sticking my tongue out, I walk away.

  -I still can’t get over this new hair, and your fucking eyes. Jesus, I thought you were a little Demon before, but now, you look the part. You’re exquisite.-

  I’m pleasantly surprised to hear those words from Merrick. He isn't one for sweet things, but he knows exactly what to say, to get a girl’s heart hammering, and her thighs wet.

  -Thanks, Merrick. I keep having to pick up a strand of my hair when it falls in my face to make sure it's mine. I’m glad it isn't too much. You're the ones that really have to deal with it. Do you think if I cut off the red, it will stay blond or go creepy magic red again?-

  -Don’t even try to change it. You’re fucking magnificent.-

  I know my face is red but it’s a good embarrassment this time and I welcome it.

  Rhett obviously missed our conversation because the next time I look at him he flips me off. The door swings open to a gorgeous Torunn taking up the space.

  Torunn's long hair is pulled up and tied with a piece of leather string, her face, always smooth and makeup free, is lit up in a bright smile.

  “This,” she gestures to her body, “is water wear!” Clad in another sort of wrap, it crosses at the bottom of her thighs, covering her front, a little longer piece is pulled down to cover her backside and wide hips. It crosses in the back again, leaving her stomach bare, and her ample chest covered, tying in the back at the base of her neck.

  She looks fucking gorgeous! Her tan skin, long legs, and flat stomach making even me jealous.

  I hear one of the guys standing behind me suck in a breath, but there’s no way I’m going to turn around to find out who. Already feeling the jealousy inching in from that simple action, seeping into me. I don’t want that for my friend. She’s not here to take my guys, I fully believe that.

  “You look amazing! Can you do that for me with this one? Or is it a special wrap?” I ask her.

  “Yes I can, it is the same wrap you're wearing, and what is that underneath? The thing covering your breasts, it looks so...restrictive,” she tells me with a look of disapproval on her face.

  Leading her into my room I hear a few laughs from behind me at her remark. Closing the door so the other pervs don’t catch a peek, I tell her all about what a bra is and underwear. She’s mortified at the bra, but intrigued with the underwear.

  “I think if I found a tailor, I could have them make shorts, kind of like your men wear, but shorter, to wear under my armor. That would feel much better. I hate the chaffing.” A laugh, bursts from my lips before I can stop it.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just, I know exactly what you mean. Guys only think it happens to them, but us girls with thicker thighs have it happen just as much!” She starts to laugh along with me but I am doubting she really knows why. It’s just fun to be with another woman, enjoying the company only they can give.

  -Fuck, I miss Blue so much!-

  -Two days, Bugs. Two days. Have you tried Linking her?- Ebbin says into my mind.

  -Yeah, but I still haven’t gotten a reply. Probably because we’re on a different fucking world-.

  -Probably. Maybe we can get Rhett to portal back and get her? You know she would love this.-

  -NO! HELL NO! I am not risking that again at all. Not unless we’re all together.-

  -Sheesh, alright, alright. Sorry. I honestly didn’t think about that.-

  -I know, it was a really sweet thought. Thanks.-

  -You almost done?-


  Torunn is behind me tying the pieces of fabric together, looking down, I feel so sexy. Hers is plain white, but the blues and yellows of mine make the lighter tone of my skin glow and my legs look amazing! Minus the stubble that has taken over. I might have had a bath this morning, but there wasn't really time to shave.

  The sun is setting already, and the air coming through the windows is warm with a slight breeze that will keep us all comfortable in the little clothing we’re wearing.

  Hugging Torunn and giving her my thanks, we leave the room only to find all four of my hulking men standing in the little hallway taking up the entire space.

  “I think we should just keep her here, and ravish that sinful body�
�� all night,” Merrick says while looking me up and down like a piece of meat. My insides are heating up at their gazes, but mostly Merrick's words.

  “Shut up you, let’s go,” I say as I pass him, slapping his shoulder.

  “Torunn, you lead. I get lost going to the bathroom,” I joke.

  -One hundred percent accurate.- Cynide says into all of our minds, making me pout and everyone else laugh at my expense.



  It’s a short walk to the water’s edge. When we top a hill that leads to a little cove, I’m shocked silent at what I’m met with. The water on my world is blue, but like everything here, it’s so much different!

  The water is so clear, from atop the little hill I can see the bottom of the ‘ocean’ for what looks like miles! The water is a gorgeous crystalline pink. The sand and rocks that covered the floor are yellows, greens, and whites and even some blues. It’s breathtaking. We all stand there for a minute taking it all in. Gasps and ‘wows’ whispered from the lips of everyone around.

  Torunn, seemingly always having a puzzled look adorning her face at our reactions, she shakes off the look and runs full speed, rushing into the water and disappearing from us as she dives in.

  Not one to be showed up, I rush in after her diving head first into the water. The ocean is refreshing and cool. I plan on fully relaxing out here and enjoying every second of this amazing little trip. I float on my back for a while and listen to the guys splash around and tackle each other into the water having a great time themselves.

  Torunn swims over to me and starts to float on her back beside me, leaving us in a comfortable silence for a few moments. Enjoying the waves lapping at our skin and the coolness of the air wafting over our bellies.

  “I love coming here. The waters are so soothing. It's a wonderful place to relax and get all your worries in order. When the sun fully sets, the rocks below glow, lighting up the entire floor. The water creatures won't come out if we are here, but some might venture close enough to be seen when we are back on land.” With my eyes closed, I try to imagine what the water would look like lit up from the rocks, and when I try to think about the fish here, I imagine pigeons with fins and gills swimming around. Everything is so different, so why not the fish?

  “This was the best idea. Thank you, Torunn. You're right though, just floating here has cleared my thoughts a bit. I haven't been thinking about anything in particular, just relaxing and I already feel better. Is there anything special I need to do to ask for this gift? You don’t think it’s presumptuous or rude of me? I mean, I’m not even from this world.” I ask, closing my eyes, trying to imagine what is about to happen.

  “She knows her children, she does not judge. All you have to do, like I said before, is show her your heart, open yourself up to her. Ask her for her guidance. I have no doubts, you will receive a gift,” she replies, fanning her hands out in the water. She swims closer to me and then I feel the touch of her hand in mine, giving me comfort and courage.

  -I will be here to watch over you.-

  Cynide's voice surprises me, but the fact that she’s now paddling around my head gets to me more. I wouldn’t have thought she would get in, being a cat and all.

  “Thank you, Cynide,” I say aloud, following her little body while she swims around, rolling every so often to get her coat soaked.

  Placing my feet down onto the floor beneath me, the water laps at my waist tickling my sides. Torunn waves all the guys over and they make a circle around me with Cynide still paddling in circles around my stomach.

  Closing my eyes, I don’t have a name to ask so, like most things I wing it.

  -Mother of the waters, I hope you can see the truth in my heart, I feel like a jerk asking you for anything since I am not even from your world. Please forgive me if I do this wrong. I need guidance and I hope you can help me with that.-

  There’s no reply, but the water around me starts swirling, making a vortex. I’m getting nervous and look to each of my guys’ faces, they wear looks of worry and surprise.

  “I knew you were honest and true! She is giving you your gift!” Torunn shouts above the noise coming from the waves and the whipping winds that have started.

  -Mira! -

  Cynide's scared voice screams in my head. The desperation from her makes me fill with misery. -No one fucking hurts my family!- Turning, I find her being lifted into the air by an unseen force, her body is contorting and shaking, I’m so scared and worried for her, I’m unable to hold back the tears while I’m forced to stand here and watch my little lynx being torn away from me. Trying to reach out to her, I thrust my hand towards her, but I’m held back by the water again. With my arms still outstretched, trying to touch her, I scream her name over and over again.

  A bright blue light starts at the center of her little body, growing brighter and bigger with each passing second. It’s too much, I try to shield my eyes from the pain of the light, but it still seems too overpowering and hurts, even with my eyes covered. When the light quickly disperses, a white and gray dappled horse stands tall in front of me in the water. Bowing its large head, I know this is my little lynx.

  -Cynide, are you okay? What happened?-

  -She gave me my second form! One I couldn’t be more proud and thankful for. Are you ready for this Mira?-

  -Ready for what? Is there more?-

  -Much more.-

  A sudden gust of wind hits me in the face, and with a loud ‘whoosh’ WINGS! Fucking wings expand from her sides!

  “You're a pegasus!” I scream in excitement.

  Dipping my hands into the water, caressing the waves I sent a silent thanks to the ocean.

  -I am! I can keep you safe while flying on the winds, protect your body with my wings on the ground, run faster with you on my back and getting you to safety.-

  -What about you, Cynide. How do you feel? Taking me out of the equation. Are you happy with this?-

  -Yes! I was stuck in a poisonous form, only able to run fast, hurt people and maybe scare Rhett. Now I can fly, attack from above, and I am so much larger. This truly is a gift.- Bowing to the large expanse of the sea before her, she whispers her own thanks to the ocean for her gift.

  Everyone surrounds her, patting her neck and scratching her behind the ears like we did when she was a little lynx.

  “I get to ride her first!” Rhett exclaims, trying to jump on her back. She throws her wing out at him and shakes her massive head when he fell back into the water she snickered the only way a Pegasus could.

  -You wish, Warlock. I am HER Agathion. If you want a ride, you must ask permission from your mate. Be warned, I might let you fall when we get high in the air.-

  I know she’s playing with him, but the frightened, wounded look on his face, tells me he thinks she’s serious. We all laugh at that.

  -Would you like to fly, Mira?-

  -I would, but not until I have my own wings. I want you and Rigar there with me.-

  -That will be a wondrous time indeed! I cannot wait!-

  Her enthusiasm and joy is infectious. We spend the rest of the last rays of light praising Cynide, playing in the water and watching Torunn and Cynide finally fly high into the sky side by side.

  Sitting on one of the blankets, that Rhydian was smart enough to bring. I munch on some dried meat and fruit that Merrick brought. I’m too happy to be swimming and enjoying a night out with everyone. Especially after what Rhett just went through, it’s a perfect band-aid for a time. We all watch in awe as the rocks under the water do in fact begin to glow.

  The yellows turning into neon greens, the blues a lighter color that looks like Rhett's fire. The whites are the brightest and most brilliant, they shoot out from the top of the water and into the sky. It’s like I’m watching a fireworks show but from under the ocean. The lights changing with each wave that distorts the top, make it feel like we’re right in the middle of the aurora borealis.

  I lay back on Ebbin with my body between his legs. Th
is right here, is perfect.

  “Thank you so much for everything Torunn, this has been the absolute most perfect end to an amazing day. I’m so grateful that you were the one to find us when we first portaled in. You have become a dear friend, very quickly,” I say to her with honesty and love.

  Dipping her head to acknowledge my words, she stays silent, smiling at the ocean in front of us. I may have seen a glint of tears in her eyes, but as always, her feelings and emotions are for her alone.

  Getting tired, we all pack up, giving our thanks once more to the ocean, and make our way back to the little cottage. Saying goodnight to Torunn, she’s the one to initiate a hug, it catches me off guard at first, but that’s okay. This is what both of us need from each other. Comfortable friendship.

  “Would you mind if my daughters came to watch you ascend the day after tomorrow?” she asks, catching me by surprise.

  “Uhh, no? I just thought it would just happen? I was told I had to be here, in this world, but more than that? There was nothing said about it.” Shock takes over her face, her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide.

  “Gods, no! We all gather at my mother’s statue. There, at the base of her statue, a bed will be laid out, piled high with padding, lush pillows and blankets. Surrounded by trinkets, foods, and other offerings. We ask for her blessing, and when the sun is at its highest point in the sky, people come from all around to watch a new Valkyrie take her place. I assumed that is what you were doing when we were in the market, gathering her offerings.” Worried that I really messed up, I can’t speak. I stand there like a small child shaking my head at her words, while looking at the ground.

  “It will be alright, I will come get you tomorrow. We can find the flowers for the dyes, go to the quarry and mine a few pieces of metal. Don’t worry, it is quite simple, and the food? I will slaughter a few animals in payment and bring some extra seeds I have. You can pay me back by letting me set up your ascension bed! I haven’t done so in many years, the last time was for my daughter, Lysithia. Oh, this will be so much fun!”


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