Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series Page 30

by Trina Bates

  Her excited state feeds into me and I find myself looking forward to another day in the market, even if it is just to get a few things I don’t get to keep. This was to offer my thanks to a woman I wouldn’t be here without. I want to make her spirit proud.

  “Thank you, Torunn, there was nothing about that in anything I read. I can’t show you my gratitude enough!” Patting me on the back, she shooed me back to my little cottage to get some rest. She assures she will be here bright and early, and I need to get as much rest as possible.

  Before I forget yet again, I want to tell the guys about my plans, and a certain little girl’s name. I hope none of them mind, especially Rhydian, but I feel in my heart like this is right, this is what is meant to be. It’s a perfect name for her.

  Ebbin tells me to go take a bath since we’re all sweaty from the day. Rhydian is already in there and I don’t want to spill anything without us all being together. So I listen to Ebbin, a little surprised at how accepting he was to let me bathe with another man.

  We may have shared the bath, but it was all business, and sadly no pleasure. I’m too tired anyway and want to get this off my chest.

  Finally able to shave, I feel a million times better. The rest follow after to get cleaned up, but what gets me, is they all bathe at the same time. I wish I would have stayed to watch. No idea why I didn’t.

  With everyone cleaned up and in some comfy clothes, I ask them all to come out to the backyard. I remember Rhett wanted to give his thanks to Grunwald and it didn’t really matter where I tell them about our daughter’s name. The trees would appreciate the gossip and I enjoy the calm they emit.

  After Rhett said a few words with Grun, as he calls him, we sit around the base of his tree and I start. “So, has anyone thought about what we should name this little girl?” Not having the courage to come outright and say it, I duck the truth and ask them if they have a name in mind, which is what I should have done before.

  “We all thought you have one already. Especially, with that strange conversation you had with the merchant earlier, yes, I outed you. Sorry, I thought it was sweet, I knew you would tell us when you were ready.” Ebbin’s confession is adorable. The way he lowers his head in submission has me wanting to jump right into his lap, but this isn't the time.

  ”You're right I do. Does that bother any of you?” I aim my question more towards Rhydian who’s sitting to my left.

  “A mother should always give the first name. If there are others, you don’t get first pick though…” Rhydian's teasing manner lifts some of the worry I’m holding on to.

  “Pft, so you think,” I tease back to him. He just smiles and shakes his head at me.

  “So, what is it? What’s our daughter’s name?” The question comes from Merrick but his words send love and hope through me. ‘Our daughter.’ There was no hesitation or the slightest waver in his voice. He truly believes and thinks she’s all of theirs, not just mine and Rhydian’s. I can't help the few tears that spring to my eyes. With a waver in my voice, I whisper her name. “Alyria.” Closing my eyes out of nerves, I hear the words that bring me joy and peace.


  “Love it.”

  “She’ll make her proud.”

  “I couldn't have picked better myself.”

  “Thank you all, but the next part… I hope you don't get too mad. It just something I, again, feel is right.”

  Rhydian and Ebbin each grab one of my hands and I stare straight ahead, trying to muster up a little courage.

  “I want to come back here, before I give birth. I want her to be able to always come here. Even before she ascends. I couldn't make it back here until my Demon side manifested because I have my father's blood. If she’s born here, there won't be that issue. She won't have to manifest one of her powers to unlock another part of herself. I know you all have lives, so do Ebbin and I, but this is important to me. I don’t want to ask you all to do that, but I can’t do it without telling you or at least passing it by you all.” My voice is a mere whisper and I can’t help but play with the hem of my wrap instead of looking them in the eye. “I know it’s not just about me, but this is something I really want, and that our daughter needs.” I finish, unable to look any of them in the eye.

  “I agree with you. She will always have a place here. Plus... Torunn, I think, would come down and kick our asses if we tried to have it any other way,” Ebbin's smile is teasing, but his eyes are serious.

  “I agree with Ebbin. She scares me a little. Have you ever looked at that sword on her hip?” Rhett shivers as he thinks about the sword.

  “Rhydian, Merrick?” I ask, looking to each of them.

  “We’re with you one hundred percent, love,” Merrick replies with a tight smile.

  “What he said,” Rhydian says as he leans over and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, and rubbing my belly once lovingly.

  “How did I get so lucky?” I ask more to myself, but get a few laughs.

  “Shush, you did too. I. Am. Amazing.” That’s said with a stuck out tongue and a middle finger high in the air as I walk back inside.

  Cynide shifts to her lynx form so she can sleep by my side, I doubt a pegasus, god that still gets to me, a pegasus, will be comfortable to sleep with. It isn't just Ebbin and I when I finally make it to bed though, Rhett is here too. I can tell he doesn’t want to be alone after what he went through earlier, and to be honest? I want him with me too.

  Bright and early just like she said, Torunn is here pounding on the door. I guess Cynide is having a few issues with her second form. She’s out in the living room when Torunn started knocking, and ended up changing into her Pegasus form within seconds after Torunn had knocked. She’s so massive, her head is touching the ceiling and she has little room to maneuver.

  Laughing at her as I rush to the front door, she nips at the back of my leg, causing me to jump!

  “You little shit! Watch it!” I shout at her playfully.

  Laughing heavily at what she has done, -You should learn some manners! I’ll whip you into shape in no time. Can't have you talking like that around Alyria!-

  -Well, duh!-

  -Don’t sass me, I’ll keep nipping at you until you can barely walk!-

  Giving her a sideways glare as I open the door, Torunn’s here with a bright smile.

  “Hi, Torunn. I just woke up, come on in. Beware, we have a very testy little pony in here though!” I say laughing at Cynide once more.

  -I heard that, Demon!-

  -I know! I think we need to teach you some manners too.-

  “Let me grab a new wrap and see if any of the guys want to come. That’s okay, right?” I don’t want her thinking I don’t want to spend time alone with her, but after everything that’s happened? I’m not about to just leave without saying anything to them. I was barely able to tell Rhett and Ebbin about what she said before I fell asleep that night.

  “They’re your mates, it would be best if they bring an offering to her as well. Most think it is a stupid thing to do nowadays, but it is a sign of respect to our elders. Especially to my mother,” she says winking, making me snort at how strange it is to see her do that.

  “I agree. Speaking of mothers, have you spoken to mine?” I ask, looking away from her, nervous to hear her answer.

  “I have,” she says, dipping her head.

  “Annnnnd? Don’t leave a girl hangin’ here.”

  She looks to the ceiling and then to me. You could tell when the light bulb went off and she figured out it’s another term from home.

  “Your ways are so strange, but I enjoy them. I wish you could stay longer,” she says to me with sadness in her voice.

  “Me too, but there’s so much training that I haven’t even touched on, work and other tedious things we need to get back to,” I tell her, rolling my eyes thinking about everything that is yet to come.

  “I understand. Maybe I can petition the other Valkyries to let me come visit when we have some downtime,” she says exci
tedly, clapping her hands and rubbing them together.

  “That would be amazing! Though I have never seen you without your wings, even in the water when you were floating on your back, I wondered how it worked. We have a lot of Others there, but many of them have never seen wings before, I’m sure the Hollows would be… nervous about them too. Do they… go in?” I ask her, wincing at my own question, I don’t know if that’s offensive.

  Laughing at me, “Oh yes, they do! I just don’t see a need to keep them pinned when I am at home. Everyone here knows what we are. When you get yours, I will show you how to pull them into your body.”

  “That sounds amazing, and what about my... mother?” I grimace, choking out the last word.

  “I know it is a hard subject for you, but she wants nothing more than to fix things. I told her you need time and we are immortal. We have lots of it. She agreed and that's really it,” she replies, her eyes cast away from me.

  I doubt that’s the entire truth, but I’m not ready. She’s right. I may have asked but hearing that she still wants to talk to me has my mood turning sour. I don't want that for today.

  “Thanks, Torunn,” I say, clasping her shoulder as I walk to the kitchen counter and grab a bottle of water for the road.

  “I’m leaving! Hopefully, no one will try to kidnap me while I’m gone!” I scream down the hallway trying to rouse everyone.

  “You are devious, I like it,” Torunn whispers behind me. Grinning from ear to ear when both doors swing open and my guys are tripping over each other trying to get out first. I laugh at Merrick and Rhydian who do indeed fall onto the floor, Merrick on bottom bellowing at Rhydian to get up. They stop their rushing when they see Cynide, back in lynx form, and Torunn standing with me.

  “That’s seriously fucked up, Bugs!” Ebbin hollers at me, glaring.

  “Yeah, we were all happy and warm cuddled up together, you didn’t tell me he liked to be the little spoon,” Rhett says, nudging into Ebbin's shoulder, smiling brightly at a red faced Ebbin.

  “I don't Rhett, shut the hell up you asshole,” Ebbin mumbles back to Rhett.

  Rhett nudges him again, laughing while he walks to me. He has his sandals on and a t-shirt with his gym shorts. He’s already ready. The others? Not so much. Rhydian is deliciously naked, probably another reason Merrick is yelling for him to get off of him. Merrick is in his boxers but quickly grabs shorts from inside the door and throws on his tank top while Rhydian goes in search of his clothes. Ebbin is walking out with a black tank top on that showcases his broad chest and all of his muscles and tattoos. Within seconds, Rhydian is clad in his little man skirt, sandals and a bare chest. They are all ready, yet here I am, in my panties and a small wrap covering my chest. I race into the room, leaving the wrap on top, and grabbing a pair of my own shorts with the lace up sandals to go with. I throw my hair in a messy bun and we’re off.


  Getting the items I need for my ascension is so much fun, Rhett stays with me, Torunn, and Cynide while the others disappear to pay their debts to the merchants that they had bartered for the day before.

  The first place we go is to a giant field, filled with the most vibrant and strange flowers. The various plants have the strangest markings, some petals look tie-dyed, others with petals so bright they look lit from within. Most are solid in the stem and some the entire stock and petal are solid, but no less striking than the rest.

  After we all loaded up two baskets that Torunn provided, we head out to the mines, if you can call them that. They’re simple caves with lanterns strung on ropes to lead the way in.

  The metals came in jagged rock looking formations, the strangest part was they aren’t all silver, some are blue, some black, and a few we come across are bright greens reminding me of Rhett's eyes. I’m amazed these are going to be melted down and made into weapons or trinkets. I want to keep a few just the way they are.

  I ask Cynide to change into her second form. Cutting part of the small wrap I have on, we tie it around her neck and tie a basket onto each side to even out the weight. We pack one basket full of flowers and the other full of the metals and a few rocks that Torunn said carry beautiful gems inside once broken apart that will be great to trade for the trinket makers.

  Not wanting to use her seeds for the farmers, she tells me we can get more by going to the marshmallow trees and simply shaking their branches until they drop out some brown fluff balls that hold the seeds inside. There aren’t a lot of the marshmallow trees left around here. The ones that are, people are hesitant to cut down since they’re so old.

  Torunn tells us how harsh the winters are here and why the Spriggans are having to be cut down. It’s heartbreaking. I hold on to the fact they’re in another new growth and still living, but they have to leave their friends behind and they’re cut off from the interlinked structure they have been in for god knows how long.

  Farmers love it apparently when they get Spriggan seeds. They help grow the other crops and keep many of the farmers company. Torunn also tells me the farmers are really the only ones that know the true friendship and value of the marshmallow trees. It’s funny to hear her call them that, I have yet to ask what they actually called them, I’m too content with my name. The few marshmallow trees I’m able to talk to are female, and in love with what I’m doing. It’s a gift to them to have more trees be raised in the structure they all share. Torunn and I spend more time talking to them than actually asking them to give us some seeds. I don't think it’s right to rush up and shake them, I ask and they’re happy to oblige after getting to know us better.

  Back at the market, I pick out a vibrant red and black wrap for the clothing I will gift to Alyria, a broadsword like the one Alyria held on her hip at her statue, the most delectable bits of fresh meat and fruits, and a lovely red pendant, smaller than the one I was gifted the day before. Torunn left us so she was able to slaughter a few animals in payment for a few of my gifts but she was also stocked up with her own haul.

  Rhett, Cynide, and I wander off on our own, ‘window shopping’. We still have enough to trade for a few more things, but this time, I want to get something for each of my guys. From a smith, I find a large chunk of real silver that Merrick will be able to mold into whatever he wants. It’s so rare back home and especially in this amount. I don’t want to get him a giant chunk of metal, so I find a pendant in the shape of The Tree of Life, just like the one that was in the book, symbolizing this world. He doesn’t know I know that he has already made two blades from the silver he found here the other day, I want to give him a gift that lets him know we can always come back.

  Ebbin is easy, I barter for a black and red toga that matches the one I got for my offering. There’s a trinket on the next table over I can't help but grab for him as well. It’s a simple bracelet with three pieces of metal that swirl into circles. Hopefully, he will see the reason I got it, is to symbolize the three beasts he carries. It looks almost identical to the mark on the back of Enbarr’s hood.

  Rhydian is a little harder, but when I pass a table that has a black ring with two red stones in it, reminding me not only of Kigiree’s eyes but also matched the color of the stone Alyria will wear when she grows up, I know it’s perfect. I also pick up another little pendant for him that I hope he will appreciate when the time comes for him to open it.

  Rhett’s the hardest, since he’s right by my side. I want to get him something that symbolizes his magic, but nothing is jumping out at me like the others did. Still looking, and finding nothing yet, I buy Cynide a huge duffel of dried meat, I have to pay the merchant myself since Torunn was gone, I didn’t want Cynide seeing what I got her, so I told Rhett what I was doing, and to keep her busy.

  Around the back of the little shop, a giant cow with horns stands tall, it’s not a bull, but a heffer with huge horns. I can’t get attached at looking at her. I will want to keep her too much if I do, I take the offered blade from the merchant, walk slowly to the cow’s head, or whatever it really was, grab t
he side of her neck, and slice as deep and quickly as I can. I don’t want it to suffer. I end up with blood splattered all across my legs and feet, and run to the nearest water pump to wash off.

  -I am glad you're alright, but why are you covered in blood? You have no idea how bad I want to lick that off of you. That is the tastiest part right there!-

  -Cynide, you're so gross. It’s none of your business, ya nosey shit, and you better stay back beasty! I don’t want you chomping at the back of my ass while I do this.-

  -You are no fun at all.-

  Turning my head, I smile at her large form while I begin to rinse off.

  -Cynide. I want to get something for Torunn, as a thank you. Any idea what I could get her?-

  -I do, but it is not something materialistic. She has a lovely first name. I bet she would enjoy you giving it to your daughter.-

  Stunned, I stand and quickly turn to her, getting dizzy by the action.

  -Torunn isn’t her first name? How do you know that, and I don’t?-

  -Her daughter’s mate was over the first night we came here. He called her by it.-

  -Ok, well… What is it?-

  -Cedine.- She says it so matter of fact, it throws me off a bit and I can't catch the snort that comes out of me.

  -That really is pretty, and I think you’re right. I would be honored. Now I just have to ask her.-

  -Since we are on the topic of gifts, what about Rhett? Got anymore super senses that can help me with that one?-

  -I do actually.-

  -Well, quit being a shit and tell me!-

  -Not if that's how you ask. Do it nicely.-

  -You really do learn too quick, you know that? Who’s teaching you this crap.-

  -You and the others are. It’s how you all talk to each other.-

  -Makes sense… Okay, please! Tell me what you know?-


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