31 Days of Summer (31 Days #2)

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31 Days of Summer (31 Days #2) Page 48

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Hopefully making you as wet and desperate as me.’

  ‘I am desperate, Ellie. Desperate to navigate unchartered waters,’ he growled in my ear.

  ‘You want to stop and cruise around the loch some more?’ I asked confused. What the hell was he playing at? Getting me all aroused and soaked for him if we weren’t going to have sex?

  ‘No,’ he laughed, a deep guffaw that echoed across the loch, as he thrust his fingers back between my puffed sodden flesh again. ‘This unchartered water.’ He slowly followed my groove backwards, until one of his fingers hovered over my backside and circled the entrance.

  ‘O God,’ I groaned. We still hadn’t had anal sex and I wasn’t sure I could take him, he was so big. ‘O God,’ I cried, as he gently pressed until I flowered open and he inserted a wet finger easily as my nerves sizzled, sending messages of pleasure to batter my brain. ‘Dan … Dan … Dan,’ I panted and his groan and exhalation scattered hair across my face.

  ‘Now I’ve nearly claimed all of your body, Ellie. Soon I’m going to slide my cock in here, into this warm tight tunnel and fill you over and over. Would you like that?’ he asked, his breathing coming heavy, as he gently thrust in and out with his finger as I pushed back against it, amazed at how good it felt.

  ‘Yes,’ I sighed. ‘But I’m scared you’ll hurt me with your size.’

  ‘I’d never hurt you, with enough proper lubrication you’ll take me and it needs to be soon. I own your heart and soul now Ellie Baxter, I want to own the last of your body. Tonight my finger, then will come my tongue and you’ll be begging me to slip my cock up there before you know it.’

  ‘Do I … do I get to own all of your body too?’ I stuttered, on the verge of coming from the thought of him taking me there. My clit was throbbing with such intensity it was almost painful, my pussy clenching with need as my rear muscles milked his finger.

  ‘You’re asking if I like anal play?’ he whispered, as he nibbled my ear.

  ‘Have you had anal sex?’ I asked, then cringed, not sure I wanted to know the answer.

  ‘Not with a cock, strap on or toy, but yes, I’ve had done to me what I’m doing to you now, and been rimmed, by a woman. I’m not desperate for it, but if you feel it’s something you’d like to do, I’ll allow it.’

  ‘Can I think about that?’

  ‘Yes. Anything you want Ellie, you ask. It’s my job to give you everything and anything you need. Are you close?’

  ‘Yes,’ I mewled.

  ‘Then come for me, baby,’ he purred, as his lips hit that spot on my neck, and his thumb rubbed on a spot on my wrist that had another hotline directly to my clit. I buried my face in the leather to muffle my scream, as I was hit with a raw and violent orgasm, with no clitoral stimulation. What the hell was that? How did he do it? Had he been to some sexual training school to learn just what to do to a woman? ‘I want you to suck my cock, while it’s coated in your juices.’

  ‘Yes, yes please,’ I nodded, as I blew hair out of my face, then squealed as he popped his finger out of my backside. He hardly ever let me give him a blow job, saying he didn’t want to waste any of his come, when he loved filling me so much. Considering I’d always hated them before him, I couldn’t believe how much I craved feeling him in my mouth, filling me as we looked into each other’s eyes. I loved that the look on his face was all about what I was doing to him for once, instead of what he was doing to me. I felt him stand up behind me and I quickly looked around to see him using one of Oliver’s baby wipes from a pack in the drinks holder to clean his hands. ‘You planned to do that?’

  ‘As I’ve just given you a ring, I felt it only fair I got a ring in return,’ he winked, as he moved back towards me.

  ‘You have the most beautiful penis I’ve ever seen,’ I sighed as I looked at it bouncing with each step.

  ‘It bodes well that you love it, as you’ll never see another one in your life.’

  ‘So you’re changing all of Oliver’s nappies from now on?’ I teased, then bit my lip as I looked at him seriously. ‘I don’t want anyone else’s, you’re more than enough for me.’

  ‘As are you for me,’ he confirmed, as his fingers curled around my hips. ‘Brace yourself, I want to fuck you hard for a minute before you suck on me, and no muffling your screams this time, you know how much I love them,’ he warned. I nodded and my lower jaw dropped as I felt his soft thick head nudge into position and my pussy began to pulse, rippling shockwaves outwards. Suddenly he rammed into me, bashing my hips against the leather seat back as I screamed so loud that I nearly created a tidal wave all the way to the shore. He set up a punishing rhythm, his fingers bruised my hips as he pulled and pushed me against him, grunting with every slam. I rippled around his thick shaft and started to pant as he skimmed over my g-spot again and again, until I shattered in a frenzy of pants, screams and moans of his name. I felt lost when he pulled out. Having him inside me just intensified our connection.

  I quickly scrambled around, sliding down to sit on the long padded bench as I gripped his hips and caught his bobbing erection in my mouth and hungrily sucked and slurped on it, as I looked up at him. My view was breath-taking, my gorgeous Dan, his green eyes filled with lust, framed against a thousand twinkling stars on an inky backdrop. I could taste our essence combined, the sweetness of my arousal, combined with the salt of his pre-come seeping out with every pull up his shaft. I snaked a hand between his thighs and pressed just between his balls and butt, a place I’d learned he found seriously stimulating. Sure enough his fingers were soon tangled in my hair, guiding my head to a speed that I knew would soon have him spilling down my throat.

  ‘God damn it woman, I never get to enjoy them,’ he groaned as he tensed and pushed right back into my throat, as waves of heat bathed it. He quickly pulled back, giving me a chance to swallow a number of times before he handed me a bottle of water after he’d unscrewed the cap. ‘Are you warm enough?’

  ‘Seriously hot,’ I nodded as I swigged.

  ‘Well that’s a given,’ he laughed. ‘Come on then, come and lie up here with me for a while until I’m ready to go again.’

  ‘Again?’ I grinned.

  ‘My cock seems to know no limits when it comes to you, Miss Baxter,’ he chuckled, as he climbed up onto the sundeck and held out his hand to me. When I took it he quickly pulled me down, with a scream, into his arms as he lay on his back. I snuggled up against him, as we both looked up at the stunning sky.

  ‘It’s so beautiful and peaceful out here,’ I sighed. ‘I can’t believe we’re naked in the middle of the loch.’

  ‘I thought it might be a bit more romantic than fucking in bed at home. Especially after I screwed up the whole romance front, with my damn pitiful proposal.’

  ‘Dan,’ I chastised, as I propped myself up to look at him. ‘I told you I loved it, it was natural and not forced. I would have said yes however and wherever you asked me, but I love that you went to the trouble of having our friends and family witness it.’

  ‘I was going to fly you to Paris, but I figured it was a bit cliché.’

  ‘I wouldn’t have had it any other way,’ I replied, as I shook my head and ran my fingers over his lips. He kissed them as they went past and pulled me back down onto his chest.

  ‘I’m so happy, you make me so happy, Ellie Baxter and I promise to do the same for you.’

  ‘You do,’ I whispered as I kissed his chest, right over his heart. ‘So happy you’ll never know.’

  We just lay in contented silence as we looked at the view, his hand running up and down my arm, my fingers stroking his sexy abs until he suddenly tugged on my hair, raising my face to his and started to kiss me. Gentle butterfly kisses that spoke straight to my heart, before he rolled me onto my back and made love to me, with nothing but the noise of the water gently lapping at the boat as it rocked, our sighs and moans and the occasional screech of an owl to fill my ears.

  Day Thirty One

  Saturday 6th August ~ Year Three

  I finished dressing Oliver and stood him up in the middle of the bed as I held his hands and my heart melted. He was in a pair of grey trousers with a black waistcoat, a jacket with tails and a crisp white shirt with a tiny green tie. I’d never seen him look more adorable.

  ‘I need a tissue,’ I uttered. Jenny laughed and passed one over, as I lay him down and dabbed my eyes.

  ‘He looks so cute,’ she smiled. ‘And you look gorgeous in that deep green with your hair in waves like that.’

  ‘Thanks. You don’t scrub up bad yourself,’ I nodded. She was dressed in a navy asymmetrical dress with high heels and had put a bit of make up on and had let her usually scraped back hair down. ‘How are you doing Brooke, are you ever coming out?’ I called. She’d been in the hotel en-suite bathroom for over twenty minutes. The make-up and hair team had finished with her first, gone next door to see Molly, then came back to do me before the mothers of the brides in their own suites, so she wasn’t doing that in there.

  ‘I’m having a slight situation,’ she called.

  ‘You haven’t spilled something on your dress?’ I gasped, as I walked over and stood outside the door.

  ‘No, but I’m regretting eating those fucking garlic shrimps last night, I’ve got the shits real bad.’

  ‘Brooke,’ I sighed. ‘You know garlic goes straight through you, why would you eat it the night before your wedding?’

  ‘I’m a sucker for the stuff, it’s so tasty,’ she moaned. ‘But now I’m squirting fishy chocolate fondue, my arse is on fire and I’m nearly out of toilet roll. It’s a bloody nightmare. Will you go and get me some from next door?’

  ‘Sure, but you need to either push or clench, we have less than ten minutes before we’re due down at the cabin for the ceremony.’

  ‘Stop pressuring me, I’m pooing as fast as I can, where the bloody hell does it all come from?’

  ‘That’s a conversation we’ll have another day,’ I sighed.

  ‘I’ll go and get it,’ offered Jenny. ‘Shall I try Mr. and Mrs. Hanson’s room next door?’

  ‘Please and if you have no joy there, Molly’s with her parents opposite.’

  ‘Ok,’ she nodded and quickly headed out.

  ‘Please tell me you’re not wearing your dress while you’re in there?’ I called.

  ‘Yes,’ she muttered sheepishly.

  ‘You’d better not have any back splash or blow back or you’ll look like a mint choc chip sundae.’

  ‘Stop,’ she giggled, ‘O crap, you just loosened me up and I farted some more out. This is a nightmare.’

  ‘You can only hold so much, Brooke,’ I replied, trying to reassure her.

  ‘Maybe I could just wear one of Oliver’s nappies?’

  ‘You are joking right?’ I laughed.

  ‘No, Christina did in Grey’s Anatomy for that long surgery. No one would see it under my dress.’

  ‘You’re a thirty-one year old women, he wears nappies designed for a baby. No way you’re getting your arse in one of those.’ I looked around as the door opened and Jenny appeared brandishing a new toilet roll. ‘Ok, you’re trained for dangerous situations, you take it in,’ I ordered.

  ‘Dangerous, not toxic!’ she uttered looking at me aghast. ‘She’s your best friend, you take it in.’

  ‘And I’ve seen enough of her bare arse to last me a lifetime, it’s your turn.’

  ‘I’m paid to protect you, not Miss Hanson,’ she protested.

  ‘And you would be protecting me, from gaseous fumes that may permeate my beautiful dress. I don’t want to head up the aisle in front of Brolly stinking of garlic shrimp shit.’

  ‘Will someone just bring me the mother fucking toilet roll,’ screamed Brooke. ‘I’m getting married in five minutes and I’m not doing it with a shit splattered arse.’

  ‘Fine,’ I sighed, ‘but you owe me Brooke, you too Jenny,’ I scowled as I snatched it off her and took a deep breath before opening the door, racing in, dumping it in her lap and racing out slamming the door behind me before taking another breath. Jenny was chuckling on the edge of the bed, tickling Oliver’s tummy.

  ‘You’d be good in the Marines,’ she nodded. ‘That was some serious get in, get out, no muss, no fuss manoeuvre.’

  ‘Trust me, I’ve been trapped in a toilet with her the morning after garlic, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.’

  ‘Yet you were prepared to send me in,’ she protested, looking all indignant.

  ‘Ellie,’ yelled Brooke. ‘This stuff hurts.’

  ‘What would you like me to do? It’s luxury toilet paper.’

  ‘Bring me some baby wipes, please hurry.’

  ‘Honestly,’ I sighed as I went and rummaged in Oliver’s bag and found his moist flushable toilet wipes.

  ‘Sling them in, then quickly shut the door’ Jenny suggested.

  ‘Excellent idea,’ I agreed.

  ‘I can hear you both and I don’t think you’re being very sympathetic to my very serious plight.’

  ‘It’s very serious for us too,’ I called, as I opened the door and lobbed them at her, quickly shutting it as she squealed.

  ‘I’m going to need someone to check my bottom cheeks for random splatter when I’m done,’ she called. ‘I don’t want to get it on my knickers or dress.’

  ‘Bloody great,’ I sighed and opened the main door as there was a knock on it, to find Mr. Hanson.

  ‘Ellie, you look lovely. Is she ready to go?’

  ‘We have a slight situation and may need a few more minutes,’ I grimaced.

  ‘I told her to avoid the damn garlic shrimps last night,’ he groaned. ‘How bad?’

  ‘Onto moist toilet wipes bad,’ I nodded.

  ‘Holy shit,’ he muttered.

  ‘Quite,’ I agreed.

  ‘Ok, are you ready?’ I asked, as we stood outside the cabin with Mr. Hanson, Oliver and Jenny, and I brushed a stray bit of her hair out of her eyes.

  ‘I’ve been ready for months,’ she grinned. ‘Please tell me that I don’t stink of Eau de Shit?’

  ‘I think this particular brand is plain old toilet water,’ I teased. ‘You look beautiful and you smell fine, are you sure you’re over the worst of it?’

  ‘I have nothing left to give,’ she nodded. ‘All pooed out.’

  ‘Us Hanson’s are made of strong stuff aren’t we, Brooke?’

  ‘That we are, dad.’

  ‘I know your mother and I were a little … shocked at your decision, but we both love you very much and just want you to be happy. Seeing you both together last night has reassured us, it may not be conventional, but if she can put that smile on your face we have nothing to complain about. You have our blessing.’

  ‘Dad,’ moaned Brooke and flung her arms around him. I quickly ripped a tissue in half and handed one bit to her as I wiped my eyes with the other piece. I knew how upset she’d been at their reaction, so for him to have said that would have made her day.

  ‘Right it’s T plus ten, we’re late,’ advised Jenny as she checked her watch. ‘Ellie, you and Oliver go in and make a start up the aisle, then I’ll cue in Molly and her dad, then I’ll come and get the two of you, ok?’

  ‘Good luck,’ I smiled and kissed Brooke, then took Oliver’s hand and opened the heavy wood door and made our way inside. Molly and her dad were waiting in the inner lobby and I thanked God I’d chosen her dress with her or I’d have started crying seeing her in it for the first time. I gave her a hug and kiss. ‘Sorry we’re late, but she’s here and so excited.’

  ‘Garlic shrimp?’ she asked and shook her head when I nodded. ‘I warned her.’

  ‘So did her dad, but when does she ever listen to anyone?’

  ‘That’s why I love her, she’s stubborn, hot headed and independent,’ Molly smiled.

  ‘Ok, we’ll go, Jenny will stick her head in to tell you when it’s your turn, then Brooke will follow.’ I squeezed her hand for luck.

  ‘Thank you.’

>   ‘Come on, baby,’ I gently tugged Oliver’s hand and opened the door to the main room of the cabin and froze for a second as I took it in. The bi-fold doors had been pulled right back to take advantage of the glorious day, the smell of the pink, white and green blooms filled the air and there was a long table set up with all the glassware and matching coloured floral arrangements as a centre piece. The windows had new roman blinds in pink, white and green stripes, along with all the cushions on the white leather sofa. All the white guest chairs had alternating pink and green organza bows. It was just beautiful, fresh and understated, classically beautiful. The few guests we had turned around as someone cued the music and Oliver and I made our way up the short aisle. Luiza and Magda started crying as they saw Oliver in his outfit and I caught Dan’s eye and smiled. It would be us one day. He looked gorgeous in a grey suit with his white shirt slightly undone at the neck, next to Logan in a navy suit with white shirt. They really were two good looking, seriously sexy, men. I picked Oliver up when we reached the top, next to the celebrant and watched as first Molly came down, then Brooke and had to pass Oliver over to Dan when I teared up, as they both started crying when they saw each other’s dresses. The service was over in a flash and I laughed at their restraint with a discreet kiss when they were pronounced wife and wife. I spotted Jenny tapping her watch as she looked at Brooke, who suddenly grabbed my hand.

  ‘I need you to come with me, I have a surprise,’ she grinned.

  ‘Shouldn’t it be Molly you’re dragging away for a quick session?’ I laughed.

  ‘Only you can help me with it, come on, we can’t be long or they’ll miss us,’ she nodded as she hurried me out of the door, with Jenny in tow, as we headed back to the hotel. I went to head for the lift to go up to her room, but she caught my hand and dragged me down the corridor of the ground floor bedrooms and stopped in front of number fourteen.


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