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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 56

by Trina Bates

  Adam stands and runs his hands through his hair, exhaling loudly as he takes Lyanna’s hand in his own. I see her squeeze it, giving him some of her own strength as she turns and smiles at him sweetly.

  “We will help you. There’s no doubt about it. My powers though, they can be overwhelming. The same with his,” she says gesturing to Casey, “it doesn’t just stay within our selected targets, it’s for anyone around us. They all feel our seductive powers and it can hurt you in battle. Adam and Brad would be best to keep with you. Me and Casey need to be away from you while you use your powers, and be hitting Alastor, and whatever he brings from somewhere else, safely away from getting ensnared into your desire. Our powers counteract against each other so we will be okay,” Lyanna tells me with trepidation. I can feel she thinks they will be more of a problem and it took a lot for her to be so honest and tell me that, but I’m thankful for it. Now we can start to formulate a plan.

  “That’s perfectly fine. Once we are to the point of gathering everyone, we can get something in place. Right now, we need to train, see what we do around each other and how we all really do react to each other’s gifts,” I say to her, and she nods in agreement. I get up to leave, slightly perturbed I didn’t really get to know her men, but I have my own things I need to take care of.

  “Thanks for the chat, but I need to go find my own guys and settle some things. Are you all okay? Make yourselves at home, and if you need anything, find any one of us and we will be right there.” Smiling, I walk to the door and turn, seeing smiles from each of them and walk out shutting the door lightly behind me.


  I don’t know what Mira is going to do when she sees what we’ve all done. I hope she likes it and doesn’t go too far off the rails. I had to rush out and go to the nursery we’ve set up for Alyria and tell Ebbin and Merrick that she’s on the hunt. We don’t have much time, so I throw myself in, and start to help with the little things.

  “Mira’s on the prowl. I tried to keep her as occupied as I could but she knows everyone is back and is going to be here any moment,” I huff out, racing around the room trying to hang the last few pictures of Viking women on long boats that we had custom made, we already knew Mira would nix the color pink, so we did purple and a light blue. Not the mint and brown she wanted, but with the wainscoting and deep mahogany wood, it really looks amazing in here.

  With the last few things in place, we all dust off our hands, gather up the tools and little pieces of garbage and hold our breaths when the handle to the door slowly creaked open.

  Mira’s eyes go wide and her gasp makes us all smile. Her eyes wide and a giant smile on her face, she takes a tentative step inside the room with her hand over her mouth.

  She touches every new surface, rubs the sot velveteen blankets and hugs the little elephant plushie we picked out for the crib. Her unshed tears start to fall slowly down her cheek and we all rush to her with caring intentions but she pushes us away. Her smile is all we need to know we did good. She isn’t angry, she’s shocked. Her mind is going crazy with her thoughts and how much she loves it everything. When she eyes the Viking pictures, a laugh burst from her and that’s when everything we’ve been waiting for from her, comes out.

  “You did all of this? All of you? When did you have the time! It’s so gorgeous, amazing and perfect!” she exclaims, coming to each of us with a warm hug and kiss to the cheek as her eyes still scan every surface and new addition to the room. The rocking chair in the corner where Rhett had painted the tree with the marshmallows on it, is where she goes next, touching the paint and hugging the little elephant she has in her hands even tighter.

  “Who did this?” she whispers, and the tears she was holding start to fall from her eyes.

  “Rhett did that before he...left.” Ebbin whispers behind her, hugging her from the back while she cries into the stuffed animal.

  “I miss him,” she cries out falling to her knees her hand still on the painting.

  “We all do,” Merrick says, placing his hand at the base of her neck, taking his turn to hug her when Ebbin lets go.

  When she embraces him back and pulls away, I turn her into my chest and inhale her scent deeply, loving how her heart speeds up and her scent grows stronger, filled with need even after what we already did earlier.

  “Thank you all so much. It really is perfect,” she says, her voice muffled from my chest and we all laugh.

  “Of course babe, anything for you and our little girl,” I whisper to her rubbing circles on her back.

  “Okay, well, I wasn’t expecting all of this, and as much as I really want to sit in her and ogle everything, there’s some things we need to figure out with the others, and all of our powers. Plus, I really need to check on Siv, see how she’s doing. So, can you all round everyone up and get to the gym?” she asks already walking away, knowing that we will do anything she asks.

  Merrick grunts, Ebbin laughs and I say, ‘of course’ and we all leave, me last taking one last look at the nursery with a fond smile, and shutting out the lights, clicking the door shut until the time comes when our little Alyria arrives.


  I was so shocked, walking into a room I knew as empty before, but when I walked down the hall upstairs, it’s the only one that had anyone in it, and that I could hear noise coming from. Seeing the blue and purple immediately, I knew that was Alyria’s nursery. The amazing baby furniture, the gorgeous hand-painted Viking portraits, and the tree that my missing Warlock painted, it still brings a few tears to my eyes. I had been thinking a bassinet and a few toys would do and we would just keep her in my room. Of course I wanted a nursery, but I also didn’t know how long we were actually going to be staying here, in this cabin. If it was mine and Ebbin’s house, yes, we would have gone all out, but it’s not and I don’t really see myself staying here for the rest of our lives. I miss our home in the city, and I also miss Yggdrasil. I know if we are to ever leave, they will make her a fine room in any place we are at, but I feel strange seeing it all put together. Like I know I’m pregnant, but it didn’t feel as real until the moment I opened that door. I don’t know how to properly explain it. Though now, I want to go into town and shop for clothes and shoes for her, diapers, blankets and all the other little things we are going to need.

  Shaking myself from thoughts of what I know we can’t do, I venture further down the hall to where Merrick told me my mother is staying. I knock lightly on the closed door and rock back and forth on my heels when I hear shuffling coming from behind the wood.

  “Coming,” Siv’s voice rings out.

  When she opens the door, her eyes widen slightly and a gorgeous smile spreads across her face when she sees me.

  “Hi, uhh, I was wondering if I could come in?” I ask hesitantly. Unsure of how to go about talking to my own mom, I lose my voice and my palms start to sweat.

  “Of course! Come in, please.” Siv opens the door wider, and gestures for me to take a seat in one of the two chairs that are to my left.

  I smile at her and walk in, sitting down and I start to fidget with my hands, not sure of how to start a conversation. I know what I want to say in my head, but getting the words out, actually voicing them, it’s a lot harder than it should be.

  Siv looks at me confused and I smile awkwardly.

  “Well, I just wanted to see how you’re healing, and how you’re doing here. I guess… do you need anything?” I ask her, unable to look her in the eyes. I know it’s stupid, but there’s just something about being alone around her, and not knowing her that makes me feel off. She’s my mother. How do I do this?

  “I am fairing just fine. My wounds have all healed amazingly and I love it here, I always have. This, other than Fae, have always been my favorite out of all the Realmss. As to what I need?” She turns her head and seems deep in thought as she stares at the wall to her left. “I think just some time with you. Doing whatever. We do not have to talk about our past, but I would like to see what you have in mind fo
r our next move with...Alastor,” she grinds out his name like it physically hurts her to say it.

  “I think we have some good ideas to start with. Do you want to walk with me to our gym? Everyone is meeting there so I can go over some things and see what we need to do to be able to fight together in the best way possible without hurting each other in the process,” I tell her, feeling a little better now that we are on common ground and not trying to be awkward, bantering about things we are both hesitant about.

  “Of course,” she breathes out, getting up from the chair. I look at her strangely when she fluffs out her wings I still can’t sit on mine as she and Torunn do, I have to push them back and away when I sit or they start hurting.

  I get up with her and lead the way to the gym. Our walk silent as we take in the still fresh snow, crunching under our feet and smile when a single white rabbit crosses our path hurriedly, trying to get away from us.

  Seeing everyone gathered, looking to each other expectantly, like they might have the answers as to why we are all here, I clap my hands with a smile and get ready for the long explanation.

  “So, now we know, well I do now, that Lyanna and Casey’s powers will affect us, as well as Alastor. It seems we are at a disadvantage there, but we aren't for sure since we all are different and from different Realms. Our group needs to use our powers around Lyanna and her men, while they do the same, so we can see what affects us truly, and how. Also, Torunn, Siv, I know there was someone else you wanted to bring in from Yggdrasil, but right now, I think we’re okay. Between all of us, training with different weapons should be easy enough,” I say to the room full of people. Everyone nods in agreement so I gesture to Lyanna and Casey.

  “Would you two mind starting us off?” I ask them, and the wicked gleam in their eyes makes me pause, wondering if I’m truly ready to feel the power of lust off of them.

  “Of course,” Lyanna gleams, her smile growing wider as she rubs her hands together.

  Casey grins and puts his hands in his pockets. He closes his eyes, inhales deeply and when his eyes open they are swirling a bright white, entrancing all of us. I can’t look away even though I try my hardest to. I pull some of my magic from inside, the darkness latching on with an intensity that it snaps me out of my trance and I finally am able to look around. When I do, I can’t help but giggle. Gor and Torunn are making out, damn near shedding their clothes.

  Merrick, Rhydian, and Ebbin are all staring at me with half lidded, lust filled eyes, and raging hard ons. Blue and her men are all in a pile on the floor. Arms and legs flailing about as clothes do indeed start to come off. Siv, however, is standing ramrod straight, looking around like she can’t believe what is going on. I shrug my shoulders to her when our eyes meet and she smiles, shaking her head with her silent laughter, raising her chest.

  I look back to Casey and Lyanna, that are shifting their own confused looks between Siv and I. I smirk and cross my arms.

  “Guess there’s some things that just won’t hold up for me. That’s good though. I want to try something, so don’t stop,” I say, holding out my hands like they just might.

  I close my eyes, pull my powers inside of me once more, but this time, I bring the light along with the dark, watching the warring colors blind me from behind closed lids, and open them thrusting my own will to my guys, for the succubus magic to leave their bodies and let them gain control once more.

  It takes more than I expect, but finally it takes hold. Ebbin, Merrick, and Rhydian all shake their head in confusion, staring down at their tented pants and turn away so no one else can see.

  -Too late for that. Y’all were like rabid, horny dogs. Everyone saw those impressive packages.- I think to them, snorting when I see each of them turn a different shade of crimson.

  -What the hell just happened and why the fuck do we all have fucking wood?!- Merrick shouts in our heads. We all tense our shoulders and I wince at the sudden, booming intrusion. His hatred to being out of the control of the situation apparent when I look over to him. His face is red and he’s glaring at everyone that will meet his eyes.

  -Lust, and very powerful seductions pheromones, all aimed right at us. Even Kigiree was trying to break free and find something to rutt,- Rhydian says with a pain filled tone, like he’s still trying to hold Kigiree back. I walk in front of him, tilt his chin so he looks directly into my eyes and find Kigiree more than my Rhydian.

  -You need to let go now, Kigiree. You’re hurting him. I know that was powerful, but you have to calm yourself. That’s what will happen when we are in battle if we aren’t far enough away from them. I have one more thing I want to try, can you hold on for a bit longer and I promise to fly around and go find something to tear apart with you later?- I plead to the loving beast that I know can hear me, though I doubt he can respond.

  “He says he will do what he can. Thanks, babe,” Rhydian's strong voice says, and when I look again, into his deep azure eyes, I sigh, relieved to see my man back.

  “Of course. Just bear with me for a bit longer, like I asked him. I want to try something. But first, let’s get Blue and Torunn away from their men so we can actually get some shit done,” I laugh out.

  Turning towards Lyanna and Casey once more, I ask, “Can you please stop.”

  They both smile, and I notice for the first time, Adam and Brad are standing to my left, where no one was moments ago. They weren’t there when we started. I cock my head to the side and stare at them questioningly.

  “We can’t be around her when they do their weird sex shit. We found we shift and try to maul her, our beasts need to mate just as much as Rhydian’s seems too. Though the one that I can smell has more than one beast inside of him, he wasn’t as far off,” Brad informs me. I nod my head and take in all the new information, setting it aside in my mind as I smile at Ebbin.

  -I knew you were always strong, but this just proves it even more,- I think to him, and giggle when his face turns red and his shy smile makes his dimples come out.

  -Thanks, Bugs. Let’s see what else you go up your sleeve.-

  I click my tongue at him and turn, laughing once more when I see Blue and Torunn both standing with their men, all straightening their clothes, looking longingly at each other while they all sport embarassed faces.

  “So, I was thinking, I want to try and see what range those powers have. Get everyone farther away and close in slowly to see how far we have to be away from those two,” I say gesturing to Lyanna and Casey, “before any of y’all are effected. The only reason I got out of it was my magic. I pulled it to me, crushed their powers and also was able to push it out and break Ebbin, Merrick, and Rhydian free. I think I can do it for everyone if push comes to shove, but that will also leave everyone to fend for themselves, while I stay back and keep y’all guarded. I don’t know if I can use my Hellfire while I’m also doing that, so that’s another thing I’ll need to try this next round,” I explain, shrugging my shoulders, giving a weak smile to everyone.

  “Smart. I like the way you think. That will also help my guys to be in the action, human form or beast,” Lyanna smiles widely, rubbing her hands together.

  “Awesome, let’s get outside and see if it will affect the Agathions as well,” I suggest, already turning and walking away before anyone could say anything.

  -Cynide, Vie, can you both meet us outside, we want to see if Lyanna and Casey’s seduction powers will affect either of you,- I ask them both and not even a moment later, I hear the both, bounding through the woods that surround the property, running at full speed, Cynide in her Pegasus form.

  -Will everyone be shifting and using their gifts to see how they react? I don’t think the powers that any of us have here will, but shifting and seeing what everyone's inner beasts will do is a must. You do not want a Dragon trying to eat Rigar in flight, or the Hellhound trying to chase Caius,- Cynide suggests, though I can feel a certain emotion flowing from her; humor. She wants to see something like that happen. The far away look in her little eyes t
ells me all I need to know. I bite my tongue, imagining and trying not to laugh.

  I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I think we can all agree that’s what will need to happen. I just hope Ebbin is okay with shifting so much, so quickly.

  -Perfect idea. Why don’t you go ahead and tell everyone while I run inside and grab my sword. It’s magical too and I still have yet to see just how much.-

  “I’ll be right back, I’m going to go get Blade of Oblivion!” I shout behind me, already starting to jog away.

  “What do you need that for?!” I hear Merrick yell after me. so I shout back, “Cynide,” and race inside, hoping she will get the point to tell them why I need my sword too.

  Finding my ever ready sword, somehow waiting for me right at the back door, leaned up against the wall, I know for a fact I didn’t leave it there, so I glare at it, but grab it anyway and rush back out.

  My family and new friends are all standing far away from each other, about fifty or so feet. Lyanna and Casey are at the ready, waiting for my to make the call. I nod to them with my sword in my hand and grin when no one goes into 'heat' they turn and look at each other in confusion, clearly not use to their powers not working on those around them when they unleash it.

  “Move up five paces,” I shout and crunch through the snow waiting to feel the seduction take over once more.

  Nothing happens, so I take another five steps as everyone follows. We don’t feel anything until we are about thirty feet away. The Agathions feeling it first, going into a strange frenzy. Bucking and neighing as they swing their large heads from side to side trying to get as close to each other as they can without actually making a ‘beasts gone wild’ video.

  I throw my magic to them and pull them out of their lust filled minds and make them back away. We all start to feel it in the next five steps, so I take the chance to throw out my magic to everyone while I also try and bring my flames forth. Nothing happens when I first try, my concentration all on protecting the others. When I pull everything I have within me, light, dark, good, evil, I call to my Hellfire with the dark and ask the light to protect the others while I control my flames. It works for a moment, but quickly dies down and I am left in a heap, in the wet, cold snow. My energy is gone and there’s no way I will be able to keep going, so I take the help of my men and walk to a pile of wood. Sitting down, I notice Rhydian disappeared once I took my seat and when I look up to the back door, he’s rushing out with a plate of vegetables and sweet treats to help get my energy back up.


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