31 Days of Summer (31 Days #2)

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31 Days of Summer (31 Days #2) Page 47

by C. J. Fallowfield

‘A speech?’ I looked at him wide eyed, as my mind started to catch up to what was actually happening and I caught my breath as he dropped to one knee in front of me and grabbed my hands again.

  ‘I love you, Ellie Baxter. More than I can even begin to tell you. You’re the most amazing girlfriend and the best mother to my son. You’ve ruined me for life, because if you ever left me you’d break me. I’ve been trying to ask you to marry me in a romantic way, but with your incessant babble you’ve managed to ruin that. Just agree to bloody marry me woman and put me out of my misery, because I’m dying in front of our family and friends here.’

  I just stood looking down at him, not sure I’d heard him right. Had he really just proposed to me? When I’d told myself it was never on the cards for us? His marriage to Moira had obviously been the reason it could never happen, but even after he became a widower I just assumed he’d never want to go through it again, that it wouldn’t hold any meaning to him. I blinked a few times to refocus and saw him looking up at me confused, emotion swimming in the beautiful green pools of his eyes and I took a sudden shocked deep breath. He meant it, he really meant it, I could read it written all over his face. He wanted to marry me. I felt my bottom lip start to wobble, as tears started to roll down my face and I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

  ‘Now you have nothing to say? The one time I really need you to say something?’ he asked nervously, as he wiped his own eyes with one hand, while still clutching mine in his other.

  ‘Ask me again,’ I whispered with a giggle. ‘Without the bossy “just agree to bloody marry me woman” part.’

  ‘Yeah as I said, not really the romantic way I’d planned,’ he laughed. ‘Ellie Baxter, I’m so in love with you and I’m going to love you for the rest of our lives. I want our family to be whole, complete. Will you please do me the honour of becoming my wife? Marry me, Miss Baxter,’ he asked, in that sexy baritone of his. How could anyone refuse him?

  ‘Yes, Sir,’ I nodded. A load of cheers went up behind us.

  ‘Most unromantic and drawn out proposal ever mate,’ ribbed Logan, but neither Dan or I took our eyes off each other, as we grinned stupidly through our heightened emotional state.

  ‘You agree to this and it’s for life, Ellie. No matter what we go through, if you tried to leave I’d hunt you down to the corners of the universe. I’ll never let you walk away from me.’

  ‘I never would,’ I whispered sincerely. ‘I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you.’

  ‘Tell me about it,’ he sighed as he rose back up, clasped my face and kissed me again, before hauling me against his chest as everyone cheered again and started clapping. ‘You’re shaking.’

  ‘You sort of shocked me, first I think you’re dying, then you tell me to shut up, then you propose.’

  ‘I’m sorry it wasn’t perfect,’ he sighed as he released me and wiped under my eyes.

  ‘It was perfectly imperfect, just like we are, how we’ve always been,’ I sniffed, he nodded and blew out a deep breath and I reached up and gently dragged my thumbs under his eyes too, then gasped and stepped back holding my left hand in the air. I was so stunned at what he’d just done, that I hadn’t even felt him slip a ring onto my finger. I looked back up at him with my mouth open.

  ‘You only just realised?’ he laughed with a shake of his head, as he captured the ends of my fingers in his. ‘This is why you couldn’t come shopping with me on Saturday, I was picking it up.’

  ‘Dan I don’t know what to say. It’s … stunning is too tame a word for how this looks,’ I exclaimed, as I looked at the dazzling large round diamond, surrounded by a circle of emeralds, then another ring of diamonds, on a diamond channel set platinum ring. I’d never seen anything so beautiful, and the fact that it matched the bracelet and earrings he’d already purchased made it all the more special. ‘You’ve spent too much,’ I whispered, as I looked up at him again with tears in my eyes.

  ‘You’re so valuable to me, that as an expression of my love for you? Trust me, I haven’t spent nearly enough,’ he replied, as he lifted my hand and kissed it.

  ‘Finally he pulls out the romance,’ laughed Logan, as everyone clapped and surged forwards to congratulate us. I was passed from person to person for hug after hug and lots of exclamations from the girls, as they held my hand and examined my ring. I kept catching his eye across the terrace, sure the stupid grin on his face was reflected on mine. I’d have been happy even without a ring, just to know that I was going to be his wife was enough. Oliver woke up with all the noise and looked around wide eyed wondering what was going on, so I relieved Logan of him. ‘He really had a seriously romantic speech prepared you know, you totally ruined it.’

  ‘He just took me by surprise, I had no idea, I never imagined he’d want to get married again.’

  ‘He didn’t, Ellie. After losing Rebecca, then getting tricked by Moira and feeling such guilt, he’d sworn off ever having a relationship again, let alone getting married and having a family. They say everyone has that one person they were meant to be with though, you’re it for him.’

  ‘And maybe this Summer is it for you, but you have to be willing to take a chance, Logan. Just like we did,’ I nodded as I kissed Oliver, who snuggled his face into my neck.

  ‘So the best friend is one of the last to get to congratulate you?’ moaned Brooke, as she elbowed Logan out of the way.

  ‘You were over in the corner, I was trying to be polite as I spoke to people on my way to you. Did you know?’

  ‘Of course I did,’ she grinned, as she kissed my cheek and ruffled Oliver’s hair. ‘He was worried you’d think it was too soon after … well you know. He thought you may think he was rushing things and I had to flick his forehead and tell him that you had a baby before you had a relationship, so fuck convention and what everyone else may think. Love’s all that matters.’

  ‘It is,’ I grinned. ‘And what a weekend for love, my engagement tonight, your wedding tomorrow.’

  ‘I bet it will be yours before you know it.’

  ‘Mrs. Ellie Davenport, it has a nice ring to it doesn’t it?’ I giggled.

  ‘A very nice ring to it,’ she nodded as she grasped my left hand. It had never seen so much action. ‘Fuck me babe, that’s some bloody huge diamond.’

  ‘What did I tell you about using that language in front of him,’ I scolded, as I covered Oliver’s ear with my hand. ‘He’s picking up on some things people say now.’

  ‘Sorry,’ she grimaced, ‘habit.’

  ‘So are you nervous about tomorrow?’

  ‘Why would I be nervous? I love her, she loves me, Brolly forever, we’re meant to be.’

  ‘Please tell me that’s not in your vows tomorrow,’ I laughed.

  ‘I thought it was sweet,’ she pouted.

  ‘Very sweet,’ I smiled as I kissed her cheek. ‘Sorry to ditch you, but I haven’t spoken to Dan’s parents yet.’

  ‘The dreaded out laws,’ she giggled. ‘Except they’re amazing, well Mrs. D anyway, he’s a bit scary.’

  ‘It’s just his legal manner, he has a heart of gold under that hard exterior. He adores Oliver.’

  ‘Who wouldn’t, he’s a cute bundle of porky chubbiness,’ she said in a baby voice.

  ‘Are you calling my son fat?’

  ‘O shit, don’t start with the water works again, you were a nightmare when you were pregnant last time. Can’t you just have a nice craving, instead of the tears? He’s not fat, he just has normal baby delicious chub that I could eat right up,’ she sighed as she kissed his neck over and over, until he giggled.

  ‘Why don’t you have a cuddle with Auntie Brooke, while mummy goes to see Nana and Grandpa?’

  ‘Auntie Brooke would love a cuddle,’ she grinned, as she held her arms out and I passed him over.

  ‘If you think he looks adorable in this outfit, wait until you see him in his cute little waistcoat and tails tomorrow.’

  ‘Don’t,’ Brooke moaned. ‘I’m no El
lie, I don’t cry, don’t make me cry on my wedding day, that’s just mean.’

  I smiled and left them to it as I went to see Luiza, Daniel and Magda. Luiza grabbed me straight away and held me so tight it was hard to breath.

  ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you,’ she choked, full of emotion. ‘To see your child so happy is a wonderful thing and it’s all down to you.’

  ‘Well that’s very kind of you to say, but he’s worked really hard this last year on moving on too.’

  ‘Which he wouldn’t have done without you,’ she exclaimed, as she let me go and kissed me on each cheek twice as she held my hands. ‘I have told him off for you, I tell him romance, romance, romance and he proposes like this?’ The look on her face was a picture and I laughed.

  ‘We’ve never done things normally Luiza, why should this be any different?’

  ‘However you got here, we’re just so glad you did,’ she beamed, as she kissed me again and released my hands.

  ‘I’ll second that,’ nodded Daniel, as he stepped forward to kiss me as well. ‘He’s a different man with you, a better man. The man he used to be, but an improved version.’

  ‘You’re making me blush,’ I protested.

  ‘All of this is true, Ellie,’ nodded Magda, as she wiped tears from her eyes. ‘He is finally happy and to think you will have another little boy soon to add to your wonderful family?’ She hugged me as tightly as Luiza had.

  ‘He needs to stop telling everyone it’s a boy,’ I laughed. ‘We have no idea until we have a scan done to confirm it.’

  ‘Whatever you have if you need us, we are there. Magda is always there for babies of my Ollie.’

  ‘I know you are and it means so much to have you all in our lives.’

  ‘Is everyone done with monopolising my fiancée?’ Dan enquired, as he slipped an arm around my waist. Fiancée. Why did that feel so much more right this time around? I looked up at his happy face and realised it was because this truly was love. I wasn’t just a trophy girlfriend this time and he wasn’t my rebound guy who turned into my crutch. Zac and I were never meant to be, but Dan and I? This was the real deal. I slipped my hand into his back jeans pocket and squeezed and he looked down at me and winked.

  ‘You have her for the rest of your life,’ Luiza scolded.

  ‘And I’d like her for that long starting now,’ he confirmed, as he guided me away to a quiet corner of the terrace and kissed me, like he was about to throw me down on the floor and fuck me properly. ‘You make me so happy,’ he sighed as he broke away, firmly holding my sagging body against him.

  ‘And you me,’ I whispered as I lay my head on his shoulder. ‘I can’t believe I’m going to be Mrs. Ellie Davenport one day.’

  ‘And that day won’t be in the distant future, I don’t like waiting when I want something.’

  ‘Then we can think about setting a date when we have Brooke and Molly’s wedding out of the way and everyone’s gone home and it’s just you and me.’

  ‘And our little troublemaker,’ he laughed as we heard a little voice calling “Dada” and looked around to see him toddling over with Jenny holding his hand. Dan kissed me, then grabbed him and hoisted him up in the air, dropped him and caught him in his strong arms.

  ‘I don’t think I’ll ever be able to watch that without panicking,’ Jenny advised.

  ‘You and me both,’ I nodded. ‘But I trust him.’

  ‘You’d better, you’re stuck with me now,’ Dan grinned.

  ‘Yumyum,’ Oliver pouted.

  ‘I’ll sort his dinner, see you in a while, baby.’ Dan kissed me again, then Oliver pursed his lips for a kiss too and I stood with Jenny and watched them head downstairs.

  ‘I think I’m going to love working for you guys,’ Jenny stated.

  ‘I hope so,’ I smiled. ‘Oliver’s really taken to you and it will make me feel so much better to know someone’s always around if Dan’s out, or away.’

  ‘I’d like to get everyone back downstairs, you’re looking tired. We can all congregate on the sofas by the bar.’

  ‘I’m fine, just a little too much excitement I think,’ I answered, as I looked down at my huge ring again.

  ‘That’s quite a ring,’ Jenny nodded.

  ‘He’s quite a man.’

  ‘Are you sure you’ll be ok with Oliver for a few hours?’ Dan asked Jenny, as he dropped her and Oliver off with Mr. and Mrs. McAdams at the island jetty.

  ‘We’ll be fine. He’s fast asleep and I can heat him up some formula if he wakes up hungry. Have fun whatever you’re up to,’ she called and waved, as Dan reversed back out.

  ‘What are we up to?’ I asked.

  ‘It’s a beautiful warm night, the stars are out in abundance, we just got engaged and I didn’t bring the romance. I thought we could have a cruise around the loch, then drop the anchor and enjoy some peace and quiet, while I romance your clit.’

  ‘O, you are back on top form,’ I laughed.

  ‘It’s nice to see you so much more relaxed on the water.’

  ‘You were very persuasive last year, with getting me in the loch swimming and I know with you I’m safe in the water.’

  ‘You’re safe with me anywhere, baby, but it’s nice to know that I don’t have to navigate a life vest when I make you come, those breasts of yours should never be neglected.’

  ‘They get plenty of attention,’ I laughed, as we skimmed across the moonlit water.

  ‘Hmmm, not by my mouth. I miss them,’ he replied, flashing one of his sexy grins my way. I looked down at my ring and ran my thumb over it, still not quite able to believe what had happened. ‘If you don’t like it, I’ll get you another.’

  ‘I love it,’ I gasped, as I held it protectively against my chest.

  ‘I got it myself, I didn’t send Stuart out this time. I took a picture of your bracelet and asked them to source me something to match. They had about ten when I went the other week, so I chose that one, then took one of your other rings to let them size this one up, before I collected it on Saturday.’

  ‘What made you pick this one?’ I asked.

  ‘It was the most expensive,’ he chuckled.

  ‘Dan,’ I laughed. ‘I’d have been happy with any ring from you, but this is … it’s just so special and precious.’

  ‘Like you are to me,’ he replied seriously, as he cut the engine and dropped the anchor. He walked over to me, held out his hand and led me to the back of the boat, clasped my face and kissed me, deeply. His tongue may as well have been on my clit, the heat that spread through my body was intense, a powerful yearning to have him back inside me. I wrapped my tongue around his, as I caressed the back of his neck. I heard him let out a deep groan as our mouths melded, the temperature between us and around us, rising higher and higher. One of his hands moved to grip the back of my neck, the other my backside as he yanked my pelvis forwards onto his, with anyone else the force would have crushed their cock and provoked a groan, not Dan. It was me that groaned to feel the hardness of his steel rod bruising my stomach. I squirmed against it, which had him growl sexily. Damn it, my knickers were wet already, so powerful was my body’s response to his touch and kiss. Before I knew it, he’d unzipped my dress and nudged the one strap off my shoulder and let the whole thing slither to the floor, leaving me standing in just my silver heels and a white lace g-string.

  ‘Dan,’ I moaned, as his eyes dropped down to my breasts and his hands skimmed over my skin before reaching around to knead my bare buttocks.

  ‘Fuck, your body’s incredible.’ His voice was barely a whisper, but the lust in it was palpable, as was his hooded gaze, barely concealing the flames in his eyes. ‘Kneel on the seat, now,’ he ordered, finding his forcefulness again. I stepped out of my dress and did as I was told, the cool leather almost sizzling against my heated skin. I heard him undressing behind me and bit my bottom lip, as I closed my eyes to imagine his sculpted body, the moonlight casting shadows off each defined muscle. The soft breeze plucked at my hair, e
ven the slightest brush of it sent tingles firing along my nerves. I was in a complete state of heightened arousal, just from kissing and the thought of him touching me properly. I gasped as I felt his breath on my neck, then a gentle bite as his tongue circled inside his grip. I dug my fingers into the cushioned sundeck I was facing, tipped my head back and let out a series of moans. ‘Spread your legs for me.’

  ‘Don’t tease me, I need you,’ I pleaded between fast breathes.

  ‘Who’s in charge here?’ he asked with an amused tone, as he kneeled behind me, making me groan to feel his bare cock brushing against my backside, as he lay a trail of kisses along my neck.

  ‘You’re always in charge, I love you in charge,’ I nodded. ‘Uh,’ I cried, as his hands cupped my breasts, his fingers sweeping over my nipples, the barest of brushes, but it made them peak immediately. ‘You’re a sexual conductor,’ I sighed.

  ‘I do have a baton that’s ready for a workout,’ he chuckled.

  ‘I think it’s more of a trombone.’

  ‘A tuba,’ he whispered, as he ran his right hand down, hovering over my quivering pussy as I started to pant.

  ‘Please,’ I begged. He gently touched my mound, making me squeal, then trailed his fingers around my hip and slid them under my thin wet string from behind and let out a groan himself. My nails were going to leave marks in the cream leather of the sundeck, if he didn’t put me out of my misery soon. He pushed through my swollen folds at an agonisingly slow speed, coating his fingers in my arousal, but was careful to avoid my clit. ‘You’re driving me crazy,’ I moaned. My whole body was starting to tremble.

  ‘Bend over, hands behind your back,’ he ordered, his voice betraying how hard he was finding this teasing. I lay my chest on the leather and put my hands next to each other in the small of my back as I closed my eyes, which only heightened my senses more. He positioned one of my hands over the other, before wrapping his long fingers around my wrists, anchoring me in place as his other hand continued to tease me, I could feel myself flooding, trying to imagine what he was possibly intending. His hand was suddenly removed and I moaned in frustration, before hearing him greedily sucking his fingers. ‘Damn it, you smell and taste so good. Do you have any idea what it’s doing to my cock?’ he asked as he folded over me, his warm chest gently rubbing against my back.


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