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Beyond the Veil Mira- The Complete Series

Page 71

by Trina Bates

  “I won’t tell you my powers. I think you get the gist of them if you know of my father and Valkyries. I won’t work for anyone in the government. Not after what Ebbin and I went through as children. Alastor will be dealt with in time.”

  Before I can finish, Ebbin sits down next to me, taking my hand comfortably in his and says, “The child she carries is all of ours. That’s all there is to it. We came here for help and have answered your questions. Will you help us or not?” His tone grows more angry with each passing word and he holds my hand tighter and tighter.

  I nudge Ebbin with my knee and when he looks at me, I look down, hoping he gets the point that he’s almost hurting me. He looks down at our clasped hands and his brows shoot high on his head and then he quickly lets go, looking at me with remorse. I shake my head slightly hoping to convey, I’m not mad about it and look back to a forlorn Warlen that is staring down at the table between us in shame.

  “I’m sorry. It’s very exciting to have a dual blood of such high caliber in front of me. One that exceeds even my gifts, and doesn’t want the position I hold. All you want, is to live a normal life. I can and will help with that, but there is one thing I require,” Warlen says as he looks up from the table and stares at me with a look of resolve.

  I know the only way to get what we want is to agree, but I need to know what it is first and see if my guys agree. “What?” I question harshly, as I glare at the man. He rears back and clasps his hands together. I can tell he’s disappointed with the lack of information we are giving, but to have his son in front of him, a man he didn’t raise but shares so much with, is enough to keep his calm demeanor as he looks from Ebbin to me a few times.

  “Your guarantee and evidence of your father's demise. I will call of the Conclave and have the documents drawn up right now, if, you can do that.”

  Warlen has himself a deal, if my men agree. Polly is already on it and I think I can get proof if asked. I turn and look to Ebbin first and he winks which makes me smile at the goofball. Rhydian puts his hand on my shoulder and nods so slightly I barely catch it. Merrick and Rhett are ginning behind Warlen and when I look back to the man, his hopeful expectant face is staring back at me. Those eyes of his, Ebbin's, are eerie to look at on another's face but I let that go and dip my head to him.

  “We can do that, can we hurry this along though? We have a lot to do and very little time,” I ask as I start to stand with help from Ebbin and Rhydian.

  I’m anxious to get home and ready to see my friends off and journey back to Yggdrasil. I miss Grunwald and our talks, the scenery and quiet, calming feel of the small cottage that quickly became home from just a short stay. I want to get things ready and have a few days to relax before Alyria comes, and as much as is pains me to rush things along with his newfound father, I can tell he wants to get away as much as I do. He no doubt needs to process everything that has happened.

  “Guys, can you give us a minute?” I ask to my men more so than Warlen as I pull Ebbin out of the room with me.

  “Of course. Take all the time you need,” Warlen answers for them all as I close the door to my other men's looks of surprise and audacity ridden faces.

  “What is it, bugs?” Ebbin raises a brow and puts his hands on my wrists when he looks into my eyes.

  I bite my bottom lip unsure of how to get everything out that I want to without sounding like his mom.

  “Do, do you want to stay here for a bit? Get to know Warlen? We have time. The rest of us can go back to the house and get everything ready, I can teleport back here and get you when we’re ready?” I ask in a mere whisper as I look at his forehead instead of his eyes.

  I know how much he has always wanted to know why he was given up and who is parents are. I feel like I’m taking away that chance by pulling him away. Warlen might have some strange quirks, but he is Ebbin’s father. There has to be so many questions running through his mind right now and feelings he isn’t understanding. I hope he says no for my own selfishness, always wanting him with me. And yes at the same time so he has the chance to get the answers he needs.

  He runs his hands up my arms and leans down so he’s looking me in the eyes. “Hey, we know where he is, who he is. That’s all the start I need now. Since he’s going to help keep us away from the Conclave, we’re safe now. I can come back at any time and I doubt he’s going to let me stay away too long.” He laughs, trying to lighten the mood.

  He’s right though, the man genuinely seems to want to get to know Ebbin and learn about his life as well. With the reactions he got from all of us when he overstepped with all of his questions, I doubt he’s going to let much of that go anytime soon. I can tell Warlen wants to make up for the anger he caused, but at the same time, see if he can find out the answers to the questions he has about us, along the way.

  I pull Ebbin in for a hug and ask, “Are you sure?”

  He pulls me back and kisses me without a second's notice and I melt into his arms, kissing him back deeply. “I’m sure,” he breathlessly says back when he pulls away.

  I bite my tongue and shake my head at him and then pull him back into the room when I whisper, “Okay.”

  “Warlen, as much as I would like to stay and continue this with you, my mate is right. There’s a lot we have to prepare for. When we get back with proof of Alastor and Mira gives birth, we can see what happens after that.” Ebbin’s sure and steady tone surprises me and when I look up to him from the side, his shoulders are squared and proud, his head held high as he talks to the man that should have had the chance to raise him.

  I peer back to Warlen from over my shoulder and smile on the inside when the man’s bright smile shines through and he nods his head vigorously to Ebbin.

  “I would like that. Come, come. Let’s get you some assurances before you leave.” Warlen is already striding passed us when he baritone voice reaches us and then the man is off once again, rushing back assumedly to the office we first met in.

  “So weird.” I hear Rhett whisper and laugh behind me and I look to the ground trying to hide the agreeing smile that’s plastered on my face as Ebbin takes my hand and pulls me with him after his father.

  * * *

  Back in the office, Warlen pulls out a link tablet and starts to clack away at the screen as he stares intently at whatever is in front of him. “What are all of the names that need to go onto this document?” Warlen asks to no one in particular, still staring at the tablet.

  “Merrick Sojel Herarah, Rhydian Kolmen Breca, Rhett Alarin Ralar, Mira Rachael Killman, and Ebbin Maylon Krass,” Merrick blurts out surprising Ebbin and me.

  We might be mates, but I don’t think my middle name has ever come up, and hearing the other full names are amazing. Masculine, fitting, and gorgeous. Merrick sees Ebbin and I’s twin looks of shock as shrugs his shoulders with a knowing sort of smile.

  “Ebbin is technically my guard, and your information was on the bar wall at Blue’s stating you had your license to serve. I remember things…” He quickly looks away and the hidden smile he tries to mask makes me laugh. I look back to Warlen trying to get the serious topic at hand back on track and he beams brightly and looks up to us with a smug, satisfied look as he stand. Warlen walks over to the a cupboard in the far corner that I hadn’t noticed before and pulls out a link stick and hands it to Ebbin.

  “This is all you will need. I also went ahead and put in the documents on the Conclave’s universal network that you are off limits, and not to be investigated further,” Warlen tells Ebbin as he put his hand on top of Ebbin's when Ebbin reaches for the link memory file.

  “Come back soon. Stay safe and call on me if you ever need. We’re family and family is alway protected. That goes for all of you,” he says as he pulls Ebbin in for an abrupt hug that takes my mate by surprise as he awkwardly one handedly pats the man’s back. Bro hug, nice Ebbin. I think and shake my head as they pull apart.

  “Thank you so much for doing this. I promise you, when all of this is over, I will dra
g him back here myself. Take care, Warlen, and thank you again,” I butt in when Ebbin says nothing.

  I think he’s still too shocked with finding his father, getting what we need to keep the Conclave off our backs and then having to leave so soon. We will get through this, like everything else, and then our lives can get back to somewhat normal when we return from Yggdrasil. The only thing that is dampening my mood, apart from Ebbin leaving Warlen, is the fact I will be saying goodbye to Lyanna, Casey, Adam, and Brad.

  “I will, thank you. And you’re right. Family is alway protected, the same goes for you and yours. Speaking of, before we go… Do I have any siblings or immediate family here?” he asks looking hopeful to Warlen that beams at his questions.

  “You don’t have sibling, no. You are my one and only. But you do have two cousins, little girls. Eva and Loraina. You have one uncle, and one aunt that are my immediate blood. Hodje and Jeulenia. They will be ecstatic to hear about you and meet you when you return.” With a hand on his shoulder, Warlen leads Ebbin out before the rest of us as he tells him more about his extended family and when we say our goodbyes, it’s bittersweet as we all hold on to each other and blink away before Warlen’s eyes.

  * * *

  Teleporting us back into our room, I heave a sigh of relief and rush as fast as my pregnant self can go and strip out of the dress I’m wearing. I put on a pair of leggings with an off the shoulder shirt that’s baggy enough and still fits. I find my fuzzy boots and slip them on my feet, without having to bend over, and laugh when I come out of the closet to see my guys shaking their heads at me.

  “What?!” I shrug and sit down in my chaise for a minute. “I want to be comfortable, and since that’s not really an option with this enormous belly, I will take it where I can, clothes… and fuck you all. Ebbin and I were the only ones there that didn’t look like we just came off the cover of some sports magazine from hundreds of years ago. Shut up,” I scoff at them turning my back and glaring at the wall and then quickly look in the mirror trying to see the gestures of faces they’re making behind me.

  The three look at me with pride and get smug, satisfied looks on their faces. Merrick crosses his big arms and flexes his muscles as he gives me a smoldering look only he can pull off. Rhett flips his hair back and grabs the front of his pants which makes me wince and look away he knows how much of a goof he is and how much I love it. Ass. He, of course, starts to laugh so I look at the next hottie. Rhydian blows me a kiss and saunters off and out of the door before I can say anything to any of them.

  I roll my eyes and wave for everyone to follow and go downstairs to the office. Stopped on our way, Blue, Torunn, Gor, and Lyanna are standing barricades as we round the corner from the bottom of the steps.

  “Spill, what’s going on?” Blue mock glares at us all.

  “Are you safe to stay in this realm?” Gor asks and Torunn must have had the same question because after Gor said it, she turned her approving gleam to him.

  “If you are, I still expect a visit after that little girl is born! I can’t wait to spoil her rotten and give her, her first dragon ride with Gregor!” Lyanna squeals as she bounces on her feet and claps her hands.

  I palm my face and try to stifle the laugh I feel coming on.

  “Okay, okay. One, we’re safe, for now,” I say looking to Gor and Torunn, “Don’t worry, we just have to bring back proof of Alastor’s death and it will be permanent.” I tell them with a bright smile and shake my head knowingly at an all too excited Lyanna when I answer her question. “Two, we will bring Alyria everywhere to meet her extended family that can’t wait to meet her. Three,” I look to Blue knowing her answer is going to take the longest and there’s only going to be more questions after. “The Puissant is Ebbin’s real father, he agreed to keep us safe for a few reasons, and we plan to honor each part. He wants the proof as I said, asks to get to know us all better and three? I think he wants to know what all Ebbin and I can do. He asked what the others were, but didn’t say anything when we didn’t answer. He was too enthralled in knowing I am what I am and the fact that his son is a Trenary.” I take a deep breath and shoulder between Lyanna and Blue which are standing with their mouths gaping open, and reach for me as I pass through them and wiggle away to the fridge.

  I don’t know what happened to the food I brought on the little excursion, I most likely ate it along the way, but I’m hungry again and want to get something in me before we start to pack. A little miffed there’s no bacon. The foreboding feeling of Lyanna and her bonded going back to their realm seeps into me once again and my mood significantly shifts from light and fun, to solemn and grumpy. I turn with a bite of cheese in my mouth and chew while I pout and look at Lyanna’s gorgeous face.

  Her deep soulful blue eyes, pert red lips, and onyx hair that’s so long I want to run my fingers through it. So weird, Mira. Are you really thinking about that, in a sexual way to a chick? Or is it just pretty? Fuck me, stop it! I shake myself and look away quickly from Lyanna when she notices my faraway look as I stare at her. My cheeks flame so I take another bite of cheese and throw in a few olives, loving the mixed tastes.

  -She’s doing it again. I can almost hear her thoughts, but she’s not projecting hard enough. Why is she so much better at blocking us than we are?- Rhett whines in all of our heads making me almost choke on my food as I cough a few times to clear my throat. Rhydian rolls his eyes and walks over to me but looks at the still silent four while they all stand looking like fish out of water with their mouths moving but nothing is coming out.

  -Shut up, idiot. She’s got that whole, ‘I am almighty powerful, hear me roar, I am woman’… thing.- Merrick laughs in our minds as he says it and slaps Gor on the shoulder as he passes him and sits down at the island taking a big bite of apple.

  -Fuck all of you, shut up. We need to get Lyanna and her guys back safely and get to Yggdrasil. I want to go dip my toes in the crystalline pink waters by the cliffs before this little one shows up.- Pushing my point harder, I rub my ever growing stomach that has I’m sure caused some epic stretch marks that I can’t see yet and finish my food as my other two guys take a seat around the island with Merrick while Rhydian rubs my shoulders from behind me.

  “So…” I trail off, leery of how to bring up the inevitable. I look around the room, trying to steer clear of any eyes as I awkwardly and cowardly try my best to keep this conversation from coming about.

  Lyanna huffs, coming out of her trance. She drops her shoulders along with her head and starts to slowly stomp over to me. Throws her arms around me when she’s within reach hugging me tight, “I know. I wish we didn't have to go, but there’s a lot we have to take care of back home. These three knuckleheads have to take care of the club; Valon and Aimene still want to go over some… Succubus things with me and I really miss my mom. But you promised to come visit, and I’m holding you to it.” She pulls back away from me and swivels her little body towards Torunn and says, “You too since you know the way. Mom and dads are going to love a visit.” Torunn smiles and dips her head and Lyanna turns back to me. “I’ll make Emily fry us up some of her delicious steaks, and you can meet the cranky ball of fluff Kaila, her sister. She’s a riot, I think you two will get along like long lost sisters.”

  I sniff and hug her tight and tell her, “I promise we will. Stay safe, okay? And thank you for everything. I am going to miss you so fucking much, you crazy sex lady.” She giggles and lets go of me fully walking over to Torunn and hugging her tight after we laugh for a few seconds at my poor attempt at a joke.

  It hurts to see her go, but knowing the realms are soon going to be rid of Alastor means she can rest easy and smile more upon her return. She’s been fighting her own literal and figural Demons for quite some time and for her to have the ease of mind, knowing one of the worst ones out there is no more will surely help her sleep better at night. I know I will.

  Casey, Adam, and Brad all appear from around the corner with their arms full of their belongings. They set th
em gently down on the ground and come to give me a hug first and then the others in the room. I don’t know where my mother and Rial are, or Blue and her Vikings, but they would never miss the chance to say goodbye.

  “You take care of that little one, and those four knuckleheads you’ve got. I have a feeling they’re going to be just as much work, if not more than taking care of a little tot.” Adam surprises me with his joke and warm embrace.

  A laugh bursts from me as I hug him tight and nod my head into his shoulder. Casey comes next and bro hugs me with a goofy smirk and leans in whispering, “If you ever need any more help, don’t hesitate to call on us. The sex from the thrill of everything was more than we all ever expected.” I lean my head back with wide eyes and snort shaking my head at him and patting hiM on the shoulder.

  “We aren’t all as chivalrous as that nitwit, come here,” Brad says pulling me into him. “Thank you for everything. We came for a fight, they thought we lost, but little did they know how special each of you truly are. Be seeing you,” he finishes with a tear in his eye.

  “I’ll miss all of you so much. I promise, be seeing you is the correct way to part. Soon.” I sniffle as Torunn takes their hands. They each send us all a smile and then they’re whisked away going back to the shifter realm that I can’t wait to visit one day soon.

  Tears free fall from my face as I stand there staring at the empty spot where they all just were. Before I know what’s really happening, I’m enveloped from behind. Small arms wrap around me from the back and when I turn, Blue’s understanding eyes stare back at me.

  “You didn’t even get to say bye before they left. Today has been insane, but I didn’t think they would leave so quickly. Now that they’re gone, I feel like I‘ve just been sucker punched in the gut,” I blubber and turn so I’m hugging her slender frame.


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