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Page 23

by R. H. Vesely

  "Yes, take time to marvel at what you are creating here Pat. Thanks to Betsy and crew demoing at all those hair salons, you already know that it is going to be wildly popular and when it gets in the drugstores lookout," said Stan with a laugh.

  "Yeah, but we only have production up to two thousand units a week," said Pat.

  "Relax, I talked to Fred and he says with the second line, another shift and a few changes in assembly we will be up to ten thousand units a week in no time," said Stan.

  "I'll believe it when I see it and imagine what happens if we have a breakdown," said Pat.

  "Look babe, Fred is hot shit. He knows what he is doing. You got to learn to trust in people," said Betsy.

  "Yes, listen to Betsy and do me a favor, go down and spend a bit of time with Fred. It will help you appreciate how on top of it he is," said Stan.

  "Yeah, good idea, were done here, so go see Fred. He'll calm you down love," said Betsy.

  "Yeah, ok, talk soon Stan," said Bill as he headed down to the floor.

  "Ok, Betsy, in case you didn't notice I was trying to get Pat out of here so we could talk," said Stan.

  "I figured, so what's up," said Betsy.

  "Look, first off, I've got no concerns about this working. We are going to make bundles of money, ok. But I have to be honest, it seems like this may be too much for poor Pat. He is way too stressed and over stressed people make mistakes. Plus, he looks like shit. Does he ever sleep?" said Stan.

  "I appreciate what you are saying Stan. To us this is fun, to Pat it is a battle, a battle I am fairly sure he never thought in his wildest dreams or nightmares that he would be fighting, and to answer your question. No he is not sleeping much," said Betsy.

  "That is not a good thing," said Stan.

  "I know but what do I do. I mean this is his creation Stan, not yours not mine. He is so proud of himself in some way, but so afraid that he will screw it up and fail me and you and the investors. He takes his responsibility to others very seriously, too seriously," said Betsy.

  "My suggestion is you put him doing what he enjoys, creating things. We take the responsibility for production off of him and have him focus on the design of prototypes. He seems to love that and is unbelievably good at it. He could also oversee the ad stuff, you know have final review and approval with you. You both seem to enjoy doing that together. I always see you laughing together when you're doing that stuff," said Stan.

  "Yes, I like the idea Stan. It would sure make him happier and like you have been saying, we do have to keep reinventing and creating a strong brand to keep ahead of the inevitable competition. Ok, I'm going to talk to him about it and we'll see. As always, I can't thank you enough for what you're doing," said Betsy, as she gave Stan a heartfelt hug.

  "No worries, like I said, you are making me a bundle of money," said Stan, a little ill at ease with the genuine emotion Betsy was displaying but at the same time feeling his own emotion at how he wanted this lovely couple to succeed. He had gotten to know them so well in this intense process and was constantly amazed at how, even under the enormous pressure, they had never said anything but a kind and supporting word to each other.

  The living room of Betsy and Pat's apartment was a mass of folders, boxes and anything and everything related to the Velcomb. There was hardly a place to sit or walk. Pat was sitting on the couch with a pile of papers and folders in front of him.

  "Hey babe, could we take a break and go into the kitchen and just sit down with a cold beer for a minute? I really need it," said Betsy.

  "Oh, gee sure hon. Yeah, sounds like a good idea," said Pat.

  The kitchen Betsy had insisted was out of bounds to work. Nothing even remotely related to the Velcomb was allowed in. Betsy pulled out two dark beers and set them on the table as they both settled into a chair with Pat letting out a big sigh as he took a long pull on the bottle and rested his elbows on the table head down.

  "Love, I have something I have to talk to you about," said Betsy.

  "Ok, but just so you know, I talked to Fred and the production looks good, barring anything unforeseen," said Pat.

  "Great but that's not it. You remember how we started this. That first ugly comb that I thought was some sick memento of your beard?" laughed Betsy.

  "God yeah, seems so long ago," said Bill.

  "And how you were thinking how funny it would be just to see one person pull out and use this goofy thing you made,?" continued Betsy.

  "God and it is so funny. I actually saw someone the other day and it cracked me up," smiled Bill.

  "Well, its obviously gone beyond that now, and its getting crazy in another way," said Betsy.

  "God, don't I know it," sighed Pat.

  "Well, that expression of yours is it. I don't like it hon. I don't think it's good for you and I don't think it's good for us....."

  "Yeah but -"

  "Just let me finish babe, Ok."


  "If there is any chance that this is going to hurt you or hurt us, I want no part of it. It's just money and that is meaningless to me without you. I would stop this tomorrow and just say fuck it, its not worth it."

  "But the investors and Stan and all the people counting on us," interrupted Pat.

  "Fuck them, let them have it, the whole thing. They're big boys, they can figure it out. I care about us and what we have together, as people, not stuff we have or don't have. I love you to the depths of my soul and this is ruining you babe. I can't watch that and I won't watch that," said Betsy, as tears came to her eyes.

  Pat got up and went over and put his arm around her and Betsy buried her head in his chest.

  "This was going to be a talk about you maybe just doing design, but once I started to think about it, I realized it was way more than that and I couldn't stand to lose you. I mean, fuck it, nothing is more important, nothing," sobbed Betsy into Pat's chest. Betsy stood up and they just hugged as tears came to Pat's eyes.

  The next morning Betsy woke up exhausted from their emotional talk in the kitchen. She went to get up and realized she was handcuffed to the bed frame. Just then, Pat came in and stood there naked sipping a cup of coffee.

  "Good morning hon. How goes it?" said Pat.

  "Well other than my arms losing their circulation. I"m feeling a little emotionally drained to be honest," smiled Betsy.

  "Well, I think its good to feel drained every once in a while, sort of cathartic wouldn't you say," as he set down his coffee and climbed astride Betsy's naked body with a menacing looking smile on his face.

  "What's going through that warped little mind of yours. Aren't they waiting for you at the factory?" smiled Betsy.

  "Ooh factory, bad word," said Pat, as he gave Betsy a gentle slap on the cheek and then reached back and started to massage her crotch.

  "Ohhh, sorry love," said Betsy, as she began sliding her pelvis up and down on his hand.

  "I called Tony and the investors and told them to go fuck themselves," said Pat, as he continued his massage to the increased breathing and gliding of Betsy.

  "Greaaaaaaat," moaned out Betsy, as she increased her pressure and rhythm. Pat then slid back and slowly into her.

  "So what's the magic word, oh yeah, velcomb, velcomb," repeated Pat, as he gradually increased his depth and force.

  "Velcomb," screamed Betsy, as she arched her neck and drove into Pat, "Velcomb!"

  The bed continued to rock to the sound of the clattering handcuffs and the yelling of velcomb ending with a final yell of velcomb as Pat let lose and collapsed on top of Betsy's quivering body. They caressed, kissed and stared into each others eyes for the next fifteen minutes not uttering a word. Then Pat got up, took the keys out of the drawer of the nightstand and unlocked the handcuffs. Betsy just stared at him with a loving smile and thought to herself, the crazy bastard did it, god bless him. I love that man.

  "Love, I have a confession. I was just fucking with you about telling Stan and the guys to go fuck themselves. Just thought it would be a good
way to start the day in my new job as head designer. You know, design a little something special for you," laughed Pat.

  "Brilliant," said Betsy, as she got up and wrapped her arms around Bill and squeezed him to her.

  "Oh, and by the way idiot, due to your little handcuff routine, I did not have my diaphragm in, but probably ok," said Betsy.

  "That's fine with me love and you know, like you said last night, I am good at creating things so maybe we'll get lucky," said Pat, as he looked into her eyes with a big smile.

  "I'd like that," said Betsy,"I'd like that," as she kissed him.

  Chapter 34

  Allie was on a trip to the west coast to attend a conference in San Francisco where she had gone to med school. She had been invited to do a presentation and was then planning to go north with med school friends and spend a few days in wine country. She had tried to get Bill to go along but he said he was locked into rehearsals and a couple gigs with Toni's band. Toni had assured him that they could find someone else to fill in but he still begged off. In reality, it was a combination of factors. Bill did not really want to miss practicing and playing but mostly he told himself, he was hugely uncomfortable with Allie paying for him to go and there was no way he could have afforded even a fraction of the cost of the trip. So Allie found herself sitting alone, eager to see her friends but already missing Bill.

  Well at least I got first class she thought, I can suffer in comfort. The conference had paid for the ticket. She ordered a glass of wine and pulled out some medical journals thinking she could use the long flight to catch up on some reading. It wasn't working. She quickly downed the wine and asked the flight attendant for another as the economy passengers filed on. She was thinking maybe it will help me to just fall asleep.

  "Boy, a little thirsty," the attendant laughed, as he handed her another glass of wine.

  "Oops, excuse me, I think this is my seat," said a gangly young man, as he slid in past the attendant and took the seat next to Allie.

  "Hi, names Robert, guess we'll be flight companions for the next five hours," said Robert.

  "Hi, I'm Allie, nice to meet you Robert," said Allie.

  "Ah, medical journals, are you heading to a conference?" asked Robert.

  "Yes, matter of fact I am," said Allie.

  "Me too, small world. Are you a doctor?" said Robert.

  "Yep, neurology, how about you?" said Allie.

  "Nope, computers and programs is my bailiwick. I am trying to design systems that will monitor people in their homes and give feedback to health care people. Idea is to sort of cut down on office visits but at the same time catch any major events. Still in pretty beginning stages."

  "Wow, sounds interesting very cutting edge," said Allie.

  For the next several hours they talked about their respective work and discussed whether there might be any application of Robert's work to Allie's and specifically about concussions. Also, as the flight went on Allie and Robert continued drinking, which lead to lighter conversation about their personal lives and plans for the visit to San Francisco. Allie however, did not mention Bill.

  "Gee, well since we are both going to the same conference we ought to go out for drinks and dinner some night," smiled Allie, and immediately as she said it, she thought, what the hell am I doing flirting with this guy on the plane, guess the wine is getting to me.

  "Sure, sounds like a great idea. I'm staying at the Marriott, here is my card in case we somehow don't bump into each other at the conference," said Robert.

  "Great, here's mine, I'm staying at the Hyatt, but I'm sure will see each other around," said Allie.

  "Ok, well its a date then and let's tentatively say Thursday," said Robert with a smile.

  "Thursday it is," said Allie returning his smile.

  When she got to her room, she put Robert's card on the desk and flopped down on the bed, a little sleepy from the alcohol she had consumed.


  "Look Mattie, you know I have never asked you for anything big before, but I really need your help on this," said Kelley.

  "God Kelley, I know, but this may be asking too much. I mean, I'm not even sure how I would do it," said Mattie.

  "Look my dad's friend has this place on the river with a couple canoes. Just tell them it's a party. You've met Rich, he's the trombone player in my dad's band, he's always having a party there. It basically goes nonstop all weekend. So you just show up on Saturday morning and I'll do the rest," said Kelley.

  "I don't know. It would be like lying to Randy. Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not sure Bill would come if he knew you were going to be there," said Mattie.

  "Well maybe, maybe not, I just don't want to take the chance, and its not really lying because you know Rich, and so you're just going to his kick ass party, a little fun on the river on a beautiful day, nothing wrong with that," said Kelley.

  "I have to think about it," said Mattie.

  "Mattie, I'm desperate, I need you on this one. Remember what I did for you with Randy. I really, really need my best friend to come through for me," pleaded Kelley, almost to the point of tears.

  "OK, maybe, I'll see," said Mattie.

  "God thank you, thank you, you are the best," as she gave Mattie a big hug.


  "So how did your presentation go Allie? Sorry I couldn't make it but I had a long ago scheduled a meeting with some people," said Robert.

  "Oh, you know, nothing earth shattering, but people at least seemed to be listening. Just glad its over so now I can relax. I'll have a martini if you please barman," said Allie.

  "Make it two," said Robert, as they both took a seat at the Hyatt's bar.

  "How about you, have much more to do?" said Allie.

  "No just a couple meetings tomorrow morning and then I'm done thankfully. When do you head back?" said Robert.

  "Oh, not till early next week, some friends and I are going to head up to wine country for a couple days, drink some good wine, eat some good food and just relax. Can I get another martini barman," said Allie.

  "Sounds like fun, barman, could you get me another too, thanks," said Robert.

  "Doctor Ames your table is ready," said a voice.

  "Coming, we'll just take these over to our table and you can move the bill over to there, ok, and here, this is for you, thanks," said Allie, as they headed over to their table martinis in hand.

  The dinner was overpriced and average but she and Robert had a great time finishing off a couple bottles of wine and laughing about all the pretentious idiots they had met at this and other conferences.

  "Hey, I don't know how you would feel about this, but I am free this weekend too and if you and your friends could stand another, I'd love to get up to the wine country. Kind of flying solo and not as much fun alone. But you know I would completely understand if it's inconvenient," said Robert.

  "Gee, let me think, no hell, why not. I'm sure my friends would love you. It's nothing special, just a friendly get together, so sure," said Allie, feeling very friendly and uninhibited after all the wine.

  "Great, hey, what say we go hear some music after this? I saw a cool little jazz club a couple blocks away when I was walking this morning," said Robert.

  "Sure, sounds fun," said Allie.

  As she sat there listening to the music, Allie thought of Bill and how she was seriously wrapped up in this beautiful guy. When they were together, nothing seemed to matter, not the age difference, not the careers, not the money, not anything and yet here she was with another guy, and about to go on the weekend with him that she wanted to have with Bill. What the hell are you doing, I mean, it's all just friendly but still, she thought.


  "Hey hon, I have a great idea. I have tomorrow off and I know you were planning to do your Saturday morning coffee thing with Bill, but how about if the three of us do something fun together?" said Mattie.

  "Gee, you know I would love it, but not sure if Bill will give up his coffee and biscoti. Wh
at are you thinking?"

  "Well, I know this guy who has a place on the river and kind of has a party going all weekend, and I thought it would be fun to drop in on that, you know, something outdoors. It's supposed to be a beautiful day," said Mattie.

  "So who is this guy, some old love interest?" said Randy.

  "God no, he's a much older guy, like parent age, but a fun, nice guy," said Mattie, thinking shit this really sucks. If this isn't lying, its god damn close.

  "Ok, well, I like it, I'll call Bill," said Randy.

  "OK, Bill's in, the beautiful day got to him and he is willing to forgo the coffee," said Randy.

  "Great, well lets get our stuff together for tomorrow," said Mattie, still feeling like a duplicitous piece of crap.

  When they got to Rich's place, true to form, Rich was the old party animal host.

  "Hey Mattie, great to see you, grab a beer, there are coolers dotted around and just help yourself," said Rich.

  "Hey Rich, this is my boyfriend Randy and his friend Bill, great to see you," said Mattie with a smile.

  Rich already knew who Bill and Randy were. He had been exhaustingly briefed by Kelley, to the point where he finally had to tell her "enough already". So he knew he was not supposed to mention Kelley's name and knew what his next line was supposed to be.

  "Hey, you know I have a couple of nice canoes down by the river, you guys ought to grab some beers and go for a paddle," said Rich.

  Mattie also disgustingly knew what her next line should be. Kelley had called her last night and told her she only had one more favor, ugh.

  "Hey, that sounds fabulous, come on guys lets grab some beer and enjoy the water. It's too beautiful to resist," said Mattie with a smile, almost choking on her lines.

  When they got to the canoes with a small cooler of beer in tow, they spotted a girl bent over loading some things into one of the canoes.

  "Oh shit, well I guess we can triple up in the other one. I'll sit in the middle with the beer while you guys paddle," laughed Bill.


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