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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 39

by Trina Bates

  “Valkyrie side, I know we are immortal, that we have wings. I’m supposed to be able to take fallen soldiers souls back to...wherever. We are supposed to learn battle tactics and how to fight quicker than normal,” I try to think of anything else, but nothing is coming to me.

  “Well, you know about being able to pull yourself into our world, but you can do that with any. You only have to know what they are called,” she says, closing her eyes, taking a few deep breaths before she continues.

  “The thing with taking a soul, since you come from my line, you are able to put souls back that you deem worthy of battle, but only one every… I think the equivalent is, six months your world time,” she says, her voice low as she quirks an eyebrow trying to think if it’s right. I nod my head, trying to show her to keep going.

  “I have only found the purity in two souls in my long life, one was a noble general, he was poisoned by an enemy within his ranks. The other was a slain queen that wanted to change things for good, but her king murdered her for having different views. She dealt out her own justice later, and became a wonderful ruler for her people. She saved many lives.” Torunn’s tone becomes wistful and filled with, respect and pride.

  “I brought them back because I could see the change and righteousness in them, the purity and good. That is what you must seek out if it ever happens. If you bring back evil, that evil will spread until there is little left. I have seen entire populations of people wiped out because one Valkyrie made the wrong choice.” While she tells her story, she gazes away into the distance at nothing and I can see she’s reliving every detail of her accounts.

  “If you were of Kalikor, you would only be able to choose who lives and who dies in battle. They do not have the power to learn as we do, nor can they hold a soul and return in to its body. You would be immortal, but they are much weaker than us. They know it too, it has turned them against us and made them turn to a darker place, whereas we stay in the light. You can take the souls of the fallen to many places, though I suggest taking them to your own god's side. We take the good souls to our life tree, Riordan. He gives life, love, choice, and chance. If they’re a bad soul, we take them to Lady Death, Atee, the tree of pain, grief, delusion and ruin. Do you have something like that here?” she asks me with inquisition.

  “The Hollows used to pray to their own beings, we have Heaven and Hell, though I don’t know where I would even begin to look to try and get there. Well, Hell is another realm, I can teleport there now since that is where Rhett was taken, but Heaven? I have no idea,” I tell her honestly.

  “A different realm? That is very strange. Riordan and Atee are very far apart, but also very much a part of our world.” Her features are scrunched as she tries to process my words and tell me more of her world that seems to confuse me more.

  “No matter, I know how to get home. Maybe I will have you show me where they are and I could take souls there if there ever came a time for that.” There seems to be no more for her to tell me about our powers, and I know how to use most already. I want to train and learn how to defend myself better.

  “Can you explain more about souls later? I want to see how fast I can get a few moves under my belt before we have to leave.”

  I stand, dusting off my bottom and putting my hand out to her to give her help up.

  “I will not throw you or hit you. This will be a no contact session since you are with child,” before she can finish, I interrupt her, “You mean your soon to be niece?” My words stop all of her previous thoughts and comments.

  “My niece?” she questions.

  “Yes, your niece, don’t think everyone hasn’t seen the way you gaze at my brother, how he looks at you and the chemistry there. You don’t have to worry about him and shorter years, like you previously told me. He’s immortal like us. This is your chance Torunn, I hope you take it. You’re already my family but having you as a true sister would mean the world to me.” I smile at her and place my hands on her arms, she’s staring at me with surprise and disbelief.

  “You, you would really want that? Me as your daughter’s aunt? I am honored by your words, though I must be honest, I do not know to… what did your friend say?” she pauses, closing her eyes trying to remember a conversation I wasn't there for. I wait patiently for her to remember. “Ah yes! ‘Pursue a hot piece of meat like him’ were her exact words, though I do not understand her terminology. I think I understand she meant to say, that I need to court him, take the first step myself. That is not the ways of our people. I am reluctant to follow her suggestions. Men come to women with a mating flower in hand. We either accept, or turn them away.” She looks utterly worried and a little sad.

  “Torunn, I’m sorry for my laughter, but your ways are much different than ours. Here,” I say waving my hands around trying to encapture my words with my waving hands to say ‘world’, “Women take the lead, men take the lead, it doesn't matter, sometimes we are all let down by the denial of another, but that’s how it goes. Don’t let a good thing pass you by, go for it.” Shrugging my shoulders I turn away from her, giving her a little time and space to let my words sink in.

  “I will think more on what you say, but now is the time for you to learn who and what you really are. Let’s see what you are capable of little one.” Turning, my eyes go wide at how quickly Torunn comes after me. I try to run, but she quickly grabs my arm. She shows me numerous defensive moves and some attacks, but I won't know how well they will work for me until I’m able to use them one on one with a real attacker.


  While Mira is off training with Torunn, Blue has gladly shown me what it’s like to harness all of one's powers. Even as a halfling, she’s more powerful than I could ever dream. She came at me with new spells, but was generous enough to show me how to use them, the right words, the right feelings. She is very attentive yet, strong-willed and adamant on how to do something right.

  I learn a lot and am genuinely happy that she’s the one to teach me. People that have my gifts would have tiptoed around trying to add in too much shit that wasn't needed, how to stand, how to hold your hands, finding your ‘inner well’ to be able to pull from the power within. That’s all bullshit.

  She hit me with the spells and explained what she did and said to make them a part of myself, make them into something that we can actually use.

  Slapping me on the shoulder when she finally calls it quits, she smiles when I turn her way and surprises me with her kind words.

  “I’m glad I fucked with Mira and Ebbin’s shit that night. She couldn't have found better mates if I had picked ‘em. You’re good for her, you make her laugh, you keep her safe, and you really seem to care for her.” Giving a small smile to her in thanks, she keeps going.

  “You fucking hurt her? You have seen what I can do. I will get your blood one way or another and then you will really see everything I can do,” she growls out, and I know in that moment, she’s not fucking around. She really does love her and will do all it takes to keep her safe and happy.

  “Okay, for one, you scary vampire knockoff, I would never intentionally hurt her, also I doubt you could get my blood, but that does remind me...can you try something out for me?” I want to see how well she can get to me with one of my barriers up. If Alastor could get through Mira’s, which we hadn’t even talked about, I’m amazed she hasn’t gone off on me for that one, I want to know how well I can better protect myself, and my family.

  “Sure kid, though you call me a Vamp again and I will put a little more push behind each spell I hit you with from now on,” her words are said with clenched teeth and I know I pushed her patience a little too far.

  Standing taller, closing my eyes and pulling the barrier over myself, I make it as solid and strong as I can.

  Blue’s cocking her head to the side when I open my eyes, there’s an appreciation there, but I don’t know what for.

  “Hold on tight fireboy, this is going to be fun. The gleam in her bright gold eyes actually makes m
e a bit more nervous than I was before we even started all this.

  Before I have a chance to ready myself, she hits me, throwing her hands out in front of her. The leer of pure hatred on her face and power behind her spell has me flying backwards and my back connects with a tree, there’s no pain from her blast, nor from the tree surprisingly. My barrier is working, but it's a little strange that she’s still able to throw me like that.

  Peering down, my body is engulfed in my blue protective flames, my heart is racing and anger is starting to grow inside me.

  I glimpsed the prideful smirk on her face and I’m unable to hold back the powerful spell I throw back at her. She doesn't stand a chance against something like that.

  Where her magic doesn't hold a color or even look like anything but air coming at you, mine is a solid pink triangle that’s too fast for her to get away from. I know the instant I let it lose, I did wrong, but I had to show her playing dirty isn’t how we do things and her cockiness isn’t needed. We all know she’s amazingly powerful. She’s doing this...whatever it is for some other reason. I don’t know what it is, but it has to stop. If she’s like this to me, can she get this way around Mira? That’s something I’m not willing to risk.

  Watching her disappear into the woods, from the force behind my spell, I quickly rush after her. She’s stalking towards me like she’s about to murder me. I ready myself for her next attack, but surprisingly, it never comes. She walks right passed me. I try to follow her, to but get hit with her own, larger barrier, there’s no way to get within fifteen feet of her. I try calling out, to get her attention by throwing snow at her, nothing is working. Blue is storming straight to the cabin where everyone else is. Something’s not right, and I have to stop this. Whatever it is that’s going on is my fault. I can’t help but fill with fear, thinking she’s about to hurt someone.

  -Guys!- I shout in everyone’s head at once. -We have an issue, Blue and I were training, we got a little too...competitive. Something’s wrong with her, she isn’t answering me and she’s headed straight to you! Keep Mira safe!-

  -No, this is something I need to do. She won't hurt me. She needs me. But I need you all to stay away. I can protect myself.- Mira says trying to get us all to listen. The others will without question, but I won’t, I can’t. She doesn't know that her barrier, the one I put on her is gone.

  I spoke only to her, too cowardly to say it to the rest of our family.

  -Mira, the barrier I put over you, it’s gone. Your father shouldn’t have been able to get his hands on you at all. He meant you harm and was able to cross it, and cause you harm.-

  Confessing it to her broke something inside me. I’m a failure, I failed her. There are so many ‘what ifs’ running through my mind, I’m physically shaking and I can hear my heartbeat in my ears.

  -Rhett, you didn’t fail me. The barrier is still there, I can feel it. But something changed in me after I manifested, and more so when I ascended. I have to help it along now, what about when you took my blood? Or when Gor did? That was causing me harm and it was still able to happen.-

  I hadn’t even thought of those things, and hearing her say them, it doesn’t help. If anything it makes me feel worse. I was under the assumption she knew in her mind that I wasn’t trying to cause her harm when I took her blood. If that's what she thinks, I’m a fucking monster.

  -I can feel you little magician, stop. I have to be the one to reinforce my barrier now. I need your help to do it. Can you help me with that after I deal with Blue?-

  -Of course, I can. I’ll leave you to it. But where are you so I can portal to you if anything happens.-

  -I’m right in the kitchen. Don’t forget, I just learned a few new things from Torunn, and I still have some pretty badass powers myself, okay?-

  -Okay. Tatts, stay safe. I will stay out here and wait for your call, but close enough if I hear anything I’ll be with you immediately. I love you.-

  -I love you too, sexy hair.-

  Her jest lightens my heart a bit, but not enough to make everything go away. I have to fix this, whether it’s on my own or with her, I will find a way to make and keep her safe again.


  The obvious worry, shame, and pain coming through the bond I share with Rhett is proving to be harder than expected to ignore. We’re going to have to figure out whatever’s really going on with him, and soon.

  I hear the loud stomping, before Blue’s angry face is in my view. I have no idea what really went wrong with Blue and Rhett, but something obviously surfaced for her, I have a feeling this is part of the darkness Cynide and Grun had warned me about before.

  I put my hands in front of me showing I’m not a threat to her, I try to think of something to say, but words elude me. Her face is dark and she looks like she’s about to bring this entire cabin down.

  “Blue, you need to stop, please. I have no idea what’s wrong, but you have to calm down. To talk to me about it. Please? You’re my family, my best friend,” I plead as she stalks closer towards me.

  She doesn't say a word, but stops when I stand straight and lean a bit away from her.

  Her gold eyes are mere slits and staring at me like I’m the devil herself.

  “Blue, please talk to me. I can’t fix this if you don’t talk to me!” My voice is raised and I feel utterly desperate.

  She’s standing there, statue still, glaring at me stock silent.

  I start to fidget and step from foot to foot under her intense gaze, I glance away from her and notice how her cheeks are pink from the cold, her shorts and tank top are dirty, even tattered and ripped in spots.

  -Just what the hell did y’all do out there? Blue’s clothes are shredded and she is filthy, not to mention damn near frozen!-

  The anger in my voice in Rhett’s head is unintentional, I feel like the feelings Blue is having is seeping into all of us. I feel it in Rhett as well. Something more is going on here.

  Closing my eyes, taking a deep calming breath, I open them to see a simmering Blue still glaring at me. Instead of words, I wrap my arms around her, only to be thrown back and thankfully land in one of the chairs. Sitting here stunned, I get a sharp pain in my stomach, a feeling, unlike any I have ever felt since even before I was pregnant, cramps. My hands immediately wrap around my stomach and I double over in pain calling out to everyone in my head.

  Just as promised, Rhett’s there immediately, and not even a second later Cynide is at my side. The rest are stomping through the cabin, rushing towards me.

  The tears that are streaming down my face aren’t for the pain I’m feeling, but for the worry I have for my daughter, the fear that she isn’t going to make it through this.

  “What is going on?” Torunn's strong voice comes from the top of the stairs as she too, rushes down them and makes it to my side.

  She’s staring at my stomach with confusion and then it seems a light bulb goes on for her, she quickly sits on her haunches and places her hand over mine.

  “I need everyone of you,” Torunn says with despair, turning to each of my men “to place your hands on me. I will need to pull some of each of your powers to help with this.” When no one does as told she glares to each of them and yells. “NOW!” They jump after that and all place a hand on her as she closes her eyes and begins chanting. I’m worried about what’s going on, but I know, if she’s this worried, I need to shut up and let her do what she has to do.

  It’s too quiet for me to hear, her words running together in unintelligible strings, but watching her lips move, I know it isn't in any language I’ve ever heard.

  A rift, that only I seem able to see (everyone else is staring at Torunn) opens in front of me. Torunn places her hand inside of it and pulls a small, opaque, wispy ball from it. She places it to my stomach and whispers a few words. Slowly the ball starts to seep into my stomach. I sit here, wide eyed and shocked at the things happening to me.

  Somehow I know, it’s my daughter’s soul being given back to her, her life granted ano
ther chance.

  I’m barely able to breath at this point, my Alyria had actually died, from something Blue had done.

  It’s fucking on. This woman, who’s supposed to be my family, my closest friend, just killed my daughter. I don’t give a shit if she meant to or not, it happened.

  “GET. OUT. NOW. EVERYONE.” The voice is mine, but deeper, filled with passion and power. I’m about to show this little halfling what true power really is.

  After everyone, but a simmering Blue is gone, I walk to her slowly, she’s in the exact same spot as before, she hasn’t even moved or changed her expression, it doesn’t matter.

  Reaching out to her, she tries to push a spell at me, but is unable to make it connect, it doesn't even touch me. I can see the dark purple of her magic pushing at my core. I’ve never seen a color come from her before, there’s always just been the flow, and then the action. Never have I ever actually witnessed what her magic looks like.

  “You dare to challenge me? You’re weak. You. Are. Nothing!” I shout at her. I can feel my hair being lifted and swirling with the power that I’m surrounded by, and emitting.

  “You think you’re a match for me Mira, bring it on. I’ll show you what you want so badly to challenge. You’re untrained and just a little welp. One I should have left in the hands of the Conclave,” she says, her words hitting me deep in my heart, but instead of it breaking, it gets harder, easier for me to let out my fury against her. Somewhere deep in me, I know this isn’t really her, that the words she saying are from a hurt that’s finally ready to show. Maybe that also means it’s ready to mend, and move on.

  With a move so quick that even I have trouble following it, her throat is in my grasp and she’s lifted off the ground by my own hands. I can feel her soul inside of her, it’s in pain, weak, and broken. It’s angry that the body it’s inhabiting is so unforgiving and unwilling to mend itself back together again. I can feel it’s become weary and ready to be set free.


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