Book Read Free


Page 8

by Penny Hawking

  He stopped scrolling on the laptop and began typing away.

  I smiled. There were ways to get people’s attention. I scooted my chair towards his, and even then his eyes didn’t get off the screen. I leaned a little towards him and when I was close enough. There it goes, that smell that he had. It was intoxicating. But it was a tease because you could barely smell it, and then when you could, you questioned If you smelt it or not.

  “Andy.” I said sweetly as I placed my hand on his upper thigh. I knew I’d gotten his attention cause as soon as I touched him he froze. He looked down at my hand on his thigh.

  With my other hand, I reached over and pulled down his headphones. I playfully patted and rubbed his thigh carelessly. “We’re partners for the media project that Dr. Mauzzio assigned ok.” I told him. There was no longer any point in asking, in my head it was a done deal.

  He nodded and shifted uncomfortably without looking in my direction.

  “Are you okay?” I asked feigning innocence. I knew exactly what I was doing.

  Without answering, Andy put his hand over mine that was resting on his thigh and removed my hand by placing it on the table. His hand was strong and warm…very warm in fact.

  I pouted. I opened my mouth to say something sassy or comment on how I must be turning him on when he turned slowly and locked eyes with me. I don’t know what happened in that moment, it was as if my whole thought process froze. His blue eyes held mine and I saw several emotions flash through them. The first I couldn’t explain, the next was sadness and if I wasn’t mistaken some anger. I let out a breath that I wasn’t aware that I’d been holding. As if that snapped him out of his trance he turned to his computer screen and stared at it blankly. I was at lost for words and I’m never at lost for words. I scrambled to think of something to say to make the situation less awkward than it already was.

  I shrugged nonchalantly; acting as though my heart wasn’t beating a mile a minute and my brain wasn’t in jumbles. “I guess you don’t like to be touched, my bad.” I said putting my hands up in surrender.

  He grabbed my wrist. His warm hand holding it tightly. To say I was beyond surprise would be an understatement. For the first time he touched me. I blinked several times to see if I was dreaming. “You don’t even know me, why would you touch me?” He asked to my still stunned body. He didn’t sound mad, in fact he sounded curious. I looked at his hold on me and then carefully up at him. He was staring at me with a certain look in his eyes. His eyes looked brighter, he looked…interested. Okay what the hell was going on? Maybe I really didn’t know him and it was kind of unsettling.

  Sitting right here with him just us two he wasn’t displaying any of the antisocial awkward distant behavior that I was used to. If I didn’t know any better I would think maybe that’s not who he really was. I stared at him. Okay Ornelia stop it, you know your mind wanders and you come up with these random dumb shit thoughts. This is Andy, the quite, shy weird or whatever kid they call him. Yes he’s holding your wrist and yes he’s giving off all these confidant vibes. Yes he’s a little unsettling right now but, but it’s just Andy…right? Then as if I had imagined the whole thing he abruptly let go of my hand and that blank expression he was so good at reappear.

  “Sorry.” He mumbled as he slammed down his laptop. He shot out of his seat and started gathering his stuff. “Fuck.” I heard him murmur under his breath. He grabbed his laptop and shoved it in his book bag.

  I was dumbfounded. “What’s wrong?” I asked. What was going on? What did I miss? What just happened in the past couple seconds that flew between us? I watched him zip his book bag as he ignored me. This kid was in a hurry to leave.

  “Wait a minute, we actually almost attempt to have a real conversation and you’re just going to up and leave like that?” I asked. I was starting to get angry. He was treating me like I had some kind of disease or something. What’s wrong with sitting here and talking to me? He slowed down his movements a little as he slung one strap over his shoulder. He looked everywhere but at me.

  “Look…” He said in a serious low voice. “You should just stay away from me okay.” He rubbed his hands together and flipped his hair out of his eyes. Without another word he briskly walked past me.

  “But you came to sit at my table!” I shouted to his back. Of course he didn’t turn around but the other nosey ass people did. “What?” I snapped, rolling my eyes at them.

  I should just stay away from him? Oh hell no. Now I’m curious. If that awkward couple of seconds where he looked completely different didn’t do it, then him telling me to stay away surely did. I looked around the table trying to gather my thoughts together. Obviously there was more to Andy then meets the eye, and I was going to find out. I looked down at my wrist that still felt a little warm from his touch. What the hell had he been thinking when he was looking at me like that? And to grab me like he knew me, nobody did that to me. It was strong, confident, and sexy. Sexy! No, not sexy what the hell was wrong with me? Andy wasn’t sexy. He was weird and strange and sad and depressed and, and had the most intense eyes I’ve ever seen. He sure was interesting, and I sure was interested.

  I smiled as I gathered my stuff. Oh Andy boy, we’re just getting started. I had a new case on my hand, I didn’t search for it, it practically fell in my lap. I was going to find out more about him, and then I was going to integrate him back into normal society. When I was done with him, there’d be tons of girls vying for his attention. Come on, nobody really wants to ever be alone. Don’t worry Andy, I got you.

  Chapter six

  I rolled my eyes at the back of the computer lab assistant as he walked past me. I followed him. He’d taken forever to assign a room. I told him I didn’t have all day. Maybe I’d said it with attitude, but seriously how long does it take to check available rooms and then get the Id numbers and mark it. I smirked at the ugly burgundy polo’s they were forced to wear.

  “Well, well, well…where are you headed?” Zeus asked jogging up to me.

  I turned and smiled. Oh wow, he’s so handsome. “I have to go over this English project.” I groaned. I was not in the mood for school, or work, or anything related.

  Zeus pouted and gave me a side hug while holding my upper waist. “That’s too bad, I was going to ask if you wanted to come see our practice in an hour.” He rubbed my waist gently and let go.

  I looked at the black haired beauty and fluttered my eyelashes at him. “Oh yeah, seeing sweaty guys chase after a ball, with their own balls juggling around is my idea of fun.” I joked.

  Zeus squinted a little. I saw him trying to discern whether I was joking or not. I decided to cut him some slack. “I’m joking.” I said grabbing his biceps. Yep I love touching people’s bodies, it just felt good.

  “Oh.” He said smiling and nodding. “So are you coming?” He asked. He looked around and lowered his voice as he leaned closer. “Because I mean if you want to see balls juggled….”

  I laughed as I put my arm around his neck and hugged him. “I probably won’t have time but---“

  “Here’s your room. You have 2 hours.” The geeky shrimp said as he set the timer on his watch. Not only did he interrupt my sentence, but he was actually going to time me?

  I gave him an annoyed look. I shrugged and moved my head in a way to let him know that I didn’t understand why he was still there. Zeus looked him over. Feeling a little intimidated he pushed his glasses up and scurried away.

  “What a loser.” Zeus said looking after him.

  “And he took forever to get me the room.” I added. I didn’t know why it bugged me so, but I was already irritated when I went to book one. “Anyways.” I said turning back to Zeus. I stared into his light brown eyes with a hint of gold. “I guess I’ll see you later.” I said.

  “Yeah I guess.” He said holding his folder. He shrugged. “I mean, call me sometimes.”

  “Sure.” I said moving on with the conversation. I barely called people. I was so bad with cellphones, I barely picke
d them up. Maybe it had to do with my little sister telling me that invisible liquid was released every time we’re on our cellphones that sink into our ear and slowly fried our brains. Of course I would never admit that I pondered that for a while, since I told her she had an overactive imagination. I was probably not going to call Zeus, not because I didn’t want to but because I would more than likely forget in the next 10 minutes.

  Zeus stayed a little longer as I settled down. I got the impression that he was trying to tell me something but he never got around to it. After he left I took out my black Adamo laptop and pulled up the assignment. At least I could try to be some kind of prepared.

  The door opened slowly and Andy stepped in, his head bowed, hair in his face, headphones blaring.

  “You’re late.” I said crossing my arms.

  Andy took off his headphones. “What?” He asked, not even looking up.

  “I know you heard me.” I said. I had purposely said it loudly.

  He put his book bag on the table and sat in the chair across from me. Instead of engaging the conversation. He looked at his hand and chewed on the nail of his ring finger on his right hand. Oh so he was a nail biter.

  “Well while you were late and I was busy doing all the work…” I started proudly. “I decided we should do the whole tragic love theme.” I said happily.

  He shrugged. “Okay.”

  I looked around the room. I was expecting a little more enthusiastic response than that, I wasn’t gonna lie. “You know the whole Romeo & Juliet kinda thing…but then we add our own twist.” I did my own version of spirit fingers just for effect.

  “Okay.” He repeated in the same dull tone.

  I stared at him. Was this kid for real? I mean a little more energy and appreciation for my good idea wouldn’t hurt. I sighed. “So instead of showing clips like everybody and their mom does, I thought we could take pictures of the scenes acted out, like we won’t have to have like old fashioned clothes or anything, it’s like modern. But we can show the first picture as the lovey dovey, interaction between the couple and the next something tragic or love lost or whatever Dr. Mauzzio was talking about.” I said. I was determined to get an A in this project, which will get me a C or even better a B in this class. I just wanted to survive it.

  Andy bit the nail of his middle finger and nodded.

  I was silent as I watched him. “You know, if you hate the idea, be free to say something.” I said sitting up. He better not hate the idea, it took a long time for it to come to me.

  Andy shrugged. “It’s good.” He said moving his hair out of his face.

  “What was that?” I asked. “Oh O.J., great job, that’s a marvelous idea, you’re a genius.” I exaggerated, grinning proudly.

  Andy rubbed his arm and looked down at the ground.

  I gave up for today. “So since yours truly is going to be photographer and editor, you’re going to be the hero/guy/prince charming or whatever in all the shots.”

  Andy stopped scratching his head and abruptly looked up with a confused look. Oh so he heard me now huh?

  “I have like 5 different girls who agreed to be the different damsels in distress or whatever, except one of them is going to have the twins…you know like the black swan type shit.” I said excitedly bringing up my two favorite twin girls on campus.

  “I uh…um…I’m not a model.” Andy said uncomfortably.

  “Nonsense.” I said grinning. “I have some pictures of you and they look amazing.” I said shrugging.

  I stared at my laptop. I could feel his eyes boring into me, but I refused to look up. I wondered if he was going to ask what pictures? But he probably didn’t have the balls to ask something like that and make things awkward.

  “What pictures?” He asked.

  Shit. I smiled and looked at him over my laptop. I shrugged casually. “Oh you know, just some pictures I took of you walking around campus while you weren’t looking, nothing big.” I said turning back to the screen. “So…when do you want to start?”

  “I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.” Andy said shifting in his seat.

  I rolled my eyes. “No it’s not, besides it’s a free country, I can take pictures of whatever or whoever I want in a public place, and it’s not like I’m selling your lungs on the black market.”

  Andy scrunched his face. “Those two have nothing have to do with each other.”

  “Exactly!” I said confusing the poor kid. “Now my sexy brooding model, when do you want to start? Oh by the way, when I’m editing, you’re going to be writing the essay part of the assignment, because me and the written word aren’t really that close of friends.” I looked at him and almost wanted to laugh at how uncomfortable he looked right now. He really looked like a fish out of water.

  I smiled politely at him. If he was uncomfortable now, imagine how he’ll be when I show him the girls I have lined up for him. This assignment goes perfectly well with my plan. We get an A, he gets a girl. Life has never been sweeter. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  He looked around the room. “I just…I don’t know…maybe it’s not such a good id---“

  I waved his comment away. “Oh come on, the girls are gorgeous, they don’t bite.” I smiled mischievously. “Unless you’re into that sort of thing, then I’m sure they’ll make some exceptions.”

  Andy sat back in his chair and rubbed his arm again. I looked down at his hand and noticed the spikey thick bracelet again and winced. I hated that thing, it definitely had to go, not only for the photo shoots but for life itself.

  “Fine whatever.” He said softly as he looked away from me.

  I almost yelped, but I refrained myself. Let the games begin. I giggled and smiled charmingly at him. “Mr. Perth, nice doing business with you.”


  I put my camera down on the ground. I was so fucking frustrated. I knew that I was missing some vital piece of information at my house, but I couldn’t understand it. Everybody was acting strange. Nico and the girls apparently got into this big argument 3 days ago, and all he said is that they need to learn to keep their mouth shut. Jazmine is flirting heavily with her math teacher. The dude is like 47 and married with 3 kids. I know she wants an A in the class, but she’s taking things too far. She said she’s just joking but when Jazmine wants something, she goes for it. And let’s not even talk about Bri, putting her heart and soul into her studies so that she barely has time for anything. I mean yeah, she came here to get her education, but this is college, what happened to live a little? I took out my camera, I was being selfish I know, but I was lonely. My three best friends we’re acting like they had sticks up their ass. I kissed Lucy and put the strap around my neck. Fuck, I can’t wait for thanksgiving break, just a week and a half and I’ll be scot free.

  “Claire sweetheart, go over to the fountain.” I said to the gorgeous tall blond walking towards the tree. She nodded and slipped her hair back. She had on flats with a pin striped mini skirt, a very loose white shirt written hopeless romantic in black. Perfect attire. I took a couple practice shots to test out the lighting as I waited for Andy. I had told him that he could just do him. Come in whatever he wanted so that would add to the edgy modern look we we’re going for. He had looked so grateful I almost burst out laughing. He probably thought I was going to make him wear khaki shorts and a polo or something.

  I took a couple pictures of Claire alone at the fountain. I had told them to have a lunch date so they could get to know each other, to see how they could play out on each other’s personality during the photo shoot. They had the date yesterday. I smiled. What was there that I couldn’t do?

  I walked over to Claire, practically skipping. “So how was it?” I sang playfully.

  Claire laughed softly. She was too pretty and too chic to laugh out loud. “He’s cute…and sweet.” She looked behind me. “But he’s kind of weird.” She added.

  “Weird how?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know, he doesn’t like football or b
asketball or baseball, you know all these manly things, he barely looked at me the whole date, but he was so sweet, maybe he’s gay….” She said. “And his eyes oh fuck...” She shrugged. “I would fuck him.” She said casually.

  I looked around trying not to laugh. That wasn’t exactly what I had planned, but I guess a good fuck never hurt.

  “I can imagine how that lip ring will feel inside my mouth…” She trailed off. She looked behind me again and grinned as she looked up. “Or how it would feel inside my pussy, he looks like he’ll be good going down, I can tell.” She said naughtily.

  “Okay.” I said laughing. “That was more than I needed to know.” Way too much info.

  Claire smiled and then looked down sadly. “I don’t think I’m over Brent yet.” She admitted, pouting.

  I nodded. Claire and Brent had been on and off for several years as rumor had it. And now was one of their off moments. Especially since all of Brent’s time was being consumed on the football field. Claire was ex-captain of the cheerleading squad which was now run by Lucy (not my camera, Rigo’s girlfriend). She got caught with possession of marijuana. She lost her scholarship and her chance at cheering again until next year hopefully. Money talks in this world and her family had plenty. I was still a little bitter about that incident because Claire had willing took the fall for it because she hadn’t wanted to ruin Brent’s chances of ever playing in the NFL. The drug wasn’t even hers. And the bastard’s way of repaying her was by getting drunk and “accidentally” sleeping with Regina. The biggest slut in the whole university that was for sure.


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