‘From what I hear so do you, but I never got to see it.’
‘I’m sure Stuart will be able to pencil in some time for you, when you’re next in London, Miss Baxter.’
‘Then I’ll call him to make a date, Mr. Davenport.’
‘Are you up for one more orgasm?’ he enquired. I looked at him surprised.
‘You’re ready again?’
‘No,’ he laughed. ‘That will do me until tonight, but there’s one part of my fantasy that we haven’t fulfilled yet,’ he advised, as he gently slid out of me. ‘Take off your sexy green … boulder holder.’
‘Boulder holder?’ I laughed as I turned to face him.
‘I’ve no idea what that,’ he gesticulated with the crop he was still holding, ‘is called, but it’s damn hot, and I love that you got green to please me.’
‘I always try to please you,’ I reminded him, as I undid the laces at the front. He groaned again as my breasts came into view and slowly trailed the crop between them, then circled one of my nipples as my excitement levels mounted again.
‘Baby two is going to have to go on the bottle. I can’t wait another few years to suck on those nipples, without the taste of breast milk in my mouth.’
‘I see, your sexual desires come above the needs of your own children?’ I narrowed my eyes at him and he sighed.
‘Sod it, I’ll get used to it,’ he uttered and quickly crouched to take one in his mouth and licked and sucked. Seconds later he came up with a face like he’d drunk a pitcher of sour lemonade and I burst out laughing, as he swallowed and shuddered.
‘Welcome to the world of swallowing for women,’ I smirked.
‘Please, I taste far nicer than that and I’m about to prove it. Part your legs again,’ he ordered. I bit my lip as I did as I was told, desperately clenching so as not to traumatise the fish, who were gathered below us, opening and closing their mouths. Dan slowly ran the crop down my stomach, the lightest of touches of the leather on my heated skin, and I hitched my breath as he moved down and firmly ran it back and forth between my legs and a moan involuntarily left my throat. I could feel the crop gliding through me easily and prepared myself for him to flick me with it. I looked at him surprised when he pulled it away and slowly lifted it up, winked at me and sucked on it.
‘O my God, you’ll make me come again doing things like that,’ I groaned.
‘That’s the plan. Walk over to my desk and crawl across it on your hands and knees. Leave your shoes on and turn around so you’re facing the waterfall,’ he ordered with a cheeky smile, as he strode away, skirted his desk and sat back in his chair with his hands cockily behind his head.
‘But I’m … you’re leaking out,’ I objected.
‘Precisely when did the Sir portion of the afternoon stop?’
‘Sorry, Sir,’ I replied, as I clicked across his stone and glass floor in my high heels. This felt so bad, being naked but for my shoes in his office. I carefully climbed up onto his vast desk, my heavy breasts swinging like pendulums below me, his eyes following each movement. I slowly started to circle on my hands and knees, until I was facing his water feature, my backside pretty much level with his face. Despite my earlier powerful orgasm I started to tremble again, at the thought of what he was about to do. He ordered me to grip the other side of the desk and to spread my knees apart, before plunging his face between my legs and licking me to another lengthy climax, as he cleaned me up at the same time. I felt tears of ecstasy rolling down my face. He was soft, gentle, hard, forceful, adorable, controlling and I was crazily in love with all sides of him. He let out a soft groan as he finished up and lay a delicate kiss on my abused clit, before hauling me off the desk into his lap, my legs hanging over the top of the cushioned leather arm.
‘I love you,’ he sighed as he kissed me. ‘You’ll never know how much.’
‘I love you too,’ I yawned as my head dropped onto his shoulder.
‘Have I bored you again?’
‘Exhausted me. I may be home at nine tonight,’ I replied.
‘Well it’s only three o’clock, why don’t you have a sleep here for a while, then I’ll call James to come and get you and Miss Parker to go home and get ready to go out.’
‘Your sofa does look seriously comfy,’ I smiled.
‘My sofa? I have a bedroom and en-suite next door, hidden behind that large canvas,’ he replied, with a flick of his head to the left. He swivelled his chair around and I let out a sob, as I covered my mouth with my hands. There was a floor to ceiling canvas in black and white of me laughing as I released Oliver’s hands, as he took his first steps with a cheeky grin on his face.
‘I thought Feng Shui didn’t allow for personal things?’ I asked, as I looked at him feeling so touched, that even here we were a part of his life.
‘As long as they’re not over the top.’
‘They do a canvas bigger than that?’ I laughed.
‘If I wanted them to, yes. Family is very important, not only to me but the businessmen in the Far East, it will show what kind of man I am when I’m negotiating with them.’
‘A good one,’ I smiled, as I stifled another yawn. He quickly lifted me up in his arms.
‘Right bed.’
‘Sofa,’ I pleaded. ‘If you don’t have a meeting, I’d love to sleep on the sofa and listen to you talking on the phone. Your voice is so relaxing you’ll make me fall asleep.’
‘The ability to bore my investors and clients to sleep, when I’m in the middle of a pitch or deal, isn’t exactly what I want to hear.’
‘Not boring, relaxing. To Oliver and to me. We love to hear you talking.’
‘Well there’s a bidet in there if you want to clean up, then put some clothes back on, I can’t be trying to work with you naked in front of me. I’ll bring the duvet and pillows in here for you.’
‘Jenny,’ I exclaimed, as he carried me over to the secret door. ‘She’s sitting waiting for me.’
‘I paid a very generous amount to have her wait around for you. Trust me, she’ll be comfortable in my staff room.’
‘I want to talk to you about an idea I’ve had, that involves her.’
‘Don’t tell me you want a ménage, as I don’t want to share you, besides she’s not my type,’ he frowned.
‘No,’ I smiled. ‘I’ll leave Logan to the whole ménage scene thanks.’
‘So we’ll talk later tonight, or tomorrow. Right now you need to get dressed and sleep.’
‘Ok, Sir,’ I grinned and got one in return. He pushed a button hidden behind a bamboo plant and the canvas swung backwards and he carried me into a luxuriously appointed open plan bedroom and bathroom. I frowned as I wondered how many women he’d had sex with in here.
‘None,’ he stated, as if reading my mind. ‘I kept business and private separate since I built this place, after learning the hard way screwing your PA in your office wasn’t the best of plans, when security have live feeds of it.’
‘I never asked,’ I said, as he set me down on the heated slate floor.
‘I could see your mind thinking it. Don’t worry about anyone seeing you in the bathroom, the glass is mirrored, no one can see in.’
‘That’s what they said about The Shard,’ I reminded him.
‘Less talk, more getting dressed or I’ll be fucking you again, and I have calls to make,’ he ordered, as he gathered up some pillows and the duvet and strode out. I was soon tucked up and so comfy, I felt my eyes starting to close already. ‘Sleep for me, Ellie. You have a big week ahead and I want you rested so you can enjoy it,’ he whispered, as he kissed my forehead.
‘So, you’re her bodyguard are you?’ asked Brooke, as she sipped on her first cocktail of the night and eyed Jenny up and down. They hadn’t had a proper chance to talk over dinner, as Brooke had wanted me next to her, Molly and Jenny sat opposite with Brolly’s four work friends flanking us. We’d been so noisy with our chatter and laughter it was hard to hear anything.
‘Just for tonight,�
� she nodded.
‘Feel free to guard my body, very closely, anytime.’
‘Brooke Hanson, you’re getting married in a week, you did not just proposition Jenny?’ I laughed, with an apologetic look at her. It sucked us being the only sober ones. I’d lost track of the bottles of champagne consumed over dinner by the rest of them.
‘Just sussing her out. I’ve been with a few army girls, who didn’t know they were eager for beaver until they met me.’
‘Navy,’ Jenny and I replied together.
‘Really? I always thought marines were in the army.’
‘No, that’s why there’s the water connection, like navy seals,’ I laughed.
‘What water connection? And I though all seals were grey.’
‘You’re too funny,’ Jenny chuckled.
‘She’s being serious,’ I replied and was met with an incredulous look as I shrugged. Jenny managed to stifle some more laughter and Brooke pulled a pout.
‘What’s going on? What’s so funny? And where can I see navy seals, because those would be so cute, especially with a yellow ribbon around their necks, with one of those beach balls on the ends of their noses.’
‘Welcome to my world, Jenny,’ I laughed. ‘As the expert, I’ll leave you to explain this.’ I watched Brooke’s face change from curious to total embarrassment, to discover navy seals weren’t actually cute fat seals that were navy blue in colour.
‘How does everyone know this shit?’ she moaned.
‘Are you embarrassing yourself again, sweetie?’ asked Molly, as she came over and gave her a kiss.
‘Did you know navy seals were men in the actual navy in America?’
‘Yessss,’ Molly said slowly, as she nodded her head.
‘You need to find another bride, I’m thick as cow shit,’ Brooke sighed.
‘Pig,’ we all chorused at the same time and everyone including Brooke burst out laughing.
‘How many have you had? I asked.
‘Not enough,’ she giggled. ‘How’s my mama bear anyway?’
‘Very happy, I had a wonderful few hours with my man, seeing his amazing office too.’
‘His amazing orifice?’ she teased and Jenny spat her water all over the floor.
‘Huge Brooke,’ I nodded, determined to loosen Jenny up even more. ‘The entrance was a big black cavern, ask Jenny, she entered it at the same time.’
‘Double penetration I’m all for that action. Was babe, was,’ she quickly added as Molly slapped her arm. ‘But black? He needs to see a doctor about that, that ain’t normal for no white dude, he needs a serious case of orifice bleaching.’
‘Please stop,’ Jenny spluttered. ‘I’ll never be able to look at Mr. Davenport the same again.’
‘His water works were pretty impressive too,’ I added and Brooke and Molly started laughing as Jenny went bright red.
‘How about his central shaft?’ Brooke asked with a straight face. ‘I hear it goes up in about twenty seconds?’
‘Yeah, lifts all the way, leaving you dizzy until you finally, arrive,’ I agreed.
‘Stop, stop,’ Jenny groaned, ‘I’ll wet myself.’
‘Panty liners babe, better safe than sorry,’ nodded Molly. I screamed as Jenny suddenly grabbed me and shunted me to the side, just in time to miss a drunk guy who lurched into Brooke instead.
‘Wow, amazing reflexes,’ I uttered, as I got over the shock of the sudden movement.
‘Sorry, Ellie. He was heading right for you.’
‘What about me?’ Brooke protested, as she rubbed her shoulder where he’d bashed into her.
‘She’s a one woman bodyguard, not a ninja,’ I replied.
‘Speaking of ninja’s I’m off to do one, that garlic butter does me in every time.’
‘TMI babe, TMI,’ Molly sighed with a shake of her head.
‘She’s off to do a ninja?’ asked Jenny, looking confused.
‘A shit so fast no one sees it, not even her. It’s in, then it’s out, in the blink of an eye,’ I nodded, as I sipped my mocktail, not even finding it odd anymore that I knew this stuff about my best friend.
‘I had to ask didn’t I?’ Jenny sighed with a shake of the head.
‘Don’t ask her about seeded bread for christ’s sake, I made that mistake last week at work and had a twenty minute way too in depth, strain by strain, scratch by scratch description of it,’ Christie one of their therapist friends added, making us all laugh again.
‘Are you sure about this whole wedding thing, Molly?’ I teased. ‘Not too late to call it off.’
‘I love her,’ she sighed with a dreamy look on her face, as she sucked up the last of her cocktail. ‘She’s goofy and overshares, but she’s just so funny and amazing, warm hearted and fiercely loyal. She threatened to punch Dan’s pilot if he didn’t fly faster when Ellie was unconscious.’
‘She did?’ I asked, touched.
‘She called him a slow moving lazy twat and said she could fly faster, without the plane. Then she asked if he’d ever been related to one of The Flintstones and offered to call Mr. Gadget to lend him some extending legs, so his feet could reach the ground to help him run faster.’
‘O, that’s so sweet,’ I laughed. ‘Typical Brooke. So, who’s for another round of drinks?’
‘Let me buy these,’ offered Molly.
‘No, it’s on me. Wedding and hen night remember?’ I was dying to tell them that when Dan found out that they weren’t going away for their honeymoon, just having a week off work at home, he’d booked for them to go to Rome and Venice. Molly was really into her architecture and Brooke was always happy if Molly was happy. He was even supplying his small jet each way, along with stays in some five star luxurious hotels, all food and drink to be included and some spending money as well. I loved him for wanting to make my friends happy. Actually I just loved him, full stop. Jenny came with me to the bar, as I placed an order for the same eight drinks.
‘Are you ok, Ellie? You zoned out for a minute there.’
‘I’m great,’ I replied. ‘Just thinking about their honeymoon, Dan’s booked them a surprise and its killing me keeping it to myself.’
‘He seems a good man.’
‘The best,’ I nodded, as I felt my stomach turn in that good way as I thought of him. I sent a quick text to Luiza to ask how Oliver was and she replied with a photo of him snuggled up in bed with his teddy. They’d kitted out one of their bedrooms for when he came to stay, with trains all over the wall. Daniel Davenport had a thing for steam trains and was determined to make Oliver ditch the “unmanly teddy bear” in favour of a locomotive, with Dan reminding him that Oliver was only a baby still, his love for teddies wasn’t indicative of any lack of masculinity when he grew up. ‘He’s the love of my life,’ I sighed happily.
‘He’s besotted with you, the way he looked at you today and was all take charge? I want me a man like that, though obviously not yours. I prefer blondes, something about a blonde guy that just gets me all … ugh, you know what I’m saying?’
‘I hear you,’ I replied as I high fived her. ‘For me it’s dark haired Dan all the way. No one else even registers.’
‘Babe,’ slurred Brooke, as Molly slaughtered one of my favourite Paloma Faith tracks on stage.
‘Yes, my drunken lush?’
‘I loooove you, smush.’
‘I love you so much too,’ I replied, as I hugged her and stifled a yawn. It was nearly midnight and I was dead on my feet, but no way was I letting on or Dan would be here … like The Flash. I wondered if he’d look good in a tight costume and cape, then shook my head at the thought of it, convinced that was one look even he wouldn’t be able to pull off.
‘I wan … toliver tubby,’ she hiccupped. ‘Tubby bridesmaid.’
‘You want Oliver to be a tubby bridesmaid?’ I laughed. ‘And when did you develop a Chinese accent?’
‘Tubby bridesmaid,’ she repeated, as Jenny quickly intervened to stop her falling over backwards.
�O Brooke, he can’t be a bridesmaid,’ I replied, as I took both of her hands in mine and she pulled a big pout.
‘Because he’s a boy and Dan would rather cancel the wedding, than see his son waddle up the aisle in a tiny dress.’
‘Groomsmaid then,’ she nodded. ‘Groooooomsmaid.’
‘It would be a Groomsman for an adult. Little ones are called Page boys and I’m not sure you’d really want him, he’s hell on wheels since he discovered he can toddle at a fast pace and he loves looking up ladies skirts. What if someone’s commando on the day?’
‘Ewwwww,’ Brooke giggled as she wobbled again. ‘Still want him. Sooo cute in a little suit.’
‘I suppose I could go and get him fitted tomorrow, if you’re really sure?’
‘Sure as … bacon.’
‘Eggs,’ Jenny and I said and looked at each other and smiled. I jumped when Brooke screamed and grabbed my hand.
‘Roar,’ she yelled and I did my best attempt at a Lion for her. ‘No silly billy,’ she giggled. ‘Roar, sing Roar with me again.’
‘She hasn’t sung it with you, has she?’ Jenny asked.
‘We did the winter I first met Dan. He’d pissed me off, so I had a drunken karaoke night with Brooke via Facetime, drunk dialled him and he came and held my hair back as I was being sick,’ I smiled.
‘No chunks for Ellie,’ Brooke said seriously, shaking her head.
‘No, no chunks of sick in my hair Brooke, though I think you may be getting some in yours tonight if you carry on drinking.’
‘Roar,’ she pleaded, as she tugged on my hand.
‘Ellie, I think you ought to be taking it easy, it’s late and Mr. Davenport won’t be happy with me if you have a dizzy spell and hurt yourself,’ Jenny advised, as she placed a restraining hand on my arm.
‘Spoilsport,’ moaned Brooke.
‘She’s only doing her job, Brooke. Ok, how about I sit on a stool while we sing and you come and sit next to me and join in? That way if I do have a wobble, you catch me and call Dan to come and get me?’ I suggested, as I looked at her. She went red and gripped Brooke’s wrist to stop her dragging me off. ‘You already called him?’
31 Days of Summer (31 Days #2) Page 44