31 Days of Summer (31 Days #2)
Page 34
‘How’s my favourite girl and boy doing?’ he called.
‘Dada,’ Oliver screamed and nearly deafened me. Dan laughed and strode around, zipping down the fireman’s pole as I put Oliver down on the floor. He did a stompy run to his father who caught him in his arms and launched him up into the air making him scream with delight. Dan sat him on his hip and headed over to where I was standing, feeling all choked up watching them both. My two gorgeous men, I was so lucky.
‘You look mighty fuckable this morning,’ Dan announced, as he dipped his head and kissed me. I laughed and slapped his shoulder.
‘I’ve already “been done” this morning and I told you, no language like that in front of him. Not now he’s learning to talk and picking up words. Can you imagine Luiza or Magda’s face if he came out with that word?’
‘They wouldn’t be impressed,’ he laughed.
‘And you can tell Logan to stop repeating the phrase “I’m just a love machine” to him when he calls. He thinks I can’t hear him, but I can.’
‘You tell him, he doesn’t listen to anything I say,’ Dan scoffed. ‘He’s intimidated by you.’
‘Hmmm. You’re one of the few women he’s ever met who doesn’t swoon at his feet. It’s not a reaction he’s used to.’
‘Well he has some serious competition doesn’t he?’ I smiled as I smacked his bottom. ‘I doubt there’s a man on the face of the planet who could make me feel the way you do.’
‘There better not be, but I love it when you know all the right things to say,’ he sighed as he kissed me again and Oliver burst into a fit of the giggles. ‘You won’t be laughing so hard when it’s the girl of your dreams you’re kissing my boy,’ his dad advised him with a serious look on his face.
‘Which will be many, many years down the line,’ I warned. ‘After we’ve met her and given our approval on her suitability for you and don’t go getting any ideas of following your uncle Logan in his dubious evening profession either.’
‘Over my dead body,’ retorted Dan. ‘He’s going to take over Davenport Technologies if I have any say in the matter.’
‘I’m so proud of you,’ I advised, as I got the eggs out of the cream ceramic chicken on the worktop. His new software launch was rivalling the market leaders and had catapulted his company into the top five. We had to make a visit to San Francisco every two months for him to meet with his tech experts to review progress on updates and new innovations. His home overlooked Golden Gate Park and the roof terrace had the most amazing views of the ocean and the bridge. I loved our visits there and he always made sure he allowed some time to go sightseeing with me. Magda usually accompanied us to give us some alone time for hiking, running or evenings out, as Mrs. McAdams had a fear of flying. Oliver certainly wasn’t lacking in love from all the women in his life.
‘As am I of you, NYT bestselling author,’ he grinned, as he put Oliver in his high chair at the island and sat down next to him.
‘Thanks,’ I blushed. My book had done far better than I’d ever imagined and I’d been paid another advance on a manuscript I’d just finished. My sex life with Dan was all the inspiration I needed for erotic romance novels and this book featured a dominant businessman who pursued one of his geeky lab techs.
‘Soon you won’t need me for my money.’
‘I never needed you for that,’ I smiled. ‘Just your super-hot body and that face that still stops traffic.’ He laughed and I went about making us all breakfast, feeling so damn happy and wishing my parents were here to see me now.
‘Babe,’ grinned Brooke as she answered her iPhone. ‘Where is he, I haven’t missed bedtime have I?’
‘Great, nice to know where I stand in your list of priorities,’ I laughed.
‘You know I love you, but you’re not on a time limit, my little man is.’
‘Big man,’ I corrected. ‘As it happens he’s not in. He’s gone with his father for his first ever visit to the pub, as everyone was desperate to see him and Dan thought it would give me a break.’
‘O,’ she sighed as her face fell. ‘Well I’ll try him there when we’re through, I can’t not have a bit of Ollie love. So, still running you ragged?’
‘Like you wouldn’t believe,’ I groaned. ‘He’s like a whirling dervish and toddles until he sways on his feet then keels over and falls asleep. It doesn’t matter where. He fell asleep on his potty the other day, I looked away for a second to get some baby wipes and he was face down on the floor covered in his own wee.’
‘I so love these in depth discussions,’ she laughed.
‘Please, like I haven’t endured your poo talk for the last nine years,’ I scoffed.
‘Fair point,’ she replied with a grin. ‘I do have to tell you we had a slight situation in the night. I produced a chocolate laser and could shit through the eye of a needle it was that bad.’
‘Really? How lovely for you.’
‘It wasn’t actually,’ she stated looking all serious, totally missing my sarcasm. ‘Hell knows what I had to eat yesterday that made me squirt, and not squirt in that seriously good way when Molly has her tongue working overtime, but OWWWW that stings like a mother fucker.’
‘Brooke,’ I laughed. ‘There’s a nasty sickness bug going around, maybe you had the other end of the deal. Mr. McAdams has had it with a high temperature, I’m just praying Oliver doesn’t get it.’
‘Well I’d better be rid of it by next Friday. Can’t go wedding dress shopping when I’m on brown alert can I? It will end up like that scene in Bridesmaids.’
‘O God, please don’t joke,’ I shuddered. We’d booked in at a designer store for her dress search. I really didn’t want her having the shits in there, her potty mouth was bad enough, we didn’t need to add her flatulent bottom to the mix.
‘You’re still coming right?’
‘Of course I am, try stopping me. No way you’re picking something without my input. I have the partners meeting on Thursday afternoon, but I’ve booked Friday off, so I’m yours all day. We can do dress shopping in the morning, lunch with cocktails and maybe fit in some sexy underwear shopping. I need to stock up.’
‘Yeah right, Dan buys you loads of stuff.’
‘He does,’ I agreed, as I thought of my custom drawers in the new dressing room filled with beautiful luxury lingerie. ‘But he rips a lot of them off, and sometimes I like to surprise him with a little something new he hasn’t purchased or seen.’
‘Sex still as hot huh?’
‘O yeah,’ I nodded with a wide grin. ‘Scald your fingertips hot, impaled by a red hot poker hot.’
‘Bet Zac’s a long distant memory now,’ she nodded.
‘I forgot to tell you, I had an email from him the other week.’
‘Noooo,’ she exclaimed looking at me stunned. ‘It’s been nearly two years.’
‘I know. I was kind of intrigued so I opened it, don’t tell Dan or he’d flip.’
‘Don’t tell Dan? He puts James Bond in the shade for covert sneakiness with secret files. He’s probably already hacked your email and seen it, or it’s really him, pretending to be Zac to see if you’ll fall into his cunningly designed trap,’ she nodded looking all smug.
‘And what exactly would he have to gain by telling me he’s in the Philippine’s selling shares?’
‘Zac’s in the Philippines?’
‘Apparently so.’
‘Selling chairs? Don’t they have shops and stuff over there to buy their own?’ she asked looking puzzled.
‘Shares, not chairs,’ I laughed.
‘Well I was thinking I’d never heard of a chair salesman. What’s he doing out there?’
‘Didn’t say, but I’d imagine he had trouble getting a new job in Finance over here, given his track record. Maybe they’re less selective over there.’
‘Plus isn’t the place known for its ladies of the night?’
‘How lucky was I to walk in on him fucking those hookers?’ I asked with
a shake of my head.
‘Damn lucky, even though it may not have felt it at the time. Did you ever sell your engagement ring?’
‘No,’ I sighed as I felt my cheeks flush. I’d hoped never to discuss this with anyone.
‘You’re not being sentimental over that arsehole are you? Not when you have overbearing dominant kill anyone who hurts you gives you multiple orgasms and showers you with gifts and babies, Dan?’
‘Well firstly he’s only showered me with one baby, the other is a work in progress, but no, I’m not being sentimental.’
‘Then why didn’t you sell it?
‘Because it wasn’t real Brooke, alright? It was a silver ring with a cubic zirconium made to look like the real thing.’
‘What a fucking cheap skate,’ she gasped. ‘You had such a lucky escape there. Dan’s engagement ring won’t be fake, in fact you’d better move into the Tower of London so you can lock it up every night with those Crown Jewels.’
‘I won’t be getting engaged Brooke, unless you’ve forgotten he’s already married. I know deep down he feels likes he’s committing a sin by living with me and having a child as it is. Engagement is never going to be on the cards while she’s alive, well artificially alive.’
‘I wish he’d just switch off that damn machine already,’ she grizzled.
‘I know everyone thinks it’s for the best, but honestly he needs to come to that realisation himself. He’s starting to let go, I mean he only goes twice a week now instead of six days a week, that’s progress, right?’
‘It’s just not right me getting married before you. I mean I never even wanted to and you were all about marriage and family and it looks like I’ll be walking down the aisle first.’
‘It’s not a race with a prize at the end, Brooke. Would I rather be married? Sure, but I live with the most amazing man in the world, I have a beautiful son with him, so I’m happy. Getting married would just be the icing on a very delicious cake that I’m already eating.’
‘Or icing on the cream filled Dan donut,’ she volunteered with a shrug.
‘Will you give over with that? I haven’t been able to face a cream or custard filled one since you first brought it up,’ I grimaced. ‘I’m amazed you haven’t started on the snowballs.’
‘It’s a bit early for that, they only hit the shops at Christmas time.’
‘Not the Snowball drinks, the sexual snowballs.’
‘Sexual snowballs? Wouldn’t you get vagina burn from shoving a load of snow up there?’
‘O my God, when did I become the sexually aware one of the two of us? Snowballs, when instead of swallowing after a blow job, you exchange the contents of your mouth with your partner, back and forth.’
‘You do that?’ she gasped, her green eyes bright with horror.
‘No,’ I laughed. ‘Dan doesn’t like waste, it’s either in me, swallowed or he likes to go down on me after he’s filled me.’
‘Dirty dog,’ she chuckled.
‘Sexy dirty dog,’ I laughed.
‘Who’s a sexy dirty dog?’ came a voice behind me and I screamed and dropped my iPad, which made Brooke scream, then Oliver squeal as I looked around to see Dan’s standing holding him.
‘Shit, you just gave me an early coronary,’ I gasped, as I put my hand to my throat.
‘Me too,’ came Brooke’s voice. ‘Stand me up again, all I can see is the ceiling,’ she moaned.
‘What’s wrong? Why are you home so early?’ I asked him, as I picked Brooke up.
‘I’m not feeling great. I’ve been sick,’ he sighed.
‘No,’ I uttered and plonked the iPad on the coffee table and headed over to him and touched his forehead. He was burning hot and clammy. ‘Right, we need to get you hydrated and to bed.’
‘I was planning on taking you to bed for a whole night of debauchery, not for you to play nursemaid.’
‘Still here,’ yelled Brooke and I ran back over to her.
‘Brooke I’m so sorry but I need to get Dan to bed and to check Oliver’s not got a temperature too. Can I call you tomorrow?’
‘Working, babe,’ she sighed.
‘Arsehole bleach?’ I asked trying to keep a straight face.
‘No,’ she chuckled. ‘Thank God. A day of massages.’
‘Sunday then?’ I asked as I heard Dan moan. I looked around and he’d sat Oliver on the floor and was running to the utility room. ‘Shit, I have to go, it looks like Dan’s throwing up and if I don’t physically restrain Oliver before he finds his feet I’ll never catch him, he’s like The Flash.’
‘Go babe, I’ll email you my shifts, but don’t you dare let me down next Friday.’
‘Never. Love you, bye,’ I replied as I blew her a kiss and quickly switched off. ‘Damn it,’ I uttered, Oliver was already on his feet.
‘Dada,’ he giggled, as he started making his way to the utility door.
‘Great, a night away from me and you still want him,’ I objected, as I ran after him and scooped him up as he giggled his head off. ‘It’s past your bedtime, but mummy needs to check on daddy so you, my boy, are going to have a late night while you play in your pen for a while,’ I announced, as I carried him through to the playroom and sat him down in the wooden enclosure. He pulled a face and hauled himself up and pouted, as he looked at me through the bars. ‘You really are going to get the girls flocking with that look,’ I advised, as I felt his forehead, then grabbed a thermometer from his bedroom and checked his temperature. I let out a sigh of relief, he was fine. I handed him his favourite toy of the moment, a plastic container with cut out shapes that he could shove blocks through and he quickly sat down with a face of concentration to try and stick the square in the round hole, making me laugh. I found Dan sitting at the kitchen island draining a glass of water and checked his temperature as well.
‘I’m fine,’ he sighed.
‘No you’re not, your temperature’s up, you’re clammy and I’m pretty sure I heard you throwing up.
‘I can’t be sick, I’m never sick,’ he objected.
‘Well you are. So get that sexy backside into bed. I’ll get a bowl and towel and a jug of iced water for you, then come down and try and put Oliver to bed, before I come back to check on you.’
‘What about sex?’
‘Sex?! Forget it. One decent thrust and you’ll be spewing on me or having a serious follow through situation. Thanks but no thanks. Bed, now,’ I ordered as I pointed my finger.
‘So hot when you’re bossy,’ he grinned.
‘So hot when you’re sick. Burning up hot, not sexy hot. Shift that backside, now, and no kissing or touching Oliver until that temperature comes down.’
‘This day just gets better and better,’ he muttered as he headed off.
Day Twenty Four
Tuesday 28th June ~ Year Three
‘You’re too weak to do a long drive,’ I sighed as I sat on the edge of the bed and ran my fingers through his hair. ‘You heard the doctor yesterday, you’ve had a nasty bout of gastroenteritis and need to rest and drink these electrolyte sachets. If you feel up to it later I’ll liquidise some chicken soup for you, ok?’
‘I’d kill for a steak, something solid,’ he winked, with a wicked twinkle in his eye.
‘You and me both,’ I sighed with a half-smile at the thought of his solid cock. It was the longest we’d been without sex since we’d reunited. ‘Maybe when you’re feeling a little bit better I’ll let you have both,’ I replied and kissed his forehead.
‘I’m feeling a lot better,’ he replied, as he slowly trailed his fingers up my bare thigh. I laughed and slapped them away.
‘No lies, I heard you being sick earlier.’
‘I heard you too, I can’t believe you’ve avoided it for so long and now you’ve got it as well.’
‘I’m fine, I don’t have a temperature, I’m not clammy and someone has to go and do the food shopping and visit Theo, Florie and Moira. It’s been a while since I went, so I
’ll take Oliver out with me for a visit, while you take it easy. I’m up to date with work and if the office or a client rings they can leave a message.’
‘I’ve been taking it easy for three bloody days. My legs are going to atrophy,’ he grumbled as his forehead creased.
‘Highly doubtful,’ I replied, wondering why he couldn’t apply the same logic to Moira lying there years later. ‘I downloaded the latest episodes of Arrow and The Flash onto your iPad so you can watch them in bed to take your mind off things.’
‘They’re not shows for kids,’ he objected as I smirked. I teased him that he didn’t watch anything but comic recreations. ‘They have serious adult stuff going on, violence and gore.’
‘And sexy girls. I’ve seen your eyes light up when Felicity Smoake’s on screen.’
‘I have my own smokin’ babe here, one I’m going to fuck into next century when I can sit up without barfing.’
‘And they say romance is dying,’ I laughed. ‘Right drink one of those sachets every hour while we’re out, ok?’
‘I don’t like the idea of you driving down the hill,’ he frowned.
‘I think you’ll find it’s a mountain, and not a hill that an English man went up and stuck a load of rocks on top of to give it the extra inches, so he could come down and call it a mountain. I’m not overly keen either, but it’s dry and sunny and the more I do it, the more at ease I’ll feel.’
‘Ring me when you get there so that I know you’re ok?’ he asked as his fingers tangled around mine, concern etched on his pale, yet still handsome face.
‘I promise. I’d better go, Mr. McAdams will be waiting for us.’ I stood up and wiped my hands clean on a disinfecting hand wipe, we were getting through them like water, but so far Oliver had escaped the bug.
‘Ok big boy, out you get,’ I coaxed, as I held my arms out to pull Oliver out of his car seat after letting Dan know we’d made it in one piece. Driving the Range Rover was a weird experience after my low Mazda. I could see over all the hedges and it felt like I was driving a tank. Worse was that I hadn’t driven in forever. If we did go out Dan always drove, being the controlling alpha male he was.