31 Days of Summer (31 Days #2)

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31 Days of Summer (31 Days #2) Page 45

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘I’m sorry, but you’ve been trying to yawn in secret for over an hour and a half and I saw you swaying as you walked to the toilet earlier. My instructions were very clear.’

  ‘Hose me down my knickers are on fire. Order me two of those hot tamales to go,’ uttered Christie, as she sucked her drink through a straw and stared behind me. I looked around and smiled. Dan and Logan had just arrived and virtually silenced the mostly female bar. ‘If no one’s going in, I am,’ she added.

  ‘Tell you what, let me give it my best shot,’ I suggested.

  ‘Reckon you can pull both of them?’

  ‘I reckon I can,’ I nodded. ‘If I do, you have to listen to Brooke’s Tale of Two Shitties that she’ll want to tell you all about on Monday, because her butts going to be on fire, after all that garlic and alcohol.’

  ‘You couldn’t have just made it money?’ she groaned.

  ‘Where’s the fun in that? If I lose, you get a shot at them both.’

  ‘You’re on,’ she nodded eagerly and shook my hand. I felt bad for tricking her, but I strutted over to my two favourite men, if you didn’t include Oliver in that mix, jumped up into Dan’s arms with my legs around his waist, clasped his face and kissed him, with as much passion as I could muster. He groaned into my mouth and gripped my backside, kneading it hard and I had to force myself to pull away.

  ‘Hey, baby,’ I grinned.

  ‘Hey, that was some welcome.’

  ‘I need to give Logan one too, or I lose a bet. No tongues, is that ok?’

  ‘Pretended you could pull us both, did you?’ he chuckled.

  ‘Well one out of two isn’t bad.’

  ‘I’m game if Ellie is,’ Logan nodded.

  ‘I see one fucking hint of tongue and they’ll be bloody trouble,’ Dan warned, as he set me down. I looked over my shoulder and bit my lip as the Brooke and Molly’s friends all stood looking at me stunned, then flung my arms around Logan’s neck. He made me squeal as he dipped me into a Hollywood kiss and planted his lips on the corner of my mouth, but made it look like he was going for it. I let out a girly giggle then warned him to let me back up, as I heard Dan growl next to us.

  ‘No tongue mate, I promise,’ Logan grinned, as he pretended to wipe his mouth.

  ‘Come on then flirtatious girl, it’s time for bed, and I’m not talking sleep after that kiss and seeing you in … whatever the hell you’re wearing,’ Dan nodded, as he cocked his head to check me out.

  ‘It’s a leather mini skirt and asymmetrical blouse.’

  ‘It’s fucking sexy.’

  ‘Are you drunk?’ I exclaimed, as he ran his hand up my skirt and I slapped it away.

  ‘We’ve had a few,’ nodded Logan.

  ‘But Dan doesn’t drink.’

  ‘Special occasion, celebrating you being back on your feet and baby number two.’

  ‘Are you mad with me?’ Dan frowned, as he tried to grab my backside again.

  ‘No, of course not, just surprised.’

  ‘Come on then, let’s go. James is outside.’

  ‘I was about to sing a song with Brooke, please let me, she’ll be so disappointed if I don’t.’

  ‘Ellie,’ he sighed, as he rubbed his face.

  ‘So I’m too tired to be able to sing one song with my best friend, but we can fuck for the night?’ I exclaimed, as I put my hands on my hips indignantly.

  ‘I’m going to go and say hello to the girls if you two are about to have an argument, good luck mate, you picked a feisty one,’ Logan chuckled as he strode off.

  ‘Baby, you shouldn’t be overdoing it, besides in bed you’re lying down.’

  ‘Daniel Davenport, you did not just suggest that I lie like a piece of meat, while you get your end away?’

  ‘That’s not what I meant,’ he groaned. ‘This is why I shouldn’t drink. I fuck up, but in my defence you’re looking super-hot.’

  ‘And I look super-hot from all angles, enjoy one of me walking away from you,’ I retorted with a so there look, as I strode off. I grabbed Brooke’s hand and dragged her up onto the empty stage, Jenny quickly following with a groan.

  ‘You’re so going to lose me my pay check.’

  ‘I’ll pay you and I want a discussion about whether you feel you could work with me long term.’

  ‘Seriously?’ she looked at me surprised.

  ‘That bad?’

  ‘That good. You guys are so nice and amazing fun,’ she grinned. ‘That doesn’t mean I won’t put my foot down with you if it’s required though.’

  ‘Deal. I’ll call you next week to sort out a meeting, once I’ve got my sex crazed chauvinist of a man to agree to my plan.’

  ‘Too serious, Roar,’ moaned Brooke.

  ‘We’re going to Roar right now,’ I smiled as I squeezed her hand and perched on the stool, as Jenny selected the song for us. I pulled my tongue out as Dan scowled at me, standing with Logan and Molly and the rest of the girls as we let rip and I laughed at Brooke’s out of key and out of sync slurring. Jenny had a good voice, she was going to be fun to have around, no way was Dan going to overrule me on this idea, it was perfect. The crowd started cheering as we finished, possibly more from relief that Brooke’s singing had stopped, and Jenny helped her, given she was virtually legless, as we headed over to our group. I blinked a few times as I went lightheaded and stumbled, straight into Dan’s arms as he rushed forward and caught me.

  ‘This is your idea of taking care of her?’ he snapped at Jenny.

  ‘I was on the clock until the moment you walked through that door Mr. Davenport,’ she retorted, before I had a chance to say anything in her defence. ‘I fulfilled my duty, called you and got you here. It’s not my fault you chose to let her walk away from you, when I’d delivered her to you safely.’

  ‘Wow, you sure know how to pick women with backbones,’ laughed Logan, as he slapped Dan on the back.

  ‘She’s been by my side all night Dan, and saved me from a drunken man who nearly knocked me over. She’s amazing and you won’t say one more mean thing to her, or you’ll be on a sex ban for the next month.’

  ‘Women,’ he growled, as his face screwed up into an annoyed scowl. I screamed as he grabbed me and hauled me up into his arms.

  ‘That’s your Dan?’ uttered Christie.

  ‘If he carries on with this caveman routine, he can be your Dan,’ I replied, as I scowled back at him equally fiercely.

  ‘Be thankful I didn’t throw you over my shoulder. Logan, you coming?’

  ‘I think I’ll stay and make sure Brooke and Molly get back ok, they’re wasted.’

  ‘Miss Parker, I apologise for snapping. The remaining payment and a bonus will be in your account by the morning. Can we give you a lift home?’

  ‘Actually I think I’ll stay. As I’m off the clock I can have a drink and some fun. No offence, Ellie.’

  ‘None taken,’ I replied. ‘But if you feel like tackling this arse who’s currently manhandling me, I’ll pay you a bonus too.’

  ‘As strong and forceful a woman as you are Ellie, I’d rather side with Mr. Davenport. You are tired and you need to go home.’

  ‘See,’ smirked Dan.

  ‘If you think we’re having sex forget it,’ I warned, as he started carrying me to the exit with Brooke shouting how much she “lubed me smush” behind us.

  ‘You’ll want it, you love when I get all masterful on you. Look at you earlier in my office. You’re a natural submissive when it comes to sex, Ellie. You need a man to take control and give the orders and you know that when I do, you’ll gain far more pleasure from it. I bet you’re getting wet at the thought of my tongue on your sweet clit again, at my cock in your mouth.’

  ‘Stop,’ I moaned. ‘You’re so mean, you know talking like that gets me extra horny. You have some … “make women horny” super power and it’s not fair.’

  ‘You have a “make Dan horny” super power baby and I’m not complaining. I’m sorry if I ruined your night,’ he sighed as he
kissed my forehead.

  ‘You didn’t,’ I relented. ‘I am tired, but I was having so much fun I didn’t want to admit it.’

  ‘It’s not just you now, you have to remember you have our baby to look after and you’ve been through a horrible ordeal,’ he reminded me and I saw his glance flick to the angry red scar on my forehead.

  ‘You hate it don’t you?’ I whispered.

  ‘I love it. It’s a reminder of how much you love our son and would do anything to protect him. It just makes me love you more every time I look at it. Don’t worry about it, you still look beautiful, you’ll always look beautiful to me.’

  ‘Old smoothie,’ I smiled.

  ‘Not that old,’ he grinned back. ‘Sorry for the delay James, someone was digging her heels in.’

  ‘Evening, Miss Baxter. Did you have a nice night?’

  ‘Lovely thank you, sorry to keep you waiting.’

  ‘No problem at all, watch her head, the roof on the limo is lower than the car,’ he warned, as Dan ducked down to carry us both inside. He sat back with me on his lap and kissed my forehead.

  ‘So, fancy some hot limo sex?’ I asked, as I smiled up at him.

  ‘Actually, much as I’d really love to, you do look pale and tired. I want you to sleep.’

  ‘Seriously? All that fuss and winding me up and now you want me to sleep?’

  ‘Yes please. I need to go out early in the morning, but I’ll wake you when I get back and we can have a late breakfast. Mother’s going to bring Oliver over after lunch.’

  ‘Where are you going?’ I yawned.

  ‘Just something I need to sort. You don’t need to worry about it.’

  ‘Ok,’ I sighed, as I lay my head on his shoulder. ‘We need to get Oliver kitted out in a little formal suit, Brooke wants him as a Page boy. Actually she wanted him as a bridesmaid before I corrected her.’

  ‘My son in a damn dress?’ he uttered as he looked at me in disgust.

  ‘I know,’ I nodded. ‘So a little suit it is.’

  ‘Leave it with me, I’ll get it sorted. Come on baby, sleep for me, that’s an order.’

  ‘Ok, Sir,’ I yawned and snuggled into his neck. ‘I can’t wait for this wedding.’

  ‘I know you can’t,’ he whispered. ‘Don’t worry, everything’s going to be perfect. Trust me.’

  Day Thirty

  Friday 5th August ~ Year Three


  ‘So what’s the plan for tonight?’ I asked, as I curled up against his strong chest after making love. It was the day before Brooke and Molly’s wedding and we had people arriving on Dan’s larger plane this afternoon. Brooke’s parents, though not over the moon, didn’t want to miss their daughter’s wedding, so they’d relented and agreed to come. Molly’s parents were also coming, John and Edward too. I’d asked about their work colleagues, or other friends, but they insisted they didn’t want anyone else, they wanted it small and intimate. That said, they’d also asked Dan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. McAdams and Logan, which had surprised me. I guessed as they were part of my extended family now, they were also part of Brooke and Molly’s.

  ‘I’d booked the private restaurant in one of the towers at the hotel for us all, but I’m thinking we can blow off joining everyone and just fuck all night,’ he advised as he kissed my neck, making me go all gooey.

  ‘Very funny,’ I laughed.

  ‘I was being serious,’ he chuckled.

  ‘We fucked all night last night and you’ve just ruined me with an extra session this morning,’ I reminded him. ‘What time’s everyone due to arrive?’

  ‘Four o’clock and I’ve put on a fleet of cars to bring them all to the hotel, with the exception of Miss Parker.’

  ‘Jenny,’ I corrected him. ‘She’s part of the family now. Thank you so much for agreeing to take her on.’

  ‘How could I refuse? You get on really well with her, Oliver loved her when they met on Sunday and her references, with regards to her combat and bodyguard training, speak for themselves. My PR team are telling me that I have to get my face back out there, now the whole situation with Moira is over, plus spending more time in London with you, it’s only a matter of time before someone gets my photo, or we’re tailed back to the house. I need to know that you and Oliver are safe.’

  ‘And what about you?’ I sighed, hating the reminder that he could become a target for someone looking for a quick payday.

  ‘I have James for when I’m in London, but he’s recruiting a team for me as we speak, as well as a back-up for Jenny when she’s on annual leave.’

  ‘If you’re going to have them all with us round the clock, where will they all sleep?’

  ‘As you’re insisting on being the one to get Oliver up and put him to bed, I’m giving Jenny the boathouse. She gets her own space when she’s not on the clock and she’s nearby if she’s needed. I’m going to have to get an addition to the back of the house, where I can put two en-suite bedrooms, a security office with monitors and a kitchen and lounge for the entire team that will head up security.’

  ‘Well that covers Scotland, but what about London? Would we have to move? I love that house and location,’ I sighed. He smiled at me and kissed me.

  ‘You worry too much, I have it all under control.’

  ‘How? You know I don’t cope well with change.’

  ‘Stuart’s contacted all the mews houses in our street and told them that we want to put wrought iron, passcode and fingerprint, security gates at the end for access by all residents, with intercoms for each house. Plus security cameras at the other end, all paid for by me. They’ve all agreed,’ he advised. I nodded, that wasn’t a bad idea, the road our mews house was on was a dead end, as there was a high brick wall that backed onto someone else’s garden.

  ‘That’s smart, but it still doesn’t solve the sleeping arrangements.’

  ‘I bought the two houses either side of us,’ he shrugged.

  ‘I didn’t know they were for sale,’ I exclaimed, looking at him astonished.

  ‘They weren’t, but everyone’s prepared to sell for the right price. Stuart’s organising the architect to meet me in a couple of weeks to work on plans for here and the houses there. I can convert one house to have three bedrooms on the middle floor for the security team, all sharing one bathroom and the top floor becomes their own private lounge and dining room, with the master en-suite becoming their communal kitchen. The ground floor can have the security office, with connecting door to our current utility, which we need to keep as we’ll have more baby clothes,’ he grinned.

  ‘We will,’ I laughed. ‘Sounds sensible.’

  ‘The other two houses will remain our private quarters. We could knock our current kitchen through to the garage and have extra parking for guests. With the new house ground floor we could have our new entrance, a ground floor bedroom with en-suite for Jenny and a gym. We could knock through on the middle floor to have a huge open plan kitchen, dining room and lounge, keep our current spare bedroom and bathroom for guests and convert the new ones to a big home office for us to share. On the top floor in the new house we can knock through your office wall to connect the two buildings there and put in another guest bedroom, bathroom, and two rooms for the boys.’

  ‘Or bedrooms for Oliver and his sister,’ I corrected him with a smile. He really wanted another boy. ‘Dan it all sounds amazing, I can’t believe you’ve organised all this in a week, but it’s going to cost an absolute fortune.’

  ‘I have a fortune, which you seem to keep forgetting.’

  ‘I just feel … I feel guilty. You had this quiet non expensive lifestyle and suddenly it’s all about security teams and new houses,’ I frowned.

  ‘I was an unhappy single recluse then, Ellie,’ he replied, as he clutched my face and kissed me. ‘Now I’m a family man and there’s no reason for me to hide away anymore. I still love my life up here on our island, but I’m going to have to be in the public eye more now, and it brings about a necessity for al
l of our protection. I won’t have you and Oliver put at risk.’

  ‘I don’t want you at risk either. Is a threat that real? Has there been one and you’re not telling me?’

  ‘There hasn’t been one no, but James and my PR team have been warning me that by coming out of hiding, and with my firm suddenly being projected into the limelight with our market share having grown substantially, it’s a possibility that can’t be ignored. You don’t need to worry. Jenny’s already suggested cameras on the mainland shore line, as well as dotted around the island, with strategically placed lasers that will sound an alarm if they’re broken. I’m also looking at having a floating helipad put on the other side of the island, out of sight of the main track to the jetty. Running you up that hill on a stretcher wasn’t ideal.’

  ‘O Dan, it all sounds so complex.’ I tightened my grip on him and kissed his chest. The thought of someone trying to hurt any of us for his money, was horrible.

  ‘You won’t even be aware of most of it, other than Jenny being with you or close by. It’s nothing to worry about, I promise. I just need you and Oliver safe.’

  ‘Mama, Mama, Mamamam,’ came a little voice down the monitor, making me smile again.

  ‘Speaking of, it sounds like someone’s ready for breakfast. I have a craving for pancakes, bacon and maple syrup, would you like some?’ I asked.

  ‘Let me get him up and make them for you, have a lie in. We’re out tonight and you have a big day tomorrow, I don’t want you getting over tired,’ he offered with another kiss. I sighed happily. I was the luckiest girl in the world, though the thought of his pancakes didn’t fill me with joy.

  ‘Maybe I’ll have bacon and eggs instead,’ I suggested.

  ‘What’s wrong with my pancakes?’ he uttered, with a hurt look on his face.

  ‘What’s right with them?’ I laughed. ‘The last one you tried to flip took me days to get out of the extractor grill.’

  ‘Practice makes perfect, in all things,’ he chuckled as he thrust his hips forward to rub a new erection against me.

  ‘Pancake practice, most definitely. Sex? You don’t need practice at that, you’re quite the sexual Zen master, but we don’t have time now anyway,’ I reminded him, as Oliver started calling for me a little bit louder.


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