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31 Days of Summer (31 Days #2)

Page 29

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘I know why I’m showering again, but why are you?’ she asked as she kissed my shoulder.

  ‘I trod in baby shit,’ I muttered.

  ‘Trod in it? What was it doing on the floor?’ she laughed, as I spun in her arms to face her.

  ‘I’m a fucking amateur and left the soiled nappy on the floor and forgot it was there.’

  ‘O dear, it seems there are some things the mighty Mr. Davenport isn’t capable of doing well,’ she teased as she kissed me and I felt myself harden again.

  ‘Trust me I won’t make the same mistake twice.’

  ‘So did you have fun, other than getting shit all over you?’

  ‘We had a long chat, I’ve warned him about the ways of women,’ I nodded, as she lathered up some of her lime body wash. ‘How they tempt you with their looks and bodies.’

  ‘You’re a fine one to talk,’ she retorted, as she grasped my stiff cock in her soapy hand and had me hiss through my teeth. ‘For once you’re going to do as you’re told, lean back against the wall,’ she ordered. I raised my eyebrows at her. ‘If you want me to give you a blow job, you’ll lean back and spread your legs now. Don’t make me repeat myself.’

  ‘Oliver’s watching,’ I objected as he seemed to stare right at us.

  ‘He has no idea what he’s looking at.’

  ‘It’s weird,’ I retorted and quickly pulled away and headed over to pick up his rocker and turn it around. Ellie burst out laughing as I went back to join her. ‘He’ll be scarred for life seeing you touching me sexually, let alone sucking my cock.’

  ‘He’s a baby, he’s not old enough to remember or understand. Are you trying to tell me you’re not in the mood?’

  ‘Trust me, I’m always in the mood, but if I agree to let you do this, you have to agree to let me lick you out, then fuck you when I’m done.’

  ‘You drive such a hard bargain,’ she sighed with a smile, as she sank to her knees and I closed my eyes and gave into it.


  I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in one of his luxurious soft towels and applied my moisturiser. While I was excited about having a proper night out with him again, I was nervous about leaving Oliver. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Mrs. McAdams, I even got nervous when Brooke or Molly were looking after him at night, while I was having a well-earned rest. I guess all mothers felt the same at first, maybe always. I slathered in body moisturiser, pleased that my skin had a hint of glow about it from an unusually hot summer and padded out to the bedroom as instructed, to find my gift from Dan. There were four boxes on the bed, ranging from tiny to large. I opened the smallest one first and held my breath as I saw the small square velvet box. No way was he proposing, it wasn’t exactly my idea of romance either to have a ring left on the bed with no heartfelt words, but anyway it was way too soon. We needed to give this living together a go before we thought that far ahead. I let out that breath gently, as I saw it was just a pair of earrings. Then again “just a pair” wasn’t a very fair description at all. They were a simply stunning pair of art deco round emeralds with a halo of diamonds around the edge, hanging from a diamond encrusted platinum dangling stud. They matched my bracelet he got me last year perfectly and I was so glad that I’d thought to bring it with me. The other smallish box contained three more charms for my bracelet and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from crying when I saw the ones he’d chosen. I opened the medium sized box and found a pair of emerald green suede laser cut peep toe shoe boots. They were stunning with slender high heels. The last box contained a beautiful emerald green dress, with a plunging neckline, the parts covering my breasts held together by a silver link, matching the links around the neck area leaving my back exposed. I held it up against me to find that it came to just below the knee. I laughed as I saw the card in the box that had one word written on it. “Accessible.”

  As it was hot, I pulled my hair back into a sleek high pony tail, which would also show off the lovely earrings. I went without makeup, except for mascara and eyeliner, then spritzed a little perfume and slid the dress on, leaving my knickers off as instructed, and sat on the chaise to do up my new shoes. The colour really suited my skin tone and I was thrilled when I took in the effect in the mirror and did a twirl, happy to see the dress didn’t ride up enough to give anyone a glimpse of my naked flesh. I grabbed a small silver clutch for my lip gloss and phone and headed over to the nursery to wake up Oliver from his nap and made sure his nappy didn’t need changing.

  ‘I’m going to miss you so much,’ I sighed as I kissed his chubby little cheek. He lay his head on my shoulder and yawned, so I kissed him again and carefully made my way downstairs. Dan and Mrs. McAdams were sitting out on the decking, making the most of the sun so I went out to join them.

  ‘Wow,’ Dan uttered, as he looked me up and down.

  ‘Hmmm, my thoughts exactly,’ I smiled as I drank him in, dressed in a pair of smart black jeans, with a black belt and silver buckle, with a white shirt tucked in, rolled at the sleeves and slightly undone at the neck. He could wear a hessian sack and still look utterly gorgeous.

  ‘Miss Baxter, you look so pretty.’

  ‘Mrs. McAdams, please call me Ellie. I hope that with me moving in soon we’ll become friends.’

  ‘We will be friends and may I say how happy I was when Daniel told me his news, Ellie,’ she beamed.

  ‘Why can you call Ellie by the name she prefers and not me?’ asked Dan with a shake of his head.

  ‘You’re paying my wages, it’s disrespectful,’ she retorted with a stern look at him. He looked at me and sighed, making me laugh. He could be dominant as hell with men, or with women sexually, but he was too respectful of women to put his foot down when he was being put in his place and I kind of loved that. ‘So, hand Master Oliver over and you go and enjoy yourselves.’

  ‘He’ll need feeding anytime and he gets a bit gassy afterwards and prefers his back to be rubbed rather than patted. He loves being bounced and sitting in his rocker, but he needs to go down for the night at about eight-thirty,’ I advised, as I kissed him again and lay my head gently on top of his. Dan stood up and walked over and held out his arms.

  ‘Come on, let me have a second with him before we go,’ he ordered. I nodded and reluctantly handed him over to his father.

  ‘Right my boy, you behave yourself and no peeing in Mrs. McAdams face please or we’ll be having words,’ he warned with a stern face, which just made Oliver giggle. I smiled and dabbed my eyes with a tissue.

  ‘He’ll be fine, Ellie. Daniel’s given me your number if I have any problems, which I’m sure I won’t. Just go and enjoy yourselves. You’re a young couple in love, you should be out having fun. Now hand him over Daniel and get going.’

  ‘Night Oliver,’ Dan whispered and kissed the top of his head. I did the same before he handed him over to Mrs. McAdams. ‘Right, let’s get going,’ announced Dan and threw me over his shoulder as I shrieked in horror and he laughed. It was one thing doing it when we were alone, but in front of his housekeeper? She burst out laughing and Oliver started squealing as he gurgled with delight at all the commotion.

  ‘Oliver Daniel Davenport,’ I scolded as I smacked his bottom.

  ‘Ellie Baxter,’ he chuckled as he spanked mine, making me gasp. Mrs. McAdams chuckled and held Oliver’s hand to wave goodbye to me from my upside down position, as Dan started striding down towards the boathouse.

  ‘Bye baby,’ I called. ‘Love you.’

  ‘I’m not going anywhere.’

  ‘I wasn’t talking to you, you … caveman.’

  ‘Chivalrous caveman, thank you.’

  ‘Where are we going? I didn’t even have a chance to discuss where all the baby stuff was, I’ll need to ring her as soon as I have a signal.’

  ‘No you don’t. She helped buy everything and put it away, it’s hardly a labyrinth in his room.’

  ‘I miss him already,’ I sighed, as I tried to look back up at the house, but she’d gone indoors wi
th him.

  ‘Then you’ll just have to make do with me, won’t you?’

  ‘I’ll never make do with you,’ I whispered sincerely, as I tucked my hands into his back pockets and he chuckled.

  ‘Deja vu, Miss Baxter, deja vu.’

  ‘You really have the most amazing backside I’ve ever felt,’ I observed, as his tight muscles moved beneath my palms.

  ‘And you often go around touching other men’s backsides?’

  ‘O, didn’t your file dig up that data on me? I’ve received many a caution for fondling men on the tube.’

  ‘As long as it wasn’t their tubes you were fondling I have no problem with that.’

  ‘Don’t make me laugh, you’re making me dizzy as it is. So where are we going?’

  ‘Not far and Mrs. McAdams knows where we are if there’s any problems. Which there won’t be.’

  ‘You’re cooking me dinner in the boathouse? Crap, I hope there’s a local delivery place for when you burn the place down.’

  ‘Oi,’ he laughed, as he spanked me again, making me bite my lip as a frisson of excitement flowed through me. ‘We’re going on the boat to the hotel. I’ve arranged a special meal for us.’

  ‘What have I done to deserve a special meal? And special jewellery? My earrings are simply stunning, and my charms were so personal and heartfelt, but you don’t have to keep buying me expensive things.’

  ‘I told you to accept my gifts graciously, or would you prefer I spank you again, firmly?’

  ‘You have spanked me firmly,’ I reminded him.

  ‘That was a light spank, nowhere near my idea of firm. As for what you’ve done to deserve this, you’re the woman I love, the mother of my child and you just agreed to move in with me, so I’m feeling … happy,’ he added after a considered pause.

  ‘NO! Not … happy? Quick we’d better call a paramedic, feeling happy could be disastrous to your health.’ I squealed again, as he spanked me again with a laugh.

  ‘I missed this banter with you.’

  ‘You did? Because I rather got the impression I infuriated you.’

  ‘You did, which I found really hot.’

  ‘Found or find?’


  ‘Then I’d better start pissing you off and fast.’ I watched the gravel change to wood under his feet and tensed up. ‘Please don’t carry me on the jetty.’

  ‘You need to learn to trust me, Ellie. I’ll never let anything happen to you,’ he advised, as he started to make his way down it, glimpses of the deep water showing between the gaps in the boards.

  ‘What if you fall, if we both fall in? Please put me down,’ I pleaded.

  ‘I’ll save you, Ellie. Just like I saved you last time, just like I’ll always save you. You and Oliver are the most important things in my life now, I’d risk my life for the two of you over and over.’

  ‘I don’t want you to risk your life or mine, we only just found each other.’

  ‘And we’re going to have many years together, because I’m never letting you go,’ he announced as he grabbed my waist and lifted me up into the air and sat me in the boat.

  ‘Well not letting me go didn’t last for long,’ I uttered, as I gripped the padded seat below me.

  ‘Take deep breaths, you’re fine. I’ll just cast off then put a life jacket on you, you have nothing to worry about,’ he advised in a reassuring tone. I looked up at the clear blue sky, with the odd wispy white cloud trailing past, anything to avoid looking at the loch below and around us. ‘We’re going to start swimming every day while the weathers warm, get you used to the water.’

  ‘Like hell we are,’ I bit back as I looked over at him. He gripped the edge of the boat and flipped his legs over the side to jump in, with an ease and grace you wouldn’t expect of a man that tall. When he put his mirrored shades on I felt my heart flutter, I was so in love with him. He approached me with a bright orange life vest and started to do it up around me.

  ‘You live surrounded by water, you need to learn to swim. I’m not going to let you be afraid for ever, Ellie. You’ll do as you’re told and I’ll be right at your side.’

  ‘Think again, I’m not going swimming.’

  ‘Yes you are, end of discussion.’ He grabbed my hand and tugged me to the front of the boat and sat me down in the leather passenger bucket seat.

  ‘No. You don’t get to tell me what to do or that discussions are over,’ I advised him with a glare, as he flipped a switch and the engine roared to life.

  ‘I’m not arguing with you when we’re about to go out on a date, but if you think you’re getting out of it tomorrow you don’t know me very well.’

  ‘And you obviously don’t know me, because I won’t be bullied.’

  ‘Bullied?’ he laughed, as he turned the wheel and opened the throttle and I shot back in my seat as the boat shot forwards, skimming across the water.

  ‘Slow down,’ I called, as I clung onto the edges of the chair and watched him standing, looking over the glass windscreen with the breeze ruffling his hair. He didn’t seem to have heard me, either that or he was ignoring me, or the noise of the engine and wind was too strong. ‘SLOW DOWN,’ I yelled.

  ‘This is slow, any slower we’d be going backwards, baby,’ he yelled. I closed my eyes and practiced deep breathing. I’d have felt safer in his bloody bouncy tin can on wheels than this damn … miniature … Titanic. ‘Open your eyes, you’ll never get over your fear if you refuse to look, or try.’

  ‘Don’t even think about lecturing me on dealing with issues, Mr. Complex,’ I retorted.

  ‘I don’t want to argue, open your eyes for me. I promised to take care of you and I don’t like it when people doubt my word.’

  ‘You’re such a control freak,’ I shouted as I did what I was told.

  ‘Name a time I have any damn control around you?’ he shot back. ‘I’m on the verge of blowing off dinner and dragging you down into that cabin and fucking you to reclaim my manhood.’

  ‘You’re in full control of your manhood, just don’t think you can control me whenever you want. I told you I’m fine being bossed about in the bedroom, but you won’t get away with it all the time out of it.’

  ‘Then I’ll just keep you chained to the bed,’ he grinned, as he flicked a glance my way. I stuck my tongue out at him. He held out his hand to me and I quickly took it as he squeezed it tightly and continued to steer with his right hand. Just having even part of his body touching mine reassured me, though it did nothing for my racing heart. I kept my eyes on the landscape rather than the water and it wasn’t long before I saw the hotel up in front of us.

  ‘We’re eating at your hotel?’

  ‘Yes. I figured you wouldn’t want to be too far away for your first time apart from him and they do amazing food. I need to let go now to steer us up to the jetty, are you ok?’

  ‘I will be,’ I nodded, determined I wasn’t going to be this weak woman who always needed him to hold my hand when I was scared. He slowly let go and gave me a smile as he worked the boat controls, but instead of pulling up at the main hotel jetty, he headed towards a small cabin with decking that overhung the water. I looked up at him confused.

  ‘Private dining,’ he advised, as he expertly pulled up alongside and cut the engines, before leaping out. I watched him knot the ropes with the skill of a seasoned trawler man, as I undid my life jacket and tucked it down the side of my seat. ‘Come on then, your caveman wants to manhandle you out of the boat and into the building.’

  ‘Can he be a sophisticated caveman as I went with the whole “accessible” instruction and don’t want other diners getting a glimpse of my pussy thank you.’

  ‘Private dining as in private, no one else, just you and me,’ he confirmed, as he gently lifted me out and placed me down on the wooden planks next to him, then took my hand and led me along the jetty and up the steps onto the decking.

  ‘O my God,’ I gasped. The glass doors had been pushed right back and I was looking into
a cabin that had been painted totally in white, just like the boathouse and had tones of silver and gold throughout in the modern artwork, candelabras and the stunning crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. There was a grey stone wall to the right which housed the magnificent fireplace, which had been filled with flickering candles. Right in the centre of the room, positioned just in front of the sliding doors was a table for two with a large silver vase full of multi-coloured gerbera’s, my absolute favourite flowers. ‘This is stunning, Dan.’

  ‘Thank you,’ he smiled as he pulled out a chair for me and let me take my place, then flicked out my napkin over my lap and kissed me, before sitting next to me and taking my hand again. ‘It used to be more rustic, all natural wood, but you loved the boathouse so much, I had this done up as well. It’s a really popular wedding venue.’

  ‘I can imagine, I mean look at that view up the loch with the mountains, it’s just stunning.’

  ‘You know my lawyer’s son got married here, last Christmas. I owed his dad a favour, so while Mr. and Mrs. McAdams were on holiday I let them stay in the boathouse and ferried them there the night of their honeymoon and back here on Christmas day to meet their family. I thought I’d felt low before, but that was probably the worst day I’d ever experienced. They looked so happy it just made me feel all the more alone. She was so kind to me, insisting that I join them for Christmas dinner rather than be on my own. She reminded me of you, how you’d have done the same, because you have the most incredible heart, Ellie Baxter.’ He held my gaze, his green eyes merging with mine as I blushed.


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