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Royal Lies: The Royals Series Book #1

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by K. L Roth

  Looking back, that bitch was always in her way, trying to keep her from seducing the king. Silly queen, she could threaten Mary all she wanted to but her threats were idle and she proved that when she lost her head. The court had buzzed with each step the king and she took together daily. Henry tried to get her to accept her place as his only mistress but she wanted the crown and the queen’s head. With the queen gone, Henry was free to marry her and then their children would become the next rulers of England. She tried desperately to give him a son. She succeeded the first pregnancy but the son she promised died four weeks after birth. James freaked out the whole entire time, secretly praying each day that the child would die so he would not be dissuaded from the king’s heart. During the weeks, the child has lived, he showed great interest in his new ‘brother’, lavishing the tiny being with gifts and praise. He openly prayed for the child during mass to show his affection in case an illness should befall the new prince. Henry took all the proper procedures and even some extravagant ones to ensure the safety and health of his new son. The nursery was scrubbed clean three times a day, hands were constantly washed before touching the child, his milk tasted by four separate servants, and guards placed outside every door of his apartment. A knight also stood by the baby twenty-four hours a day, two of Henry’s most trusted friends, took twelve hour shifts together. Yet somehow the infant was found dead in his cradle with over 4 people in the room. The king was furious, the queen heart-broken and panicky. They sent each person who visited or attended Prince Royce that day to burn to death at the stake. No trial was held and each person suffered greatly, the screams heard all over the castle as the flames licked their bodies. Queen Mary never recovered from the horrific loss of her son, losing every child thereafter. She tried to blame James since he would have been next in line for the throne before the birth of her son. Henry would not hear of it due to his first son’s devout devotion to his little stepbrother. The matter was never brought up again on pain of death by the king himself to Queen Mary. James rejoiced in his own mind. He would be king once again.


  It has been two weeks since Elle arrived at her new home. She was fitting in nicely with her new family. Cassie was kind and very forgiving when she couldn’t remember where to find things or how exactly to get back into the cave. The entrance was completely hidden behind a waterfall. The only way to get inside was to tread the slippery, steep slope leading to the waterfall and carefully work your way into the cave. There were eight levels of slopes going up to the waterfall and each looked the same. The top three lead to nowhere, throwing off any would-be intruders. The fifth one was the one they used. ‘Oh, my dear, things yet to learn. We are Pagans. I have powers that allow me to talk to the gods of the earth, wind, water and air.’

  Elle wondered if she possessed the powers Melina spoke of. So, she asked, ‘Will I have power like yours?’

  ‘Well you have to officially be one of ‘us’ to be able to connect and channel the energy of your surroundings to do it. Your father was a true Pagan. But you have not been initiated into the group as an adult. Is that what you want? To give your heart over to the beauty of the earth and all she beholds? If so, and you truly mean it, I can perform the ceremony tomorrow.’ Elle thought about it for all a millisecond, if even that, and burst out a bellowing ‘Yes! Of course, I want to be like my father and you.’ Melina squealed in excitement taking Elle’s hand and running back into the kitchen. ‘Ladies! I require your attention please, right away, do not dally.’ The girls came running from all directions, some had arms full of items and others were dirty from cleaning, but they all rushed to her side as called. ‘I have an announcement to make and it is a huge one. Our Elle has decided that she is going to take the rite of passage! Let us get to work immediately. Preparations need to be made and very quickly. Tomorrow night is a full moon so we have no time for error. Triplets, I need you to go to the spot and clear it out, you know what to do. Cassie, take Elle and go prepare her. You will find what you need in the trunk beside my bed. The rest of you oversee coordinating the finishing touches. Make sure we have the correct colour candles this time. I do not want another setback like last time. If you cannot find them, let me know and I will go into the market and get them later today. Now off you all go. Forgo the chores today, leave them to me and do what you have been asked. You know where to find me if you need me. Elle, dear, go with Cassie. Do what they ask and when they tell you to do it, no questions asked ok? If we are going to pull this off we need to do it fast. There is not much daylight left today and we will need all the rest we can get.’ With that she turned around and hurried into her room. No doors meant you could hear everything going on in each room. Cassie ushered Elle off into their room to get her ready. ‘Please make sure you follow my instructions perfectly or else I will have to start all over and we do not have the time for that right now.’ Cassie pulled a long white robe from her trunk, handing it Elle. ‘Undress, and come down to the hot springs. I will prepare you there. You must come down naked. Do not speak the entire time we are down there and do not cover yourself.’ Elle wondered why she had to be naked for this, but did as told. The hot springs were located two levels under the cave floor they lived on. It was wondrous in the winter months she was told. No snow on the ground yet but the temperatures fell each night. The spring made the rock cave warm to the touch but not uncomfortable even during the hottest of summers. Their feet were never cold and they had no real use for blankets at night. It seemed like the colder it was outside, the higher the temperature rose in the spring itself. She followed the narrow path down to the edge where Cassie was waiting for her. Cassie mixed something in a large wooden bowl using her hands and ground herbs with a mortar and pestle. She combined the ingredients and stirred using a carved wooden stick with a silver heart motif on the end. She motioned for her to come to her, finger to her lips as a reminder to not speak. Cassie rubbed the concoction all over her naked body while Elle piled it on her hair and face. The only parts of her not covered where her eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Cassie held a finger up now as if to tell her to wait and stay put. The clay like substance felt funny on her skin, drying very slowly. It was very fragrant, smelling up the whole room like a bouquet of flowers. Her face was tightening in no time and she felt like she was being squeezed all over. The mud was completely dried now and started cracking off falling in pieces onto the ground. Cassie pushed her forward into the hot spring. The herbs that she used, bubbled now causing an exfoliating effect all over. Elle almost giggled but she knew she better hold it in. Melina came down the stairs in a red robe, chanting words that made no sense to her and carrying a large brush like device. She stripped herself bare and entered the water with Elle still mumbling the unknown. Running the tip of the brush looking thing over her body, Melina hummed softy. She handed it over to Cassie and she began brushing the hardened dirt out of her hair and washed her face clean. Melina began to chant again then dunked her head under the water. Elle felt as if her lungs were about to explode. Just as she couldn’t take it anymore, Melina pulled her up and she gasped for the much-needed air. Both chanted then began to laugh. She felt wonderful, very light and free from her past worries. Her skin and hair lightly scented now, they helped her out of the spring and into the plain white robe. ‘You all must go straight to bed now. Up at dawn when I call you. Come to the spot in the meadow where you will see the Circle but do not, and I mean do not, enter into it.’ With that she bid them goodnight. Melina rounded the stairway and went into her room to prepare herself for town. It was dark outside now so she could move freely in the market to gather much needed supplies and the last few items to perform the ceremony. She left the cave cloaked in black hidden completely by the darkness of night. She knew these woods so well that she did not need a candle to find her way. The home of the man who sold her the regular supplies was not too far over the river. He fashioned her a small walkway after she agreed to only purchase items from him. It was made of wood, hidden by long limbs
of the willow trees at the water’s edge. She had a lantern stashed in a tree hollow that she used to signal him by. Hung in the correct branch, it shined into his window letting him know she was a few minutes away. Her feet followed the all too familiar path right to his door. He stood waiting for her, door open in case someone seen her. ‘Good to see you’re okay, Melina. Let us have a look at what you need. I am sure to have it all unless it happens to be one of your ‘unusual’ requests.’ Old Man Willowby reached for her list in hand. He was the kindest soul she knew besides her girls and always thought ahead with what they may need depending on the weather. He was a secret Lutheran who lived alone for the past thirteen years after his wife and eldest daughter died of the plague. Melina tried to save them but she was too late. They were dead by the time she got there. She did save his life though and now he vowed to repay his debt to her by going to the markets for her, providing the girls with fresh meat when needed and the necessary ‘peculiar’ items only he could find for her. She did not allow herself to actually visit the town as she told the girls. Old Man Willowby started handing her the items to place in the cart she brought back the last time she came. ‘You are in luck today, Miss Melina. I have everything you have here.’ He pointed down to her parchment. ‘Can I interest you in anything else I can on the oddities shelf?’ She ran her fingers over the beautiful fabric of the gown hanging in front of her, eyeing it with want. ‘May I ask where you acquired this article? It is superb craftsmanship, exquisite detail and very expensive jacquard.’ He cleared his throat and looked away. She knew what that meant. It was more than likely stolen from the market or a corpse depending on where he has been lately. ‘Uh, I got it off a friend over in Devonshire. Special price, just for you my dear, one Guinea.’ She inspected the dress over and over, looking for any flaws. It was in immaculate condition surprisingly since it was not wrapped in cloth or stored away. ‘How about I give you the money now and you keep the dress here in a trunk and I will come and get it when I am ready for it. Should be around three days. Agreed?’ She offered her hand in approval and he shook it. ‘Agreed. I shall just put it away for you now.’ He grabbed the dress of the knob it hung on and carefully placed it in the old trunk of his deceased wife with care. ‘You know, she really loved this trunk. Brought it all the way from Bulgaria she did.’ The design was very articulate and carefully crafted. It was obvious he took great care in cleaning it. After all, he had told her before the trunk was the only other item left to remind him of her besides the locket containing her portrait that never left his neck. He kissed the locket and patted the trunk when he finished packing away the dress. ‘All set, then are we? Your total is a guinea and a half angel then.’ She fished around her worn out handbag for the amount her required. A guinea equaled one pound and one shilling, that was a premium price for a dress like this but she had to have it. A half angel balanced out to three shillings and four pence. She counted the money out and laid it on the table for him to count. ‘Ah, thank you once again, Melina. I appreciate your business. If you know of any items you shall require for the next visit, please inquire now. I shall try to have then by then.’ Old Man Willowby smiled, a few teeth were missing but he was still pleasing to the eye. His God was gracious with his aging process. ‘If it were not too much trouble, could you procure a small batch of berries for when I pick the dress up and a nice cork of wine from Paris maybe? We have a special guest coming that will require that kind of attention and I do not want to disappoint them. Oh, and I almost forgot, you could not possibly find a pair of size seven heels to match the dress, could you?’ The old man laughed at her requests. ‘You know I can and I will have them here for you in three days’ time. It will cost you though I am afraid, five pounds for all you are asking for.’ Melina did not flinch at the price, she would gain far more in the future. ‘In that case, here you are. I thought you might need the extra coin so I brought a few with me in case.’ She gently touched his arm in a friendly way. ‘Ah, Melina, if my heart could love again, it would belong to you, my dear friend.’ They hugged and she turned to leave. ‘Be safe now on your journey back.’ He closed the door behind her and watched through the window as she steered the cart off into the black abyss. ‘Look at the ass on that woman, still. Breaks my already broken heart all over again.’ He chuckled to himself.

  Edmund spurred his stallion on faster through the woods. If the stories held any truth to them, he should not be taking the shortcut right now. He did not want to be gone from the castle too long though. His alibi had to be tight for when guards came calling in the morning. Edward’s body would be found soon by one of the stable hands preparing the horses at dawn. The sun was just starting it’s rise in the distance. He kept to the dirt path cleared by the many carriages that pass through during the day. He could hear the wind whip through the clearing up ahead. If he could get past this point, he would be safe. A few short feet away, he could hear voices chanting words he could not make out, floating in the breeze. He stopped his horse and dismounted, leaving his steed tied to a tree off the path. His horse was black, his pauper clothes a dingy brown, easily blending in with his surroundings. He could not risk being caught by whomever was in the meadow so he hid within the brush and watched.


  News of the king’s death spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom. In just five days, the king would be buried and the new king crowned. Not your typical burial and coronation, but that is what King Henry VIII wished before his death.

  Melina woke the girls up just before the dawn broke through the black sky. Today was about new beginnings, so they began at the start of a brand, new day. ‘Time to wake, ladies. Gather your items and meet me in the circle. Do not step foot in the circle though. Elle, you stay with Cassie. She will help you at the household altar. Let us begin this wondrous day, shall we?’ Melina left first to prepare the circle for entry. Through the woods to the clearing she headed, basket in hand. She had already preformed her cleansing and protection ritual at the house altar before she woke the others. She prepared the altar for Winter Solstice last week, replacing the old items with the new winter ones. Incense chalices were filled with mistletoe, pine and fir branches selected by the gods. Only mistletoe produced by an oak tree would be suitable for their usage. Her sacred pendulum polished and cleansed in the hot spring waters, new crystals and garland crowns were shaped for the other girls. Their book of Shadows turned to the according pages and her jewel encrusted athame sharpened. She burned sage and thyme to cleanse and purify the items before placing on the altar. Today, Elle would worship at this altar for the first time as a sister, now The Ten.


  While Melina was off casting the circle, Cassie prepared Elle for the forthcoming ritual. ‘Elle, do not be scared. This is what we must do to align ourselves with the elements. It looks kind of scary at first, but it is not. We do so completely naked to not encourage evil to follow us.’ Elle was not sure what to think but decided to go along with it. If she had to go through some naked ritual to be one of them, so be it, naked it was. Cassie removed her simple dress letting it fall to the floor. Elle followed suit and did the same, feeling quite comfortable in her own skin. Cassie did not look upon her nakedness, just grabbed the small wooden trunk beside her by the leather handles on the side. ‘Sisters. I have a family after today again. Something I thought I had long lost.’ She thought to herself as her new sister carried the wooden box. Cassie lead her to the altar, creating a sacred space for them both using the besom, a blessed broom, to sweep the area free of dirt for them to kneel. Elle glanced at Cassie who took great care in preparing the items laid before them. The items were cleansed earlier by Melina, but Cassie burned more sage stalks, showering the altar items in green smoke. The sage smelled wonderful to Elle as she took in a deep breath, feeling the energy being brought into her lungs. Just as she was about to take in another deep breath, the wind whipped into the cave and almost blew out the candles burning brightly in front of her. Elle’s hair was inches fr
om catching on fire, as it flew off her back, but Cassie reached out and grabbed the locks before they met the flames. She had dropped the smoking herb into the cauldron just as she quickly moved to Elle. Cassie’s forearm landed directly in line with the kissing flame. Elle just stared at Cassie’s skin, it did not turn red nor did she cry out in pain. Apparently, she did not feel it. Cassie’s eyes widened when Elle’s met hers, then a smile crept across her lips. Cassie chanted some words that she didn’t recognize, ‘Venire ventus venire, sinere solus sentire relaxari, venire nunc nunc venire, venire venire venire.’


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