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Page 17

by Penny Hawking

  Andy blinked several times but didn’t answer. I brushed it off and continued talking. “I mean, I’m just saying…give me space to breathe.”

  “I think when you really love somebody, it won’t feel as though you’re being tied down.” Andy said finally speaking up.

  I scoffed. “Love.” I laughed and shook my head. “Guess I’ll forever be tied down.” I sat up in my seat. “Thanks for driving by the way, and sorry for sleeping for 2 hours.” I said stretching.

  Andy nodded. He switched steering to his right hand as he rubbed his right arm. “No problem.”

  I smiled and looked out the window as we drove in silence.

  “Is there anything you need to tell me about your family?” Andy asked 20 minutes later. I turned down the radio.

  “Like what?” I asked turning to face him.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know…I…” he shrugged again. “What are they like?”

  I gave him a blank look. “Like a family…” I said slowly as though he was dumb.

  “No I mean…” I could see he was uncomfortable. “Like…like…” He tried to find the words.

  “Like what?” I asked slightly amused.

  Andy shrugged. “I’ve never been to like…a black family before…so.” He took a deep breath. “I don’t know.”

  “Like are we ghetto?” I asked.

  “I wasn’t going to say that.” He said looking at me quickly.

  I laughed as I saw his face. “Yes you were.” I said laughing harder.

  “I wasn’t going to say it like that.” He corrected himself.

  I laughed even harder.

  “Stop laughing at me Ornelia.” He said softly as he nudged my arm with his elbow. “I’m serious.”

  I put my hand over my mouth to stop but was unsuccessful.

  “You just love making things awkward for me don’t you?” Andy asked giving me a playful nudge on my upper arm.

  “What do you mean?” I asked innocently.

  Andy shook his head.

  “Okay, okay.” I said wiping the tears from my eyes. I looked at him again and started laughing. “I wish I’d let you say it.” I said regretting speaking too soon. “But no we’re not ‘ghetto.’” I finally answered. I shrugged. “We’re just us…regular all American family I guess…well just a regular family…single mom and 3 daughters...let’s see...” I got comfortable in my seat as I faced him.

  “My mom’s a nurse. She goes to church every Sunday and Wednesday. You know a bible believing Christian. She talks loud, even if she’s not mad, she just talks loud that’s how she always is.” I looked him over. “She hates piercing and tattoos, she thinks they’re the devil.” Andy who was playing with his lip ring again immediately stopped and quickly looked at me.

  “But.” I said smiling. “She’ll just look at you for a while and then say something in French like ‘why does he have all those tattoos and that thing on his lip’ but by the end of the day, she’ll be totally relaxed. I mean she’ll judge you…cause that’s what my mom does…she judges, but she doesn’t mean any harm, if you get what I mean.” I said shrugging. “Besides she never disrespects guest so…yeah.”

  Andy sighed as he leaned back further in the driver seat. “I can take my lip ring off…I don’t want to offend anybody.”

  I stared at him in shock. “Really?”

  He nodded as I saw his ring move in and out of his bottom lip.

  That was a really nice thing for him to do. My mom would accept him a little more that’s for sure. But then he wouldn’t be himself would he? “You don’t have to do that.” I said. I saw his shoulders relax a little bit. “Just be yourself, you’ll fit right in.”

  “I doubt that.” He said.

  I chuckled. “Well kind of.” I rubbed his shoulder.

  “Anyways you already know about Celine, the perfect little Barbie. She’s nice.” I shrugged. “She doesn’t like tattoos or piercing either, but she’s just weird and wants to be just like our mom. She um…she’ll be like shy at first, act like she doesn’t talk much but then give her 2 hours and she’ll be riding your dick.” I said bitterly as I remembered 10th grade coming home and finding my crush making out with my older sister. Even though she apologized profusely and insisted she didn’t know, I couldn’t forget it.

  Andy raised his eyebrow. “Uh…”

  “She’s smart, so she’ll always say these dumbass things about law school so mom can gush over her and blah blah…if you’re annoyed just walk away.” I said.

  Andy nodded. There was an awkward silence. I knew Andy wanted to say something, but he probably didn’t know what to say.

  “And Fleur is amazing. You’ll love her. She’s a little touchy, she loves to hold and be held. She’s nine and she’s my favorite sister, I think the sun rises and sets on her.” I said happily. “Oh and we have Bubbles, that’s Fleur’s dog…he’s like this big golden retriever. He doesn’t really like a lot of people outside the family so…hopefully he likes you.” I said shrugging. Bubbles was really protective of Fleur and practically anybody in the house. When he sensed somebody posed a threat he barked and attacked like nobody’s business. The school had said he was too emotional and aggressive for a seeing dog and was going to let him go, but Fleur was in love with him from the very first time she stroked his soft golden fur.

  “And that’s it.” I said shrugging. “Nothing to be scared about. Just don’t bring up pencils around Celine because she freaks, she had one stuck in her ear in 4th grade, traumatized ever since. Um…don’t curse around my mom…actually I don’t even think I hear you curse a lot….and um pray Bubbles likes you…do you like dogs?” I asked.

  Andy shrugged. “When I was 10 my neighbor ran over my 7 year old cocker spaniel…haven’t really wanted a dog after that.” He said

  “Oh my gosh, that sucks.” I said rubbing his shoulder. “That asshole.”

  Andy shrugged again.

  “What was his name?” I asked softly.


  I laughed. “Sparrow? You named your dog after a bird?”

  “He sounded like one when he barked.” Andy said smiling. I laughed again and rubbed his arm.

  “Wish I could have heard him.”

  “Yeah.” Andy said softly.

  I grabbed his right hand and squeezed. “Thanks for coming.”

  He nodded. “Thanks for getting me out the house according to Susie.” He said.

  I laughed. I leaned over and gave him a kiss on his right cheek really close to his lips. “I like you.” I whispered honestly. I really did. He was unlike any other guy I’d ever met.

  “Yeah?” He asked slowly.

  “Yep.” I said confidently. “You’re a good addition to my life.” I sat back properly in my seat as I let him grasp the meaning of my words.

  Andy didn’t say anything or make any movement to indicate he’d heard what I said. I smiled to myself. I love making new friends. I looked out the window at the familiar landscape, we were about an hour and a half from the house. A four hour drive wasn’t bad. Bri only lived about 2 hours from the school. Jasmine lived 8 hours away and Nico had a good 18 hours to go. But with thanksgiving it was definitely worth it. I shifted in my seat.

  “If you’re tired, I can take over.” I said putting the radio up a little bit.

  Andy shook his head. “I like driving, it’s okay.”

  My phone vibrated and I looked at the text. Wish you were here with me. It was Zeus again. I was slightly surprised, the only guy that texted me this much was Nico, but today Zeus was giving him a run for his money. I’d gotten about 8 texts from Nico and 20 from Zeus.

  “It’s Zeus again.” I said. I don’t I’m glad I’m going home to see my fam lol. I texted back. I said ‘lol’ so as not to come off as rude. I put my phone down and looked at Andy.

  “Why don’t you have a girlfriend?” I asked.

  Andy shrugged. “Haven’t found anybody.”

  “Haven’t found anybody for what?” I as

  Andy shrugged again.

  “If its sex, I’m sure it won’t be that hard to find somebody to sleep with you.” I said encouragingly. “You’re not that bad looking.”

  Andy almost swerved the car as he started coughing and choking.

  “Are you okay?” I asked patting his back. What the heck was going on?

  Andy chuckled and put his hands up to stop me. It took me a while to see that he wasn’t going to die or anything. He was amused, really amused. What did I say?

  He licked his bottom lip and turned to look at me. For the second time in my life, Andy burst out laughing.

  “What? What did I do?” I asked.

  He tried to contain his laughter and shook his head. He chuckled and let out a deep breath.

  “What? What’s so funny?” I asked grabbing his arm. His blue eyes were sparkling. It would be an understatement to say they weren’t mesmerizing.

  “Nothing.” He said as he smiled and shook his head. “Nothing.”

  “I wanna laugh too.” I said confused. I tried to rack my brains at whatever I could’ve said to make him laugh so hard.

  Andy turned his head slightly. “I um…I…never mind.” He said trailing off.

  “Noooo tell me, tell me!” I pleaded. I rubbed his right arm and laid my head on it. I wonder if Andy knew I was developing an infatuation for his right arm. I think it might be the colorful tattoos all on it, that I just couldn’t stop touching.

  “You wanna stop to use the bathroom?” Andy asked.

  I shot up. “Yes how’d you know?”

  “You keep moving around in your seat.” He said as he took the exit to a rest stop.

  As soon as he parked I practically ran out the car. I don’t know why I thought I would’ve been able to hold it for another hour or so. As I peed I realized Andy still hadn’t told me what had him laughing so hard.

  The rest of the way to the house was quieter. I couldn’t quite explain it but it seemed as if he didn’t want to enjoy himself. I could tell he was uncomfortable about laughing so free and enjoying himself and I couldn’t tell why. He made it seem as if it was a crime for him to laugh. What was wrong with laughing? I needed for him to enjoy himself and gosh darn it he was going to do so. We were doing so well, why the sudden change of attitude. Anyways that didn’t deter me from holding on to his arm most of the time as I tried to figure him out. I kind of caught on to his sense of humor. I managed to get a chuckle out of him when I said something completely ridiculous. I was still trying to figure out the other half of his humor when he slowed down and pulled into our driveway as the GPS signaled our arrival. I told him exactly where and how far to park. I always park the same way every time.

  I sighed and smiled. Home sweet home. I took in my medium sized cream colored house. It had tons of memories in it. The good and the bad.

  “This is where you live?” Andy asked squinting and taking in the neighborhood.

  An old man passed by walking his dog and waved. I waved back and he kept walking, but not before taking a quick glance at Andy, he even slowed down a bit. Of course Mr. Walter, that little curious man.

  “Not ghetto enough for you?” I asked.

  “Ornelia…” Andy said slowly.

  “Andrew…” I imitated. I realized that he always just simply said my name in that tone of voice when he was annoyed.

  He turned off the engine, sat back and turned to look at me. The look he gave me was one that a parent gave to their kid right before they scolded them. I smiled at him sweetly. “Don’t worry little Ray-Ray two houses down sells weed…that’s pretty hood.”

  Andy wiped his face with the palm of his hand in despair. “I’m not racist okay…I’ve just never had a black friend of whom I was close enough to, to just go to their house.” He explained.

  “I’m your black friend.” I said as I brought my hand up to my chest. “I’m so honored.”

  Andy leaned forward and rested his head on the steering wheel. “I hate you.” He whispered.

  I laughed as I patted his back. “Come on…I’m just joking.” I said happily. I wasn’t surprised. I knew Andy wasn’t a racist but I wasn’t expecting him to hang out with or know tons of black people. That didn’t even make sense, the way he dressed and acted and looked, I could count on one hand the amount of black people I’d seen in that sort of crowd. He wasn’t in the wrong at all, but he was still funny to tease.

  I opened the passenger door. “Let’s go.” I said excitedly. I was really happy to be home. I loved it even in all its nuisance, there really was no place like home. I got out the car and waited for Andy to join me on the other side. He came around slowly, hands in his pocket as he nervously played with his lip ring.

  “I’m happy you’re here---” I turned to Andy.

  “Woof! Woof!” I heard barking and panting getting closer

  “Shit that’s Bubbles.” I said turning around just in time to feel paws on my chest knock me down. “Eeewww Bubbles get off.” I said. Bubbles happily snuggled his wet nose against my neck and licked my cheek continually. His long wet tongue covering my mouth and nose as he wiggled his tail happily. “Stupid dog.” I said as I ruffled his ears and kissed his nose. “Off!” I said pushing him away. Bubbles jumped off me and was about to hop back on. “Stay!” I ordered as I wiped my face with my shirt. I ignored the fact that I just exposed my stomach to Andy and whoever else was passing by. Bubbles barked joyfully as he practically bounced up and down. “Yeah, yeah I missed you too.” I said getting off the ground and fixing myself.

  Bubbles stopped jumping and gave a low growl.

  “Bubbles!” I said scolding him. Bubbles now had an alert stance as he seemed to stare Andy down. Sometimes I had trouble figuring out if Bubbles was human or an actual golden retriever.

  Andy held Bubbles gaze. I was about to speak when he took his hand out his pocket and rested it by his side. Bubbles slowly walked towards him. He circled Andy, sniffed his hand and licked it. I was shocked. Bubbles never did that to strangers. Andy gave a small smile as he ruffled the top of Bubbles head and scratched behind his ear.

  “Do you know how many kids in the neighborhood’s hand would have been bitten off by now?” I asked Andy.

  “Golden retrievers are friendly dogs.” Andy said patting Bubbles again.

  “Yeah well…Bubbles is a little questionable.” I said.

  Giving his approval of Andy, Bubbles came back towards me. “Go get Fleur.” I commanded. He turned and ran to the side of the house.

  “Did I pass?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “It’s cause you’re white.” I joked.

  “Nee-nee!” I heard a little girl scream.

  I grabbed Andy’s arm. “That’s Fleur.” I said excitedly. I pulled him towards the house. Halfway there, I stopped as I saw my little sister let go of Bubbles leash. “Ma belle Fleur.” I said happily. Dropping Andy’s arm I went to kneel by Fleur. “Tu ma manqués tellements.” I missed you so much. I whispered. I wrapped my arms around her body and hugged her tight. Fleur laughed as her hands patted my shoulder and then moved up and she circled her arms around my neck and hugged me hard.

  “I missed you so much Nee-nee.” She said resting her head on my shoulder. “You smell good.”

  “I made sure to put that perfume you got me for my birthday.” I whispered. I kissed her cheek, and her other cheek and then her forehead.

  She laughed as she brought her hands over touching my neck and then gently cupping my face in her small hands. I stared up at her beautiful hazel eyes, as I let her soft hands roam over my mouth, nose and eyes. “My sister is so beautiful.” She said patting my cheek.

  “You’re the beautiful one.” I said as I kissed her gently.

  Fleur reached out. Her hand hovered a little above my head as she sensed the distance and then ran her fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes as I hugged the joy of my life tightly.

  Andy stepped on a crunchy leaf behind us.

  “Who are you with
Nee-nee?” Fleur asked smiling.

  “Oh I forgot.” I said laughing. I turned around and grinned at Andy. “Andy this is my little sister Fleur, Fleur this is Andy.” I said.

  “Hi.” Andy said stretching his hand out to her.

  I stared at the hand he outstretched. Did I forget to tell him?

  “Nice to meet you Andy.” Fleur said smiling brightly, her gaze not in his direction. “Are you my sister’s boyfriend?” She asked


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