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Page 10

by Penny Hawking

  One stab to the heart.

  “You’re annoying and you irritate the life out of me.”

  Second stab to the heart.

  “Seriously fucking leave me alone, I don’t need you or your friends.” He said. He turned back around abruptly and stared at the board. His fists clenched under the table.

  Stab number three.

  I blinked several times as the words registered in my brain. I looked around but everybody was too engrossed in their own conversations to hear what Andy had just told me. To say it hurt would be an understatement. No one had ever talked to me like that. I had a billion comebacks on the tip of my tongue but for some reason I refrained. I swallowed and shrugged.

  “Point taken.” I said softly as I got up from the seat. I confusingly went to the seat I always sat in and slid in. Did this asshole really just say all that to me? And I thought we were making progress. What did I do? I took a breath and held back the random weird tears that were threatening to spill out. My heart clutched. Why did what he say hurt so much? If he didn’t want to be my friend all he had to do was say so.

  “Shit, I made it.” Nico said happily as he slid into the seat next to me.

  I looked up at him and smiled. “Good because one more and Dr. Mauzzio would have…” I put my index finger to my neck and imitated slitting my throat.

  Nico laughed. “I know right.”

  He took out his laptop. “Yo man check these shoes out.” He said excitedly as he scrolled down the pages. I smiled and nodded as I admired the shoes. I wanted to tell my best friend what Andy had just done but something stopped me. It wasn’t important, he wasn’t important. Shit, I tried to be his friend but I guess once a jackass, always a jackass. If he didn’t want to be my friend then fine, I didn’t need him. Shit my life was perfectly fine without him in it, he was an asshole anyways.

  Feelings eyes on me, I turned around. Sure enough, I met Andy’s gaze. I turned back to the front, my arms crossed stiffly across my chest. How dare he even look at me? Stop staring at me you meanie! But even now as I focused my attention on Dr. Mauzzio for the first time all semester, I could still feel Andy’s eyes. They seemed to be permanently etched into my back. If I annoyed him so fucking much, why was he spending the class period staring at me? I will never turn around.


  “No Andy you’re doing it wrong!” I yelled in frustration. I put down my camera and gritted my teeth. Maria sighed and sat up.

  “O.J. babes can we take a break?” She asked moving her curly raven black hair out of her face. She smiled at Andy as she applied another coat of lip gloss. She ruffled his hair playfully and got off the bench.

  I nodded. Maria took out her cellphone and walked way, switching her hips with every movement. I had the urge to roll my eyes, not at her actions but mostly at Andy’s reaction. No matter what kind of guy you were, a guy was a guy and guys stared at girls butts. Andy sat back on the bench looking as bored as ever. I basically stomped towards him as Maria disappeared.

  “Look.” I said putting my hands on my hips. Andy looked in my direction but not at my face. “I understand we’re not friends and all but can you refrain from sabotaging my grade?” I asked with feigned sweetness.

  Andy sighed as he scratched his head. His hair was messy but appealing. It worked for him. He moved his hair to the side for his bangs but some still managed to cover his face. I shoved my hands in my pockets to stop from reaching out and fixing his hair.

  Annoyed I spoke up louder. “I’m sorry I took you away from staring at the walls for 3 hours because God knows just how fun that is compared to this little shoot. But please just indulge me here okay.”

  He bit his fingernail. His blue eyes looked up at me lazily as he moved his hair away from his face again. His calm composure was irritating the shit out of me.

  I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. Count to three. I was so ready to kick him in the head it wasn’t funny. We were on our third shoot and nothing was going right. We had two more left and at this rate we’ll all be old and gray by the time it was over. The second shoot went fairly well as we shot a scene loosely based on Rapunzel. Trisha was a beauty and she was so sweet to work with. Honestly I was surprised that Andy had shown up seeing as he’d chewed me out a couple hours before. I was grateful because finding another guy would have been hell. He said he came because he promised to do the project with me and get a good grade. Why thank you Mr. honorable and Mr. I stick to my word. I thought it was his way of apologizing but I realized I was sorely mistaken. Not once did Andy apologize or try to make things easier. If anything, he seemed to make everything more difficult, definitely not an easy shoot as compared with Claire’s but at least we were successful in the end. We barely talked and only acknowledged each other if necessary. I wasn’t one for the silent treatment but I thought Andy would break after a while. I mean gosh, I apologized already now it was his turn. But if anything it looked like he was content with my silent treatment and my ignoring of him. If I didn’t know any better I would think he was amused by it all and tried to find ways to keep having me mad at him. But of course that would mean he’ll have to care about me enough to waste his time and energy on me and we all know that’s not the case because he didn’t want me or my friends in his life.

  So in the end, he’s a jerk and I’m not. I groaned and gnashed my teeth. I balled my hands into fits. “How about the oak tree huh?” I said giving him a strained suggestion. I turned around and pointed to the tree. “Maybe you can like…I don’t know playfully flirt, you know…chase her around the tree or whatever.”

  Andy gave me a blank look.

  I looked up at the sky in order to calm myself. Its okay, it’s okay just…just… “God, this is so freaking annoying.” I yelled as I reached over and brushed his bangs to the side. I tried to ignore the softness of his hair as I ran my hands through it. I absently fixed his hair until I was satisfied. I shoved his head roughly and sat on the ground and crossed my legs.

  “If you don’t want to be here, you can just leave.” I said sadly. I stared off into the open space watching two birds fighting over some crumbs. I was just so frustrated. Between working with him and trying to ignore him, it was taking a toll on me. Andy didn’t say anything and neither did I.

  Don’t say anything Ornelia, don’t say anything, you don’t have to talk, you didn’t do anything wrong. Besides you apologized, it was a little oversight on your part but hey, no harm done. Maybe he was angry that I addressed his cuts, but I didn’t mean it in a rude way, I was just trying to ease an awkward situation you know.

  “You know what?” I said promptly as I turned around slightly and looked up at him. I squinted to block out the sun. “You’re a mean person.” I answered. I felt like a kid saying that, but I meant it. Andy was mean. I know mean doesn’t sound bad enough or rude enough but when little kids say that you’re mean that means you’re really mean. And Andy was really mean and inconsiderate. I turned back around so I wasn’t facing him. “And I wasn’t playing any games meanie head, not that I would play with you because you’re such a sore loser.” I said pouting.

  Andy looked down at me.

  I threw my hands in the air. “Everything is just so wrong.” I said my voice cracking. “This isn’t fair, and you’re not being fair, and this project is shit!” I was angry at myself for crying as I felt the wetness on my cheeks. I wiped them away angrily but they wouldn’t stop. Embarrassed I put my arm over my eyes.

  “Are you crying?” Andy asked in disbelief.

  “No! I have something in my eye.” I said angrily as I sniffled back more tears. This was dumb. I was dumb for crying. And the thing is, it wasn’t even about the project, it was everything combined. It was Andy hating me, it was Nico being weird. It was Brit and Jaz acting like they had better things to do then sit and listen to my nonexistent problems. This photo shoot was supposed to let me escape into something better, not emphasize my problems.

  I felt an awkward pat on my bac
k and then another one. I wanted to laugh because even if I couldn’t see him, I could just imagine his unease as he tried to be a little comforting. Andy patted my back two more times and then awkwardly patted my head as if I was a little dog.

  I laughed as I wiped more tears. The insanity subsiding a little. “Don’t try to comfort me because then I might take it as you actually wanting to be my friend.” I cleared my throat and sniffled back some tears.

  Andy awkwardly put his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground.

  The silence was weird, but in a way strangely comforting. I wiped my cheeks again and fixed my hair. “Thanks.” I said softly as I stood up after a couple minutes. I turned to him and almost laughed. Andy looked so uncomfortable I didn’t know what to do. He was absently moving his lip ring with his tongue as he looked down at the ground. Hands shoved in his pockets, the wind softly blowing his hair.

  “Don’t worry, it wasn’t a nervous breakdown, I’m fine…I just cry for no reason sometimes.” I said smiling. “So come on let’s go to the oak tree please, and let’s see if that works.” I said happily.

  Andy stood up slowly. I don’t know what possessed me but I needed it. I took a step towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I laid my head on his chest. Andy stiffened and didn’t move.

  “It’s just a hug okay.” I said softly. It was creepily comforting. He didn’t put his arms around me or anything but neither did he push me away. “I’m sorry for talking about your cuts and losing your bracelet, it wasn’t my place.” I whispered. He didn’t respond for a while and then I felt a short shrug.

  “It’s whatever.” He finally spoke

  I grinned and looked up at him. “Is it awkward that I’m still here hugging you while you have no intentions of hugging me back?”

  I saw a slight tug at the side of his lip that turned into small smile. Very small…but a smile nonetheless.

  “You hurt my feelings but I forgive you. Can we be friends now? I kind of need one.” I said honestly.

  Andy didn’t answer but this time he shrugged again.

  I took that as a yes so I hugged him tighter. I let him go as I felt my spirits lift. “Oh and I won’t tell anybody you cut yourself.” I added. I turned around to see his face blanch and I froze.

  “Fuck did I just ruin the moment?” I asked helplessly as I hit my forehead. “I’m sorry.” I said softly as I cringed. I felt like such a bitch.

  Andy stared at me for a while but I couldn’t read the expression on his face. He slowly pointed to the oak tree and I nodded. He gave a slight smirk and walked away.

  “Wait that means you forgive me right?” I asked hopefully to his back. He didn’t answer as he kept walking. “I guess that’s a yes.” I said shrugging. “Maria!!! Get your Latina behind back here we have a photo shoot to finish before we miss the sunlight.” I yelled excitedly as I made my way back to my spot.

  “Aye, mamie, you and your boyfriend made up?” She asked naughtily as she made her way to me. I looked at a grinning Maria. She was gorgeous with curves that I envied for days.

  “He’s not my boyfriend mamie.” I said imitating her.

  She grinned and puckered her red lips at me. She waved off my comment. “Yeah whatever you say.”

  I smacked her butt as she walked past me. “He’s not!” I said defensively.

  She looked back and grinned as she fixed her boobs in her tank top. “Okay so don’t get jealous when I have a little fun okay novia?” she said playfully as she made her way to the oak tree.

  “Have all the fun you want.” I said bringing my camera up to my eye. Let’s get this show on the road.


  “So Andy….” Maria said sexily as she twirled her gum in her finger. “You down for some Latina spice?” She asked. I kicked Maria’s leg under the table but she grinned more.

  “Huh?” Andy asked confused as he put his pancake down.

  “Don’t listen to her Andy. Maria’s nothing but trouble.” I said jokingly as I looked through the pictures. I had thought Maria would have brought Andy out of his shell but I realized she was probably too much for him to handle.

  “Oh no Andy, do listen to me.” Maria said as she put the gum back in her mouth. She put her fingers in her hair and stretched as she ruffled her hair. She garnered a look from every male within a 50 mile radius of our booth. The curly messy look just worked for her.

  I turned to Andy to see that he too was mesmerized. I elbowed him. He quickly looked down at his plate and stuffed a big piece of pancake in his mouth. Wait…was Andy attracted to Maria? Well of course who wasn’t? This might work after all. Claire was too in love with Brent. Trisha was so out of the picture, no chemistry from that last shoot. But maybe what he needed was this raven haired Latina seductress. I looked Andy over, I never would have guessed. Maria was more of a wild card that I threw out there because she was just the most amazing girl I knew. Only don’t get on her bad side or you would have her whole family to deal with and yes they consisted of mostly big muscled Latino men.

  “So how did you two meet?” Maria asked leaning in closer to Andy even though she was sitting across from him. I had no idea how she managed to wear that skimp tank top without looking slutty. She just oozed sexiness.

  “We have English together.” I answered, since Andy was adamant on staring at his plate. “Hence the project we’re working on Maria.” I said motioning for her to ease back.

  But she just grinned. “So are you guys going back to his house for some make up sex?” she asked naughtily.

  “What?!” I screeched.

  Andy chocked on the Dr. Pepper he was in the midst of swallowing.

  “Maria!” I said patting Andy’s back. Damn was make up sex with me that horrifying to imagine.

  “What?” Maria asked innocently. “Didn’t you guys just make-up from some big fight? The best thing after that is the sex.” She said happily as she enjoyed the uncomfortable look on both our faces.

  “How about we eat our pancakes.” I said giving her another kick under the table.

  She smiled as she shrugged. She cut her pancake. “I’m just saying.”

  I stuffed a piece of pancake in my mouth. And people say I put my foot in it sometimes, they never met Maria. I chewed a little and then thought.

  “Wait, what’s wrong with make-up sex with me?” I asked Andy sitting up straight. Once again he choked on his drink. Maria laughed as she took another bite of her pancake.

  Andy turned to me.

  “Is it really that repulsive to think about sex with me that you would choke?” I asked feigning hurt. I enjoyed teasing him and seeing the way he handled awkward situations. Seeing him make it even more awkward was always so cute. To my surprise he brought his hand up and patted my head awkwardly again and blushed.

  “Aye mamie, he’s so cuutttee!” Maria said excitedly as she leaned over the table and planted a big kiss on the side of his mouth.

  I smiled. That was cute. Weird, awkward, but cute. I shook my head. What am I thinking?

  “Okay guys, let’s pick the best shot.” I said happily as I scrolled through the pictures on the laptop.

  “This is gonna take forever.” Maria said rolling her eyes. “Andy and I have so many good shots together, we make a good couple.” She said sneakily.

  I didn’t take the bait she was throwing out. “You sure do.” I said happily. Maria rolled her eyes in amusement.

  “Okay so we’ll just see you around.” I said kissing Maria good bye on both cheeks.

  “Sure babes, and you…” Maria said turning to Andy. “Call me okay? I tend to get horny for the quiet gloomy boys.” She said as she smacked his butt. Andy was startled but didn’t move fast enough as she planted a kiss on his lips. “You take care of my O.J.” she said seriously to him.

  I pulled her arm confused. “I can take care of myself.” I said. What was Maria doing? “Aren’t you going to be late? Alex is waiting.” I said pushing her towards her car.

  Maria rolled her eyes and smacked her gum. “He gonna have to wait, because I have things to do, people to see…I do not have to do everything my little brother says.” Maria said annoyed. “Puta.” She whispered under her breath. I smiled as she walked towards her car.

  I turned to Andy who was watching her walk away. “So….she’s a handful isn’t she?” I asked innocently.

  Andy gave Maria one more look and turned back to me. “Can I ask you a question?” He asked stuffing his hands in his pockets.

  I shrugged. “Yeah sure.”

  “You’re not by any chance trying to hook me up with any of your single friends during this project are you?” He asked slowly.

  My mouth dropped open but I would like to think that I quickly recovered. “Umm what?” I laughed and brushed away his comment. “No way…” I chuckled. Shit.


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